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Luna POV  (she knows who she is)

I was talking with my friend, Sakura, at the beach. I haven't seen her in a while so..... Yay! I got to see her!

I was laying on her lap because I didn't feel like laying on rocks! That would hurt! (I don't know about you guys but the beaches I've been to have rocks on the ground so just go with it) And if you're asking why I didn't bring a towel or something it's because I didn't feel like it!

"Hey, Kura." I said.


"Do you think we'll see Samuru again?" I asked.

"He's here." She said madder-a-factly, I don't think I said that right.

"WAIT WHAT!" I said, getting up. "Ow... Note to self don't do that. BUT WHAT!"

She giggled at me and I laughed at myself.

(This is the part where Kamon and the others heard the laughing, okay continue Luna)

"Okay, seriously he's here?" I asked.

"Yes, you didn't know that."

"Yeah I totally kne- OF COURSE I DIDN'T KNOW!!!" I said, well, more like yelled.

"You're getting overly angry about this." Kura said.

"Okay how can you even see?" I asked since she has her hair covering both of her eyes, yeah, sometimes she has both her eyes covered and sometimes she has just her left eye covered.

"I don't need to see to tell if you're angry." She said but she does have a point.

(This is the time when I realized that I made Luna into Gauruburn. Sorry)

Samuru POV

Sumi went to look out the window and she sighed in relief.

"It's just Sakura with a friend." She said. Wait, a friend? Could it be....

"That's probably her friend, Luna." Yukizumi said. I knew it!

"Anyways," Aru said. "I don't think anyone knows this Kuguya person."

"Wait," Yuki said. "Samuru do you remember a girl named Uzaru?"

"Now that you mention it, I do remember a girl named Uzaru." I said.
"And she said she was known as the ultimate b-shot!"

"That's right, try searching the name Uzaru up Crona." Rory said.

"I did, still nothing."

Something's not right here...

Third POV

A girl with shoulder length brown hair with aqua eyes was walking twords Sakura and the others, planning to scare the two.

"Boo!!" The girl cried.

"Nice try, Zana." Luna said.

"Awe man, oh well." Zana said shrugging the whole thing off.

"So..... What are you guys doing here?" Zana asked.

"Chilling." Luna said, laying on Sakura's lap and Sakura was laying on rocks.

"Not exactly the anwser I was expecting but okay. What about you Akura? And since when do you lye on rocks and it doesn't hurt?" Zana said, sarcastically.

"Very funny, Nàng tiên. Also, you know that Yukizumi, Aru, and I come here every year." Sakura replied to Zana.

"You realize we can't understand that language, right?" Luna said.

"Mát Trăng, mochiron watashi wa sore o shitte iru."

And Luna was like: O_O?

"I have no clue what you just said." Zana said.

"My point exactly." Sakura replied.

Time skip to the next day~~~~~~~~~~~

(This is still Third POV)

Everyone was outside, either swimming, playing in the sand, playing b-daman, or playing beach ball. Except four of them. They were just talking to each other because they haven't seen each other in years.

"Hey," Zana began. "Do you still have your locket, you know, the one's we made when we were stuck in that stupid game."

"Yep." They all said in unison and each pulling out there own. Luna's locket was a fox tail and the colors on the fox tail were marbled with the colors of blue, red, orange, white, silver, magenta, black, turquoise, and gold. Zana's locket was a Pegasus's wing and the color was a pretty aqua blue color. Samuru's was a dragon's head with the colors white, silver, blue, magenta. And Sakura's locket was a bông hồng and sakura blossom placed right next to each other, the bông hồng rose gold while the sakura a dark blue. (yes, there are blue Sakuras) Inside all four lockets was a picture of the four of them when they were about only six years old.

"Hey, Akura, what is this?" Zana asked, pointing at the dragon pendent.


"Hey Samuru you have something else on your locket, too." Luna said, pointing to a sakura blossom inside a marble.

"It's nothing......."

"Well, it is definitely something so....." Luna began.

"Either tell us what it is or we force you two to it." Zana finished.

"It's just that we gave these to each other when we were little, that's all." Samuru said, not daring to look at them.

