Part 3

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(2 years ago, in a film fare award night)

##Nagada sang dhol baaje, dhol baaje
Dhaayn dhaayn dhum dhum dhaayn
Nagada sang dhol baaje, dhol baaje
Dhaayn dhaayn dhaayn dhum dhaayn...##

A girl graciously danced occupying the centre stage. She dominated her co dancers with her ease, grace & fast moves. She swirled round and round & suddenly slumped down on the stage & continued circling with her knees. All the eyes in the auditorium were frozen seeing her stupendous performance.

"I want that girl, Bittuji" Rk said to his P.A., his eyes not leaving the girl who was performing on the stage. He got so mesmerized with her beauty & he liked the way she was dancing. She was so vibrant, so full of life & so young.


"The center girl" he pointed his finger showing which particular girl he was mentioning.

"I am leaving now..."

"But Chief... you have an award to receive..." Bittuji reminded him about the best actor of the year award he was about to receive that night. Rk gave him a stare & said "I don't give a f**k about the trophy because all I want now is that girl! She can be my trophy for tonight"

"Okay, Chief" Bittuji didn't dare to speak a word further as he knew it would be a futile effort.

"I want that girl in my penthouse, on my bed within an hour" Rk ordered & took off from the venue.


An hour later, Rk walked to his room a little unsteady as he was being drinking at his private bar. He was wondering whether the girl would come to his house to spend the night with him? Who wouldn't? After all he was the heartthrob of the nation. Girls were ready to swoon over him, worship him & beg to please him by giving themselves to him.

He tried to shake off her thoughts, her dancing legs, her slim body, her... her everything but he couldn't. He checked for the time in his wrist watch. It was nearing the stipulated time. She must have arrived. He anticipated to meet her & when he opened his bedroom door he found her sitting on the edge of the bed, as he expected.

She was directed to his bedroom and asked to wait there by Rk's P.A. Bittu. She hesitated for a moment but she didn't have anyother go when the man who brought her there left her in front of the room door and walked away.

She had changed her dancing costume & now wearing her black tight jeans & pale green frill top.

"Beautiful! But I don't appreciate her wearing jeans. It will take time to remove. And I don't do waiting." He thought.

"Rk, Sir" The girl stood up from the bed & beamed at him. She was so happy to see the superstar Rk! It was like a dream come true moment for her.

Rk smirked at her in return, scanning her body with his lusty eyes.

"Hey, Sugar. You danced so gracefully" Rk called her in a seductive tone. The girl frowned at him for calling her Sugar. but she liked it!

"Um... my name is Madhubala. Call me, Madhu. And thanks!" Madhu was a trained dancer. She ace in all forms of dance. Dancing was her passion & she was learning dancing since the age of 4 but becoming an heroine was her dream.

"Madhu... sweet name honey!" Rk said & smirked at her & stepped closer to her. "You are so beautiful... you smell so sweet..." he leaned down & nuzzled her hair.

"Rk, Sir" Madhu pushed him a little away from him & turned her face away as a strong smell of alcohol hit her nostril.

"What you want, baby? Diamond? Car? House? Just tell? I will lavish money on you but agree to be mine... for the night" he hate dilly dallying so he straight away came to the matter.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean spend the night with me. Sleep with me!" he whispered near her ear & planted a soft kiss which sent shivers down her spine.

"You want to have sex with me?" She asked in a horrified tone.

"Can't you tell? Ever since I saw you on the stage dancing, I am having a hard erection. I just wanted to drag you out from their & have my way with you. I want to f**k you!"

"What if I say no?" she asked squaring her shoulders.

He looked straight at her eyes & smirked at her. He stepped backward till he hit the bedroom door, then he locked the door & threw the key into his pants pocket, then he slowly stride back to her all the way peeling her off naked with his eyes, while his hand slowly undone his shirt buttons. He didn't mean to force himself on her but just meant to frighten her but she didn't look frightened at all.

"I guess you don't have a choice" He said grinning evilly. "No one denies, Rk's wish. If I want you the I will have you"

"Then I have a demand too" she crossed her arms over her chest, determined to face him. She was not going to cry or fight him as she knew in the end he will defeat her because he was stronger than her in all sense.

"Ahaan! Bring it on"

"I want you to launch me in your next movie" she knew she was being manipulative & even conniving here but that was the only way she could achieve her dream of becoming a heroine. Starring against the superstar Rk will turn her life upside down. She could so see how her future would be.

"That's it" he smirked. He never expected he will get her in bed so easily. "I will make you a star... a superstar." He said & pulled her in his arms & she went willingly as they kissed sealing their deal. Rk's wish of sexing with her got fulfilled that night but Madhu's?? she just threw her virginity for nothing!


