Senbonzakura (probably spelled that wrong)

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Samuru POV

I hate myself

I mean, all my friends are in danger and what can I do to help? Nothing! I'm just a b-shot! And that's completely useless at a time like this! I wish there was something I could do.

"You are upset." Morganite said.

"Be quite."

"You know I am not that easily swayed as Dravise?"

" *sigh* I know."

"If you are upset, Samuru you should tell someone." Dravise said from my pocket.

"Shouldn't you be training?" Saki said walking twords us. "You know like everyone else." She finished, tilting her head to the left.

Everyone was training or talking to there gem heart, but in a very panicking way.

"I guess I didn't feel like it." I said simply.

"I see." She said, sitting down next to me.

Then, Saki started humming a song.

(Aka the begining of this song)

And then started singing a song, clutching the dragon pendent I gave her.

With a bold and sudden calling
Western revolution's starting
Let our hearts be open to it
Pacifist nation

Riding on a penny farthing
It's the flag of our sun rising
Warding evil spirits like an ICBM

On the train tracks, running along the line
Let us move forward, don't look behind
Boys and girls becoming like samurai
Just like those from our previous life

Thousands of cherry blossoms
Dwindling in the light
Though I can't hear your voice
Keep what I say in mind
This bouquet that surrounds
Is iron poison, see
Looking down at us from that big guillotine

Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know
The lament that you sing
can't reach ears anymore
We are still far away
From reaching clear blue skies
Go ahead, keep shooting
With that ray gun, fight!

Veterans who've trained through struggles
Are now officers in battle
Here and there we see the harlots
In procession
This one, that one, doesn't matter
Every single person gathers
March into our saintly deaths
Now 1, 2, 3, 4

Passing through the gates on the mountain peacks
Escaping this world
Kill all evil fiends
Surely this will end in a denouement
Among the crowds giving their applause

Thousands of cherry blossoms
Dwindling in the light
Though I can't hear your voice
Keep what I say in mind
This bouquet that surrounds
Is iron poison, see
Looking down at us from that big guillotine

Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know
The lament that you sing
can't reach ears anymore
We are still far away
From reaching peaks of hope
Go ahead, keep shooting, use that flashing bolt!

On the train tracks, running along the line
Let us move forward, don't look behind
Boys and girls becoming like samurai
Just like those from our previous life

Thousands of cherry blossoms
Dwindling in the light
Though I can't hear your voice
Keep what I say in mind
That bouquet that surrounds
Is iron poison, see
Leaping down to us from that big guillotine

Thousands of cherry blossoms
Dwindling in the light
Once your song can be heard
We'll dance with all our might
This bouquet that surrounds
Is iron poison, see
Go ahead, keep shooting
With that ray gun, lead!

I was surprised, and I'm not afraid to admit it. It was rare for her to sing in English. She usually sings in a different language.

I smiled.

"You should sing like that more often." I said.

"And you should smile more often." She said, smiling at me and we both laughed.

"Hey, lovebirds! Would you mind keeping it down!"

"Sapphire!!" Padparadscha whispered loudly.

"Sorry." Sapphire said, a smirk tugged on her lips. You know I thought it was just Zana and Rune but no, Sapphire too. And no, I'm totally not blushing.

Third POV

Well, that was interesting.

Author: Shut up, you're not here just to fool around, baka.

Right! Right! Sorry.

"So......... " Sakura said.

"You're blushing, Shigami!" Sapphire cried out.

"Sapphire we're fuseing." Padparadscha said.

"Awww, why?"

"So you can keep your mouth shut."

"Well now that's settled." Samuru sighed, and he totally is blushing and Dravise is trying so hard not to laugh.

"Hehehe." Dravise let out a small giggle.

"SHUT YOU'RE FLIPPING MOUTH,  DRAVISE!!!!!!!!!!!" The both of them said at once. Then, they both looked at each other and began laughing.

"I think we should get back to Crestland, I kinda miss it." Sakura said.

"I do, too. But what about Usami's game?"

"We'll have to wait and see." She replied, staring at the midnight sky speckled with stars.

Time skip to when everyone went back to Crestland and it's morning~~~~~~~~

Zana POV

I still have so many questions, why are the b-shots with us? Why are the ultimates in here? Why does Runa ship me with Kamon? Why Padparadscha and Sapphire can fuse? Why Akura has two? Why do Muru, Runa, Akura, and me have different gem hearts?

