💙 Chapter 11💙

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Thanks a lot for 200+ reads.
This chapter is dedicated to one of the best Nigerian writers on Wattpad, Eddy622 check out BEING YOU, that book is mad asf

Now, Enjoy.

//Blue's POV //

"Hey!" I yelled as Jacob pulled me. "You should stop pulling me, dumbass!"

"Dumbass?" He didn't stop and he pulled me and ran even faster. "You should not call me dumbass, I'm smarter than you."

As he stopped running to catch his breath, I pinched him on his cheeks. "Smarter than me in what? Remember, part of why we're going out is because I'm going to tutor you in maths and I might decide not to go anywhere."

He rolled his eyes and I rolled mine too, "Why are you like this? You should know I was just joking, I want to get to to play more," He said emphasizing on the 'more' word.

"Fine!" I gave up. "Where are we going without our bicycle?" I asked again as I noticed we were heading towards the bus stop.
And I've never been here on foot before, I'm mostly in my mum's car anytime we're leaving home.

"We're taking the bus." He answered as if it was nothing.

Can someone tell this boy I've never been on a bus before? "Bus? Why?" I asked, my heart already beating fast.

"Have you not taken a bus before? It's fun."

Can he read me? "Fun?" I stopped walking. "I'm sorry, I can't."

He furrowed his brows, "Why?"

I don't know if I should tell him I've never taken a bus, would he laugh at me or would understand.

He came close to me and looked at me as if he was staring into my soul. "Are you afraid of me? I swear I'm not going to do any thing to hurt you."

"Who is talking about you, I've never been on a bus? How would that be fun? They're so many people in one and I..." I paused. "I don't know if I can come with you."

He smiled, "Blue, do you trust me? I mean just maybe two percent of trust."

My lips curled up into a smile, "I do, I trust you more than two percent."

"So, let's go. You're not going to die, at least not today."

"Ehn ehn?" I said out, without noticing what I had said.

"Beeni." He replied and I furrowed my brows.

"What's that?"

He laughed, "So you don't understand Yoruba at all?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay. Beeni means Yes."


"Now let's go."

We got to the bus stop and waited a bit before a bus came in. I entered, followed by Jacob and another man.

I looked at Jacob and I shook my head. "This is what you call fun."

His smile became wider as he realized what I was talking about. I was sandwiched between him and one other woman at the side of the window.

"The fun part is that, you won't die."

I rolled my eyes again. My eyes hurts already from rolling all day, this Jacob is something else. I was tempted to roll it again but I decided against it.


"Thank you." I said to Jacob as he helped me out of the bus. I searched my pocket for my phone and I was really glad to meet it there.

"You're welcome." He looked around. "We're here."

I looked around also, or doesn't look like a place to study, it looks more like music or dancers camp ground. "Where is the study area?"

"No," He shook his head. "We're here for something else."

I smiled as I already knew we weren't coming to study but I had to ask. "So... Where are we going?"

"There." He pointed to a big building just at the corner of where we were standing.

"What's happening there?"

"Let's go and you'll see." I smiled as he pulled my hand.
I wasn't looking at where we were going, I was staring at him.

For the first time since I met him, I just realized he was really handsome. He was putting on a patterned buttonup shirt with a blue jeans, and his curly hair, although it looked like he tried to make it slick but it has been ruffled a bit, making him more boyish. It's been a long time since I ever tried to compliment a guy so I decided to do it now before I change my mind.

"You look handsome today..." I trailed off, as I looked for the next words to use.

"Oh," He was a bit shocked. "Thank you."

"You really tried a lot to impress me today and you're doing a great job."

"Uh... Wait, What? I wasn't... I," He sighed. "Blue?"

"I was saying the truth, right?"

I smirked as I saw him speechless. I should really do this a lot more often.

"Here," He gave a man at the entrance of the building some money and he gave us two thick papers.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's the ticket to enter."


We got inside the building and settled down in one of the comfortable chairs. "It looks like the whatever is about to begin." I commented.

He smiled, "Watch, you'll love it."

With my mouth agape, I came out of the auditorium. "That. Was. Awesome!" I finally said. "Those are the Abuja Stunners!"

Jacob smiled at me, "Yes, I know."

"How did you know I love dance? There's a lot of idea I have right now, I'm definitely going to tell everyone in the dance club at school about it." I said, really enthusiastic.

"I heard you talking about it this morning and are you in the dance club in the school?"

I raised my brows at him, "You don't know? I'm actually the club's president. So most ideas comes from me."

"Wow, I didn't know. But how come Jare didn't know?" He asked.

I paused for a while to remember who Jare was, "Oh, I haven't been around for a while, it's the vice president that is dealing with new students. She'll definitely see me next Wednesday."

"I hope I made you happy today."

I swat his arm playfully, "I'm always happy but thanks a lot." I smiled, deeply.

He took out his phone from his pocket and I took mine out too. "4:06pm! How many hours did we use in there?"

"A whole three hours."

"Ah!" He said as if he remembered something, immediately he did somethings on his phone. "Let's go, we have another place to go."


"It's not very close or should we make it another day?"

"Yes, better. I'm exhausted, I need yogurt."

He looked around but couldn't find a seller, "Let's get to the bus stop, we could find some."



"Thanks so much for today, it's one of the best day I've ever lived." I said to him, truthfully.

"I'm really glad to hear that you are happy." He said.

We were already at the front of both houses and I remembered my mum. Immediately, I was missing her. I decided to call her before I go to bed.

He opened the door and we saw Samuel and Stacy on the porch with a dog, it was a white fluffy dog.

"You're back, welcome." Samuel started.

"Blue, Jacob, welcome. How was your outing?"

"It went well," I answered. "Who's the owner of the dog?"

"You." I heard the voice from behind me, and Jacob went to take the dog from his brother and gave it to me. "She's yours now, her name is..." He looked over at his brother, "What name is on the card?"

"It's Lacy." Samuel answered.

"Uhhh..." The dog purred and I smiled.

"How, did you get it? I mean, you couldn't have bought the dog today?" I asked. I needed to understand.

"I've been on the waiting list for a long time and it was my chance today. Thankfully, they have a store here in Abuja."

I smiled and forced back the tears threatening to fall any minute. Jacob has been more than a sweetheart today. "Thanks a lot." I moved closer to hug him. "I really appreciate this."

After the hug, "How would I take care of her?"

"Everything is in the box, all you need, even her little house." Samuel replied.

I looked over at Stacy who had been grinning since, "Come take."

She laughed, "Hope she doesn't bite?" She came closer and held Lacy.

The day ended with a lot of fun and movies with all six of us, including grandma and Lacy.


Hey there!

What do you think about this chapter?

Spoilers for next chapter: Their parents are arriving with two of Jacob's old friends, both having an impact in his old life.

Love y'all

Gamma ✍🏽✍🏽

Peace out ✌️

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