~Chapter 16~

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Fun fact: this song right here is what inspired me to make this book. I thought of one scene from this song and boom the book began. So thank this song or don't. This story kinda sucks.

It was the next morning as Jack woke up. Though when he woke up for a second he forgot where he was. It took him a moment to realize he was in fact not home or in his bed or in his own clothes even. Jack took a sec to look around the room realizing he was at Marks house. He reminded everything last night from the party to coming to Mark's house. He expected Mark to be next to him but he woke up to an empty bed.

Jack got up and stretched before heading out of Mark's room. He walked down the steps smelling freshly made pancakes in the air. Along with some other good tasting foods he couldn't quite tell but damn was it smelling amazing! Jack came down seeing Mark flipping a pancake. Mark was cooking sausages before turning his head over seeing Jack at the kitchen entrance. "Morning sleepyhead." Mark said with a smile smirk. "Morning." Jack yawned.

Jack took a seat at the island Mark had in his kitchen his elbows on the table, chin in hands. "Whatca cooking?" Jack ask. "Just the basic breakfast, pancakes, eggs, and sausage." Mark got two plates and started putting food on them. He handed Jack a plate and sat with him eating his own food. "I've never had your cooking before." Jack was putting syrup on his pancake before cutting it up. "Well I'll have you know I'm an excellent cook." Mark says as he watched Jack eat his food. With a big smile he said, "I can tell!" The two ate in a peaceful silence. Once finished Jack helped Mark clean up. Mark washed the dishes while Jack dried them.

"Hey Jack you wanna change your clothes or are you okay with mine?" Mark asked handing Jack his original clothing. "Well if you want I can give you your clothes on Monday. I'm still not comfortable in those if you don't mine." Jack got his clothes folding them. "No no it's fine I understand. Get your shoes on I'll take you home." Mark gave him a warm smile as he got on his own shoes. Once the two was ready Mark looked at Jack at all the clothes he was carrying.

"You wanna bag for that? I don't want any of your nice outfits flying away." Jack giggles a little but nods. Mark handed him a bag from the kitchen to put his clothes in and soon they where off. It was pretty early in the morning so there weren't that many people wondering around. Just the occasional dog walker not many cars driving around though. Obviously it was a silent ride but it was a nice one.

Mark dropped Jack off at his house watching him walk to the door. "Bye Mark I'll see you on Monday." Jack waves as he opened the door. "Bye Jack!" Just as Mark was about to leave Jack called out. "Hey Mark if you want to hang out over the weekend I wouldn't mind- actually no never mind sorry I-" "Jack it's fine, I'd love to hang out with you." Mark smiled and wave as he drove away.

Jack entered his house careful not to wake up his mom. He took off his shoes setting them to the side of the couch before walking upstairs. Very quietly he shut his door before flopping onto his bed. He threw the bag of clothes somewhere off to the side in his room. Being in his bed felt so cozy and warm. He slowly drifted to sleep. He did sleep late so it was understandable.

~Time Skip~

Jack slowly woke up later on that day. *Geez how long have I've been out for?* Jack got up very groggy the next morning still in his clothes from yesterday. He walked downstairs to his mom checking her purse getting ready for work. She looked up as she heard him coming and smiled a little. "Morning Seanyboy. How'd you sleep?" She ruffled his hair a little. "Really well. How long was I out?" "The whole half of the morning. Kinda thought you where dead."

"And you didn't check up on me!?!" His mother laughed a little. "Calm down, I check on you multiple times, you where still breathing." "Why didn't you wake me up?" "I figured you where tired and by your face you looked like you needed it. By the way who clothes are those?" Jacks face went a little red forgetting we was wearing Marks clothes. "Oh uh i-it's M-Mark." He stuttered out.

"Oh my god you didn't." She said. "What?" Jack asked very confused. "Did you really lose your virgin-" "MOOOOOOM!!!" Jacks face was bright bright red. He could never Mark his friend and just a friend. Well he wouldn't mind if-NO Jack he's your friend. It's not like you're crushing on him. "What it's natural for you especially during this time." "Ma I did not have sex I promise. He just gave me some pjs to sleep in."