(Okay, before I proceed I will say this I do not like Samuru. I was dared to do this, Kylie next time we meet you're going to have a bad time, (Undertale reference, no, just me) continue)

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Zana said, then a smirk sewed unto her lips. "Or could it be that you couldn't tell us before."

"And nope, nope, nope, nope, I'm leaving." Sakura said before she left.

"Little too much, Zana." Luna said.


"And now I'm leaving." Samuru said, his face still blushing from the incident that happened a few seconds ago.

"Um.... Zana."

"Those two," Zana said, shaking her head in disappointment. "They just don't realize." (Okay, thanks Luna I think I'm too sucked into your book, aka the 'I love to ship people' part)

"Let's go back, Zana." Luna said, snapping Zana back to reality.

"W-wait, w-what? O-okay."

Time skip because I am running out of ideas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Samuru POV

I was sharing a room with Saki so I'm freaking scared out of my mind, but it could be worse, I mean, I could be paired with Zana and after what happened today, that would be a nightmare.

Lucky for me Saki seems to not even stay in the room since she's so sucked into the stars when she's on the balcony. Today, I decided to go up to her and see what was up.


"Hey," she replied back, not wanting to take her eyes off the stars.

"You get caught up in the stars way to easily." I said, earning me playful nudge.


"I'm curious though, why is there a phoenix on the moon."

"Why does everyone ask me?" Saki asked herself. "I really don't know."

We were stargazing in comfortable silence.

"It really is pretty though." Saki whispered.

"I couldn't agree more."

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~to morning~~~

Zana POV

Me, Samuru, Akura, and yes I realize that all of us call Akura by different nicknames but oh well, and Rune were hanging out because I mean we are best fwends so why would we?

"Hey, you guys?" Rune started

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Has Usami been pestering you guys lately?" Rune continued, I filintched at the mentioning of Usami.

"So I'm not the only one, I take it." Samuru said simply.

"Same goes for me." I replied, and Akura just nodded.

"She seems like she has something up her sleeves." Rune said.

"Hey guys!" Riki called out, "Do you want to play ball?"

"Sure!" I shouted back.

"You guys go a head, I'm fine watching." Akura said.

"Same goes for me" Samuru said.

A smirk came onto Rune's and my face, then we both looked at each other.

"Okay, see ya!" Rune said, cheekily.

"Yeah, see ya," I said, then whispered "lovebirds."

Rune must of heard me because I got punched in the stomach.

"I totally agree." She whispered back.

Samuru POV

I can here you, Zana! Huh..... Why does she always do this to me?

"Do you think Usami actually has something she's planning?" Saki asked.

"I'm not sure." What? I couldn't deny it but I couldn't agree with it either.

"And I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it."

Everyone turned around, only to see a girl with red hair and a black, red, and white uniform.

"Usami......." I muttered.

"Miss me, Samuru?"


"Usami, what do you want." Saki said, clearly not supruised by her presence.

"None of you changed, have you? Zana's still Zana, Luna's still Luna, Samuru of course is still Samuru, and you're still just the ultimate violinist.

"Okay...." Saki said.

"What the heck is that suppose to mean, Zana's still Zana!?!" Zana yelled.

"Zana, who is this girl?" Sumi asked Zana.

"The name's Usami." Usami introduced herself.

"Let me guess, you're trying to get us to kill each other again." Saki said, sarcastically.

"Can you tell the future or what?"

"When you're here it's obvious." Saki countered. She has a point.

"Wait, WHAT!!!!!!???????!!!!!!" Riki screeched.

"Well, guess what b-shots, I'm bringing back the road fight code but with a twist." Usami said, then suddenly, a bunch of hologram stuff (no clue what it's called) appeared, which I'm guessing from the cameras.

Suddenly, a magenta heart appeared in front of me, making me freak out, like how did that get there!?!

When I looked around, I saw that almost everyone had one.

Akane, Jenta, Ken, and Peko had a yellow heart.

Akemi, Bakuga, Rayco, and Sumi had a teal heart.

Akaria, Maka, Novu, and Tobichi had a purple heart.

Aona, Rory, Crona, and Iboiki had a green one.

