~Chapter 14~

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listen with headphones or listen to it if you want while you read this

Nothing much happened at school. Just the same old same old. Hanging out with friends and Mark along with drawing and going to class. So nothing big, well besides how EVERYONE wouldn't stop talking about the party. Dan and Ethan said they would come to the party too.

"Hey Jack you're gonna have to walk home yourself I have to go help out with some stuff at my house. Dress nice see you later!" He got on his bike and drove off, but before he drove away he gave a wave to him and Jack waved back. Jack walked home or more like when he was close by his house he ran over there.

Quickly unlocking the door throwing his stuff to the side, he ran up the stairs closing the door and getting everything he can get form his closet. Putting it on the bed and having a fashion show to himself in his room. *No no that's not gonna work.* *Too yellow, too, stripy, too..too much!* Jack was struggling to find an outfit. "Everyone's gonna be there Jack you gotta get a good one to show off."

Jack gave himself a little pep talk in the mirror before really looking at his outfit choices. Mark was coming at 8:30 so he still had a bit of time. In the end he got a very cute outfit. It was a darkish pink long sleeved turtle neck with a small pink alien on the side. Then a light pink skirt with straps that go over the shoulders.

then he got some white socks that go past the ankle just a bit and some white shoes that has a strap over it. He brushed out his hair and put on his circle framed glasses, along with a yellow star pin in his hair. As he was looking at himself in the mirror he started playing with his hair. *I wish I could have green hair. I think it would look cute!*

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his phone buzzing. 💖Mark💖: I'm on my way. 💚Jack💚: Okay I'll be waiting! He got his phone and a small bag to hold it in and other stuff like chapstick and such. His mom was at the door picking up his bag. "There you are I was wondering where you went. What happened?" "Oh sorry Ma. It's just today's the party, remember the one I told you about?" He shyly got his bag from her.

"Is someone gonna get you? Cause I'm not driving." "Ye-Yeah my friend Mark. Also Dan and Ethan are going to so." She looked at him for a moment before speaking. "Alright go ahead, put your bag away in your room then you can go. Don't drink irresponsibility, don't anything stupid, don't drive when someone's drunk." "Okay Ma." Jack ran back up the stairs putting his bag away before coming back to kiss his mom bye as Mark was outside.

Mark was out on his bike obviously. He had the helmet for Jack waiting. Mark was wearing a plane white shirt, black leather jacket with roses on the back and "Mark Fishbach" on the back in white. Some black ripped jeans and convers. Jack ran over hugging him. "Well don't you look nice? Very nice outfit." "Thanks Mark."

Mark did the usual helping Jack on the bike as he buckled the helmet on him. Jack wrapped his arms around Mark (still scared of the motorcycle) but he knew Mark would never drop him. It was a nice little ride with some small talk. It wasn't even awkward either just nice peaceful talking. After a while once the two got there Mark parked on the sidewalk a little farther down the house just so no one damages his motorcycle. It wasn't the first time it happened.

Once Mark helped Jack off taking off the helmet he put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Jack, we need to set a few rules before we head inside." He said in a low and serious voice. Jack in his mind wanted to say he wasn't a child but deep down he knew Mark has probably been to more parties Jack will ever in his life. And he did say he'd protect him so Jack just nodded. "One do NOT drink anything unless *I* give it to you directly. Two stay close by to me. Three if anything happens where someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable yell out my name as loud as you can I'll be over to help. If you get uncomfortable or anything and want to go home let me know I'll take you home."

"Got it?" Jack looked up before nodding. He stayed very close to Mark when they started walking. To no surprise the house was packed with more people coming in, blaring music and flashing lights, eggs, toilet paper, and water balloons on the trees and the house. Alcohol and liquor (i know it's the same thing it just sounds nice in a way shh) everywhere. People outside spilling drinks and tea ( I'm sorry-) and such. This was only the outside and it was a mess.

This is what I picture it to look like.

Once they got inside it was WAY more crowded than outside. So many people, a lot dancing, drinking, playing drinking games. (Like at the top) Some people that where dancing had drinks in their hands so that was spilling everywhere. Again loud blaring music some more flashing lights. Jack held onto Mark's arm a little more as they walk inside.

Jack looked around seeing everyone with wide smiles on their faces. Having fun, enjoying themselves. He was really worried if people where gonna stare. The school or at least the bullies like Kyle would bully him to no end and sometimes people would follow or look at him weird. Actually everyone did for how he dressed and such.

As they entered the kitchen it was a bit of a mess. The counter was covered in red cups filled to the brim with different types of liquor some even mixed. It was also covered in bottles. Not just liquor but with soda or random such things like bags from the cups, random straws, empty cans, beer caps, dirty dishes. A good amount of dirty dishes in the sink along with half drank cups or just thrown bottles in there.