"Okay okay whatever you say. I gotta go now hun I left some money for you to order something and there's also some snacks in the kitchen. Bye hun." "Bye Ma." He watched as his mom drove away before he shut the door and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. While he was waiting for the coffee he started thinking. Does he really have a crush on Mark? No that's crazy right? They're just friends.

Though he did have a really nice smile, he's so caring and charming, he has a great personality and he's so kind. His hair is so fluffy and when it's a mess it makes him look even more cute and his laugh and he's body. He wouldn't mind- GOD JACK KEEP IT TOGETHER!! By this time Jack's face was in his hands and his face was BURNING red. The more he thought about it the more he felt like he had butterflies in his stomach.

But this can't be. What if he's just overreacting? What if he didn't actually have these feelings? But then again he was staring to think about Mark the more he felt flustered in a way? He put his coffee in a mug while getting some lemon cake on a plate. He went up to his room to watch some TV. Jack set his food on the bedside table before laying back on his bed, just staring at the celling.

The fact that he was wearing Mark's shirt wasn't helping. Jack absentmindedly sniffed the shirt. It still smelled like him. (Little Adventure Time reference) Jack turned on the Tv while eating his breakfast. Though he couldn't really pay attention to what he was doing all he could think about was Mark and these strange feelings. *I gotta tell someone about this* Jack thought. So he set aside his coffee and pulled out his phone.

He was debating on calling either Dan or Ethan. He wanted to call both so he called Dan first.
*Ring Ring Ring*

Dan: Hello?

Jack: Hey Dan.

Dan: Oh hey Jack whats up?

Jack: Can you help me figure out something? Please?

Dan: Yeah sure is everything okay?

Jack: Um..How'd you know you had a crush on Phil!?

Jack asked bluntly.

Dan: Oh well, I started getting really flustered around him. He was always on my mind. I was so happy when we texted and again just always on my mind. I just wanted to be with him you know? Why do you ask?

Jack was stunned red. That's exactly what he was feeling about Mark. Now that he was thinking about it, he's kinda been feeling like this for a while. Just never really thought about it.

Jack: O-Oh no reason. Just Uh just uh wanted to know!

Dan: Jack are you-Do you-Do you have a crush on Mark?

Jack: WhAT!? No! That's- Thats crazy! Ha-Haaa is it obvious?

Dan: Well now it is. How long have you've had a crush on him?

Jack: I DON'T KNOW! I think I've had it for a while just never acknowledged it. I only did today and now everything's confusing. I can't think about anything else but him.

Dan: Well by the sounds of it sounds like you like him a lot. But I'll let you figure that one out. Just next time you hang out with him don't make it obvious.

Jack: Okay thanks Dan I'm gonna call Ethan now.

Dan: Okay bye Jack.

Jack: Bye.

~End Call~

Jack look a long sigh before calling Ethan.
~Ring, Ring,-~

Ethan: Hey man!

Jack: Hey dude whats up?

Ethan: Nothing much just heading to Tyler's house to hang out. You?

Jack: Oh nothing much just home. Um hey can i ask you something.

Ethan: Yeah go first it.

Jack: How did you figure out you liked Tyler?

Ethan: Uh well I just knew I guess. I felt like I couldn't breathe-Wait why?

Jack: Just asking you know? I just wanted to know.

Ethan: But you saw how I was. Do you have a crush on someone or something?

Jack: No no no no no. I just uh I just um I-

Ethan: You have a crush on Mark don't you.



Jack: Ethaaaan come on!!!

Ethan: Sorry sorry, it's just I knew it was coming so how long have you been crushing?

Jack: I don't know.

Ethan: What do you mean you don't know?

Jack: I think I've always kinda had a crush on him. Just never realized until right now.

Ethan: What made you realize?

Jack: Uh my mom saw me in his shirt cause-

Ethan: You slept with him and now you're asking if you like him!!?!

Jack: Nooo Ethan! After we left from the party I slept over and he gave me some clothes to sleep in. I was just too lazy to change.

Ethan: Oh sorry.

Jack: It's fine that's what my mom said too. Anyways I started thinking about it and I don't know I couldn't think about anything but him. So I called you and Dan to ask how you figured out you liked someone. Just wanted to know if I was feeling like that to.

