~Chapter 17~

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~hi there's a lot of talking here. this isn't really driving the plot forward in a way I'm just giving you chapters to watch them grow together if that makes sense~

Jack woke up early on a Saturday. A bit weird as he never woke up early on a Saturday but oh well. He didn't really know what to do so he kinda just sat there in his bed. Or at least laid there staring up at his celling. His hair a bit of a mess and his mind going blank. As his bed was soft and warm temping him to go back to sleep. He wasn't really thinking about anything at the moment however as soon as he thought that, something came to mind. Well more like someONE came to mind.

Mark came to his mind. Specially last night and their walk home. How the sun was setting and it was a warm pink and yellow mixed with orange. The clouds hover over the sun creating little shades here and there. A nice cool breeze brushing against the two as they walked. He doesn't really remember what they where talking about just how he felt. It was a warm feeling, a nice one. That's when he felt his face flush. Oh so that's why it was so warm.

He covered his face with a pillow and groaned into it before leaving it there for a moment. *What is wrong with me?* he thought. He sat like that for a few more seconds before lifting the pillow up and putting it back in its original spot. He sat up and got out of his bed. As much as he wanted to go back to sleep it's not like his brain would let him anyways. He stretched a bit and went to check his phone. Basic notifications as in updates, social media etc.

He went over to his closet door sliding it open seeing the verity of outfits he had. His whole wardrobe was just bright soft colors. Just how he liked it. Today felt like a pretty laid back and lazy day, so he didn't feel like dressing up too much. He grabbed a short sleeve mint green shirt and some black shorts. With two little limes on the back pocket. Crazy as it sounds he did have a few dark colors but not many. And besides black goes with everything.

The shirt did show his stomach but just a bit. He didn't mind really he still felt cute. He grabbed what else he needed and headed to the bathroom. His mom was still asleep as he closed the door behind him and started up the shower. He felt the warm water hit his skin it was way relaxing on days like this. He felt like he could stand like that for hours. Eventually he got out, dried off and got dressed. Along with doing everything else to get ready for the day.

This is what it looks like but how I described it.

He was blow drying his hair making it look fluffy as he combed through it. After moving some bits of hair out of his eyes, satisfied with how he looked he picked up his pjs and headed back to his room. He lazily places his pjs at the end of the bed checking his phone again still nothing at the moment. His stomach growled, *Damn I guess I should eat*. He thought. Jack walked downstairs into the kitchen. Still no sign of his mom there.

Upon entering the kitchen he saw a plate on the table. On the plate was an everything bagel cut in half the with sliced up fruit and a cup of orange juice. There was a note near the plate. Jack picked it up reading it. "Hey Hun, sorry I wasn't there this morning. I got called into work early but I should be home soon. I toasted up a bagel for you hopefully it's still warm when you wake up. Have a good breakfast and a good day. I'll see you soon. -Love Ma."

Jack smiled at the note before sitting down at the table and eating. The bagel was a still a bit warm but was starting to get cold. Looks like he caught it just in time. He ate silently enjoying the food. It was a quite morning, not because he was the only one home. But it just felt like the world was quite. In a good way though. It was a peaceful quite, a calm quite. Not too long after he finished up his food and his drink, washing his dishes and putting them away.

He passed the mirror and touched his hair. His outfit felt a bit boring, even if it was a lazy day he felt like he needed something. He couldn't do anything with his outfit so he decided to do something with his hair. *Hmm..CLIPS!* He thought before rushing back to the bathroom and opening up his drawer seeing his array of clips. He found a bunch of butterfly clips all different colors. He grabbed a few and started putting them in his hair. Some where light green, light blue, pink, light orange, and white.

He scattered them all around his hair feeling happy with how he looked while he looked himself in the mirror. He went to his bedroom grabbing his sketch book and a pencil before sitting on his bed. Just as he was about to open his sketchbook he heard his phone ding. Jack picked it up seeing as it was a message from Mark.

                ~Text Messages From Mark~

Hey Jack! I know it's a bit early but I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out? Something chill nothing too big. Unless your busy.

Hi Mark! I was just about to sketch something right now actually, but sure I'd love to hang out with you! Want me to come over?

