Careful of what you say

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Luna POV

It hasn't been long since Kamon and Jun were defeated.

Kamon has locked him self in his room and won't come out. And for some reason, Kura stopped hanging out with us. She stopped coming to Aona's restaurant, instead she stayed with Sapphire and Padparadscha. She also stopped talking with me, Zana, and Samuru. Aona's acting weird, too. I wonder why.

Then, while I was looking out the window I saw a familiar person.


Third POV

Nikki was outside talking to Sakura about what happened to Kamon and Jun.

"So that's what all that stuff is about." Nikki said.

"Yeah... That's all." Sakura replied.

"I just want to know why all five of our's are different, I mean, No one else has a magenta, ruby gold, yellow gold, or emerald gold like mine! And of course your's." Nikki said.

"I'd like to know why as well." Sakura told her. "But you must be patient."

"You know I'm surprised you didn't get teal." Nikki said, nugging her.

"Nikki! Sakura! Come inside!" Yukizumi called.

"Aww! Now!" Nikki complained.

"You know what's been going on so don't fuss over it."

"Okay......." Sakura said quietly (isn't that the same thing as whispering?)

Then, Nikki and Sakura whispered something to each other that Luna couldn't catch.

"Coming!" Nikki said, jogging back while Sakura walked back.

Zana POV

I noticed that Rune was watching Nikki's and Sakura's conversation. I was surprised by Nikki's appearance but it didn't concern me much.

"What are you, Rune?" I asked scaring the life out of Rune.

"Don't. Do. That. Again."

"Whoa! Sorry. But what are you doing?"


"Rune, I was watching you."

"Ease dropper...."

"Are you going to awnser my question or what?" I asked, getting impatient.

"I was just curious why Nikki was here that's all."

"Okay, bye." And I walked away.

"Aren't you curious?" Rhodonite asked. "Why Nikki is here, that is."

"Don't worry, she'll tell us. I hope."

"That's not really answering my question."

Nikki POV

It's so annoying being stuck in doors for I don't know.

"You're getting very angry about this." Sakura said.

"Yeah? Well no dip-stick!" I said flopping on Sakur's bed.

"Maybe you should calm down a little."

"How am I suppose to calm down? I mean, I'm not a b-shot but still!" You can hear the frustration in my tone, right?

"I know you're still upset."

"Oh! So it's just me!?!"

"Look," Sakur said picking up a book that wasn't on the shelf. "This is new for all of us so don't think I'm not upset about all this."

"Yeah, I know." I let out a sigh. "But what can we do?"

"For now the best option is to wait." She said, opening the book and reading it.

I let out a nother sigh. Patience? That's something I don't have.

The next day----------------------------------------

Greg POV

I was doing some investigating on what happened to Kamon's and Jun's b-damans but I couldn't find anything. Then, Aona suddenly came in.

"Dad, I found something you might want to see." Was all she said, and she handed me a picture of a orange haired girl with a b-dama-

"How does she have that b-daman....."

"That b-daman, it's Ayano's. Isn't it?" She asked, her voice filled with a certainty that made it less of a question and more of a statement.

"Without a doubt." I said, remembering my oldest daughter. "What was the girl's name?"

"Kuguya, ultimate b-shot."


"Should we tell the others?"

"No, this is between you and me, do I make that clear?" I said, and Aona nodded before she asked.......

"Dad, I was the only one who remembered that b-daman, how come?"

"What? Are you saying that-"

"It seems that Roma and Kamon have forgotten about her."

"I wonder........"

"I should go back." Aona said, waking me up from my endless train of thought. "We'll continue this discussion later." And with that she left.

Third POV

Maka and Tobichi just entered Aona's restaurant with some evidence about the gem hearts.

"What did you find?" Riki asked.

"Turns out a girl named Meiko Amen, the ultimate Drama, broadcasted a show with these gem hearts." Tobichi said. "It could just be special affects but it's worth a shot."

"But it's not going to be easy to talk to the spoiled brat." Maka said.

"Maka!" Riki said.

"Whatever, let's just go." Yomi said.

"Since when did you become so impatient?" Yuki asked.

Time skip to the studio~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Miss Amen, a group of people want to see you." A assistant said.

"Names?" Asked a girl with long lilac hair.

"They say they're you're classmates."

"Let them in then."

"You can come in." The assistant said while leaving the room.

"Can I ask, what do you want?" Meiko asked, sitting down at a desk and gesturing for the others to sit as well.

"I'm surprised you actually let us in." Akemi said.

"Well you're my classmates after all, now tell me who are they?" Meiko asked, pointing to the b-shots.

"Our friends." Akane said simply.

"Alright, and you still haven't answered my first question. What. Do. You. Want."

"That show you put out, Shattered, was it? It had the same gem hearts that Usami gave us. Do you know anything about it? Or, how'd you even know about them in the first place?" Tobichi asked.

"And what makes you think I would even tell you?"

"This is no time to fool around. We want answers now." Koizumi stated.

"Yeah!" Rayco agreed.

"Fine, I don't know how to use these gem hearts, happy?"

"Then how'd you get the idea?" Peko asked.

"A friend thought it'd be a interesting topic to tap into so I thought why not."

"H-how'd they know about these then?" Crona asked her.

"How would I know? You could always ask her."

"And who's her?" Iboiki asked, a little to playful in my opinion.

"Sakura, who do you think I'm talking about?"

"Her! She's so stuburn she's not telling us a thing!" Komata argued.

"Well maybe if you weren't so mean to her maybe, I don't know, she'd actually talk to you!" Meiko said, raising her voice.

"What are you talking about! She was the one who chose not to talk to us!" Maka said, her voice matching Meiko's.

"Oh really! I find that hard to believe!" Meiko countered.  

"Guys, calm down." Rory pleaed, but was ignored.

"Are you trying to say we're the bad guys here!" Yomi hollered.

"Hey, Meiko?" Sakura said, peering through the curtain, her eyes not showing a glint of sadness, although they were covered with her hair. "I think I'm gonna go home now." she said with a very genuine smile on her face and left.

Meiko covered her mouth, her mint blue eyes filling with tears that fell on her purple uniform.

"How long has she been here?" She whispered.

"She's been here before Maka and the others came in." Her assistant said.

"She...... Heard everything then." Luna said, staring at the floor.

'Saki.......' Samuru whispered.

(Still third POV)

Lapis was arguing against herself. Padparadscha saying that they should leave her be, while Sapphire said that they should check on her. Because they couldn't agree, they unfused.

"Oww." Sapphire said, rubbing her head.

"We should let her be." Padparadscha simply said. Sakura was on her bed while Padparadscha and Sapphire were the room next door.

"But she might need our help!"

"She can handle her own."

"And if she can't?"

"There's nothing we can do and you know that." Padparadscha argued.

"I know....." Sapphire sighed.

"Let's just hope it isn't to serious." Padparadscha replied.

Chào!!!! (Vietnamese for hi, god I should stop)
I added two new characters, happy Kylie! You can't yell at me now! She's going to yell at me. -_-

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