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After 2 months

Kohli House

Deepal's Pov

I'm standing outside, waiting for Dev to come as we are going for an outing to Goa after the 1 month back to back concerts got over. Suli, Sudi and Soniya are also coming with us. I saw a woman running towards me probably with a baby in her arms. She stopped after seeing me and handed over the baby to me and said, "They will kill my child please! Please keep him with you, saying this she ran away. I was dumbstruck. I saw a man who was well had a well built structure running towards the same direction the woman went. "DEV!", I screamed on the top of my lungs. He came outside and I said, "Please just hold him! I will be back!" Dev hold the baby and I followed the man who went far away but still I could see him. I'm feeling that the woman was in danger. I took out the my mask while running so that no one recognizes me. After running for 15 minutes I saw the man shoved the woman in a car and the car started. I started running behind the car but the drove off soon. I turned around to go back home when I found Ballu waiting for me with a bike. He said, "Why did you came alone here? If something would happen to you? What would have I done?" He had concern in his eyes I was feeling weird suddenly he hugged me and said, "Deep! Don't ever leave without saying anything!" We pulled back and I said, "But how did you know I'm here?" He said, "Dev told me you ran towards this way so I drove towards this way and I found you. And now please sit on the bike let's go!" I nodded and said, "Ballu the baby?" Ballu was putting on his helmet and offered me other one and said, "He is playing with Suli, Sudi and Soniya! Don't worry!" 

Balwinder's Pov

Oh my she is fine and that's all I wanted. She was sitting behind me. I can feel her touch on my shoulder as she was holding my shoulder. Though it's common among us as we all are childhood best friends. We are a way too open with each other specially Ush, Deep, Dev, Yug and I are more open to each other. Suddenly her voice startled me, "Ballu stop! We have reached!" I stopped the bike and she got down. We saw all of them were playing with the baby. Soniya said, "Hey people! Let's take him to Goa with us! It will be fun, right?" We all confirmed her decision by saying "Yes!!" in unison. 

Yug's Pov

In this Goa trip I'm gonna confess my feelings to Sudi, as no Tanya no tension! Sudi took the baby in her arms and was playing with him. I went towards her and suddenly different kinds of thoughts came to my mind. After seeing the baby in Sudi's arms I was feeling like when Sudi and I will get married then we will also have children. Oh Oh Oh what am I thinking. At first let us fall in love properly then only. I rolled my eyes and said, "Guys we are getting late let's leave!" We got up in our pre booked car. Suli and Dev were staring at each other when Suli had the baby in her arms. My brother is also in same dream just like me. Soniya said, "Come on! Suli now it's my turn to take the baby saying this she took the baby in her arms and said, "Guys! What will we call him?" Deep said, "He is more like a playing buddy for us so how about Teddy?" We all said in unison, "Yeah!" The baby got startled and started crying we look at him in Oh No look. Ush said, "Guys! We will have to take it easy! If we shout for every reason the baby will get scared!" Soniya rocked Teddy in her arms and he stopped crying. Our face again lit up. Sudi said, "We have to stop by a general store for buying few clothes, diapers, baby food, cream, lotion, oil and everything needed for a baby. We stopped at Navi Mumbai to buy all the required items. We entered in a mall and asked one of the helpers that what should be carried for baby and the helper gave us all the required items. Choosing baby food was the toughest job we found a lady who helped us with the baby food. After an hour we were done with shopping and then we again got into the car and started our journey we will stay at Kolhapur for today's night and then we will again start tomorrow. 

Devyank's Pov

Teddy soon became one of us, we already started loving him. We fed him whenever he cried. Suli is an expert in all these. She fed Teddy on regular intervals. Finally we reached to Kolhapur we entered in a lodge and took 2 rooms one for the girls other for the boys. Teddy was with the girls as Suli was the one in duty for feeding the baby. I don't know why but we all boys were in duty for the diaper change. But it was fun to have Teddy with us. Teddy is also one of us now as we all love him. 


Pandey House, Thane

Manish's Pov

I was so wrong about the youngsters. They were helping me genuinely now when I know about them I can't go to them or they will kill my Titi and our champ. I'm feeling so helpless now being a police I just can do nothing but just act as a puppet in their hands. I hope they didn't harm my Titi and our champ. I had to close the case or they will kill them. I can't let this happen. 

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