Part 35

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(UNEDITED... Kindly excuse the mistakes)

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“Ruhi, sweetheart, you look beautiful” Kelly George, Evanjelin’s mother gushed cupping Ruhi’s cheeks making her smile shyly.

“Even my little friend here is looking pretty in pink” Rk lifted Eva in his arms and kissed her cheek lovingly.

Evanjelin was dressed in a pink pageant party gown. She looked cute and lovely.

“Thank you, uncle Rkay” Evanjeli kissed his cheek in return.

“Papa” Ruhi pulled the leg of his pants and lifted her arms up urging Rk to carry her. She didn’t like Eva being carried like a princess by her daddy.

“You only told me not to carry you as your dress will get wrinkled, now what?” Rk asked.

“Papa…” Ruhi’s bottom lip trembled.

“Come on, I will lift you up too” Rk tried to pick her up in his other arm.

“Nah… my dress” she protested pushing his hand away. “Put her down, papa” Ruhi demanded. That was the only solution she found for her problem.

“Ruhi baby, that’s bad” Rk said when Ruhi tried to pull Eva down from her daddy’s hold by pulling her leg.

“Give her to me Rk” Eva’s mom offered to take her daughter.

“Am sorry, Mrs. George” Rk apologized for Ruhi’s behavior.

“It’s okay. Kids can be possessive for their parents” she said understanding Rk’s situation after all she too was a parent.

“Sorry, Sweetheart” Rk whispered to Eva and passed her to her mommy and she went without creating a fuss. Then Eva asked her mommy to put her down so that she can go and play with Krish.

“Ruhi, Krish and I are gonna collect sea shells, you coming?” Eva asked.

“Papa” Ruhi looked up at Rk seeking his permission.

“Go and play darling but be careful okay?” Rk said with a smile. Ruhi nodded.

“Don’t run and don’t go too far” Kelly George warned her daughter.

“Oui (yeah)” Eva agreed and taking Ruhi’s hand they ran to Krish.

“You like the wedding setup, Rk?” Kelly asked as she was the planner.

“Yeah, it’s amazing and romantic. I like the blue and white theme. Suits perfectly to the white sand and blue sea. You have really done a great job, Mrs. George.” Rk appreciated shoving his hands in his pants’ pockets. The tables and chairs were in white and the carpet and curtains of the altar were in sea blue color.

“Thanks. Luckily the weather is in our favour so we didn’t need a tent over the seating but only on the altar.”

Rk agreed with a nod.

“So when is your marriage?” Kelly asked stumping Rk. He wasn’t expecting the question but to be honest he was ready to marry Madhu even the very next moment.

“Um… I really don’t know. I should ask Madhu for that” he gave her an evasive answer with a small plastered smile on his face.

“Oh. Well, whenever you guys decide to get married make sure I’m your wedding planner.” Kelly said with a wink. Rk laughed and gave her thumbs up.


"Oh Chief, I am nervous" Bittu said dabbing his forehead with his kerchief to wipe off the sweat beads.

"Don't be, Bittuji" Rk patted his shoulder.

“I can’t believe this is really happening to me” Bittu said and exhaled to relax his nerves.

“Miracles do happen, Bittuji” Rk teased him.

“You are so right, chief, it’s pure miracle. I feel so lucky to be loved by someone.”

"You were always been loved by all of us, Bittuji... You are a nice person so it's no surprise Roma loves you" Rk said earnestly and patted his shoulder.

“You got the ring, right?” Bittu asked

“How many times you will ask me the same question, Bittuji? Yes, I have got the ring” Rk patted his hand over his coat pocket. “It’s safe here” he reassured him.

“What’s the time, Chief?”

“You have your watch, Bittuji” Rk said tiredly.

“How long will the ladies take to come here?”

“I don’t know”

Before Bittuji could shoot his next question, Rk walked away in search of his daughter. He had left her to play with Evanjelin and Krish. Though he knew she will be safe with them, he couldn’t help go and check on her.

