~Chapter 15~

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Mark let Jack sit on his bed as Mark closed the door behind him sitting next to Jack. The room was quiet both of them facing the floor. Jack playing with his thumbs while Mark was just there. Jack finally got brave enough to speak. "Mark I-" He was cut off by Mark wrapping his arms around him pulling Jack close. Mark had a hold on Jack keeping him close to his body having Jack's head or chin on his shoulder, while Marks hand was on Jack's back and the other the back of Jack's head. Jack sat there shock and confused but he felt so safe like this and he didn't know why. It was making him forget about what happened a few moments ago.

Again Mark was furious with himself, god why didn't he protect him like he promised?! Something could have happened anything and where was Mark? Not there. All of that kept going through Marks head but quickly came to reality when he heard Jack crying. Mark pulled Jack back so he could see him though his head was facing downwards. Mark gently lifted his face with his hand as tears streamed down Jack's cheeks. "M-Mark I-I-Im so s-so-sorry." "Hey hey don't be sorry. It was my fault anyways. I'm so sorry I didn't protect you like I promised. God I'm such an idiot you could have gotten hurt, I can't live myself if something happened to you. Jack I'm so sorry."

Mark was holding Jack's hands while his he was petting it with his thumbs. "Wel-l thank yo-you  for s-stopping it wh-while you st-still could. I-I really appreciate it. A-and for stepping in like that." "Of course I'll always help you I don't want anything bad or anyone hurting you. You're to great to hurt. Again I'm so sorry I let it get to a point I'm so sorry." "Mark it's okay. You can't or couldn't watch me every second of the party. W-We where having fun, it's okay. You stopped it that's-that's all tha-that matters."

Another crying steam came and Mark just held him close again. Jack's head buried into Marks chest as he was now holding onto Mark. Mark himself felt like he was gonna cry, but he didn't want Jack to see that so he kept it to himself. After a few more long minutes Jack calmed down and quietly mumbles, "mark." "Yes?" "i feel dirty." "Maybe try taking a shower. At least feel somewhat clean?" (That's what I did) Jack nodded and got up but stopped. "I-I don't know where your bathroom is and I don't have any spare clothes..."

"Don't wanna wear your clothes?" Jack just looked at him. "Right uh here I'll get you some of my clothes to barrow. The bathroom is down the hall to the left, you can use my stuff since it is kinda my bathroom. My mom has one in her room." "Thanks Mark." Just as Jack was about to head out the door Mark called his name. "Oh Jack here!" He went to a laundry basket which was mostly empty maybe a few shirts and a couple of pants or two in there. Though he handed him a clean towel since he needed something to dry off with, and wasn't sure if Jack was comfortable using one of his.

"Oh thanks!" He said with a smile and walked off to the bathroom closing the door and showering. Back in Mark's room he was just scrolling through his phone seeing how some people recorded what had happened, and how so many people shared it. Now even though not many people didn't like Jack because of the way he dressed and acted they still depended him to a certain point. Though others and a few more than others didn't. They said it was "his fault for dressing like that" or "he wanted it he liked it" or even some saying "I would have done *blank* to him or he'll get a taste on Monday."

Mark was so fucking furious. Why would people even be sharing the video or even making those comments. Mark was now gonna keep an extra eye on Jack at school and check up on him more and more. He promised himself that there is no way in hell he's gonna let some asshole jerkwad do that to him ever again. Though there was still Jack. He didn't know about these videos now it doesn't really show Jack and most of the conversation didn't really talk about him people still knew since they talked about it as the caption.

The video did show slightly Jack when Mark told him to get behind him and close his eyes even though the outfit was no where near skimpy. Though it didn't seem to be affecting his reputation there where still those creeps who where talking about doing stuff to him. Oh and don't even get him started on Mark's reputation. Being the "bad boy" of the school already has something on you, but now seeing Mark depend a person like Jack people had their questions. Too many girls swooning over Mark saying they wish he fought for them.

Though people where soon realizing not to mess with Jack since they all knew Mark would be right around to stop it. So Mark was glad people weren't messing with him and Jack wasn't getting a lot of hate either. Mark shut off his phone flopping on his bed and letting out a sigh of frustration. At least Jack was semi okay at the moment. Mark turned on his tv paying attention to it for only a moment before looking up at his celling seeing bi flag. Has Jack ever seen it? Did he even notice?

