Chapter Twelve: Domino

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Cole ran his fingers over the bandages around his hand.  The wound hadn't been deep enough to need stitches, and thankfully Noah had been able to take care of him.  That was where the kindness had ended.  After he was cleaned up and less hysterical, Noah listened to his speech and explanation.  His face had been hard.  Stoic, even.  He was sick of this.  He was sick of dealing with Cole's drama and everything he was putting people Noah knew though.  Cole took the hint and left, unable to hide his emotions.  The walk home was almost as pitiful as the walk to Noah's place had been.

"I know you're getting my calls, Brent," Cole said desperately, his cellphone glued to his ear. "Please, just pick up the phone.  I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have broken your stuff.  I'll - I'll pay for it all.  Just... please pick up."

He closed his eyes and hung up the phone, drawing his knees closer to his chest.  Lately, his bedroom seemed more and more like a place of anguish.  All he did here anymore was sleep, cry, and apologize for even being alive, it seemed like.  One mistake after another.  Over and over again. One thing leading to another, a domino effect, and he'd pushed the first ivory rectangle. Hadn't it been enough that he'd lost practically all of his friends?  Naomi was away with her parents in England, and Paul left the state to be with his dying uncle.  Who all did that leave?  Cole lost Noah. He lost Brent.  He lost Ian.  Nobody was on his side anymore.

Maybe Cole had humored the idea of ending things.  For good.  But... that didn't... no, he just couldn't.  He wouldn't do that to his parents.  Work had kept them busy as well.  He rarely saw them. Another two people out of his life.  Cole wiped a tear and resisted the urge to throw his phone across the room.  One thing after another.  A cycle.  On top of everything, all of the lying, and the crying, and the fighting and screaming and destruction, he had the biggest problem lying right next to him.  He had no clue what to do with the check written for two thousand dollars.

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