"Ruhi" Krish called giving her a dreamy look. Ruhi stood in front of him wearing a cute frown on her little forehead before ordering him to move.

"Move" Ruhi ordered again with her pouty lips

"Oh Ruhi, you look like Disney princess"

"I know" Ruhi grinned widely displaying her little teeth.

“Ruhi, you look so beautiful…”

“Thank you” Ruhi said fidgeting with her dress.

“You look like my bride in this mini bridal dress”

She looked down and smoothed her dress.

“Wish I had a ring in my hand now so that I could have slipped it in your ring finger and married you” Krish said taking Ruhi’s little hand in his. Ruhi frowned. She finds it difficult to catch up with long sentences.

“Shall I kiss your cheek?” Krish asked shyly.

“Kiss?” Ruhi asked blinking her eyes.

“Yes” Krish took a step closer to Ruhi and held her little shoulders.

“Like mama and papa kisses Ruhi?”

“Not like that” Krish shook his head.

“Then no” Ruhi shook her head and cupped her cheeks with her hands.

“Please, Ruhi”

“You’ll lick my chweek”

“No, I won’t I promise. Just a kiss, please, Ruhi, please” he begged and leaned forward to kiss her cheek while Ruhi leaned backward. Krish tried to inch closer but he couldn’t as he felt someone from behind tugging his tuxedo.

“Papa” Ruhi yelled and ran to him and hugged his leg.

“I will kick you if you try to kiss my daughter ever again” Rk warned Krish menacingly and he picked Ruhi in his arms.

“Sorry, uncle” Krish hung his head down in shame.

“Scram” Rk barked and poor little Krish ran away.

“Ruhi, remember this, never let boys kiss you”

“Papa, you kiss me?”

“Yes, only papa has the right to kiss you.”

“Mama nah kiss Ruhi?”

“Ah! Mama is not a boy so mama can kiss you”

“Uncle Ittu?”

“He can kiss you”

“Why he can kiss but not Krish?” Ruhi asked thoughtfully.

“No boy kisses Ruhi! Ruhi kisses no boy! And that’s the rule.” he put it straight and simple for her understanding.

“Why, papa?” she asked confused.

“No means no, Ruhi” he sternly said raising his tone which scared Ruhi and she started whimpering.

“Ruhi baby, I’m sorry. Don’t cry darling” Rk cooed and rained kisses all over her face.

“Why no kissing boys, papa? Boys bad?” Ruhi asked softly leaning her head on Rk’s shoulder.

“Kissing is bad”

“Why, papa?”

“While kissing you... um... you swap spit... and you get infection... so you don’t do that, sweetheart” Rk gave the answer which he thought to be the most logical one.

“Ohh!” Ruhi opened her mouth in ‘O’ shape.

“Ah, my smart girl got it” Rk thought proudly.

“Then you nah kiss mama” Ruhi warned showing her forefinger in front of his face. Rk’s mouth hung open in horror. He never thought his words will backfire on him.

"But Ruhi..." Before Rk could explain Ruhi that her mama and papa can kiss each other his words were sliced off by Sofia. "Ruhi baby, will you be the flower girl?"

Ruhi wiggled in Rk's arms and once he set her down on her feet, she sprinted to Sofia.

"Soiee, what's this?" Ruhi asked Sofia pointing to the small wicker basket she was carrying in her hand.

"You are going to carry this flower basket and throw the flowers while you walk ahead of Roma aunty, okay?"

"Why throw?" Ruhi asked with her pouty lips. "They are bou-ti-ful." she took one lily from the basket and played with it. "Me keep this flower?" She asked and placed the lily behind her ear. "Papa, how is this?" She posed to her daddy.

Rk smiled at his daughter's cuteness. "Very nice, sweetie"

"Keep that lily with you and you throw the rest of the flowers on the path Roma aunty walks, okay?"