No I can come pick you up. Don't worry about it. Also sorry I didn't know you where drawing.

     Don't worry about it it's fine. Just let me get    my shoes on, what time are you coming?

I should be there in probably 15 minutes or so?

Sounds good to me see you soon!

                    ~End Of Conversation~

Jack got up putting his sketchbook and pencil to the side. Along with the eraser easing on the sketchbook. He went to his bedside drawer pulling out the top one. He picked out some plain white socks and shut the drawer as he put them on. He walked over to his closet looking for a nice pair of shoes. He just put on some regular black vans with pink hearts on the sides. He started to tie his laces and waited in the living room.

Not too long after he heard a knock at the door.  Jack got up checking the peephole seeing Mark standing there about to knock again. So Jack quickly open the door, "Hey Mark!" Mark let out a yelp not expecting anyone to be there. "Ah! Jack! Don't do that." Jack was laughing during this. "You should have seen your face." Jack said with a smug look as he closed the door behind him.

"Yeah yeah." He said chuckling a bit after, rolling his eyes playfully. Once Jack had calmed down from laughing he spoke, "So what are we doing today?" He said looking up at Mark. He was wearing a pretty large gray short sleeve shirt with small white stripes across it. He had a high waisted black pants with a belt and chains coming down from the sides. The end of his jeans where cuffed and he was wearing black and white vans. His jeans where also ripped showing skin all over.

However Mark didn't answer instead he was just looking at Jack. Jack was getting a bit uneasy. Did he have something on his face? Was his clips falling out? "Mark everything okay?" Jack ask quietly. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to stare." Mark said quickly. "It's just I've never seen you in dark colors." He said with a slight smirk. Jack looked down at his clothes smiling a bit before looking back up.

"Heh yeah. It just felt like a chill day. Didn't really wanna dress up." Jack replied. "Fair enough." He shrugged a bit. "You look nice in those colors." He said simply. "Thanks, you look good too." Jack replied now stepping next to Mark. "Oh this? It's just something I threw together. Not sure how I feel about it yet but I know I look awesome." Mark said then proceeding to flash his muscle strength with one of his arms.

Jack playfully rolled his eyes snickering to himself a bit. "Alright Mr.Ego. You wanna relax there you're gonna burst if you give yourself another compliment." "And what if I do!?" Mark shouts jokingly. "Then we can't hang out dork." He punched Mark playfully. "You didn't answer my question either!" Jack said. "My apologies, what was your question?" Mark replied as he started walking having Jack follow behind.

"What are we doing today? Or at least where are we going?" Jack sprinted to Mark a bit now being at his side. As Mark was walking ahead first. "Actually I'm not sure. Like you said it's a chill day so I didn't wanna do something crazy." After a moment of silence Mark had an idea. "Wanna go walk around the park?" He asked. "It's still pretty early and quite and I doubt many people are there."

"That sounds nice." Jack smiled in return. The walk there was not much to report. Little convos here and there but nothing too out of he ordinary. Or at least for them. Really just catching up from when they last met up. Talking about what Mark missed and so on. Again Jack was notching small little things about Mark, and when he did he felt his stomach flutter. Before he knew it they where at the park.

"I just realized how long it's been since I've been at the park. Last time was probably in Ireland." Jack smiled looking at the apparatus. Just thinking about when he used to play at the park when he was young. "You used to live in Ireland?" Mark asked looking at his friend. "Oh yeah, but not for very. Maybe until I was about three or so. Then we moved here and we've been here since." "Huh I didn't know that. That's pretty cool actually." Mark responded.

"What about you have you ever moved?" "Hmm not that I know of. I know my parents have been around along with my brother. At least before I was born, though where I am now is where I've been since I was born." Just as the chat was about to go silent Mark spoke. "So you mentioned you draw?" "O-Oh yeah-yeah I do." "That's nice, mind showing me sometime?" He said but his voice didn't sound like a question, nor did it sound demanding.