Wait, did I just say why Rune ships me with Kamon? Oh forget it! I have other things to worry about like......

Luna: Girl, please stop you're giving me a head ache.

Oops! Sorry, but I still have questions!

Rune: *whispers* Exactly why I ship you with Kamon.

What was that!?!

Samuru: *trys hard to hold in laughter*

Wait Samuru you to!

Akura & Samuru: Revenge.

Aww! How cute! You guys are thinking the same thing!

Akura & Samuru: And we're leaving.


Rune: Bye, too. I guess.

That was weird. But like literally, I'm freaking out! What are we suppose to do.

"Hey, Zana, could you come downstairs?" Rory asked.

"Coming!" I said, grabbing Pegasus. Then, rushing down the stairs.

"What do you mean there are more ancient ruins on Phoenix island." I heard Riki screech, seriously though, why is he always screeching? (Enough with the questions!)

"What do you think I mean, silly?" A female voice said.

"You sure mom?" And now I know she's Kamon's mom.

Suddenly the doorbell jingled and in walked the two lovebirds.

"Okay what's going on?" Samuru asked, almost immediately.

"My mom and your dad found some ruins regarding those gem hearts you have on Phoenix island." Kamon's mom said.

"Mystery~" I don't even need to tell you who said this.

"Then let's go!" Yomi said.

"We need to know everything we can about these hearts so we know what they can do." Peko added.

More time skips cause why not~~~~~~~

(Still Zana POV)

So now we're here and it legit looks like a phoenix. Like legit.

"So where are the ruins?" Riki asked.

"Somewhere over here........ Oh!" Kamon's mom said.

"I'm totally stoked!" Kamon said.

Then, Kamon's mom pressed a button  looking thing and a door appeared.

"Cool!" Rune said.

"But don't you find it weird?" We all turned around to face Maka. "We've investigated this place many of times before and now all of a sudden this shows up."

"She is right." Bakuga said.

"It doesn't matter! This could be our
chance to survive!" Komata countered.

"Look, why don't we go inside and look." Crona tried to reason.

"Yeah," I said. "Let's go."

When we entered a whole bunch of pictures were on the walls.

"Hey! There's a emerald gold heart!" Riki said. "Mystery~"

"There's a yellow gold one like mine over here!" Rune said.

"Hey Zana, I found your's!" Kamon said.


"And the rest of ours are on this one!" Yuki said.

"Buzz buzz, how come you guys are special?" Misuru wined.

"Wait," I said.

"What's wrong?" Rory asked, concerned.

"Where's Akura and Samuru?!?!" As you can tell, IMA PANICKED!!!!!!!!!!!

"What? They were here two seconds ago!" Rune screeched. First Riki now Rune?

"Guys," Akura's voice cut through. "I found something you might want to see."

Okay, where did she come from!?!

Akura motioned for us to come forward and we saw a picture of Phoenix and Gillusion.

"What's so special about this, I mean, we've seen the exact same one before?" Jenta said.

"Not exactly." Samuru said. "Take another look."

Then, I realized that the wielder of Phoenix had a magenta gem heart and the wielder of Gillusion had a rose gold gem heart.

"A rose gold one like Akura's......" I muttered.

"And a magenta one like Samuru's............." Kamon countiued.

Time skip to when they arrive back to Crestland~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Third POV

When everyone arrived it was nightime.

"Well, try to get some rest everybody!" Himiko said, with a bright attitude but inside, she was hurting.

Sakura noticed this. However the others did not.

"Alright." Everyone said.

"Geez, we investigated the whole day and still nothing." Himiko sighed.

Himiko didn't even noticed Sakura watching her.

"What do you think?" Sapphire asked.

"I'd say that this isn't going to go down so easily." Sakura replied before going up stairs.

The next day~~~~~~~cause why not~~~

Kamon and the others were taking a walk.

Everything seemed alright at first however that all changed when......

"Road-fight stand by." Gauruburn said.

"Wait, what?!?!? Someone challenged me to a road-fight! Who!?!" Kamon asked.