"Okie" Ruhi reluctantly agreed.

"And Rk, you hold this bouquet" Sofie passed him a white and pale pink roses bouquet.

"Why?" Rk frowned.

"You are the one who is gonna walk Roma down the aisle and give away her hand to Bittu as her brother right?" Sofia questioned. Rk nodded.

"Then you should welcome Roma with this bouquet at the entrance and from there you will walk her to the centre stage"

"Alright" Rk said and took the bouquet from her. "Sofia, since it's a Sunday this Island is little crowd so please keep an eye on Ruhi." He placed his hand on Ruhi's head and she swatted his hand away.

"You mess my hair, papa" she accused him.

"Sorry, sweetie" Rk apologized. Ruhi nodded her head forgiving him.

"Sure. I will take care of her." Sofia reassured him with a smile.

"And you too don't exert too much. Take care okay?" He said showing brotherly affection. Sofia smiled and leaning closer she pecked his cheek in gratitude for treating her like a family.

"Hey, I felt some movement" Rk stated when Sofia's protruding tummy touched with Rk's. Sofia laughed. "Yeah, the baby started moving weeks ago"

"You didn't tell me" he said in accusatory tone. "Can I feel your tummy?" He asked hesitantly.

"Of course, bro" Sofia took Rk's hand and placed it over her tummy and they waited for few seconds before they felt a soft thump.

"Wow, this feels amazing" Rk said as his eyes glistened. He felt bad and guilty for missing such moments when Madhu was pregnant.

He looked down at Ruhi who was looking curiously at Sofia's tummy.

"Papa, me?" She asked expectantly to touch her tummy as well. Rk took her little hand and placed it over her tummy.

"Ahh" Ruhi gasped and took a step back. "Baby moves" she whispered, her eyes wide in shock. Sofia and Rk laughed at Ruhi's horrific reaction.


"How do I look?" Roma asked to Madhu nervously.

"You look lovely, Roma" Madhu smiled.

"I am so nervous. My palms and feet are clammy already. I hope I don’t faint before we exchange rings" Roma breathed out and rubbed her palms over her wedding gown. She had worn a gorgeous lace full sleeve half white gown.

"Madhu, do you think we rushed things? Do you think Bittu and I should have given some more time to know each other?"

"You guys knew each other for nearly 8 months now, Roma"

"Yeah but not as lovers right?"

"You love Bittuji, right?"

"Yeah, I do"

"Then please don't have any second thoughts. These wedding jitters are so common, every girl will experience this I suppose… but that doesn’t mean the marriage is doomed or time to call off the wedding"

“Yeah, you are right” Roma sighed and took a calming breathe. “Is it time to go to the beach?”

“Rk said he will come and take us..." Before she could complete they heard a knock at the door. "I guess it's Rk" Madhu strolled towards the door and unlocked the lock and pulled the door open.

"Ladies ready to go?" He asked impatiently looking down at his mobile phone and tapping his thumbs over the keypad.

"Yeah, we are ready" hearing Madhu's sweet voice he eagerly craned his neck up almost cracking it. His eyes bulged out in surprise seeing the delicate beauty in front of his vision as he stood by the threshold, gob-smacked.

A moment later he slowly raked his eyes over Madhu's exquisite body from head to toe as he gulped a lump down his throat. His breath quickened and his hands itched to caress her sexy curves. He wanted to feel the expensive material she had worn over her silky smooth body so he slipped his hand around her waist and slowly traced his hand up.

"Beautiful" the word came out of his mouth unknowingly as he locked his eyes with hers.

Madhu had worn a gorgeous eggplant color satin bridesmaid dress with the straps crisscrossed, pleated back, and a sparkling crystal waist belt enriching her petite figure.

She looked elegant and sexy in that dress as the dark color complimented so well to her pale complexion.