It sounded soft and sweet. It sounded inviting almost. Jack got a little flustered as only some friends and his mom would really ask to see his drawings. Nobody really asked outside of that so it was a bit of a shock but for no real reason. "O-oh well they're not really that good. It's nothing much worth seeing." Mark playfully shoved his elbow into Jack's arm. Nudging him a bit. "Aw come on I bet they're great. I remember seeing your sketch book once. I wanted to ask you about it but never got the chance."

"Oh really how come?" "Well your buddy Ethan came over and started talking with us. Just slipped my mind." Jack laughed a little to himself. "Well that's Ethan for ya. Always ready to talk to someone." Mark started talking about something but Jack wasn't paying attention. Not on purpose but just because he was still thinking about the art thing. He wasn't sure why. Did Mark have any interest like that? Then he remembered the photo on his phone!

When Mark took his profile picture for his contact photo. When he went to place it he saw tons of photos. Either of himself, with friends, or even of places in general. They looked like they where all well shot. "So Mark tell me, do you like photography?" He ask with a little sly smirk. Now it was Mark's turn to become flustered. Making Jack laugh. "How'd you find out?" "From my contact photo remember? I saw other photos on your phone, it looked like it was professionally shot."

"Ah that explains it. Well for your information yes I do." "Wow who knew the all dark clothes, spikes wearing guy would have an interest in something not so punk." Mark rolled his eyes as Jack laughed. He shoved Jack playfully of course, and not enough to actually hurt him or cause any damage. "Yeah yeah. Whatever." "Sorry I didn't mean to be mean. But really they looked great. I mean I didn't get a chance to see it very well but you know."

"Well thanks." "You should show me sometime!" Jack said getting a bit excited. "Well if I show you the photos you have to show me your drawings." "What that's not fair!" Jack shouts a little making Mark laugh. "It is fair. We can make it a deal if you want." Mark was again nudging Jack. "I show you my photos if you show me your art. Deal?" "Ugh! Fine. You've got yourself a deal." Mark held his hand out as Jack took it shaking it. Once finishing up their handshake Jack looked at Mark.

"Is it too late to back out?" Mark laughed at this nodding his head. "A deals a deal Jack. And you shook on it." Mark pointed at him. "Alright alright. Next time you can see em." By this point they had made a circle around the park. Ending where they started. Nobody was really at the park so they went over to the equipment. "Mark we're a bit too big for the playground." Jack tried holding in his laugh seeing Mark climb up playground.

Mark sat up at the slide. "Aw come on Jack have a little fun. Who's gonna see us anyways? Now push me down the slide." Jack took a thought to it. *Yeah it's good to have some fun* He climbed up the equipment walking to Mark. "What can't get down yourself?" He said with a fake smug look. "Well we are a bit big-" "Told you so." "But! I don't wanna get stuck or not really slide down. So help me please."

Jack just chuckled a little as he went behind Mark and pushed him down the slide. Watching him go down a little easier. He got stopped just a bit halfway down but managed to finish it off probably. "Alright your turn." Jack smiled sitting down pushing himself down the slide. It was a a circle kind. Like the loop. Once Jack reached the bottom he saw the swing set in the back. "Let's go on the swings!" He said as he got up.

Mark looked over and looked back at Jack. "Hell yeah dude!" Jack got up following Mark over. There where two types two for babies and two for older kids. "Think you can fit in the baby one?" Jack joked. Mark huffed. "No. My girth is too much for that! I'd probably bring the whole thing down." Jack started laughing seeing Mark flex. "I was actually gonna ask you the same question." "Woooow is it cause I'm a bit shorter than you?"

"A bit is a stretch." "Hey!" "I'm just kidding." Mark followed laughing as Jack sat on the swing (for older kids of course). Mark followed going behind him. "Aren't you gonna go on?" Jack said holding onto the chains as he turned his head. Mark grabbed them chains and started moving back, causing Jack to rise up. "Wait Mark what are you doing!?" Jack asked a bit panic looking back at Mark. Mark didn't say anything. Instead he started pushing him.

Jack screamed a bit out as Mark kept pushing him. "Calm down Jack." Mark laughed a bit. "It's just swinging." He pushed Jack on the swing again causing him to go a bit higher. "You could have told me!" Jack was swinging his legs. Following the motion of the swing. Mark gave him another push seeing him swore. "Ah! Mark careful! I'm scared of heights!" "Oh sorry!" He called watching Jack swing. Jack was smiling and laughing whilst Mark went on the swing next to him.

