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Yug's Pov

"Yug bro! We have to open our mouth now.", stated Dev. Yug said, "Yeah! Dev Teddy has changed our lives very soon. Sudi is behaving nicely with me now." Dev said, "No it's not because of Teddy it's because of Tanya, she is not here so before we go back home you should tell her all the truth clearly." I said, "Yeah Dev you're correct. What say this evening we can make a plan. You can take Suli in beach, Ush is going for a dinner date and I will take Sudi to the pool side." Dev said, "Ush's was pre decided! Yeah I can go with Suli to beach. Lets go to the girls!" I nodded and we went to their room. Dev said, "Suli! Will you please come to the beach with me?" Suli said, "But what about Teddy?" Dev said, "Deep Deepal! Make her understand she will take care?" Suli smiled shyly and nodded and mumbled, "Okay!" I also went to Sudi and said, "S- Sa- Su-Sudi wa- wa Will you please come to the poolside with me please." saying this I closed my eyes. Sudi said, "Okay Yug!" I opened my eyes and said, "Th Tha Thanks!" I always wanted to spend time with my Sudi. I love her and I need to tell her the truth that I was just acting around with Tanya to make her jealous, why do I have to tell you, why don't you understand dear Sudi why Sudi why?


Sudi's Pov

We got ready and then Suli lifted Teddy in her arms and we went towards Soniya and Deep's room. We found Ush and Ballu already there. Ush went to pick up Soniya. Ush and Soniya are literally made for each other, they're perfect couple. Yug is really cute sometimes but he is a flirt and I hate flirty people. But I don't know why but today I could not turn him down today. He was fumbling and he looked cute while fumbling. Suli handed Teddy to Deep and made her understand about Teddy's diet. Deep is genius, she understood everything. Dev and Yug came to the room to pick us up. We went to to our respective places with our partners? What? What am I thinking. Arrgh leave it!

Balwinder's Pov

These lovebirds went away and I'm here with my crush Dev and Yug decided to confess today but I I can never confess. If I confess it my mother will hurt her to the fullest which will break her. She deserves the best in life which I can never give her. Deep is playing with Teddy right now. She is looking so happy with Teddy. I went to her and sat next to her and said, "Hey my turn now!" She handed over Teddy to me but Teddy started crying so returned back Teddy to her but Teddy didn't stop crying we were damn confused now. She started rocking Teddy in her arms but the kid was crying, he can't be hungry as Suli fed him before going, I checked his diaper, it was dry. What's the matter? May be he is missing his Mom and Dad. I went towards Deep and put my hand around her shoulder, I don't know why I did this and what a co-incidence Teddy stopped crying. She looked directly into my eyes with happiness as Teddy stopped crying. Her eyes were so deep and I would loved to drown in them. I rested my hand around Deep's shoulder and didn't remove it. It was feeling good. 

Deepal's Pov

Teddy stopped crying when Ballu put his arm around my shoulder. I think Teddy is thinking he is with his parents and every kid wants his parents to be close. But I don't know why but for the first time I was feeling weird. It happened for the first time around Ballu, that I was feeling weird. I looked directly into his eyes and found him already staring at me. It was a weird feeling struck me. Teddy slept in my arms. I put him on the bed carefully. I sat on the Teddy's left side while Ballu sat on the right side.  

Yug's Pov

We dip our legs in the pool and were sitting next to each other. There was an awkward silence for few minutes. Suddenly Sudi said, "Yug? You and fumble? I mean it doesn't go together right?" I said, "Su Sudi you You are diff different!" She looked into my eyes. I was thinking don't look at me like this or I will kiss you, please your eyes drive crazy Sudi. I said, "AAA I La La LOVE Ya Yu YOU!" She stared at me like a statue. After a while she came back to the reality. She said, "But.." I cut her at the middle and said, "Shh! Tanya? How did you think that I'm after Tanya? And flirting? I always did it to make you jealous. As you turned me down when I proposed you earlier." Sudi said, "I was just a kid at that time Yug! But then I realized my feelings when I thought you moved on. It hurt me so much." She had tears in her eyes. I hugged her and she hugged me back. She cried and said, "I'm so sorry Yug!" I broke the hug and cupped her face and said, "You will again see that Yug who proposed you 4 years ago. I wiped away her tears and she smiled at me and said, "I love you Yug!" I said, "I love you more dear!" We held hands of each other and sat in the pool side dipping our legs in the pool. She kept her head on my shoulder and rest of the evening there was a silence and only we seeked glances of each other.

Devyank's Pov

We were sitting on the beach and and after an awkward silence I said, "Suli! Please stand up!" Suli looked into my eyes. I sat on my knees and said, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I handed a bouquet of roses. In the dim light I saw her blushing and she was looking away. She took the bouquet and smiled shyly. I said, "Is it a yes?" She nodded and sat on her knees in front of me. I hold her hand and we had an eye lock.

Hey people so here goes another chapter. Please turn the white/grey star orange to vote. Please keep commenting guys! 

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