Part 4

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"No one at home?" Rk asked the gate keeper seeing Madhu's house main door locked.

"Madhu madam has gone to hospital" the gate keeper, Patil answered.
"What? What happened to Ruhi?" Rk asked in panic.
"Ruhi baby is fine. Madhu madam slipped in bathroom & hurt her left arm."
"Oh! Which hospital?" Rk asked. He was quite relieved that Ruhi was safe but bit worried for Madhu as she was solely taking care of Ruhi.
"City Hospital" Patil replied. Rk just nodded at him & drove his car to the hospital.

"Ruhi, baby, stop crying. Mama is fine" Madhu bounced Ruhi to console her by holding her with her right arm while her left arm had a sling bandage. She had a minor sprain but nothing severe.
"Give her to me, I will hold her" Madhu looked up to see Rk standing in front of her asking her to pass Ruhi to him.
"You?" she asked with a frown.
"How are you? Did you hurt your hand badly?" Rk asked her politely.
"I am fine. Now move!" Madhu said but Rk stood in front of them blocking their way. Madhu sighed & walked around him.
"Madhu, don't be stubborn. Give her to me. I will take her. See, she is crying."
Seeing her baby girl cry, she reluctantly agreed to pass her to him but little Ruhi didn't go to him.
"Boo... boo..." Ruhi cried loudly pointing to her Mother's wound.
"What?" Rk asked not understanding her language. "What she is telling? Why she is not coming to me?"
"She is scared..."
"Of what?" Rk asked perplexed.
"She saw me screaming in pain when I slipped & since then she is crying. Now, when the Doctor put injection to me, she got really scared."
"Oh! She loves you so much right?" Rk asked softly as he looked at Ruhi in wonder. She was a little girl but still she knew the meaning & value of love but he doesn't. Shame!
"Ruhi, baby, see, momma's hand is hurt... um... boo boo nah... so will you let Papa carry you?" Rk opened his hands for her, Ruhi looked down at her Momma's face, then at her injured hand & quickly jumped into her Papa's arms so that she won't be hurting her momma. Rk was so surprised with Ruhi's intelligence & her understanding quality.
When Madhu was about to get a cab, Rk insisted he will drop them home safe.
Rk opened the front passenger side door for Madhu but she walked passed him & sat on the rear seat along with Ruhi. He sighed & walked back to the drive side & clambered in.
Neither of them cared to talk as they were busy hearing Ruhi sing a special song composed by her & the lyrics were exclusively written by herself only for her understanding.
Rk with a smile glanced Ruhi through the rear view mirror, then his gaze cast on Madhu who was looking outside the window but he could notice her thoughts were somewhere else. She had a frown on her beautiful face.
"Madhu?" Rk called.
"What?" Madhu asked cranking her head to his side.
"You okay?" He didn't know what made him ask her that but he felt the sudden urge to comfort as she seemed so worried.
"Yes." She snapped & turned back her gaze to the window, unseeing the moving scenery.
"Where is your, Nani? I couldn't find her at your house?" Rk asked wanting to know whether she had anyone to look after her & Ruhi or they were all alone?
"She passed away!"
"Oh. I am sorry. When?"
"Six months back. In heart attack!" Madhu said impassively but her eyes betrayed her from showing the sorrow & guilt. Yes, her Nani was her friend, her companion, her support system who gave her everything. She nurtured her with love & care. When Ruhi was born, she was so tiny & weak. Madhu had no idea even how to hold her baby girl or feed her or bath her. It was only her Nani who efficiently handled the little girl & even taught Madhu everything about how to take care of a baby but she worried two much for Madhu & Ruhi's future & one night she died in heart attack in her sleep. Indirectly Madhu had become the reason for her Nani's death as she caused her too much of worries & that made Madhu live in guilt.
"Oh" Rk didn't know what else to say & rest of the drive went in complete silence.

"Madhu... you take rest. I will look after her."

"I don't trust you so I am not going to leave my daughter alone with you."