She hadn’t worn any heavy ornaments but a simple yet stunning neck chain of white gold with purple color stones studded in it and a matching drop earrings and bracelet.

She styled her thick lush hair in loose curls. She had done a very light makeup keeping her look simple yet beautiful, hint of blush on her cheeks, some kohl but no mascara as her eyelashes were already dark and thick and berry lip gloss was painted over her pulpy lips.

(Madhu's dress...👆)

"Ah! What a kissable lips are those?" He thought, his eyes transfixed on her lips.

"Rk" Madhu waved her hand in front of his face, slightly blushing and smiling happily letting small dimples appear in her rounded cheeks.

"Madhu..." He croaked. He tried to form a sentence but his mouth was dry and his throat was constricted. He kept staring her face with lust and desire swirling dangerously in his dark eyes and his hands caressed her sides gently sending tingles to her body.

"Rk" Madhu called again, placing her hands over his chest and gently pushing him little away from her.

"You look gorgeous" he finally managed to choke out the words he was dying to utter for minutes now. "Oh you are really stunning and breathtakingly beautiful, Madhu… I can't take my eyes off you and neither my hands for that matter" he suddenly leaned down and took her lips in his surprising her.

He nibbled her lips slowly and softly and she responded to him with the same softness savoring the kiss but the kiss didn't last long because they had to pull apart not for to catch some air but they heard someone clearing their throat. It was Roma. She gave them an apologetic smile when both Rk and Madhu gave her a ‘Why, Roma? Why you ruined out little sweet moment?’ look.

"I am sorry to ruin your moment... but I really want to get married before I change my mind" Roma said with a nervous laugh.

Rk let out a chuckle and held out his hand for Roma to take. She hooked her hand in his arm and gave him a bright smile.


Once the soft piano music started playing the crowd gathered for the wedding ceremony and Bittuji came to know the torturous wait was finally over as the bride had arrived.

Ruhi slowly walked ahead of Rk and Roma throwing the flowers, not on the carpeted path but over her head as if showering herself with flowers. Krish walked by her side carrying the flower basket as it was heavy for Ruhi to carry and he too threw some flowers on her face making her giggle.

Rk glanced over his shoulder hearing Madhu’s audible sigh.

“Ask your daughter to walk fast.”

“Who asked you to get her such heavy dress? See, she is struggling to walk with that dress”

“It’s not the dress. Tell her to stop playing with the flowers. I wonder who asked Ruhi to be the flower girl.” Madhu hissed. Sofia giggled standing beside Madhu and rose her palm up whispering “It’s me”

“Wrong choice, Sofie” Madhu pouted. Rk growled at Madhu for saying against his daughter. “You should have asked Evanjelin to be the flower girl”

“Ahhh, you stomped… my dress” Ruhi screamed when Krish accidentally stepped his foot on the train of her dress. Krish stumbled back and dropped the flower basket on the carpet.

“See, the dress is the problem here!” Rk gave Madhu a mocking look.

“Ahhh, you dropped my flowers” Ruhi screamed again.

“See, the flowers are the problem here!” Madhu returned his mocking glare.

Ruhi straddled on Krish and started hitting him with her little hands.

“Ahhh, she is embarrassing me” Madhu screamed this time and covered her face in embarrassment. “What am I going to do with this girl? What am I going to do?” Madhu groaned still hiding her face with her hands.

“Hey, Madhu, relax” Vihaan wrapped his arm around Madhu’s shoulder and stroked it pissing off Rk. If Roma wasn’t holding his hand he would have stormed to Madhu’s side by now and would have pried Vihaan’s filthy hand off her and punched hard on his face.

“Madhu, go stop their fight” Rk said throw gritted teeth. Madhu ran to Ruhi and forcefully pulled her away from hitting Krish. “Ruhi, stop this” Madhu warned when Ruhi continued kicking her legs and wiggling from her hold.