Something like that sorry for using some much pictures but I just feel like it helps

As Mark found some cups and got was getting soda. There was no way he was giving Jack in any way shape or form alcohol he was gonna have soda and soda only and so was Mark. One he was protecting Jack and wanted nothing bad to happen and two he was driving he's not risking Jack or his life. Jack looked over seeing more people no surprise. Though people where talking some dancing or at least tapping their feet to the music.

Then he saw a table or he assumed it was probably the dinning table with cups and people around it along with cheering. He had to stand on his toes a bit but found out they where playing beer pong. Drinks and caps on the tables and some spilled cups with ping pong balls either on the table, under the table, or in a cup. Lots of cheers for when someone made it in. "Hey Jack what kind of soda do you want?" Mark tap Jack's shoulder causing him to look over at him.

"What do they have?" "Let's see Pepsi, Fanta, Coke, Sprite, Mountain Dew, and more coke though that one might be for the drinks." "Do they have Coke Zero Vanilla?" "Uhh yeah they do actually surprisingly." "Can I have that please?" "Coming right up!" Mark handed him his cup, Mark getting his own being Fanta. (idk if he likes that or not but ehhh)

Ping pong table in a way

As the two talked Dan and Phil entered the kitchen, Dan going up to hugging Jack. Jack was very surprised almost spilling his drink on Mark, thankfully he didn't. They all said their hellos as they also got a drink of soda. Phil nor dan where in the drinking mood. See now hearing Dan not in a drinking mood may seem weird since he's so soft Jack too. Dan has tried it and he'll have it but rarely does so he's still a big softie.

Jack and his Irish history of course there would be drinkers. Though Jack hasn't really tried much anyways so he wouldn't know if he liked it or not, and wasn't feeling it or at least right now. Phil got Pepsi and Dan sprite. "Hey where's Ethan?" "Oh yeah he said he's gonna stick with date night with Tyler. Aaaand for something else later~." This made everyone start to laugh.

Later on in the night more people came and more music was being blasted. They have been there for a few hours a good amount maybe more. Though that didn't matter Jack was with Mark and that's all he wanted. He was having such a fun time too. Right now they where upstairs in a room that surprisingly wasn't being used by people making out or even fucking. The two sat on the bed together.

"You kNow Mark I'm having a really fun time." "Glad you like it." "Sorry to bring you up here I just wanted a bit of time away from everyone." "Naw it's fine I get it. Hey you know where Dan and Phil are ? I haven't seen them since they got here and a little while after." "Probably dancing." "Or in a room." Mark nudged Jack's arm with his elbow.

"Shut up Mark!" Jack covered his laugh with his mouth causing Mark to soon laugh after. It was a nice burst of laughter , though it was cut short when there was a knock on the door. "Yooo can y'all have your talk or whatever somewhere else? I'm tryna smash here." That was muffled behind the door. So the two left getting a weird look from this guy and a girl he was with but went in the room anyways.

The two headed downstairs past everyone then outside to the back of the house. No one was really outside at this time. Everyone was inside dancing, getting drunk or even high. Oh yeah did we say there was weed here cause there was a lot of it. All that was out there was you guessed it empty tables covered with spilled drinks, smashed bottles, ice a lot of it melted by now and lots and lots of beer cans and such on the floor. Oh yeah and this person has a pool. Cans in there as well.

There where some chairs near each other near the pool so the two sat there. Of course they had to move a can or two out of the way but that wasn't bad. They just sit and talked watching the stars in the sky. Jack looked over at the house seeing shadows of people everywhere. "There's a lot of people here tonight isn't there?" "Yeah tends to be especially since it's mid end school year" (I'm done with school but they're still in cause they don't get out till later)

"I guess that's true. I just didn't expect to be THIS many or even THIS crazy." "Hahaha yeah, you know a kid I think his name was Chris or something broke the pool table down in the basement." "There's a basement here?!" Jack turned more with a shocked and confused face. You see their chairs where more for when you wanna tan like a lounge chair (is that what they're called?) and they where laying on their sides looking at each other.

"Oh yeah this house can fit way more people a good amount hang in the basement since that's where the music is coming from. They just have really loud speakers everywhere." "How'd he break it?" "Got really drink took a running start and slammed right into it." "That's gotta hurt." "It will tomorrow when he sees the mark of an 8 ball printed on his side."