"Wait up for me Jack!" Mark got started swinging trying to match with Jack's swinging. Of course he couldn't really since Jack was already so high and started before him. So when Jack went forward, Mark went back. And when Mark went forward Jack went back and vice versus. The two where enjoying the early morning hours. Swinging back and forth. Seeing who can go higher, (Jack didn't take that challenge too well.) And just talking.

Not too long after Mark and Jack stopped swinging around. One on the ground just before Mark was about to speak Jack's stomach stared to growl. This made Jack embarrassed and covered his stomach with his arms. "Um-S-Sorry Mark I-" "Ah naw dude it's cool. I was gonna ask if you wanted brunch anyways but your stomach beat you too it." Jack just squinted at him.

"Come on let's go eat I'm starving!" The two walked down to a local cafe during lunch hour. Well technically it was brunch but still. They didn't want anything too big so Jack got doughnut bites and a coffee while Mark got a sandwich and a coffee. The two walked to the curb away from traffic and sat down to eat. The two ate in peace. Jack sharing his doughnut bites and making fun of each other's coffee choices.

"Black coffee? Really?" "Hey it's good! Better than your cream coffee." "Yeah well that's cause I actually like *flavor* in my coffee." Once they finished they threw their trash out and started walking. "So what now?" "What do you mean?" "What do you wanna do now?" "I don't Uh I don't know. But I know I wanna hang out with you more." He mutters the last part. "What was that?" Mark asked. "Uh-I just said whatever you wanna do." Jack tried to save his sentence.

"Well I was gonna say if you wanna play video games or we can take my dogs to the dog park." "Are you kidding me!? Dogs are the best!" Jack smiled practically bouncing in place. "Dogs it is let's go!" Just as they where about to start walking to Marks house when Jack felt his phone start to vibrate. He pulled his phone out seeing his mom calling him. "Oh crap uh hold on Mark." Jack says accepting the call. "Holding on." He said waiting in front of Jack, kicking a rock.

"Honey are you home!?" His mom asked a bit worried. "Sorry mom! No I'm not I'm with Mark. We where gonna go to the dog park." "You should have called me. How long have you been with him!?" "Since the morning I guess. I'm sorry I didn't know I would be out like this. We're kinda just going on the fly." "Next time call me if you're going out, alright you too have fun but I'm serious." "Yes mom thank you bye." "Okay bye."

Jack hung up the phone looking up at Mark. "Sorry did I get you in trouble?" "What no.! It's okay she was just asking where I was I didn't tell her." "So do you need to go home or?" "No I can stay longer. Don't worry." "Alright then, well what are we waiting for? Let's go to the dog park!" Jack smiled as the two walked over to Mark's house. Once he opened the door not even stepping foot in door a big white dog came and ran up on him. "Ah! Lucy!"

He shouts as Jack follows behind closing the door. Two smaller dogs came up running after Lucy. (Okay I think their names are Maggie and Bell if I'm correct. I think there's 3 please don't flame me if there's more I'm so sorry!) "Big girl!" He said as Jack sat in the back and watched. Lucy peaked over seeing Jack and she got very excited. VERY excited. She jumped off Mark and ran to Jack. Basically tackling him. Almost pushing him over.

Almost. He got himself before falling completely. She was licking his face pushing her paws on him. "Agh!" Mark was laughing his ass off. Thinking this was the funniest thing he's seen. "Lucy down!" Mark called and she did walking over to him. The two other little dogs where sniffing around Jack barking a little. "Oh hey there!" Jack bent down to pet the dogs. They where very happy to receive some love and attention. Jack got up having the dogs surround them. Lucy snuffing Jack.