"Madhu, I am not taking her with me. I will just be here & play with her while you sleep for a while."

"No, thanks"

"Madhu, please."

"What is all this Rk? Where were you all these two years? Why suddenly you entered into our lives when it was finally getting calm & ordered?"

"I asked this question to myself, Madhu but I couldn't find answer for it yet. When I get the answer then I will come to you & say it or if figure it out then let me know."

"I just hope you are not here to hurt my Ruhi"

"I am not that cruel, Madhu"

Madhu just glared at him before walking back to her room leaving Rk & Ruhi in the living room.

After an hour or so Madhu woke up from her nap & first thing came to her mind was her Ruhi. She wanted to check on her. Though she was in her father's hand she still can't trust him because he was the same man who ruined her life.

"Tell me, Mehulji." Rk was on a call while Madhu stood behind him as she watched Ruhi play with her toys on the floor. "Mehulji, first thing Rk hate to do family stories... doing all goody good sweetheart kinda guy is not my cup of tea. Girls love to see me as a badboy or a boy with multi shades but still I agreed to do your subject as I found it different... see, I made enough of concession for you but I won't compromise in this one particular matter. You expecting me to father a six years old child in that movie? No way! That will show me too old & spoil my image. If you want me to do your movie then either take out the kid's character or show some... um... a year old small baby." Rk said looking at Ruhi. Madhu panicked hearing that. She quickly rushed to Ruhi & took her in her arms & went back to her room.

"Hey!" Rk entered her room after a minute ending his call with his latest project director Mehul Sharma.

"I won't give Ruhi, Rk. I won't! I don't want my daughter's fate to end up like mine..." she blabbered & started crying.

"Madhu... Madhu... relax! You don't have to give Ruhi. I know she is all what you have."

"I know why you are here... after such a long time. You want Ruhi to play as your daughter in your upcoming movie right? I won't give, Ruhi. She will not enter the industry. I will never ever let her dream of becoming a heroine in the future too. I don't want the history to repeat. I will protect my child. You just stay away from her." Madhu said & pushed him rudely.

"Madhu... Madhuuu..." Rk shook her shoulders to stop her hysteria. She looked up at Rk with tembling lips & teary eyes.

"See, Ruhi is crying. You frightened her." Rk said softly to Madhu & took Ruhi in his arms to console her.

"Baby, you want ice cream?" Rk asked sweetly. Suddenly Ruhi's cry ceased & looked at her father attentively, then Ruhi pointed to something behind Rk. Rk turned to see 'ABCD' chart hanging on the wall. Rk took Ruhi nearer to the chart & Ruhi pointed at the letter 'I' & tapped at the ice cream cone picture on it.

"Yes, Baby, the very same ice cream, Papa will get you." Rk kissed soundly on Ruhi's cheek feeling so proud of her. Then Ruhi pointed at C- Car & T-Teddy bear.

"Okay, darling. I will get you a car & a teddy bear too. What else you want?"

Then she touch the dog picture, then dragged her hand to the next letter 'E'.

"An Elephant? Okay!" Rk was sure that he could find an elephant toy hoping Ruhi doesn't want a real one. Ruhi clapped her hands in glee & soundly smacked her mouth on Rk's cheek.

"Madhu, she is just a baby... my baby so I will never spoil her innocence by bring her into this fake cinema world." He talked selfishly. Madhu gave him a disgusted glare. He wanted to keep his daughter out of the fake cinema world but wants someone else year old baby to play as his child in the movie.

Catching her expression & what was going on her mind, he quickly answered "See, some parents are willing to let their kids act at a very young age. We are not forcing anyone to give their child." Madhu just shook her head & turned to the other side wiping her tears. She was relieved now that he was not here with any wrong intention but only to spend some quality time with his daughter.

"Shall we go?" Rk asked Madhu.

"Where?" Madhu frowned at him.

"To have ice cream."

"I don't want."

"At least come for Ruhi."

Madhu looked at Ruhi & she was so excited to go out with her dad. For her she had to go as she can't trust her to go alone with Rk.

