💙 Chapter 28💙

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//Jacob's POV//

I've always thought it was going to be worse coming back to school, but it felt like nothing ever happened before I was suspended.

It was the last Monday of the exams and no one has confronted me concerning the videos, it was as if everyone was paid to forget it. But surely, people don't talk to me like before and I understand why.

We finished our last paper of the day, Data Processing. I went to Blue and Dare, who were both waiting for me. Dami and Jare didn't register for Data Processing.

"How was it?" I asked Blue and she shrugged.

"She's lying." Dare said.

"But, I never said a word." Blue raised her eyebrows at Dare. Even if she didn't direct it towards me, it made my under twitch.

"Let's go home, what are we doing here?" I said.

"Dami and Jare will soon come for their next paper, Book keeping."

"Who does Book keeping?" Blue commented and we all laughed.

"Let's get some hotdogs and plantains before we go back home."

Blue and I didn't come to school with our bicycles so we had to walk home. "What do you think?" I asked Blue.

"Really Jacob? You're asking her? We were friends before she came into your life, you know."

Blue chuckled. "He wasn't supposed to ask me, right? Is he going to drag me down to the Mallam's kiosk?"

"Don't mind him. Are you coming? I'm going to force you anyway so no need to answer." I threw her a wink, getting a little swat from her.

"I'm going anyways." She said, but in my mind, it was surrender.

I watched her as we walked, if it wasn't for this problem I had with the cultists, I would have asked her to be my girlfriend officially, but risky things first.
I had to make sure she would be safe, and I won't be watching my back anytime I was with her.

Blue was really beautiful, apart from her light brown eyes, she also had a pointed nose and a heart shaped pink lips which looks very kissable. Her long hair which is made into fishtail braids suits her really well, showing every part of her full oval face.

I really couldn't wait for all of this to be over so she'll be my girlfriend, not just being my girlfriend, I already imagined the future with her in it and trust me, with her, the future was so bright.
As I watched her, I didn't realize I was smiling too, until she stopped and snapped her fingers at me.

"Earth to Jacob, where have you been?"

I shook my head and smiled deeper. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"We were talking about Maria."

My ears jerked open, I knew Blue doesn't like Maria, just from the way she looks at her. "What about her?" I asked.

"I was asking if the both of you were still dating? You know, she's back into your life again." Blue asked, her eyes turning away from my gaze.

"No, I'm not dating Maria."

Blue sighed. "Thank Go- I mean, Thanks for... Uh, Okay." She rubbed the back of her head and grinned at me.

"Okay?" I questioned.

"Do you still like, I mean love her?"

I frowned at Blue, how comes she doesn't know Iove her? I told Olamide I love her while she was there, right?

You haven't told her to her face before.. My head reminded.

"I actually-"

"No need to answer that." She quickly cut me off.

"I-" I wanted to answer her, but was cut off by Dare too.

"What's with all these questions, Blue?"

"I want to ask one, no two last questions." Blue said.

"What are they?" Dare and I answered simultaneously, letting us smile at each other.

"Why don't you like to tell me what is bothering you but you prefer to tell Maria, am I that dumb or something?"

I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't form any word so I closed it back.

"There must be a reason, he doesn't want to."

"So, he trusts Maria and not me?"

Where is Blue getting these ideas from?

"Of course I trust you." I furrowed my brows. "You know I do, what's wrong?"

"You couldn't tell me about the ten million naira but you could tell Maria."

"Blue--" I started to speak but I couldn't say anything. I closed my mouth and opened them again. "All I was doing was protecting you."

"Maria doesn't need protection?"

"She does, it's just that I can't let history repeat itself." I replied, I looked at Dare hoping he'll help me in this but he looks as helpless as I am.

"If I have the ten million ready, will you collect it and get out of this mess?" Blue asked me.

I sighed. If she could help me, it would be good but I can't accept any help from her, I created this mess so I must fix it.
"No." I shook my head slowly. "I'll find a way to get the money before the deadline."

Blue frowned at me. "Let's go, we're not talking about this unless I want to argue with you."

"I swear you don't know how risky this is, I knew what I went through when I thought Maria was dead, I can't go through the same shit again, I won't be able to live with it." I desperately tried to explain.

I really wish Blue could understand why I wasn't telling her the truth, it was all to protect her. It would cost the cultists nothing to take her life and I won't be able to bear it. I had fallen in love with Blue, more than I ever did with Maria.

None of us spoke on the way until we got to the Mallam's shop.

"I want hotdogs and turkey... and plantains." Blue said cheerfully. "What about you?" She asked me.

"I want the same." I answered.

"Me too." Dare added.

I knew the subject was not done, we still had to talk about it. Blue wasn't going to give up on the topic anytime soon and I was the one to convince her that it was risky.


Hey there! Thanks for readin!

The book one would be coming to an end soon and the book two would be out after it.

The next coming chapters will be one to make your heart jumping out of its cage 😂. Kidding, but you mustn't miss it for the world.

What song do you suggest for a danger scene?

Thanks for reading!

Love y'all.

Gamma ✍🏽✍🏽

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