Vihaan helped his son up and dusted his coat and pants. “You hurt?” Vihaan asked Krish. “No, dad”

“Ruhi, ask sorry to Krish” Madhu ordered.

“Uncle Ittu…” Ruhi pointed her hand toward Bittuji “…waiting” she said and ran to him without asking sorry making Madhu fume. Rk chuckled and walked Roma to the stage.

“Finally” Bittu muttered when Rk took and placed Roma’s left hand on Bittuji’s right hand. Rk stood to the left of Bittuji and Madhu stood to the right of Roma. Ruhi wisely decided to stand by her daddy's side knowing her mommy was mad at her.

Once the marriage officiant / solemniser done with his short speech about the sacredness of marriage he asked question to the bride and the groom regarding their consent for the marriage and to which both Roma and Bittu gave affirmative answer and they vowed to stay with each other through thick and thin.

Rk sighed in relief when Bittuji said his vows without messing.

Then the officiant asked the couple to exchange the rings.

Madhu produced a gold band to Roma and Rk fished out the matching band from his coat pocket.

Instead of passing the ring to Bittuji's waiting hand, Rk took a step forward and took Madhu's hand in his ready to slip the ring in her ring finger.

"Rk!" Madhu said in astonishment as she tried to extricate her hand from his firm grip

"Chief" Bittuji said panicking.

"Rk" Roma's voice was calm but just confused with Rk's strange behaviour.

"Papa" Ruhi called her daddy just because everyone called him. She didnt understand what was happening around her.

Everyone gathered there started murmering among themselves wondering who was the actual couple getting married.

"Madhu, lets get married" Rk said and suddenly he dropped to his knees making Madhu gasp in shock.

"Rk, what's this? What's wrong with you? Get up"

"Madhu, please marry me" he said

"Rk, you have gone mad. Just leave my hand" she scolded him

"Madhu, no" he took Madhu's other hand as well and cupped them securely with his hands.

"Rk! Give the ring to Bittuji now" Madhu ordered as she gritted her teeth.

"I will get him another ring. Now, we will get married by exchanging these rings"

"Rk, no"

"Please" he begged.

"Rk, I don't want to marry you. Ever." Madhu spat the words harshly at him and pulled her hands out of his hold forcefully.

Rk looked deep into her eyes for few good moments before laughing out loud.

He laughed till he had tears in his eyes.

Ruhi slowly moved closer to her momma and hid herself behind her momma's gown. She got scared of her daddy's hysteric laughter.

"Rk, calm down. All are watching us" Madhu hissed angrily

"I fooled you all with my prank, didn't I?" Rk asked to no one in particular and laughed again.

"Prank? A very sick one. I must say" Roma commented. She would have felt happy if it was real one... a real proposal to marry Madhu but not a prank. Well, she somehow doubted his words... doubted to believe the whole act a prank. She noticed the pain in Rk's eyes when Madhu refused to marry him so it meant he really wanted to marry her right?

"Yeah, you indeed fooled us with your award winning performance, Superstar" Madhu seethed. Rk glared at Madhu for calling him "Superstar"

"Who superstar?" Ruhi asked poking her head from behind Madhu.

"Your papa, Ruhi" Madhu smirked looking down at Rk.

"Oh" Ruhi nodded but didnt ask further.

"Chief? Will you give the ring now if you are done with your prank?" Bittu asked softly.

"Of course, Bittuji. Here" he stood up to his feet and gave him the ring. Without further delay Bittuji slipped the ring in Roma's finger and Roma mirrores his action.

"Now you may kiss the bride" the wedding officiant said.

Madhu quickly covered Ruhi's eyes so that she won't witness the adults kissing.

Roma and Bittu feeling so awkward to share a deep passionate kiss in front of the crowd they simply shared a brief kiss which infact a mere peck.

"Ah! You guys wasted a public kiss by pecking like birds" Rk shook his head in disapproval. Madhu glared at him.

... To be continued!

Thanks in advance for your votes and comments!

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