"Sorry about that I should have worked you about Lucy. She's a big girl and she *loves* people." "Oh yeah I can tell." Jack laughed facing Lucy and petting her on the head. She barked happily. "So this one's Lucy?" He ask pointing at the big white dog. "Yup. And that ones Bell." He pointed to the light brown mop walking around. "And this ones Maggie." He pointed to the last dog. (Forgot what Maggie looks like I'm so sorry)

"They're all so cute!" Jack looked over to Mark who was now grabbing leashes for the dogs. "Lucy come here girl." Lucy came over sitting down in front of him as he put on her collar. Doing the same with Bell and Maggie. "Hey Jack do you think you can hold Maggie and Bell please? Lucy usually takes two hands to hold." "Of course! No worries." Jack took the two leashes from Marks hand. The two dogs excited.

Mark making sure he had his keys and such opened the door letting Jack walk out first. With Mark following shortly after. "So where is the dog park?" "It's not too far just follow me." The walk there was a struggle, but very entertaining at the least. Lucy always trying to chase the smallest thing that moved. Causing Mark to stumble struggling to keep her still. This made Jack lose it in laughter. Jack also had his troubles as small as the dogs where they thought they where huge in their minds.

Always barking at everything and trying to run to something barking like mad. They also got tangled in each other's leashes. Especially around Jack's leg causing him to almost trip every five seconds. Now it was Marks turn to laugh. They made it to the dog park after about ten minutes of walking or so. Other dogs running around playing. Owners watching and playing with their dogs. (I've never been to a dog park so I have no idea what it's like)

Big open fields with nice greeny grass. Mark and Jack both entered the area. The dogs wagging their tails excitedly and barking happily. The two walked over to a near by bench as they unhooked them from their collars. "Alright go play!" Mark said excitedly as the dogs ran around. Happily interacting with other dogs. "There's so many dogs here! It's like heaven!" "Well yeah it's a dog park." He snickered a bit. "You know what I mean."

The two watched as the dogs kept running around. "Lucy looks like one big snowball running around." Mark laughed. "Yeah she does doesn't she." The two sat down on the bench not really speaking. Mark was looking at the dogs in the park but Jack wasn't looking at the dogs. No, he was looking at Mark. Seeing how he was content with looking at all the dogs. Seeing how happy they where and how happy his dogs where. He also took a moment to look at Mark as a whole. Seeing how well he looked.

The warm feeling was back. He felt happy to be with Mark. Even if they weren't speaking his presence alone meant something to Jack. He smiled a bit as he watched him. "Jack everything all good in your head? Do I have something on my face." Mark was now looking at Jack who's face was now flushed a bit. "I-uh-I'm-I'm so sorry. No you don't have anything o-on your face it's just-" "I'm just messing with you relax man." Mark gave a little smile.

"S-Sorry I must have spaced out I didn't mean to." "It's cool don't worry about it." He shifted himself so he could face him more. "Wanna tell me what you're thinking about?" No of course he couldn't. It'll ruin everything. He felt his face getting hotter by the second. "Oh uh nothing much just how it uh...feels a bit weird seeing you." Mark raised a brow. "Oh really how so? Am I not really enough?" "No it's just...we'll not seeing you for a whole week and not being able to talk at all just feels a bit weird."

"But it doesn't mean it's any less fun hanging out with you." "Heh yeah. Still I'm sorry about all that. I didn't mean to make it seem I left you in the dust like that." "Hey don't worry about it. I understand. There wasn't much you could do anyways you where sick AND grounded. Double blow." "Yeah I guess so. Thanks. Well I hope my return is as great as you'd thought it be."

He pulled off his usual smug look to make Jack laugh. "Very extravagant. And eloquent if I might add." "Thank you. You know I try my best to outshine everything. Being as perfect as I am." "Pffft yeah okay." The two again broke out into laughter. "Especially for you." In that second Jack's fave was beat red once again. "Wha?" "Well cause I haven't seen you in a week. Gotta make it extra special if you missed me." "O-Oh ye-yeah. Even though I had everyone else there where certain things that just wasn't the same."

"You know since you're weren't there it didn't feel the same." "Well I'll be back next week so don't worry." "You better be. Or I'm coming to your house and dragging you out." Mark started laughing making Jack chuckle. "Come on let's go play with the dogs." He stood up having his hand out to Jack. Jack hesitated for a moment but took it non the less. The two walked over to the dogs or an empty spot calling the dogs over. Conveniently Jack found a pretty big stick that they used to play fetch with.