Ethan: Oh well by the sounds of it, sounds like you do. I could tell from how you where talking about him when you met him. Anyways I have to go now I'm at Tyler's door, I'll see you later good luck with that. Bye.

Jack: Bye dude.

~End Call~

Jack again let out a sigh. This was helpful but not really. He set his phone on the bed and went to take a shower. He went into the bathroom, undressed and turned the water on before stepping in. The warm water going down his body. His thoughts still racing. The same question came up over and over. Did he really like Mark?

<Time Skip to after the shower/getting ready>

Jack was currently brushing his hair. He was listing to music in his room standing in front of his full body mirror. He was currently wearing a long while sleeved sweater with light blue and pink stripes on it. With baby blue high waisted shorts.

After getting ready Jack was deciding on what to do today. Then he remembered that Mark said they could hang out so hey decided to text him.

💚Jack💚: Hey Mark how are you? I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime today?

Jack let his phone be since he just texted him. Jack didn't have anything to do so he watched some YouTube videos and started drawing in his sketchbook. Around 10-15 minutes passed and still nothing from Mark. No biggie right? He could be busy at the moment. It wasn't much to worry about plus it's been 15 minutes.

Jack went back to drawing now doing an outline on his sketch. About 30 minutes had passed still nothing. Jack was confused. Maybe he just didn't send it. He unlocked his phone checking if he'd sent it and yup he did. He didn't even need to press Mark name he saw his message, but he doubled checked just in cased.

It said delivered, maybe the WiFi was bad or something? Does this make him an obsess stalker? No right? Jack sent him another message to just double check. 💚Jack💚: Hey Mark just checking if you still wanna hang out . *Maybe he didn't see the first one or just didn't get it.* Jack thought to himself. Does this make him obsessive?

It had been almost four hours. His mom was almost done with work and he'd gotten through three full drawings. He had sent another message during the third hour or so. Just asking if he wanted to hang out another day it was fine just to let Jack know. Still no answer. Jack didn't feel like drawing anymore.

He put all his supplies away before looking at his messages. Why was he feeling like this? Of course it would have hurt with other people but with Mark it was different kind of hurt. Like it was a deeper feeling. Why was that? It hurt more cause this was someone Jack had a crush on at least he think he did. Who is he kidding, he most likely does.  Though it just hurt.

His mom came home the two had dinner just like any other night. Same old same old. Got changed into his pjs and got snuggled into his covers. The lights above his bed shinning like little stars. He wanted to sleep but his mind wasn't letting him. His only though was Mark and why he didn't really text back. He didn't want to start thinking the worse off the bat but it was a little hard. Maybe he'll just check up on him tomorrow instead of asking to hang out. Just so he's not asking so much from him. Sounds good right?

<The Next Day>

Jack could hardly get any sleep last night. By the time he finally woke up his mom was long gone at work. Jack got up to stretch before checking his phone, to see if Mark ever saw the messages. Still nothing just says delivered. Jack set his phone down instead of just waiting around. He did his usual routine getting ready, eating breakfast, all of that. Jack spent time his time in his room playing Animal crossing.

During this time Jack decide to send a text a text to Mark. 💚Jack💚: Hey Mark is everything okay? I know I'm probably being annoying but just wanted to check on you. Jack just stared at the screen. Seeing how spaced out each text was and just how a little hurt he felt. The thought that Mark didn't care about him crept in his mind. Was it true?

Did Mark really just not like him anymore? Did he think he was annoying? Was he using him? Did he not want to see him anymore? Did he just want to get away from Jack? Did he hate him? Did Mark only want to be friends with him as a joke, and just didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying he didn't wanna hang out anymore? Was the party too much?

Jack felt really numb and like he wanted cry. Jack hide under the covers and hugged Mark shirt close to him, but he kinda felt sick when he held it. Not sick sick but like he didn't wanna see him. All those thoughts racing in his mind and on top of that he kept thinking if this is even a appropriate reaction. Or is he being over dramatic? Tomorrow was Monday so maybe he'll see him at school. If he even wants to see him.

The next morning Jack got ready like he does any other day. He didn't get much sleep last night so he was far too tired to be in a bright mood. As Jack was walking he was listing to music. He saw Ethan and Dan talking and walked passed them a little before Ethan called him over. "Oh hey guys. Sorry I didn't see you I had my headphones in." He gave them an awkward smile. "Oh it's fine anyways, how's mark?" Ethan said with a sly tone at the end. "Oh uh nothing why do you ask."

