Part 50

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Part - 50

"Quiet on set!" Dipali roared on the mic and everyone quieted down quickly.

"Rk, shall we try out the scene once more?" She asked.

"No more rehearsal! Let's go for take, Dips" he called out as he looked at Madhu. "Okay?" He mouthed at her. She nodded her head nervously. Today was their first day shoot and Madhu was freaking out.

"Sound?" Dipali said.

"Set" replied the sound man.


Madhu kept glancing at the camera as she started sweating.

"Don't look at the camera. Look at me." He guided her.

"Set" replied the camera man.

"Ruhi?" She looked at Ruhi who was in Bittuji's arms holding the clapperboard. She was going to clap it.

"Set" she replied, giggling. She was taught how and when to clap the stick of the clapper-board.

"Roll sound"

Madhu jumped when the background music was played suddenly.

"Hey" Rk gently held her hand. "Don't panic"

"Haan... I think I forgot my lines" she muttered breathlessly.

"Baby, you don't have dialogues in this scene at all. You are just going to react to what I say."


"Madhu, you ready?" Dipali asked slightly rude.

"Yeah" she meekly replied.

"Alright! Roll camera"

"Scene 1, Roll 1, Take 1..." Bittuji said and Ruhi clapped the clapper-board.

"Action!" Dipali yelled.

"You are one beautiful bride" Rk murmured glancing at Madhu when she took a seat next to him. She turned to his side and shyly smiled. "My bride." He said possessively as they slowly exchanged garlands with their eyes locked.

"My Madhu. I love you." He whispered, caressing her cheek, forgetting the world.

Madhu's eyes widened in shock.


"WHAT?" Rk growled at Dipali for breaking the moment. 

"She is not Madhu! She is Maya. And you are Ranveer. Keep that in mind. Oh and you won't confess your love to her now, in this scene. For now you only like her. Love will happen later..."

Rk frowned and looked around the set.

For a moment, he forgot it was all an act.

"Oh" He felt so embarrassed of messing the scene.

"Yeah-oh" Dipali rolled her eyes. She didn't expect him to mess but Madhu as it was her first time in front of camera.

"Repeat what should I do now?" Rk asked.

"Just say three lines, Rk!
You are one beautiful bride.
My bride.
My Maya.
That's all. Then the priest will ask you guys to take sath pheras (7 circles). Hold her hand and walk slowly around the ceremonial fire.
After that back to position and put sindoor on her partition. And finally hook the nuptial chain around her neck. Marriage over. Oh and Madhu, you will hold a smile on your face throughout the scene, till I say Cut! You get that, right?"

Madhu nodded her head.
Just smiling. I can do that. She told to herself.


"What's wrong with you, Rk?" Dipali asked impatiently.

"Let's not do this scene."

"What?" Dipali shrieked. Everyone looked stunned. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to do this scene" he said adamantly.

"We are doing this scene, Rk!" Dipali was equally adamant. Why wouldn't she be? She was the bloody director of that movie and she got to decide things there, not him.

"Then I am out of this movie, Dipali" he gave her an ultimatum.

"God dammit! What's happened to you so suddenly?"

"Just click few pics of ours in this bridal attire and show it as we got married." He made his mind that he wanted to skip this wedding scene.

"Rk, try to understand, this scene is very important for this movie..." Madhu tried to convince him.

"...and you have never done a wedding scene before in any of your movies." Dipali added an extra point.

But he wasn't listening to them.

"I. Won't. Do. This. Scene." He said stubbornly.

"Then why the hell you didn't tell me this before when we discussed every damn scene in detail?" Dipali asked in exasperation.

"I just realized I can't do this scene with Madhu"

"Oh Rk! She is your wife..." She huffed, hoping that fact would help him to do this scene.

She is not my wife, yet!

" guys would have obviously done the wedding ceremony before so why not now?"

No! We haven't done this before and that's why I don't want to do it now, right in front of camera. I don't want this fake wedding with Maya! I want a real wedding with my Madhu!

"Why not relive that beautiful moment?" Dipali asked.

We can relive only when we have already created that beautiful moment!