At first they would have the dogs race for the stick. Seeing who could get it first. That was until Lucy was getting it a little more than the others. So they decided to break it up into three equal pieces for each of them. It was a fairly long stick anyways so it worked out in the end. After a couple while of playing fetch, doing tricks, and even having the dogs chase them they decided to call it a day. They got the dogs on their leashes and started to head back to Mark's house.

Once Mark dropped the dogs off at his place he checked the time. "You know we've been out for a while, and I am kinda hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat?" "You sure I won't be invading your time? I feel like I've taken enough of it already." "What! No! I wouldn't have offered it if you where anyways." "Heh..yeah I guess so." "So is that a yes on the food or?" "Ha yeah. It's a yes you dork." "I ain't no dork!" "Mhm sounds like what a dork would say."

"You should know something about that don't you?" Laughter followed form the both of them as Mark got his motorcycle keys and a helmet. "We're taking your bike?!" "Yeah. We've been walking all day I'd figure our legs could use a break." It wasn't until Mark said that Jack's legs started to hurt. That it's true they have been walking around town for half the day now. "Now my legs hurt after you said that." "Which is why we're taking the motorcycle."

"Fair point so where do you wanna eat?" "Hmm wanna go to that new burger joint downtown? I heard it's really good." "Oh yeah! I've wanted to try it for a while now just never got the chance." "Neither have I so let's get going." The two walked over to Mark's motorcycle, Jack getting on first and then the helmet. While Mark got on after. Jack putting his arms around Mark as Mark started up the vehicle.

Jack kinda leaned into Mark during the drive. Half on purpose in a way and half not. He wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing. More what he was feeling. Before he knew it the two where at the little restaurant. It looked like any other burger joint. With a big sign of a burger and in a neon sign it said "Happy Burger Boy." "Huh what a weird name to name a place." Jack said looking up at the sign.

"Tell me about it. Sounds like something to a start of a horror game." "I'd play it." Jack says as they walk inside. "How would that even work? What's the scare a burger?" "Maybe it's a bigger burger chasing you and making *you* the burger." "Sounds kinda cliché if you ask me."  "Heh yeah that's probably true. But it'll probably still be fun to play in some way shape or form." "Yeah I guess so." The two got seated and ordered their food and drink.

While waiting they mostly talked about video games. What their favorite games where, least favorite etc. "My favorite types are ones where you can make up your own voices. I love doing voices for characters!" "Really? You didn't strike me as the type of person to do so." "Heh yeah I get that sometimes. But it's really fun! Hurts my throat though. Especially long play throughs of them. I really like exploring more than the story."

"I like getting the story through. I just think it's really interesting what people can create." "Same here but I also like really good scenery." The two got their food and drinks. Happily eating lunch together. They paid after they where done and left. It was starting to get a bit late the sun already starting to go down. Jack was looking up at the sky while Mark was starting up his motorcycle. "Maybe calling it "lunch" was a bit much."

Jack joked. "I guess so. Kinda late lunch early dinner in a way. Sorry I didn't realize it." "It's okay. Plus we where in there for a while talking so." "You're right. Are you ready if I start driving?" Jack wrapped his arms around Mark's waits again. Making sure he doesn't fly off. "Yup!" He called. "Alright I'm gonna drop you off at your house sound good?" "Sounds good."

Mark nodded as he started to drive. Nothing to report on the drive there as it's hard to talk with a loud engine in your ear. It did take a bit considering they where downtown. It was an enjoyable ride though. They arrived to Jack's house after a while. Jack got off giving Mark his helmet back. "Thanks for the drive. And for hanging out with me. I had fun." "Of course. So did I. Sorry for keeping you out so late I didn't realize how long I kept you out for."

"Don't worry! I had a great time none the less." "Alright then. I'll see you around okay? Maybe we can hang out tomorrow." "Well it doesn't really matter." Jack tried sounding cool but hearing it out loud. "What?" Shit! "Uh-Uh-I mean is that even I can't see you uh tomorrow is that I'll see you at school right?" Jack was mentally cursing himself. That didn't go well at all.