He was looking more around his celling seeing some more posters and even glow in the dark stars. What they're cool don't judge him. Though after a little he got up from him bed going over to wear his electric guitar is plugging it in to the speaker before messing with it for a bit. Changing the settings on the string even playing a small snip of some random song he made on the spot. Tapping his left  foot while humming he started thinking of a song and played it. The song was called "Fifteen Minutes" and as Mark played it he didn't realize he was singing.

Since Jack had finished showering getting the towel to dry himself off before wrapping it around his waist. Putting on one of Marks shirt he let him barrow. It's a red t-shirt with a light red pocket on the right side of his chest. As his bottoms he gave Jack an old but still good and well black boxers he had. It was black and was only "old" cause it was too small for him. Jack didn't really feel comfortable in his clothing or any of it not even his own bottoms. He just felt dirty still at least his shock was over or the very big one. He brushed his hair with a spare brush Mark doesn't use and walked out of the bathroom.

As he walked down the hall he heard faint yet loud music but faint singing as well. As Jack walked closer to the room the music became louder along with the singing. "We had a start it goes on in my head and I wanna get singing cha la la la la la la la" was what Jack heard Mark singing from behind the door. He had a really nice voice. Slowly he opened the singing much more clearer now. Mark was standing one foot on the speaker rocking out to the last part of the song. Moving his head side to side causing his hair to move everywhere.

"I guess we don't need to use the phone I don't need your answer I'll be spending it alone." Jack was standing in the doorway leaning in on the side with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "Nice singing there Mark." Mark not knowing he was there or even how long he's been there. Was he listening the whole time? A bit of embarrassment blush crept on his face but tried playing it off as quickly as possible. A little smirk on his face came putting his hand behind his neck.

"Well did you at least enjoy the show?" A bit of a giggle left Jack's lip as he stepped towards Mark sitting on the bed next to him. "I did very much I didn't know you could sing." "Ha yeah, it's not very well but it's something. I used to be in a band with Phil and everyone else, I was a lead singer if you wanna put it like that." He set his (electric) guitar down looking over at Jack still standing. "No way that's so cool!" Jack's face lit up with a smile.

"I bet you guys sounded great!" Another little smile came on Mark's lip as Jack was swinging his legs off the side of the bed. "Yeah we where all right. I've always leaned how to play and after the band I still play." Memories came back to Mark of all the fun practices they had together. How they would all just fuck around being stupid while they played. Hell sometimes they wouldn't even play just have their own chill little hang out party together.

"Do you know how to play regular?" "You mean acoustic?" Mark laughed a small bit in response. "You know what I mean smarty pants." Jack have a little shove to Mark, "Why yes I am very smart and my pants are great." Jack rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up." Pushing Mark again playfully of course. The two just laughed and smiled at each other. Mark showing him old videos he had of him playing acoustic since he didn't have one anymore as it got lost in a move. He was also a little lazy on getting a new one, plus he had his electric so it was all good.

Jack geeking out complimenting Mark on every little thing, while also kinda making fun of him in a way since these where old videos. Mark at first was playfully offended but soon joined in making fun of his old self. Mark pulling out some video games like "Just Dance". Mark handed him the Wii remote which was blue while Mark had white. "Get ready to get your ass beat Jack, I'm the best dancer you'll ever see." Mark selected a song getting themselves ready before it started. "Yeah you wish!"

The two danced to almost every song on there, and even the other "Just Dance" from different years. Eventually Mark did win. "Haha! What did I say I told you!" Mark turned off the game as they both got very tired after playing for so long. Jack fakes punched Mark, "Whatever goof." The two a bit sweaty and very dehydrated since they didn't drink enough water during the whole game. So they where panting a bit so Mark offered to get them water.

"Hey Jack I'll be back, Im gonna go get water for us." "Okay thanks Mark." Jack flopped on the bed catching a breath as Mark left the room going to the kitchen. Jack was zoned out staring at the ceiling. ( didn't even see Mark's Bi flag even thought it was right above his bead so it's a cant miss.) He was looking at Mark's glow in the dark stars, planets, and moon. They where kinda glowing since it was very late outside but the bedroom light was still on.