"Me." A boy around Kamon's age with jet black hair said. "My name's Jun Hinata and this is my partner Dawn Raven."

The boy also had a gem heart, the color red.

"Kamon, are you sure you want to jump into a battle with him?" Zana asked.

"Well at this rate, I can't refuse either." Kamon shot back.

"Point there, now battle me!" Jun said.


'Kamon......' Sakura whispered.

The event was break bomber and it got much attention to........... Which made it perfect for a specific orange head to fit in.

"So........... Now I'll get to see Dawn Raven in action." The figure smirked.

"Okay." Rory called.





Jun seemed to be having no trouble at all, although Kamon was missing quite a few shots.

Without anyone knowing the reason why, Sakura walked away with Samuru following her.

"Saki, where are you-" Samuru didn't get to finish his sentence because of the two gems unfusing.

"The future." Was all Sapphire said.

"What do you mean the future?" Samuru asked.

"The future says that Kamon will lose his match." Sakura said, leaving Samuru unable to read her emotion because of her hair.

"And there is nothing we can do." Padparadscha finished for her.

"So, Gauruburn will be......" Samuru said, not wanting to finish the sentence he had started.

"Yes.... That is correct." Sakura answered.

"I wish there was something we could do." Padparadscha said.

Suddenly, crying was heared.

"The match is over....." Sapphire said.

Samuru let out a sigh.

"I can't believe this is happening." He said, as they all walked back to where the road-fight took place.

"I thought the grand b-master was better than this." Jun said to Kamon, who was being comforted by his brother and sister.

"Oh, you are dea-" Akane began, only to be covered up by the hand of Jenta.

"Pfft, whatever, you guys are weak anyways."

"What was that!" Basara yelled.

"Calm down, big bro!" Ryan said.

"What? Little guy here wants to pick a fight?"

"Oh you are-" Basara began.

"Road-fight stand by." Raven said.

"Another pest? Who is it now?" Jun complained.

"I take it you don't know me." A female, almost robotic voice said.

"And who are you?"

"I'll let you guess but I'll give you a hint, I was given the name Info-chan." She said.

"Whatever, let's get this over with."





Samuru POV

"What type of b-daman is that?"
Jun asked.

"None of your concern." Was all 'Info-chan' said.

It was a strange b-daman, it was completely white and it didn't resemble any b-animal.

"However....... May I warn you, you're in for a rough ride." She warned.

What does that mean? I honestly have no idea right now. Then I realized something......

Info-chan's b-daman was slightly lifted, as if to aim for something in the air.

Then, while her b-daman was still in the air, she hit the trigger on her b-daman.

"What are you trying t-" Jun studdered.

Then, the b-dama hit the green block.

"What!?!" Jun was clearly surprised same as everyone else who was watching.

"I warned you didn't I?" Info-chan said. "You can't win against an opponent like me."

"And why not?"

"Here's another hint to who I am," She said, looking at Drazeros. "I have been given the title, ultimate b-shot."

"No way........"

"Kuguya?" Drazeros questioned.

"That's right." Kuguya replied.

"That's Kuguya?" Basara asked.

"Her b-daman......." Aona whispered.

"What's wrong, Aona?" Roma asked.

"That b-daman, is......."

"A failure." Kuguya finished.

"Why would the ultimate b-shot want a failed b-daman? Wouldn't you want a dragon or something?"

"You don't quite understand me yet, I see." She said, while getting three more green blocks, leading her to victory. "If you knew me you'd understand why I chose this one."

"Yeah and why?"

"That I can't say."

"Pfft, and what can you say?" Jun said, irritated.

"Collecting information is my specialty so it wasn't hard to figure out about Novu's plan." She said, glancing at Novu. "And I have to say Moru, you had some nerve trying to resurrect the gold dragon."

"How'd you know that?" Novu asked.

"I told you collecting information is my specialty, how else do you think all the files for the ultimate b-shot disappeared?"

"You did it?" Zana asked.

"Got it."


"You'll find out very soon." She said, and a strong gust of wind flew by making us all close our eyes.

When I opened my eyes the known 'ultimate b-shot' was gone.

As Riki would say, Mystery~

This was probably the longest chapter I have ever made, yeah. But I might be adding a new character in. Maybe, I'm not sure. I actually need to ask her but okay.


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