💙 Chapter 25 💙

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//Blue's POV//

I rode into school with a scrowl on my face. I don't know how Jacob always manages to get me pissed but he's definitely doing a good job at it.

I parked my bicycle under the tree as I always did, then walked into the school's building.
"Blue come." Salimah, the head girl called me. She was looking something on a girl's phone.
I furrowed my brows as I walked towards her. I hope it's something serious.

"What's it?" I said when I got to where she was. She gestured for me to come closer.

"Look, Jacob." I frowned at her as I heard his name but I still looked, at least to know what happened.

I saw Jacob, not really himself as the video was. It was an entire different version of Jacob, he was sniffing something white from a paper to his nose and there were so many alcoholic drinks on the table.

Realization dawned on me that Olamide has released the video to the entire school.

I was about to go out to look for Olamide when Salimah pulled me back. "There's also the one where he raped a girl but that isn't very clear, it's blurry kind of."

"I don't want to see that." I muttered as I looked around, hoping I'll see Olamide in the hallway.

"Did you know about this?" The girl beside Salimah asked. She was a senior but not in my class and she should have known better than to say a word to me. "He's your friend, right?"

I gave her an intimidating look. If looks could kill, she'd be ten feet under the ground by now.
"Sorry." She muttered and walked to her class.

I noticed other students wanted to talk but they couldn't as they knew how nasty I get if I wanted.

"Everyone please disperse now, It should be the time for assembly." I said and the students started going to their respective classes to drop their things leaving only Salimah and I. "This is bullshit." I groaned.

"Did you know about this? The entire school already knows about it, even Principal Joel."

I face-plamed myself as I heard her last words. "Mr Joel knows already?"

Salimah nodded in reply.

Where is Jacob?

The thoughts of if Jacob had heard about this ran in my mind. I shouldn't have left him.

The bell rang for the assembly and Salimah left me. I couldn't even manage to go to the assembly. I knew one of the teachers would soon come to check the classes for any students so I quickly ran to put my bag on my seat then I went to the dance room.

I could hear what ever was being said at the assembly from this room.

From what I could hear, a teacher was talking about Jacob and the assembly finished early. They were talking about making a decision concerning him.

What decision are they going to make? Are they going to expel him?

My chest rose up heavily as my heart beat went faster. They shouldn't expel Jacob, someone should tell them the real truth.

As soon as I noticed everyone had left the assembly, I went out of the dance room to my class.

I sat on my chair and looked around. Olamide waved at me as my eyes caught his. I was tempted to walk to him and give him a punch on his face. Olamide has just proven to me how much of a coward he was.

"Hey Blue." I didn't even know when he got up from his seat. He rested on my desk after he got to my seat.

"Why would you do something like this? You actually let everyone find out about Jacob's past." I gritted my teeth and cleanched my fist.

"It's high time everyone found out the truth besides, I gave him a choice."

"A choice which fucking involves me."

I didn't know why I was still chatting with Olamide when I could just punch him on the face and run out of school.

"Jacob? What happened to him?" Jare yelled from her seat. Damilola just told her something.

I got up and went towards them. "What happened to Jacob." I asked her. My heart started beating faster again.

"He's at the school's clinic, I don't know what happened, he just fell and--" I didn't wait for her to complete her sentence as I rushed towards the door to the clinic, followed by Jare and her.

"Miss Davies, Blue! Jare! What are you two doing outside?" Mr Lawal, our English teacher called.

I groaned inwardly and dragged towards him. "Sir, our friend is at the clinic and--"

"An excuse for missing my class?" Mr Lawal threw back at me. "Now, get back inside you two and you," He pointed at Dami. "To your class."

Son of a bitch!

I cursed the teacher in my head as I dragged my feet to the class. I sat and brought out my note to at least pretend to be part of the class when in fact, my mind and head was with Jacob. I really wanted to be with him while he's going through whatever it was. Maybe this is how it feels when someone is in love.

I scowled at Mr Lawal, the fucking teacher. He didn't allow me to meet Jacob, it wasn't like his classes were fun, he's always saying one joke or the other or writing notes or...

"Quick quiz." The teacher said.

Just what I wanted to say.

I noticed he had written a lot on the white board and I haven't even started writing yet. Sometimes it pays to have a seatmate.

He dictated the questions and gave us five minutes to finish. I wrote my answers as soon as he dictated because it was one of the extra things I read everytime. Who doesn't know simple concord?

He collected our notes after the five minutes then asked Bisi the class captain to bring them to his office.

As soon as he left the class, I rushed out of the class to the clinic.

I entered the school clinic and I met the School Nurse at the door of the ward rooms. "Good Morning ma'am." I smiled at the ever friendly nurse.

"Hey Blue, Good Morning, what do you want?" She replied smiling at me.

"I'm here to see Jacob, someone told me he was here."

"Yeah, he's in there with his father and his friends."

I was tempted to ask what happened to him but I felt it might be unnecessary to ask her.
"Can I go in?" I asked.

"You may but--" She hadn't completed her words when the ward door opened and Jacob came out of it with his father and friends.

"Jacob." I rushed to meet him. His eyes were bloodshot, it was obvious that he cried. "Good Morning sir." I said to Mr Sanwo.

"Blue, how are you?" The man responded with a forced smile very evident.

"Jacob, what happened? I heard the videos were out." I asked him after his father left us to go outside.

"Y-Yes." He nodded. "I think Olamide released those videos."

I felt bad as I heard the way he spoke, it broke me to see him that way.

"I'm sorry." I said. "It's all my fault, Olamide dug into your past because of me."

"No." Jacob held my hand. "It's not your fault, everyone was going to find out anyways."

"Jacob, let's go." Mr Sanwo called.

"Where are you going?" I furrowed my brows.

"Home." He replied and left my hands then he went out of the reception.

"Why is he going home, did he get really sick?" I moved closer to Dare and asked him.

"Actually, he has been suspended, he'll back only when it's time for WAEC." Dare replied me.

"Oh." My mouth parted and I placed my hand on it.

Fucked up! I'm going to kill Olamide.


Hey Lovely readers, thanks so much for reading.

Next chapter is in Jacob's POV... So, what are your thoughts on this?

On Blue?



I know I've been disappointing these past few days but I promise, Im always trying hard to write. Besides, I don't get much inspirations to write. I only get it from reading other books these days and it's fucked up tbh. I love reading your comments, but I know I'll just keep saying this again.
Trust me, I'm not guilt tripping anyone, it's fine if you don't want to comment but oh well... Story.

Let me stop talking before it becomes too long 😂

Love y'all. Pinky swears.

Gamma (MY pen is missing, I've been using my laptop for a long time now, anyone who found it?)

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