"Okay" she nodded & took Ruhi from him & kissed her cheek lovingly.

Rk took Madhu & Ruhi to a toy shop first & whatever Ruhi touched it became hers. Ruhi had completely forgot the thing she actually asked for at the house but Rk kept everything in mind & bought her a car, a teddy bear, a dog, & an velvet elephant which Ruhi loved the most.

Then Rk took them to an ice cream parlor. Ruhi wanted to taste a variety of ice creams. So Rk ordered one scoop in all flavours.

"Madhu, you too order something."

"No thanks!" She said & looked down her fingers but suddenly felt something cold on her cheek.

"Ruhi, baby, stop!" Madhu giggled & kissed Ruhi's messy hand. Ruhi loved to mess with the ice cream & apply it on her momma's face.

Rk passed a tissue to Madhu with a gentle smile. "Thanks" Madhu took it & wiped her face & with another tissue paper she cleaned Ruhi's fingers but she again dipped her finger's into the ice cream bowl. Rk laughed seeing His baby girl's play. How much fun he missed? He wondered sadly.

Suddenly they were hovered by the paparazzi.

"Rk, Sir, you are found again with the same kid whom you had in your arms the other day in the mall?"

"Rk, sir, Who is the baby?"

"Are you related to the baby?"

"Is she your friend?" One reporter asked pointing to Madhu.

"There are rumors buzzing around that this child is yours. Is that true, Rk sir?"

The reporters asked a row of questions & the commotion created by these media people agitated Ruhi & she started crying. Rk wanted to bark at them for spoiling their lovely moment & making his daughter cry & when he stood up to break the mikes & cameras of the reporters, Madhu answered "No, this is not his child. He is playing a father role in his next movie. He is just practicing on how to handle a year old kid. That's it. Nothing else." Rk felt hurt when Madhu openly said to the media that Ruhi was not his child.

"So this cute baby will be playing with Rk sir in his upcoming movie?" one of the reporter asked.

"Nothing is finalized yet. They want a baby boy but my child is a girl. I don't want to disguise my baby girl to a baby boy."

"And are you two a close relation of Rk sir?"

"No! We just met the other day in the mall & your superstar liked my child & told about his future project & I agreed to help him by training how to handle a kid with care."

"Is that all true, Rk Sir?"

Rk looked at Madhu & a crying Ruhi in her arms. He wanted to take them home safe so he just nodded his head in yes, though he wanted to shout out loud & declare that the beautiful baby girl was his.

"Now, if you please excuse us" Madhu said & walked out along with Ruhi while Rk just followed them to the car.

"Madhu, why you told the media that she is not my child?"

"Because she is mine" Madhu snapped at him.


"Don't forget you asked me not to flaunt around saying I was carrying your child. And I promised that I will never let anyone know about the child's father. I don't make fake promises, Rk" Madhu smirked mockingly. She had hit the right nerve.

"I know Madhu, I promised you that I will not come into yours & Ruhi's life but sorry, I couldn't keep up with my promise. I just cant stay away from this cute little baby." He said & caressed a sleeping Ruhi's head.

"Don't bother much. I'm used to your betrayal & your fake promises." She said & stomped out of the car when they reached Madhu's house & Rk was not in the right mind to go in along with them so he drove his car to his house & that night, he kept thinking about what all he did to Madhu & for the first time he realized that he had spoiled an innocent girl's life but at the same time he felt so proud of her for strongly fighting against all the hardship & coming out as a winner. He almost ruined the young girl's life completely but she rebuilt it colorfully with Ruhi's help. She was not the girl he saw two years back. She had changed tremendously. He thought her to be one ambitious girl & a money shipper so he just used her to fill his desire & trashed her like a piece of shit. He really admired her love & care for Ruhi. He resolved to do something good to Madhu... for not aborting his child & bringing her up so wonderfully so far. He wanted to honour her & plead to her to forgive him.