Mark gave a little smile chuckling. "Yeah of course. Sorry I didn't catch on." "It's okay it was a really bad joke anyways. Didn't land like I thought it would have." Just as Jack was about to walk to his door he looked at Mark again. "You better be at school or like I said I'm dragging you there." He gave a playful smile. "I promise." "Alright goodbye Mark." "Bye Jack." Mark drove off down the road as Jack went inside seeing his mom in the kitchen.

"Hello dear. How was your day out?" She asked while cooking something. Jack couldn't tell. "It was really fun. We went to a dog park and got some food after." "Well dinner won't be ready for a while but if you're still not hungry let me know." "I will." "I'm glad you too had fun. You seem very close with him." "Heh oh yeah. He's fun to hang around." She smiled a bit looking at Jack then back to her cooking. "That's good. I'm glad to see you two getting close."

Jack just blushed a bit. Making his way upstairs grabbing his sketchbook, a pencil and an eraser. He hoped on his bed playing music from his phone. He started at the blank page for what seemed like forever. Getting lost in the music that played. Almost paying attention to that more than his actual drawing. Finally he had the idea to draw Mark. He wanted to draw him when they where at the dog park.

He seemed to remember that more than the other places. Partly because he was staring at him. It took a lot of sketching, and erasing and pencil sharping but he was finally getting somewhere. After hating how every lined that he made look. He also wanted to add a background. Even if he couldn't color it he'd at least want to line art it. Maybe a couple hours in his mom called saying dinner was ready. And while he wasn't hungry hungry all that drawing did build some appetite.

He went downstairs and ate with his mom. Only having a small plate. Not too long after once he'd finished up his plate he washed it and headed upstairs. Before saying goodnight to his mom of course. "Don't stay up too late." "Kay mom!" He says. He got his pjs on and went back to drawing and listing to music. This time with headphones. A little later into the line art he checked his phone as it was starting to die out. He realized it was way later into the night than he thought.

Once he realized that tiredness hit him like a brick. His eyes grew heavy and he had a bit of a headache. *i should probably sleep* he thought to himself. *Yeah I should*. He set the pencils and such aside and went to go grab his sketch book. Looking at the page he felt proud of it so far. Making it look like Mark and the dog part as best as he could. Giving Mark the same relaxing smile he has when they where there. Making Jack feel the same fuzzy feeling as he did then. Gah!

He hated that a stupid drawing could do that to him. He closed it up and set it aside, coming back to charge his phone. He turned off his light and snuggles under his soft blankets. The house quite with very little sound. A little cold but not enough to leave you shivering. The pillows where fluffy enough to cradle his head. As he leaned into it. Just as he was about to close his eyes he started thinking. What if he's lying to himself? About having feelings.

What if it was all fake? What if none of this was true? But when he thought that he felt kinda sad. Almost disappointed. As if he *wanted* to have some sort of feelings for Mark. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like those fuzzy feelings that Mark gave him. Even if it was a bit early to figure things out. Though he wouldn't mind well snuggling you with Mark. On the motorcycle he felt content and safe. Even on that death machine. Just being with Mark was enough to make him smile.

Well more than he already did. Laugh just a little more. Appreciate things a bit better. He wasn't sure what he was feeling. Or what he was even feeling for Mark. Was it platonic or not? Whatever it was, he liked it. And didn't really want it to end. He sighed a bit and fell asleep. It was good not to think about these things for at least a couple hours of the day.

Word Count: 6193

hello my lovely bun buns! I hope this chapter was to your liking. sorry it took so long i had a bit of writers block. and when i did have an idea some things in here took a bit cause I had no idea what i wanted them to do. again if you have any suggestions feel free to leave em down below. and thank you to everyone who left suggestions in the last chapter I really appreciate it. these next few chapters are gonna be on building up the relationship and I can't really think of ideas. as what I have plan is for later down the line. but until then I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry again it took so long. I know I say that a lot but I really mean it. and thank you to everyone who wanted another chapter it makes me really happy you guys like this story. I really appreciate all of you. Don't forget to take care of yourself and i will see all of you buns in the next update.

-All the best C.J.

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