Surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!

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Third POV

A girl with short green hair and blue eyes sat on a bench near Kamon's and Roma's battle. Along with a completely white b-daman.

Kamon was having difficulty while Roma seemed to be doing just fine.

"You know, Kamon." The girl said, standing up from the bench she was sitting on. "I think you've grown from the last time you've competed." She said, soothingly.

"You think so Ayano?" Kamon said, clearly pumped.

"I do, and I'm sure that someone else would agree." Ayano said, looking at Roma, who then nodded in response.

"She's right, you have grown." He said with a smile.

"I think so, too." Himiko said, out of nowhere.

"Well, hi mom!" Ayano exclaimed. "I'll let you three be, I'm going to help Aona with the cooking." She said and left

Kamon woke up from his strange dream.

"Why did that seem so real?" Kamon asked himself. "Ayona? Was that her name? She seems so fimilar. Where have I seen that girl?"

He looked around his room, looking for a fimilar friend but was not there. He then flew back onto his bed, his hand over his face.

"Nothing's the same without you." He whispered.

Then, Kamon decided to go out side for some fresh air. He opened the window and jumped out landing on the tree outside. He stayed behind Aona's restaurant in case anyone would see him. To late for that because someone had already noticed him.

"Kamon? What are you doing here?" Sakura asked, walking twords him. Kamon did nothing but turn his head. "Okay, so you're not going to talk to me?"


"Oh come on Kamon." She grabbed his hand and pulled him tword the back of his house and sitting down on the pavement. "So...... Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"It's just, I miss him." He said clenching his hands into fists.

"Oh, Kamon." She said, pulling him into a hug. "I get that it's hard for you, but what would Gauruburn think?" Making Kamon flinch a little. "He'd want you to keep going. Wouldn't he?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said pulling away from her. "Sorry if I made you worry."

"Oh don't worry about it, but I was kinda worried." She admitted, holding her hand out. "So come on, ready to get all fired up?"

Suddenly, a memory flashed before his eyes.

"Hey, guys!" We have a new member of the family!" Himiko called out, and Kamon, Roma, and Aona walked in. "Her name is _______."

"Okay........" they whispered.

Time skip....... In a flashback........

Kamon and Roma were having a b-daman match. This time no one seemed to be doing fine. _____ seemed to notice this and walked towards Kamon and Roma, who had both given up on the match at hand.

"Hey Kamon," _____ said, making Kamon look towards _____, who held out her hand. "Ready to get all fired up?" _______ smiled.

"Is something wrong, Kamon?" Sakura asked. But Kamon shook his head.

"I'm just fine." He lied, grabbing her hand. "Because I'm getting all fired up."

Time skip to the next day~~~~~~~~~~~

Everything was completely silent at Aona's restaurant, no one was talking at all. And then.....

"CAN SOMEONE TALK ALREADY!!!!!!!!" Frost Kyuya and Shadow Pegasus said at once. (Luna's and Zana's b-daman if didn't already mention.)

"Geez, Shadow." Zana said.

"Well...." Riki said. "I'm not sure what we should do now." He admitted.

"Iboiki agrees!" Iboiki said.

"Should we try talking to Sakura?" Nikki asked.

"Well she probably isn't going to talk to us after what happened." Akemi said.

"Buzz, buzz, well it's easier to come clean then to avoid it." Misuru stated. (Kinda forgot about these characters. There's too many, okay!!!!!!!)

"Sha, sha, there is no way I'm talking to a girl." Simon said.

"Buzz, buzz, yeah cause you're probably afraid of her."

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Ken pushed both of them away from each other.

"You two are embarrassing yourselves." He said, simply.

"I just don't see what we should do now." Bakuga said.

"I don't know either." Rory said, holding her hands close to her chest.

"Hey guys!" Someone called.

Aona turned around surprised. "Kamon!!!!!!!!!!"


Suddenly a loud bang was heard.

Zana POV

Okay hearing a loud bang out of nowhere is, like, very scary. So common sense, I'm scared, confused, and surprised. But when I looked out the window I found out it was just three people standing outside sword fighting. Oh, and Akura was there, too.
Two of them looked like they were twins because they looked pretty similar but different. One had short pinkish, reddish hair and teal eyes. While the other one had the same colored hair but her eyes were purple. The one with teal eyes had blue uniform on and black boots. While the other had a magenta uniform and grey boots. They both had a sword with them because if your sword fighting you need to have a sword! The one who was fighting against them had black hair and blue eyes and was wearing a light blue dress.