"Mama... say...say.. mama" Madhu slowly taught her baby girl to call her 'Mama'

"" Ruhi enunciated the word 'Pa'

"Maa..." Madhu stressed the word 'Maa'


"Mama, darling... not Papa"

"Papapapapa" she bounced on the bed shaking her hands in air.

Madhu sighed loudly. Since morning she had been trying to make her baby call her 'Mama' but she was not budging.

"Yes, darling. You called me & see, I am here" Rk smirked as he leaned on the door jamb.

Madhu closed her eyes in irritation. She hated to see him but for the sake of Ruhi, she was tolerating him as Ruhi got so fond of him, that too so quickly.

When Rk walked towards the bed & climbed on it, Madhu immediately stood up & moved away leaving Rk to play with Ruhi.

"You love Papa more right?"

Ruhi shook her head with a mischievous smile on her face & looked up at her Momma & answered "Maa..." Madhu was so surprised to hear her call her 'Maa' for the first time. With happy tears, Madhu scooped up her daughter from the bed & planted soft kisses all over her face.

"I love you, baby. I love you so much." Madhu cried, hugging Ruhi close to her chest. Her Ruhi & Her love was all Madhu needed in her life.

"Paa..." Ruhi called for her father who was sitting on the bed with a stunned look on his face.

"Papa" Ruhi called him again & finally he snapped out & went closer to Ruhi. She kissed him on his cheek as a consolation for not choosing him. She loved her dad but not more than her mom. Though her father's love was true, she knew her mother's love was divine.

"Madhu, shall I take you both to somewhere?" Rk asked.

"Where?" Madhu eyed him suspiciously.

"Trust me, you will like it."

"I don't like anything other than my Ruhi."

"Madhu, please. For a change. Ruhi is always cooped up in this house. She needs some fresh air too."

Madhu stared at him for a minute thinking about what he said & then she agreed. She will never curtail Ruhi's happiness.

"Thanks" In his excitement, Rk hugged Madhu but she recoiled from him.

"Stay away!" She shouted.

"I am sorry." Rk whispered.

"I will get Ruhi's bag & come. You take her to the car." Madhu hurriedly said to him & rushed to the changing room to avoid further awkwardness.


"This is my beach resort" Rk said as he parked the car. Madhu just nodded but didn't show even a bit of excitement. She was never interested of his wealth. All she desired was fame, to become a top heroine, & her age, immaturity & madness to reach her dream made her choose the wrong path but in the end she learned the best lesson of her life that one can achieve their goal only when it's properly set.

"Come" Rk held out his hand for Madhu to take but she refused & walked disinterestedly.

"Ruhi, baby, do you like this room?" Rk asked as he showed Ruhi a room stuffed with soft toys, painted in white & pink. Ruhi nodded her head & urged her dad to put her down so that she can go & touch the big teddy bear placed beside the bed.

Madhu smiled seeing Ruhi hug the teddy bear which was double or even triple her size.

Then Rk took them to the swimming pool & Ruhi instantly wanted to play in the water.

"No, Ruhi!" Madhu protested

"Madhu, don't worry, I will take care of her." Rk said & gave Ruhi to her to remove her frock while Rk removed his shirt & got into the pool with his pants on. Rk hoped Madhu would get tempted seeing his sculpted body but she judicially ignored him & her eyes were constantly following Ruhi's every little moves of her. Madhu flashed a beautiful smile at Ruhi when she called her momma to show how she was swimming. Her dad was holding her & she was just shaking her hands & legs & swam in merry.

"Maa... maa..." Ruhi gestured her momma to join her. Madhu shook her head at her baby girl.

"Paa..." Ruhi complained to her papa.

"Madhu, join us... for her" Rk insisted. Madhu just glared at him.

"Maa..." Ruhi made a puppy dog face as she whimpered. Madhu couldn't see her baby girl upset so she reluctantly got into the pool & went close to Rk & Ruhi. Ruhi laughed & splashed water at Madhu. Madhu caressed Ruhi's head & kissed it.

