💙Chapter 27💙

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//Blue's POV//

(Gamma: Sit back and enjoy. Please tell me what you think at the end, I feel like this book isn't really good. I'm getting discouraged kinda (I swear I'm not lying), (EDITED: Mandy wants me to continue, so...fine, lol. )

I parked my bicycle at the backyard of my house and I went into the house to drop my bag. I'll take my uniform off later when I get back from Jacob's place.

I rang the door bell but no one answered. "He should be at home? Where is he?" I asked myself.

After ringing again, I decided to open the door myself and I entered the house. I walked upstairs to his room where I heard music coming from.

"No wonder he didn't hear the door bell."

As I got to the front of his door, I could hear a girl's voice singing too. I knocked on the door and I wondered who it must be.

The music stopped and I frowned. The door opened in front of me bringing me face to face with Maria.

"Maria?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Uhm, Blue right?" She smiled at me, then gave me a hug. She shouldn't have, I don't like hugs from people I don't like. "How are you?"

She seem nice.. I hate this.

"I'm fine." I gave her a forced smile as I pulled from the hug.

Jacob noticed my uneasiness and came to my rescue. "Blue, come join us, we're singing."

I shook my head. I wasn't going to stay here while Maria is here, I didn't even know how I would react if she does something I won't like to Jacob. "I'm not a singer please." I rolled my eyes. "I dance, remember?"

Jacob came closer and pulled me into the room. "When you dance, you sing too right?"

I know I sing, but not audible enough for anyone to hear. "Please, I don't want to sing. I only came here to give you the timetable for the exams. We'll be starting on Monday."

"So, my suspension was for two weeks." Jacob collected the printed paper with me. "Mathematics, first paper?"

"How come I didn't know?" Maria asked. "It might have been sent to my mail and I didn't check."

"Maybe." Jacob shrugged. "But Maths, first paper? This isn't fair."

"But, you're now okay in Maths." I replied.

"Yeah, thanks to you. I'm okay to get a C."

"C isn't bad for a music student." Maria added.

She even knows what he's going to study. Wow.

"No, it's bad cos' you don't know what to expect." I replied them. "You'd be predicting a C but ending up with a E."

"That's bad." They shook their heads.

"I need to go now, to change my clothes and all." I waved my hands in the air as I spoke.

"Wait a bit, please." Jacob gave a pouty look and I was flustered. I sneaked a look at Maria and saw that the smile on her face had dissappeared.

"Okay. I'll be back, let me take a shower and change my clothes. I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes to shower and change clothes?"

"She's a lady, Jake." Maria chuckled. "You always say that."

Don't interfere madam.

"Whatever you girls do. Please fifteen minutes nothing more, nothing less." He said.

"Yes sir." I joked and went out of the house.

I went into my house, to the kitchen in order to get lunch first, there I met Stacy eating my already packed lunch.
"What is this?" I asked her. "Why are you eating my food?"

She raised her eyebrows at me, like I was speaking nonsense. "What lunch?"

"Isn't that my lunch you're eating?" I questioned again.

"No, have you forgotten mum said you should make noodles for yourself while I should eat your food since I took my food to school."


"This morning."

With my brows creased, I tried to remember when mum said that. "Whatever." I said when I couldn't remember. "But, if you're not speaking the truth, you know what I'll do to you."

"What would you do?" She mumbled under her breath.

"What did you say?" I asked, even if I heard her clearly.

She shook on her chair. "Nothing."

The fact that she couldn't repeat it made me know that she was still a bit afraid of what I could do.

"Whatever." I opened the cabinet to take two noodles packs and eggs.

I made noodles and fried eggs then I took it up to my room, totally ignoring Stacy who asked me to give her some.

I ate my lunch on the bed then took a very warm shower. I changed my clothes then I lay on the bed, putting my earphones on, I played PrettyMuch's Eyes off you  on my phone.

I didn't know I had spent more than an hour until I got an Instagram notification which made me check the notification bar of my phone, letting me see the time.

5:38 PM

I jumped off the bed, took my used plates off the table and I slipped my phone into my jeans pocket.
I rushed downstairs to leave the plate at the sink then I rushed to Jacob's door. He must be so angry I didn't come when I said I would.

If he was, he would have called. My subconscious slapped me with a fact. He's with Maria, he definitely doesn't remember me for now, at least.

I got to the front of his door and fiddled with the knob, his father wasn't home yet just like my mum too.

I opened the door to the house and entered, where I met Dami doing some school work, definitely preparing for the WAEC.

She raised her head and met my eyes with a smile. "Blue."

"Hi Dami, what are you doing?" I asked as I moved closer to her.

"I'm preparing for the exams, we're having maths first."

"Yeah." I never had a problem with Maths, doesn't mean I wasn't going to prepare for it. "We're all preparing. Is Jacob still in?"

"Yeah, he's upstairs with Dare and Maria." She answered and faced her books.

What is that girl still doing here?

I went upstairs to Jacob's door, I didn't know if I wanted to see Maria again today. She should go already, she's taking Jacob from me.

"Stone asked for 10 million in order to let me be free from the cult." I heard Jacob's hushed tone. "He threatened to do some things I'll regret."

"Why isn't that guy leaving you, you didn't ask to join, right?" It was Maria's voice this time.

"Maria, don't do anything stupid this time, please I can't lose you for the second time." Jacob begged and my heart almost broke.

This was what he couldn't tell me, he's been trying to protect Maria all these times. When he said he loved me, he meant just as friends because it's very obvious he's very much still in love with Maria.

"We'll sort this out, together. I'll probably find help with some money to help you." Maria told him.

"There's no need to, Dare and I will figure it out."

"I'm helping whether you like it or not, but don't worry I'm not confronting anyone. I don't have a death wish or something." She joked.


At this point, I knocked on the door and opened it, beaming at them with a smile I just learned how to fake.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The tension in the room as I came in was so thick that it could only be cut with a chainsaw. Little did they know that I heard every part of the important conversation.

"You were late." Jacob got up from where he sat beside Maria and walked towards me.

Jacob, why don't you like me instead?

It wasn't important, but my head kept repeating.

I just can't take my eyes off of you...

Song: Eyes off you by PRETTYMUCH

So... Lovelies, what do you think about this chapter?

I really want this book to end soon so I'll start the book 3, book 2 will be with this one (I'll notify y'all when book two will be starting) , the idea is burning in my head. 😂

Thanks for following and reading.

Please share to your friends and vote, comment your thoughts too.

Love y'all.

Gamma ✍🏽✍🏽

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