The two again laughed. Jack could talk to Mark for hours and hours not getting tired. He was just so fun to be around and he didn't know what it was but he just wanted to be him around him more and more every second of the day. And to even think this would have never happened ever! If Mark had never stepped in to help Jack when he was being bullied. Or actually this would have never happened if Jack was never bullied period. It's weird how the world works sometimes.

"You know Mark I really enjoy talking to you and hanging out." Jack gave a small smile to him causing Mark to give one back in return. "Don't worry Jack I feel the same. You're great to be around, glad I met you." "Glad you stepped in to help." After a little more talking they decided to go inside and dance a little like you would do at any party. (I don't dance I don't like it) So that's what exactly what they did.

They headed inside and listen to the music and where dancing together. Both smiling and extremely happy. It's like everyone wasn't even there it was just the two of them like when they where at Marks place. Everting was going so well and great until this guy came about.

⚠️I'm not sure if I need a warning but better safe than sorry this is gonna involve inappropriate touching and kinda sexual gestures if you don't wanna read look for this next message and continue from there ⚠️

As Jack was dancing his skirt when about going everywhere. Though it didn't expose much just maybe the shorts he had under. Then this guy who was kinda tall but not really, dark dark brown haired, light brown eye, tan dude with casual clothing on kept eyeing him down. Well eyeing his body more importantly his skirt. He got really close to Jack, dancing against him. Jack was getting uncomfortable so he tried moving away didn't work he kept moving in closer.

The dude then touched Jack's thighs and slowly moved his way up under the skirt. They where still dancing. Or the guy was Jack was stuck frozen in fear. He couldn't call out for Mark even if he tried. The guy was touching his inner thigh and right before he was gonna grab the bottom part of his shorts another hand had a crushing grip on the dudes wrist. The guy looked up seeing Mark furious as ever. Marks grip became much more tighter once they made eye contact.

⚠️okay it's over now I guess it's kinda in the same paragraph just if you want read the last 3 sentences those aren't bad but it's over now⚠️

Mark yanked the guys hand away from Jack's skirt before twisting his arm and shoving him away from them. Mark put Jack behind him as Jack had his head behind Marks back and his hand griped on his shoulder. "Hey what the hell man?" "The fuck you mean what the hell!? Don't ever touch him ever again you punk, do you even know how wrong that is!?" The guy got in mark's face. "Listen I'll do whatever I want with that." He pointed at Jack.

"You're not using him so why don't I take him from you." "He's not some sexual object or toy for you to play with dipshit so why don't you back the fuck off and don't ever try that shit again ever!" "What are you gonna do about it punk bitch?" The guy pushed Mark causing him to push back into Jack almost making him fall. He then punched Mark in the stomach. At this point people are starting to stare not a lot but a a little though they turned their heads when they saw who was fighting. You didn't want to get in the middle of a fight if Mark was there.

Mark turned around and looked at Jack a hand on his stomach. "Jack close your eyes." Jack obeyed and did just that he covered his eyes with his hands. Mark then brought up his fist holding a tight clench before hitting him right in the jaw causing some blood to spill. Mark held the guy by the wrist again before getting on a real level with him. "If I ever find out you touch or harass or even look in his direction again I will personally have you as a knew Halloween decoration. Nobody EVER messes with him EVER. Got that?"

(To dark ? Sorry !)

Now there was a crowed, a big one at that. Mark quickly got Jack's hand as they sped walked out of there and got on the motorcycle putting the helmet on Jack's head as they sped home to Marks house since it was kinda closer and it was very late. Jack's grip around Mark was like a snake killing it's prey.

His clothes where in his hands and didn't even look up. Mark felt so bad that happened to Jack was so angry at himself for not keeping a better eye on him. It's his fault something awful could have happened to him. He couldn't live knowing if anything bad happened to that boy it would destroy him.

Jack just felt gross and kinda weird a bit dirty but was 100% scared but was glad Mark was there to stop it while there was still time, and even how we stood up for him. He just wanted to hold onto Mark to feel safe which was working a bit but he needed to be off the motorcycle. Mark parked his motorcycle and took off Jack's helmet getting him inside Marks house. His mom wants home which was good in a way so they headed to Marks room where he was gonna try to calm Jack down.

Hello hello everyone CJ here. Sorry I took so long on this chapter I really tried making it good for you all. Sorry that ended on such a downer note but it will get better next chapter I'm really trying to get back on schedule so just stay with me please. Anyways I hope this chapter was good or good enough that you enjoyed it and I hope your liking this book so far. This took me days to write and I finally finished at like idk what time at night all i know is I'm finna sleep after I post this. Again hope you like it so far I'm trying my best here and that's all for now. I'll see you writers in the next chapter. Bye bye !

- C.J.

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