Part 36

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"What was that idiotic stunt you pulled on there in the altar, Rk?" Madhu seethed. "It was so humiliating" she rubbed her forehead with her hand.

"Madhu, chill. I said it was just a prank so let it go." he lied again.

"Don't lie right on my face, Rk! I know it wasn't a prank."

"How can you be so sure?" He asked taking a step closer to her, anticipating for her reply.

"I saw... I saw it in your eyes"

"And what was it?"

"I saw the honesty in your eyes. You can't fool me by saying your proposal was a prank"

"You could see how I feel for you, don't you?"

"I suppose" she admitted.

"So do you see how much I love you?" He asked taking her face in his hands. She gazed his eyes with uncertainty. She didn't know whether to say yes and be honest to him or say no, lie to him and ignore the fact that she didn't see his love for her, shining brightly in his eyes.

"Rk, I don't know. Maybe you do but I didn't see." She chose the latter option and lied to him. He smirked knowing she was lying.

"Well, you believe my marriage proposal wasn't a prank and I give it to you. It wasn't. I really want to marry you. When Roma was walking down the aisle I wished it was you and it was our wedding."

"Certain things are meant to stay a wish forever, Rk"

"Why is that so? Why can't you marry me, Madhu? Don't you see I have changed for better?"

"You have changed. I agree. But marriage is not our scene." She dismissed the idea.

"Why? Is it because I rejected you when you proposed marriage to me when you got pregnant with Ruhi? Are you taking revenge on me by rejecting my proposal? I thought we have passed that..."

"It's not like that." She said evasively. She was actually surprised when his guess was spot on. Though she accepted him in Ruhi's life and to an extent in her life she wasn't ready to forget everything and marry him.

"Then what's the problem?"

"I... I just don't know. I don't feel it right for us to get married."


"Rk, drop this topic here. Let's go and give Bittuji and Roma's wedding gift."

"Just answer me one last question. What reason you will give to Ruhi when she grows up and asks why we aren't married?"

"I will tell her we don't love each other" she said brutally.

"That's not true! I love you and you know that. And I do know you still have feelings for me."

"Ruhi is a smart child. She will see reasons and she won't judge us for how we were in our past"

"You will hurt her by doing this. Like every child she will also expect her parents to be happily married"

"Rk, I know how to make my daughter understand things"

"Madhu, please, just tell me what should I do to make you agree for our marriage"

"You can't do anything because I don't want you to! I am just happy with the way we are now"

"Will you marry someone in future?" He asked with heavy heart.

"Maybe I will but I am not sure" she said doubting her own words.

"Why can't you give me a chance to prove myself to you?"

"I have already given you a chance in being a part of Ruhi's life."

"That's different. This time I want to be your husband not just co-parenting our daughter"


"Madhu, please. You can take your time but do consider my wish. I promise to never betray your trust and also promise love you till my last breath. We will be one happy family..."

"Rk, I am not going to change my decision, ever. So please don't keep any hope on me." She said stubbornly and turning on her heels she walked to the stage where Roma and Bittu were waiting to cut their wedding cake.

"Mama" Ruhi stretched her arms out of her momma to take her in her arms so that she can see the huge cake clearly.

"Mama, cake" she pointed to the cake and grinned. "Papa" Ruhi jumped out of her momma's hand and went to her papa as soon as he walked towards them and stood by their side.

Roma and Bittu cut the cake and fed each other. Then Madhu sliced a medium sized piece and placed it on a disposable plate and hand it over to Ruhi. She devoured the delicious cake by sitting quietly on a chair.

"Here, you give them the wedding gift" Rk passed the envelope to Madhu but she didn't take it.

"You give it because it's your gift."

"Madhu, please, don't fight over every petty things. I want us to give this gift to them and wish them good luck. I will even go get Ruhi then only our family will be completed" he said and without hearing any protest from Madhu he ran to dining area to get Ruhi.

A minute later, Rk came with Ruhi in his arms and she still had her half eaten cake plate in her hands. Ruhi had messed her dress, hands and mouth with the icing of the cake but still she managed to look cute and adorable.

Madhu and Rk together wished Roma and Bittu for their happy life and presented their gift.

"Omg!" Roma squealed. "This is an outrageous gift" the envelope contained two flight tickets and platinum debit card to meet their expenses.

