💙 Chapter 24💙

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//Jacob's POV//

I took out my bicycle from the backyard. I was about to go to school except that Blue asked me to wait for her.

As I waited, I felt my phone vibrate in my bag then I took it out. An unknown number.

"Hello." I said into the receiver.

"Jake, we've been waiting for your response."

I realized it was the leader of the cult group, I looked around to make sure no one, especially Blue was around.

"I don't think I would like to join you guys, I'm not interested anymore."

"It's like you want history to repeat itself? No one might come to save your new girlfriend this time." The guy replied me, certainty laced in his voice.

"Don't do anything to Blue, how much is the fee I have to pay? I'll pay so you'll let us go." I pleaded, I wasn't one to plead but I don't know if I'll be able to survive if anything happens to Blue because of me.

"Ten million naira, that isn't too much for your rich dad and also to save your girlfriend's life."

"I'll give you the money just don't do anything to her."

"Good Boy." He said, I could feel him smirking as he said that. "You have a month to get the money, you can fuck off after that." He ended the call after that.

How did he expect me to get the money? Where?

The money I had saved was just a few thousand more than five hundred thousand and he's asking me to bring Ten Million. How?

"Jacob?" Blue called my name, cutting me off my trance.
Behind her is Dare who shook his head at me, obviously understanding what had happened.

"Blue." I forced a smile. "Let's go."

"What happened?" She asked with a straight face.

I looked at her, she must have suspected that something was wrong, but I was not going to tell her, I'm never going to allow history repeat itself.

"It's nothing Blue. I was talking to an old friend."

She walked towards me, followed by Dare.

"I thought we were done with this, you're not going to hide anything from me again." Blue looked at me but I looked away, I couldn't bear looking at her while lying.

"I told you it's nothing, why don't you just listen to me."

"Damn it Jacob! I heard you saying someone shouldn't hurt her, that her is either me or Maria and you don't want to say it."

I lifted my head a bit to look at Blue, she looked really pained and almost angry. I nearly blurted out the truth at that sight.

"I-I." I couldn't say any word. "Blue, please let's go to school." I finally managed to say.

"Fuck you." She raised her middle finger at me, then got on her bicycle and rode to school.

I watched as she left and couldn't stop her.

Dare came to my side and patted me at my back. "I wouldn't have done any differently, she's just being unreasonable for now. She'll be fine."

"You think?" I said and he nodded. "Sniper called me, he said he's going to let me go if I have Ten Million to pay within a month."

Dare's eyes widened. "I thought the fee was just a million."

"It is. Apparently, they don't want me to go, so they're making it hard on me to leave."

"Oh." Dare mouthed. "What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know."

"Let's get back from school first." Dare suggested. "We'll think well after school."

I nodded in agreement, then I gestured for him to sit behind me as I rode to school.

We got to the school just the moment everyone was going to their various classes.

Dare and I joined the students so we won't be noticed by an teacher that we were just coming.

"Dare, Jacob." Dami called our names as we passed the front of science department class.

I noticed some students peeping at who she was calling, then hurried back to their seat after seeing us, or me.

"What happened?" Dare frowned at her, the twins had an argument before they left home that morning.

Dami hissed and eyed her brother, then she faced me. "Kasala don burst." (Problem has happened)

"What's that?" I asked, I really hope it's not involving me because I don't have enough strength for another headache.

"Someone shared the video of you drinking and taking drugs with the entire school." Dami stated.

Immediately, my head began to spin. Same incident that happened in my old school, happening here too.

"They also shared a video of you raping a girl, Maria, but that wasn't clear but the person speaking was hailing you in that video. All those fake videos are now here."

I didn't even know how I heard what she said again, but all I knew was that my head was spinning. I was going to fall in a second.

Jacob is a rapist, He raped Maria.

You're expelled from this school!

Maria died because of you, you raped her!

You killer! You are a drug addict too!

You have destroyed your entire life. You can't become someone again in your life.

Addict! Murderer! Cultist!

By the time I opened my eyes, I wasn't standing again. I was somewhere else, in a white room.

Am I dead?

"He's awake." I heard Dami's voice called.

I sat up on the bed and tried to leave the room. Maybe all that was a dream, I had to go back to class.

"Wait, sit back. You fainted back there." A woman who I recognize as the school nurse said to me. She wasn't smiling like she used to. "Are you feeling pain or anything?"

I shook my head. "Ma, I'm fine. I need to go back to class."

The woman shook her head at me. "You-" She started to talk but was cut off buy the door of the room opening.

My dad came in, followed by Dare and Dami. I furrowed my brows at them, was this all because I fainted.

"What's wrong? Dad, why are you here?"

"I came to take you home. I got a call from your principal."

"But, I'm fine now. It's not like it's the first time I'll ever pass out." The first time I did, no one was as dramatic as this. I even got up and went home myself.

Dad looked at Dare and they both faced me together.

Or my dream was true?

"Have I been expelled, again?"

My dad face turned bitter as I said that. Obviously the answer is yet.

"No, you were just suspended, till the day of the West African exams." Dad managed to say.

"Ohw." I tried to force a smile. "It's better." Deep down, I wanted to cry.

The voices were right, I had ruined my life. Who will ever accept me this way?


Lovely readers, What do you think? Tell me your thoughts.

Did Blue really needed to be angry? Remember she doesn't know the truth. It's her Pov next, your comment will be needed to write it 😉

Vote, comment and share to your friends.

Love y'all, especially you.

Gamma 🖐🏽 (Where Tf is my pen?)

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