"Rk, it's been a month since we are together but still you haven't introduced me to your next movie producer?" Madhu asked worriedly as she sprawled on her bed on her front while Rk was pestering kissing over her shoulders.

"I'll, baby. I am just looking for the right script. It will be your debut movie I want it to be in a big banner and big budget."

"Rk, I will be playing opposite to you & that's enough to sell the movie."

"I don't want you to trade in my name, honey. You have the potential to become an extremely talented heroine. Look at you, you are so exquisite, so stunning so I will launch you in a very big banner."

"Shall we do some romantic subject? As I feel we both have a sizzling chemistry!"

"Ha ha... that we do. We will set the screen on fire, baby, but right now I want to take you again so turn over" he said & flipped her to face him as he skimmed his hands down her.


"Madhu beta?" Madhu's Nani called her. Madhu's parents died when she was 6 years old in a car accident. Since then her Nani was raising her up giving her too much love & independence. Madhu's parents were not stinking rich but was in good position when they left Madhu & saved enough for Madhu's future so life without her parents didn't affect her much as she was well provided & also had a liberal life. There was no one to question her when she goes in the wrong way like how she was going now. She had chosen the wrong path to reach her goal but she didn't realize it yet.

"Yes, Nani" Madhu walked to her room & sat beside her.

"You are going somewhere?" Her Nani asked her.

"Yes, Nani. I am going to France"

"Do you have any dance show there?"

"No, Nani. I am going with Rk. His movie shooting will be going there & he wants me to be with him." Madhu said in a thrilled tone. She was so excited when Rk asked... oops Ordered her to come with him to Paris & she agreed just like that. Nowadays she found it hard to stay away from him. They were so physically drown to each other.

"That Nautanki wala? Madhu, you are kid. You don't know anything about this cruel world. You are blindly trusting him but I tell you this will lead you to nowhere." her Nani warned her.

"Nani, I trust my Rk. He promised me to launch me in his next movie, in fact he is gonna produce that movie. He is doing all this because he likes me & I like him."

"Madhu, meri bachchi, listen to me... I don't want you to get hurt. You are so young."

"Come on, Nani. I am 18 yrs old. I know to decide what's best for my life. You don't worry. Take care of your health. Bye" she said & left her Nani's room. Her Nani hoped & prayed to God that her kid doesn't get hurt in her life.


"Rk, we are in Paris for a month now but you are not taking me anywhere along with you? Why maintain this secrecy?"

"I don't want the f**king paparazzi to see us together & write any nonsense."

"But we are not in India so we need not worry about the media."

"My whole movie crew is here only Madhu... i don't want anyone seeing us together"

"Why? Anyway you are gonna make me your lead right?"

"Baby, I don't want to spoil the suspense. I want to show this world your beautiful face on the big screen, not on any silly magazine. Keep this on mind, baby, you always deserve the best." he used his sugar coated words which always melts her.

"But Rk, sometimes I feel disgusted with the way we are going."

"What way?" he asked with a frown.

"You keeping me as a dirty secret"

"There is nothing dirty about you or what we do baby. We are consenting adults & what we do in this four closed walls will never go out." He said & kissed her lips distracting her from the topic & took her back to the dark path in which they were heading for quite a sometimes now.


After spending two months in Paris, they returned India a week back & since then Rk had been avoiding Madhu saying he was busy with shoots. Once she tried to meet him at his set but he asked Bittuji to take her away & he didn't even let her see him once.

"Madhu, beta?" Nani caressed Madhu's forehead. "Drink this lime juice, you will feel better."

Madhu slowly sat up on her bed & took the glass from her hand. "God! My head is throbbing & feel like fainting"

"Madhu... what happened? Have you been crying for long last night?" Nani asked. Madhu lowered her head. Yes, she was. She didn't get to talk to Rk for once. She tried to contact him via phone but it went switched off.

"I told you not to trust him. You don't know about these cinema people." Nani shook her head in anger.

"Nani, he must be busy. I am sure he will contact me once he is done with his shoot."

"You are a fool, Madhu, you still blindly trust him. Can't you see? He just spent with you & now he washed off his hands. For him you left your dancing class, you stopped taking part in dance shows, you changed Madhu."

"But he will make me a heroine, Nani."

"You think!"

"Nani... I..." Suddenly she stopped talking & covered her mouth with her palm & rushed to the bathroom to vomit.

Nani followed her with gut wrenching fear. God! She should not be pregnant!


"No! No! No!" Madhu cried when the doctor confirmed her pregnancy. She was hoping against hope she was not pregnant.

"Nani, no! I can't do this." Madhu cried hugging her Nani who was hell mad at her for being so stupid & careless. She knew her granddaughter was having an affair with the superstar guy but never expected her to get pregnant with his child.