"Come on the call remember? You said you where gonna try and hang out with him. Did you ever?" Dan asked. "No actually I didn't have time." Jack lied. "Is he here today?" Ethan ask. "I'm not sure but I gotta go to my locker to grab some things I'll see you guys later." Jack started hurrying off. The mention of his name made him was to cry a little. He didn't know why!

"But it's not time yet-" Dan shouted but the bell cut him off. "I guess it is." The day when on as usual. Just without Mark. He spent the day with Ethan as Dan was doing his own thing with Phil. He just really wanted to talk to Mark was all. The more he thought of Mark his heart would flutter but then turn really cold really fast. The day ended and for some reason the morning felt so long and stretched out but once the day started going so did the day. It was over pretty quickly.

That's how the rest of the week went. No signs of Mark at school or in text. Jack eventually told Ethan and Dan. They came up with every excuse to say. "Maybe he's scared." Ethan would say. "There's always a reason" Dan said. Jack tried to listen to it he really did but his mind always went back to, *Maybe I'm just not for him. So that's probably why he hasn't called* From Monday to Friday. Jack walked into his house. Quiet as usual. He kicked off his shoes and was about to go upstairs when he heard a knock at him the door.

He wants expecting a package, or really anyone to come over. Jack set his bag down before going to the door and checking the peephole. "What the fu-" Jack swung open the door. "MARK!" He gave him a tackle hug which luckily Mark caught him. "Whoa there Jack!" Mark said hugging back before putting him back down. "Where have you been!!?"

"Well I got grounded and my phone was taken away, and then I got sick so I couldn't go to school." "You where grounded? For what!?" "I got a C- in one of my classes. So my mom got mad and yeah. Why did something happen?" "I was texting you...and i thought you didn't like me anymore." Jack said the last part quietly.

"What was that?" Mark asked crouching down to Jack's level. Jack was looking down so Mark gently lifted his face with his hand. The two where now facing each other, Jack face was a bit red from blushing while Mark was smiling kindly. "I-I thought you didn't like me anymore.." "WhAT!? Where'd you get that from?" "It's just cause you weren't answering my texts, and I didn't see you at school so I thought you didn't want to see me anymore."

Jack's was blushing a bit more since of how close and also feeling a little dumb for his reaction. Hearing the reasoning of why he didn't answer. "And I feel kinda dumb for my reaction." Jack said shyly. "It's okay Jack you didn't know. And plus I'll always like you, you're my friend." Mark gave him a hug.

Jack hesitated but hugged back. Though his mind went to that one word. "Friend." He didn't like that work especially since he figured out his feelings for him. They pulled back from the hug. Mark and Jack gave each other a smile before Mark put his hand around the back of his neck. Rubbing it awkwardly before giving a shy smile. "So uh to make up for our lost time since we promised to hang out but couldn't."

He stayed quiet for a second, hand still on his neck. "Would you like to come get sushi with me. You can get whatever you want, I'm paying so." Mark looked back another awkward smile. Jack laughed a little before smiling back. "I'd like that." "Cool so-" "let me just put my bag away and get some shoes on first." Both Mark and Jack looked down at Jack's feet seeing him in just his socks.

"Oh yeah! Sorry I didn't see." "It's okay you didn't know plus I just came in for the hug." Jack smiles opening the door letting Mark in. He ran upstairs and put his bag in his room before coming downstairs purring his shoes on. "Ready to go?" Mark said his hands in his pockets. Jack nodded grabbing his phone as the two walked out. Jack texted his mom saying he was going to be out with Mark and will be back later.

"No motorcycle today?" Jack walking next to Mark looking up at him. "Well I figured if I brought my motorcycle you'd hear me. I wanted it to be a surprise. Plus it's nice out, and I wanted to see your face." Jack looked away blushing. Now that Mark was back he felt even happier and giddier. He felt as his heart was gonna explode from his chest.