When Madhu looked at Rk, he was looking down at her adoringly. The look which she had never seen before in his eyes.

"You are so beautiful, Madhu" Rk whispered & when he moved closer to her, she backed off.

She doesn't like him & she doesn't liked to be close to him & that was so clear to Rk from her behaviour. The girl who loved to be in his arms, who loved to be worshiped by him with his body, who loved to spend every moment with him once was now hating his presence. Who can he blame? He brought all this to himself.


"She slept?" Rk asked Madhu as he sat next to her on the sand. Madhu had come out to get some fresh air after feeding Ruhi. She didn't eat anything brought with Rk's money. When Rk forced her to have something she just walked out & came to the beach.

"Yes." She replied looking down at her sleeping beauty.

"She is a cute little thing. I love her so much" Rk said softly with a smile.

"I know." Madhu's answer surprised him. He thought she will never trust him ever with Ruhi but her answer knocked him off.

"Madhu, can I ask you something?"

"Don't ask for Ruhi. I won't give her."

"No. it's not that. I just want to know... know what you are going to do for your future?"

"That's none of your business."

"Madhu, please. I care for you. How long you will lead your life alone?"

"I am not alone. I have Ruhi"

"I know. I mean... you are so young... you still have life..."

"Stop it, Rk." Madhu said getting irritated.

"Madhu, do you still wanted to become a heroine? Trust me, this time I will surely make your dream come true."

Madhu laughed softly, a mocking laugh, then stopped when Ruhi stirred in her sleep.

"Heroine? That too you will make me?" she smirked.

"This time I am not joking. I seriously want to do something for you."

"I buried my dream a long time back. Now, my dream & my reality is my baby girl. She is the best thing ever happened to me. I lost so much in my life, my parents, my dignity, my self-respect, my passion which is dancing, my biggest dream of becoming a heroine, & my beloved Nani who always thought of my well being... but above all the lose I gained something so precious... My Ruhi!" she looked down at her baby girl & kissed her forehead lovingly. "My Ruhi is my happiness, my reason to live... she brought light into my dark life. This is enough. More than enough."

"Madhu, get married to a nice man who will keep you happy." Rk said as he realized she deserved the best man in her life to look after her.

"I don't deserve a nice man because I am not nice."

"You are wonderful, Madhu. Don't tell you are not nice. Trust me, surely you will get a best man who will love you unconditionally. Live your life with him & have more kids."

"Kids? I can never ever conceive a baby again so what will a nice man do with me who can't even give him a child?"

"What do you mean?" Rk asked shocked.

"I told you I went into premature delivery as I started internally haemorraging & my doctor told I could never ever conceive, if I do then it will be fatal. My Ruhi will be my one & only child." That was one of the reason why madhu was being outrageously over protective of Ruhi. Even Rk understood that now why Madhu had cried the other day when Ruhi just fell down while trying to walk without holding any support but didn't get any hurt. At that time he thought her reaction was little too melodramatic but now he knew how important Ruhi to Madhu.

"I am sorry!" Rk whispered as remorse wash over his body.

"For what?"

"For everything!"

"Forget it." She dismissed his sorry just like that as she felt it was useless. The deed of destruction was done! So why say the f**king word 'sorry'

"Madhu, you are not dancing anymore?" Rk asked.

"I will."


"Once Ruhi grows up a little big. She is so depended on me now. I can't leave her & think of doing a job."


"Once she starts going school may be I will start a dance school in my house itself & train small kids to dance."

"That's good." he said & remained silent not knowing how to tell what he actually felt for her.

"Madhu, I don't like this secrecy. I want to let the whole world know that Ruhi is my daughter. Will you let me do that?"

"No! Never do that. If you do that then all our history will come out to the light, your fans will start hating you for what you did to me... to Ruhi... it will f**k your career Rk. You care for your stardom right?"

"Madhu, I care for you more now & for Ruhi. Madhu give me a chance to mend thing between us. I will set everything right. I will give you the best life.. though I am not a nice man... a man who deserves someone so sweet like you."