Kamon, Riki, Misuru, and Simon had a red heart.

An orange one for Basara, Komata, Koizumi, and Ryan.

Blue for Derek, Hugo, Yuki, and Yomi.

No one else has a magenta heart like mine, but I'm not the only one who has a different color heart.

Luna has a golden yellow heart.

Ruby gold for Zana.

And Saki's a dark blue with gold and white marbled into it.

"So you're probably wondering why I'm recording you guys. Well, it's because I am going to go over the rules."

Oh god.

Third POV

(This is going to be only dialogue)

Usami: So that heart you see in front of you is actually your soul, red meaning determination, orange=bravery, yellow for justice, kindness is green, teal is patience, blue integrity, and wisdom is purple. As for you four, Zana, Samuru, Luna, and Sakura, you have special souls that I don't know what they do.

Zana: That was helpful.....

Usami: Shut your mouth, technically this is like the same old road fight except if you lose, there's no pay back because the winner gets your              b-daman's soul, meaning your b-daman is gone forever, but you also need to get the b-shots soul as well.

Aona: What!?!

Usami: If you're not a b-shot then they just need to collect your soul. And to do that you either-
A) kill them
B) drain away there trait
I prefer option A but either one will work. Also, if the oponite is to strong for you, you can simply get rid of them and you'll automatically get the b-damans soul as well. The first one to get all the b-daman and there partner's soul wins. But there is something you can do to defend yourself.

Kamon: What?

Usami: your soul pocesses power that a normal human can't do. You must master that power or else the four people who know how to use it will win.

Koizumi: Wait, so there are people who know how to use that power?

Usami: yes but they can't reveal themselves.

Tobichi: Why not?

Usami: Because if they do I'll get rid of them myself.

Maka: So we're going to have to find them ourselves.

Usami: Correct.

Sumi: That's cruel. All of this I cruel.

Usami: Well, good luck.

Luna POV

Well, good luck?!?!? That's all she has to say?!? We're in a game of death and all she can think about is good luck, WHAT!?!?!!?

As you can clearly see, I'm freaking out right now!!!!!!!


Kura's heart broke in half. Both halves glowing, the left rose gold, the right blue. Then they turned into small human things.

You can probably tell which is which based off color.

And then everyone started freaking out, except Samuru and Kura because they never do, well Kura may be freaking out right now but I don't know because I can't see her face because her hair is covering it.

The blue girl landed on the floor pretty hard while the other one was floating.

"Next time can we it least get somewhere near the floor?" The blue girl said. "You could have fallen and broken your face."

"Oh I'll be fine, I float over it." The pink girl said.

"Yeah, well some of us don't float."
The blue girl said getting up.

"Okay, who are you?" I said, interrupting their conversation.

"Oh, I'm Padparadscha." The pink one said.

"And I'm Sapphire rainbow moonstone, just call me Sapphire." The other one said.

"Why are there two of you in one heart? And how come you have names?" Zana asked. (Whoa, Zana enough questions)

"Well, all of these hearts have names and why there are two of us I have no idea." Padparadscha answered.

"I mean, you could find out if you asked them." Sapphire said.

That's nic-WAIT WHAT!!!???!!!

"They can talk?" Zana stop asking questions!!!!! See this is why I ship you with Kamon.

Zana: WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Nothing!!!!!!!!! (I'm dead please send help) And yes all four of us can talk to each other without having to actually talk.

"Yeah, we can talk!!!!!" Aona's heart started talking. "I'm Peridot, nice to meet you!"

"So they can't change into humans like you guys can?" Kamon asked, people please stop torchoring these girls with questions!

"Correct." Padparadscha answered.

"What do you guys get to be special?" Akane's heart whined. "I'm Calaite by the way."

"Amblygonite." Jenta's heart replied simply.

Time skip because this is getting boring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So to go over everything that you missed I'm going to put a chart of the names.








Basara-Fire opal









Simon-Smoky quarts






Ryan-(yes he is here)Amber





And mine is Citrine.

Oh, and Kura's is Padparadscha and Sapphire but when they are together they're Lapis lazuli.

It's still funny that she has two though.

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