Jack guessed his thoughts where right. He really did have a crush on Mark. A big one at that. God he just wanted to hold his hand at this very moment and lean in to him. He was so lost in thought Mark had to tap his shoulder to get him out of thought. "Jack you alright? You have something on your mind? You seem pretty red." Jack blinked a couple of times before speaking.

"Uh-Uh-yeah I'm f-fine." Mark nodded and the two walked to the restaurant. Mark held the door opened for him as Jack walked in Mark followed behind. They got seated and sat across each other as they where handed a menu and got their drinks ordered. It was your standard sushi place it felt cozy in a way and the workers where really nice. The two opened their menu looking through it.

"Remember Jack you can order whatever you want. Don't be shy." "Yeah but I don't wanna spend all your money." "Jack I promise it's not a problem, I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it." "Are you sure?" "Positive." Jack smiled as they got their drinks and ordered.

Jack and Mark both decided on sharing their orders. They got the Alaska Roll, Spicy Tuna Roll, and the Tiger roll. "So how was it when I was gone?" "Pretty boring. Ive just been playing video games and figuring out some stuff." Jack didn't mean to say that last part, at least out loud for Mark to hear. "Figuring out what?" Mark got some sushi on his plate and ate.

"O-Oh nothing much Mark it's nothing." Jack said as he started to eat. "Okaaayyyy." The talked while eating having fun like they always did. Jack just had his eyes on Mark smiling. Mark caught Jack staring and smirked at him. Leaving Jack a blushing mess. "You've gotten more red lately. You got a fever or something?" Jack shook his head as he lied. "'No I'm good. I'm fine." Honestly this whole time felt like a date. At least to Jack.

He felt his face getting red. Dan and Ethan where right. He had a big crush on Mark. And it wasn't going away anytime soon. The two had left the restaurant and where now walking to Jacks house. Jack started noticing more little things about Mark. His little freckles for example or his long eyelashes. He loved his voice and could never get tired of hearing it.

The thought of being with him made him feel all warm and fuzzy. That was until they reached Jack's house. He didn't even notice. "I believe this is your destination." Jack laughed before nodding. "Why thank you Mr.Escort. I appreciate your service." Jack bowed making the two laugh. Just as Jack was about to enter his house he remembered something. "Oh! Hey I still have your shirt do you wanna it back?" Jack honestly mentality slapped himself in the head.

Why would he give up something like that? It was the only thing he could have with Mark. As if he told him his feelings he'd probably be disgusted. "Naw it's okay. You can have it keep it." Mark said with another warm grin. "Really!?" Jack had a bright smile on his face. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow? I'll text you." "No getting grounded?" Jack joked holding up his pinky. "No getting grounded." Mark held up bus pinky before in twinning their pinky's before he left to his house.

Jack went to his room wearing Mark's shirt snuggling in it. He smiled as he hugged it close. So Mark doesn't hate him. But what Jack does hate is his feelings. As he knows it's only gonna grow more. It was only a matter of time before Jack can't even speak to Mark without being a mess. But until then he was fine. Just made him kinda sad that he probably can't have this and he's gonna ruin their friendship if he ever told him how he felt. Is Mark even gay? Or even like boys? He wasn't sure but only in his dreams.


Hey howdy ho !
Hate me cause I took for fucking (excuse my language) EVER !!! IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY !!! I FEEL LIKE SHIT HAVING YOU WAIT THIS LONG ! This isn't even a good chapter I'll try better next time. But still I'm sorry this is a really bad chapter and I'm sorry I took so long I've been stressed with school trying to get good grades. And since 2nd semester is soon I gotta make sure I pass or I don't graduate and I'll be so disappointed in myself. So please I'm so sorry and to make it up to you guys tell me what you'd like to see in the next chapter. Any ideas for the two to hang out or any ways to help Jack's feelings grow. I wanna put what you guys want to hopefully make it up for the lack of updates. I hope this is somewhat okay/ a good way to make it up to all of you. I'm so glad you guys like this story you don't even understand I love you all. I'm gonna try and make a better schedule to update more. Also if you wanna follow my art Instagram it's @_.strawberryshake._. Shameless self promotion I know I'm sorry. You don't have to follow it it's not that great art but just thought. If you have a drawing request I could draw it or I'll try my best. Anyways I love you all I'm so sorry have a good day I'm out. Sayonara !


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