"There is nothing to mend. Leave my hand" Madhu glared at Rk angrily when he took hold of her hand.

"Madhu, please, Ruhi needs me. She needs both of her parents love."

"And that's the only reason I am not forbiddening you to see her. She is so fond of you. I know she loves you too, strangly."

"There is nothing strange about it. She is my blood."

"Rk, do you have any idea how much it pricks my heart & how much disgusted I feel when you call her 'My Ruhi, My daughter, My blood & all? Did you forget what you said two years back? You asked me to go give the good news to the child's father. You asked me abort her. But now? You are claiming your right on her."

"I know... I know, Madhu. I didn't do a mistake. It was a sin & never forgivable."

"Even I did a sin." she admited. Rk frowned.

"For a minute, even I thought of aborting her when I found out I was pregnant." She said in shame. Rk's blood boiled in fury & now he realized how Madhu would have felt when he asked her to kill the innocent baby.

"Thank goodness, I didn't. Otherwise I would be dead or gone mad by now." Madhu breathed & hugged her baby girl closer to her chest. "It took me a moment to want her... It took me a moment to fell in love with her... And for you it took a little longer to fall for her but I know you do love your baby girl truly & I can trust her with you. She needs both her father & her mother. A mother to love her & a father to protect her. I hope you will protect her."

"Yes, I will. The moment she called me 'Paa' I fell in love with her. I immediately got so drawn to her & felt this overwhelming need to protect my little girl & keep her safe from this cruel world & evil men like me who are ready to spoil innocent girls life just to stuff their dick." He said. He thought if he had met Ruhi right from the moment she was born, may be he would have fallen in love with her so soon... who will not love the cute angel Ruhi? She had weild a strong spell on her dad & made him love her irrevocably. He was glad at least he got to love his daughter now. It was always better late than never right?

"Thanks! I was worried what will happen to Ruhi & her future if anything uncertain happens to me but now I feel like a huge weight as lift off my chest. She has her father to look after her." Madhu for the first time genuinly smiled at Rk amdist her happy tears.

"Madhu... I want to tell you one more thing..."


"I... I... I kinda fallen in love with you."

"It's not your love. It's your guilt & you feel pity for me which I don't want."

"No, Madhu. I do feel guilty of what I did to you but it's definitely not pity. I really love you. I have never seen such a strong girl, determined girl like you. The love you pour for Ruhi is so pure & divine. I want you to wash my sin with your love, Madhu."

"I will neither forgive you nor love you back." Madhu said in a stern voice.

"But I will keep loving you... all my life"

"Keep loving but don't expect anything from me. That's your punishment."

"Madhu, you don't have to love me... but at least marry me. We will live together with our Ruhi. I don't want this world to point their fingers at our Ruhi." He asked. She smirked at him. when she asked him to marry her the time she got pregnant fearing what will this world would speak about her & the baby & now he was asking the same but it was too late as she already faced all the filthy words from so many filthy mouthed people.

"I don't give a damn about what this world speaks because I have heard the worst from them already but still I am living & breathing in this world & facing them strongly right? Likewise, I will teach my baby girl to face them strongly too. She is wiser than me & she will shut their mouth with her wit & intelligence." Madhu retorts him.

"Madhu, can I ask you for a favour?"


"Never tell Ruhi what I did to you orthe fact that I didn't want her initially. That would kill me... but I am not asking for my own selfish reason... I am asking this because Ruhi loves me... I don't want her to hate me ever... it would kill her too if she comes to know that her own father didn't want her to come into this world. I don't want my baby girl to go through that pain. So please?" Rk for the first time begged for something in his life.

"I promise you, I will never tell anything about our horrible past. & you know I will keep up with my promise till my last breathe but she will come to know on her own, somehow, someday!"

"Thank you, Madhu... I love you" Rk said earnestly.

"I hate you, Rk with all my heart. You can never be my lover or my husband but only be my child's father. You are just a 'Baby Daddy'!!!"


Is this an end or beginning?? 

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