"Yeah, Chief. We can't accept this present. It's too expensive."

"It's nothing expensive, Bittuji. You guys are going to graciously accept this gift and enjoy your honeymoon in Maldives for the next two weeks. Oh and it's not a request. It's your chief's order" Rk warned.

"Thank you, Chief" Bittu smiled. Roma hugged Madhu.

"Thank, Madhu. She only suggested me this idea and also chose Maldives as your honeymoon destination."

"What's honeymoon, papa?" Ruhi asked with a curious frown. Everyone looked stunned by her question.

"Um...well, honey is the sweet sticky golden fluid papa daily adds to your milk and spreads on your bread. Moon is what you see in the sky at night times surrounded with gazillion of sparkling stars, laying on your favorite water bed." Rk gave the literal meaning for the two separate words honey and moon.

"Ohhhh" Ruhi made her pulpy lips 'O' shaped and everyone laughed at her cuteness.


Later, Rk had taken Ruhi to the beach house to change her mini bridal gown as it was heavy and she was starting to get uneasy.

After changing Ruhi into a cute little dark blue shorts and white sleeveless shirt, he decided to play with her in the sea water as she was asking for it ever since they came to Corsica Island.

Once he stepped out of the house and walked through the patio leading to the beach, he glanced around to find Evanjelin so that she can join with them and play in water. He found her having dinner with her mother so he didn't disturb them.

Then his eyes shifted to the makeshift dance floor and he found two couples dancing. One was Bittu and Roma. They weren't dancing but jumping up and down like crazy teenagers to the beats. Rk let out a chuckle. Ruhi giggled for no reason.

"Papa, mama" Ruhi pointed to the other couple dancing on the floor. It was none other than Madhu and Vihaan.

Bittu and Roma were blocking his view and moreover the guy had his back towards Rk and his body was towering the girl so Rk could see neither of them before but now he could see them clearly as Bittu and Roma had stepped down the dance floor and walked to the dining area.

Rk didn't react. He just stood there rooted, staring them impassively. He should have felt hurt and angry but he didn't feel any such emotion but just felt so numb though his mind was very actively replying their earlier conversation.

"Rk, I don't want to marry you. Ever."

"...marriage is not our scene"

"Will you marry someone in future?"

"Maybe I will but I am not sure"

She will surely marry...but not me. She likes Vihaan and she will marry him one day. I have lost her, my love. He hung his head down in defeat feeling like a complete looser.

"Papa, you okay?" Ruhi placed her tiny palms on either side of his face. Rk gave her a forced smile and took her to play in the water.


(Two days later, back in Paris)

Rk was absent mindedly arranging the flowers in the basket. Since Roma wasn't there to handle the bouquet shop, Rk took over her job temporarily and Sofia agreed to manage the café for Bittuji.

Rk glanced down at his daughter peacefully sleeping on her bouncer. Looking at her angelic face a small smile tucked on his face.

"Hey" Rk looked up to find Vihaan waving at him. Rk just glared at him.

"Where's Madhu? Is she in her dance class or in her house?" Vihaan asked ignoring his glare.

Before Rk could reply Madhu descended down the spiral glass stairs and walked to them.

"Rk, I am going out with Vihaan for a while. Can you take care of Ruhi, please?" she asked. Rk just nodded his head as he took in her attire. She was beautifully dressed in a golden net saree. She looked classy and gorgeous.

Why she is dressed in Indo-ethnic attire? What's the occasion? She has never worn anything special for me. Well, why would she? She isn't my girlfriend or wife to please me, right?

"Oh and we will have dinner out so don't cook anything for me" she said.

Dinner date? Rk thought, grudgingly. He didn't even have the courage to ask her to where exactly they were going.

"So shall we?" Vihaan held his hand out. Madhu hesitated for a second before taking his hand and walking out of the bouquet shop with him.

Rk slumped down to the floor to a kneeling position and cupped his face with his hands.

"I should stop being selfish and stop forcing myself in Madhu's life when she clearly doesn't want me. I should let her live her life with the one she likes." He decided and straightened himself. He turned to his side and looked at his beautiful daughter.

"Sorry, Ruhi" he whispered as he caressed his daughter's soft cheek. She stirred in her sleep but she didn't wake up.

... To be continued!



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