"Nani, please help me. What should I do now?" Madhu was completely clueless on how to handle the situation. She was so young to make any decision. She very proudly said to her Nani once that she was 18 years old & she can decide on her own but not at this moment. It was all too much for her to handle. What does she know about a baby? Or growing a baby? What will happen to her dream of becoming a heroine?

"Abort her child, Doctor" Nani hugged Madhu & said to the Doctor.

Maadhu looked at her Nani in shock as her hand flung to her belly. "Does she want to kill the innocent baby? Why the baby should die when she is at fault? But what a mother she will make if she gave birth to the new life growing inside her? Will she able to look after the baby & shower him/her with love? No, she cannot be a good mother to her child. It's better to end this life when it's just a bunch of black & grey cells instead of letting it grow into a full human form so that the baby can find a better mother in his/her next birth." She thought & nodded her head, confirming her assent to the doctor.

"Miss. Madhu but we need the consent of the child's father."

"Child's father... He... He can't... He don't..." Nani couldn't tell the truth and looked down at Madhu who was sitting there numb and she couldn't utter a word. "Please doctor, my granddaughter is only 18 years old, she can't handle all this so please end it..." Nani pleaded.

Doctor looked at Madhu sympathetically understanding what that could mean & agreed to go for an abortion but asked Nani & Madhu to tell it was a miscarriage in future if any issue arises.


"Wait" Madhu suddenly stopped when the anesthesiologist brought the injection nearer to her.

"I need some time... time to think!" she said & rushed out of the OR.

"Nani, I need to see, Rk. I want to give him a choice. I don't want him to accuse me of not letting him know about his baby. I will tell him & I know he will accept me & the baby. He will marry me." Madhu said hysterically.

"Madhu... don't fool yourself by keeping hope on him." Nani warned her. "He ruined your life, Madhu"

"I let him ruin my life, Nani" she smiled weakly.


Madhu went to Rk house but he was gone for shooting so she went to his set but she couldn't meet him but she was so determined to meet him today so she went back to his house & waited out for the whole day. Finally, his car entered the gate late at night & he clambered out of it along with a girl in his arms.

"Rk!" Madhu shouted for him from the gate.

He turned & looked at her & then turned back to the girl in his arms & whispered "You go, wait in my room, sweety"

Then he gestured Madhu to come in. She rushed to his side & looked straight at his eyes. She didn't bother to ask about the girl who was clinking to him a minute ago. She had no right to control over his life. She was not his lover or wife, was she? besides she had other important issue to deal with.

"Rk, I need to talk to you."

"I am listening!" he said with attitude & leaned back on his car. "What's it, Madhu? The usual 'make me your heroine crap' right? I know when to launch you so go now."

"Rk... it's not about that." She said & wiped off the sweat from her forehead.

"Rk... I am... I am pregnant"

"Oh! Congratulations. Go give the good news to the child's father" He said coolly.

"Rk, it's your child." she whispered. he frowned at her.

"Oh really? Is this your new cheap trick to make money? I guess I have spent more money on you for keeping me satisfied in bed for the past few months & now I got bored of you, as you know variety is the spice of life so I started avoiding you & looking for new little chick but you are here! your manipulative mind came up with a brilliant idea I must say. Bravo!" he clapped his hands while Madhu ears rung with his insult. She felt disgusted of her own skin.

"Are you really pregnant?" he jerked her closer to him & squeezed her stomach a bit but Madhu immediately pushed his hand feeling mild pain in her lower abdomen. "Then what will happen to your dream, Madhu? You don't want to become a heroine? A superstar?" he asked sweetly. Madhu started at him, burning hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Abort this child & come. I will make you sign to play the lead role on my next project. It's a wonderful love story... a perfect script... as you wished & we will do wonders on the big screen. I will bring you into this limelight & make your life grand, Madhu! Grand!!!" He promised her. In that moment, Madhu decided to have her child. she was not ready to trust his false promises anymore.

She vowed to herslef to reform & be a good mother to her child.

She vowed to protect her child from all evils, including her baby's father because he was one of the worst kind of evils.

"Rk, can you promise me something?"


"I am gonna have this baby and give birth to her/him. I will raise the baby on my own and you..." She pointed her finger to him. "... You never ever dare to come in mine and my baby's life." she shouted.

"You are already out of my life." He smirked arrogantly. "I never had any love feelings for you and I never will have. Oh and I don't have any desire to f**k a pregnant lady like you & you too do me a favour, don't flaunt around saying this is my child you are carrying and spoil my reputation. I care for my stardom." Rk said with attitude.

"This baby will be mine, only mine! I will never let anyone know about the baby's father. Good-bye, Superstar!" She smiled amidst her tears & walked out of his mansion without looking back at him. She shut the entire doors for him in her life on that day!

... to be continued!!!

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