And Akura's just watching holding a book in here hand....... Wait, she doesn't have her left eye covered with her hair, instead she has an black rose eye patch on it. Sapphire and Padparascha are just standing there, too. Wonder why.....

Sapphire POV

Watching Anya and Violettea battle was pretty interesting. Considering the fact that Anya has never picked up a sword in her intire life. However, Violettea's victory is still certain. Violettea hit Anya's sword causing it to fly into the air.

"You got me that time, Violettea." Anya said to the girl.

"Yeah, but in real life, you're practically dead." The other girl said.

"Vivien don't be so hard on her." The girl with purple eyes said.

"Do not call me that!" The girl with teal eyes said, loosing her patients.

"V, calm down." Violettea said, calmly.

"Come on you guys," Sakura interrupted. "You can't be mad at each other forever."

"Want a bet." V argued.


"Ughhhhhh!!!" V groaned, storming off.

"That was interesting......." I said.

"I'll follow her." Violettea said, following her twin.

"That was weird....." Anya said once they were gone.

"You know you don't have to....." Sakura said closing her book.

"But I want to." Anya said. "I really do." She smiled.

"alright then, Aoi." Sakura said giving her sister a smile of her own. (Kamon and the others don't know that they're sisters)

"Hey, are you made at Maka and the others?" Anya asked, out of nowhere. Wait......... How did she know!?!?!?!?!?!

Luna POV

Okay, why are we ease dropping on Kura's, and those other people who I don't really care to care about, conversation, and holy crap! The girl with black hair knows what happened!!!!!! Good bye world! Ima confused, like, you know, EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS ROOM! Except for Kamon, he has no idea what's going on here but wait, doesn't that make him confused too? I'm getting so off topic.

"Why would you ask that?" Seriously Kura, you could at least just answer the question!

"Just curious." Pfft, yeah, 'just curious' totally.

"Well...... In answer of your question, I wouldn't say I'm mad at them." Wait...... WHAT!?!?!?!

"So, what do you feel towards them then?" Geez, this girl is answering almost all of our questions.

"Not sure......." That's specific........

"You are so hard to read...." The girl said, I think her name was Anya but I didn't have the attention span to care.

"Who said I would?" Kura said, tilting her head slightly, making the other girl laugh.

"You may be right, Uru." URU!?!?!?!?! Wait, why Uru? Her name has nothing to do with Uru!

"Hey! Anya! Sakura! Come back inside!" Yukizumi called out.

"I'll be in the restaurant right across the street." Anya hollered, wait...... She means here!!!

"Can I stay here a little longer?" Kura asked shyly.

"Okay......" Yukizumi sighed in defeat. "But not too long, okay?"

"Okay!" They both said in unison.

Then, Anya decided to come over here.

"Can I ask how you were answering all of our questions?" I asked, as soon as she walked through the front door. And all she did was chuckle.

"My hearing is super sharp, sooooooooo that's how I knew."

"That makes sense.........." I said.

"And if you want to get answers then you should just ask her." She said, sitting down in a chair closest to the window, her hands folded under her chin.

"Well, that's kinda hard to do." Maka admitted.

"It doesn't madder if she's mad at you, which is usually a never, or not. She just doesn't want people upset with anything. Which is usually why she tends to all ways be alone."

"Really?" Ken said in surprise. "I had no idea."

"I forgot to ask, was she smiling when she found out?"

"Now that you mention it, she was." Akemi said. "Do you know why."


"Then why did you ask?!?!?" I asked.

"Just curious." Oh, don't bring that into this.

"Well, I better go." She said, standing up. "Before V gets angrier than she already is."

"Okay, bye." Nikki said.

"See ya." She waved and left.

That was........ Something.

Anya POV

"Aoi, what was that about?" Uru asked me once I got back.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I said, offering up a smile.

"Okay, come on we should go back inside." She said, walking toward the house.

"Hey! Wait up!" I said, running after her.

It has been so long since I have updated. Sorry about that. School's about to start for me so I'm kinda preparing for that sooooooooo, yeah.

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