Mark came back with two cold water bottles in each hand before closing the door with his foot. He walked over with to Jack before setting one of the water bottles on Jack's forehead, which caused him to yelp in surprise. "Mark that's cold!" Jack exclaimed, though Mark was laughing too much to give an answer. Jack took the water bottle before placing it on Mark's neck. This caused Mark to move his head in surprise before almost falling off the bed.

Now it was Jack's turn to have his laugh. "Awe come on it wasn't even that funny!" Mark said in between Jack's laughs, "You almost fell off the bed, how could I NOT laugh!?" "Yeah yeah." Mark did a playful eye roll before taking a sip of his water. "It was only a tease Mark." "Heh I know. Just messing with ya." After the two drank their water (Mark drinking all of it while Jack had only half left) the two decided it was time to sleep since it was late, around 3 in the morning.

Mark got up to turn off his lights while Jack was texting his mom. "Hey Ma sorry I didn't text I'm at Mark's my friend house and I'll just spend the night here." He didn't expect his mom to still be up but she was. "Hun you had me worried sick, text me next time you leave. Though it's fine I'll see you in the morning." "I know I'm sorry ma, night." Jack put his phone away before sitting on the bed while Mark flopped down right next to Jack. "You know you pull off my outfits better then I did." Mark said as he grabbed the side of the fabric on the shirt.

Since it was very big on Jack there was a lot more shirt then Jack. Jack smiles a very very small hint of blush came on his face. "Thanks Mark just a bit big is all." "The big ones are the comfy ones." "Hehe yeah I guess so." Jack looked down at Mark seeing as he was still in his clothes. "Are you gonna sleep in that?" Mark was confused and looked up at Jack, "In what?" "Your outfit, what you're wearing. Are you gonna sleep in that or change?" Mark finally understanding the question got up from the bed.

"Oooh yeah is it fine if I change in here?" "I mean it's your room so go ahead." Mark stated taking off his clothes putting them aside somewhere. His mussels where now on display and he was ripped. The only thing he was in was his boxers which where red. "I usually sleep like this but, I'm gonna respect you're here and I'll just wear a shirt tonight." Jack not really paying attention cause he kept staring at Mark's arms and such before he noticed Mark looking at him. "Oh I mean it doesn't matter, it's uh your house."

A little smile was on Mark's lips. "Yeah but I'm also a restful person and plus it's gonna be a bit cold tonight." Mark put on some band t-shirt he had before going back on the bed. Jack was also in the bed and took only a little of the covers. Mark took notice and gave Jack more cover by covering him up a bit. "You can take some blanket you know, I won't get mad. Also get over here some more you're gonna fall off." Which was true Jack was at the edge as he came a little closer to Mark.

The two where facing each other before they talked. "Hey Mark." "Yeah?" "Thank you." "Thank you for what?" "For all you've done, not just at the party but for actually spending time with me and wanting to hang out. No one told you to do it you just did it on your own." "Of course I did. You're really fun to be around pretty cool too. We get along well I wanna be friends with you. Just cause I ride a motorcycle doesn't mean I can't hang out with someone as sweet as you. If that makes senses." "Yeah it does, I think you're pretty cool too Mark. Goodnight." "Night" With that the two fell asleep Jack had a small smile on his face. He always had fun with Mark it was great.

Hey guys,
it's been a while but I'm back. I know I've promised this summer I was gonna do better and update more and I'm so sorry I feel so bad cause sometimes I forget the app is there or I get into other stories and don't pay attention to mine. Lately I haven't been in the best of moods but I'm trying and also in a way cause of that I just get really lazy. This is kinda a short chapter I know I'm so sorry but I have a better idea for the next chapter so that's why I'm cutting it off at that. Also school is starting soon for me I'm gonna try and actually update because this year I wanna change myself and take better care of myself. So I'm gonna try and maybe even fix my schedule and if you want you can even be like "hey you know it's maybe time for an update". Though do not be obnoxious and bug I'm not saying you guys are you guys are so sweet and amazing and I love you all. I just sometimes I get nervous with giving people power . Speaking of I love you guys we have hit 11k reads. Thank you guys so much this makes me so happy on how many of you read it and enjoy it. Even to the people who compliment my writing or how nice the story is it really makes me wanna write more so thank you guys. You are all the best and I love you all. That's all for today I'll see you guys when I next update.


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