"Dipali, I am so tempted to shout 'Packup' but I am controlling myself, why, because I want at least one scene to be shot on our first day schedule so don't test my patience. Just ask the crew to change the set-up"

"Alright!" Dipali agreed throwing her hands in air in frustration.

Rk took Ruhi from Bittuji's hand and walked into his caravan to relax.


"Papa, see... I do this..." She showed him how to snap the clapperboard. She had carried that thing along with her.

"Wow, very good, sweetheart. Can you teach papa how to clap it?"

"Sure, papa" Ruhi excitedly ran to him and climbed up on his lap. She made him hold the clapper-board. "Lift this..." She seriously taught him how to use it as if he didn't know. "Papa lift this..." She didn't know what to call the clapper. "...and drop it" she instructed. He lifted the clapper and snapped it on the board.

"Very good, papa." She clapped her hands appreciating him.

"Papa, we take this... Home?" She asked.

"Take whatever you want from this set. No one is going to question you, my daughter." He kissed her forehead. "But tell me, why you need this clapperboard?"

"To play" she giggled. "Papa, I wrote this" she showed him the "1" she wrote on the stale below the scene, roll and take column.

"Oh really?" He should have guessed that by seeing the crooked line or slash she called as number 1.

"Papa, I say numbers?" She asked in her baby voice.

"Sure, baby" he resisted his urge to bite her chubby cheeks.

"One, two, three, um... four, fif, sis, seven, nine..."

"Eight" he said the number she missed.

"Nine, ten" she finished and clapped her hands. "Papa, clap!" She chided him for not appreciating her.

He laughed at her imperious tone as he clapped his hands.

"Papa..." She tilted her head up and looked at him with twinkling eyes.

"What, baby?"

"I love you" she said and puckered her lips wanting to kiss him. He bent his head down and she planted her lips on his nose tip, actually intended to kiss his forehead but she couldn't reach there.

"I love you too, baby" he kissed her cheek and looked up to find Madhu standing in front of him, glaring angrily.

"What?" He asked.

"You know what!" She snapped.

He closed his eyes and exhaled.

"Baby, you go play with your toys" he set Ruhi down on the floor and held Madhu's hand and gave it a gentle tug. "I want to deal with your momma now" she fell on his lap and struggled to stand up but he trapped her with his arms.

"Hey!" Ruhi protested for abandoning her. "Mama" she demanded her momma to make her sit on her lap.

"My baby" Madhu picked her up and settled her on her lap. Ruhi smiled and played with Madhu's heavy bridal ornaments.

"My girls" Rk wrapped his arms around them. "Hmm... This is perfect" he whispered placing his chin on Madhu's shoulder and closing his eyes feeling contented.

"Rk, you're very unprofessional" she complained.

"Ahaan" he chuckled.

"You disappointed me"


"Oh and you embarrassed me"

"Ahaan" this time it was Ruhi who mimicked her daddy.

"Oh please stop it!"

Ruhi pouted cutely.

"Embarrassed you? How?" He asked

"You know you said 'I love you' to me in front of the whole crew"

He laughed a carefree laugh. "You are silly, Madhu"

"Ahaan" Ruhi teased her daddy.

"You're naughty" he playfully pinched her cheek.

"Madhu, you get why I didn't want to do that scene, right?"


"What hmm?"

"Yeah, I get you. You didn't want to marry Maya"

"Yes! Ask Dipali to change your character name to your original name - Madhu and make everything real. Then I am ready to marry you, right at this moment." He whispered, half teasing and half serious.

"You want to marry me in this studio?" She asked in shock. "I thought you would give me a grand destination wedding." She pouted.


"Ruhi stop saying that" she told her daughter and turned to Rk, to see his reaction.

He was gaping at her, stupefied.


"Just tell me when and where you want to get married. We will get married then and there."

"I will think and tell you" she winked at him, stunning him again and stood up.

"I will go change. You please watch her."



Roll, Sound, Camera... ACTION!

"How do I look, husband?" Maya asked with a shy smile.

Ranveer inched closer to her in a slow pace, admiring her beauty. She looked ethrall in black net saree, loose hair and minimal makeup.

He spoke nothing, just gazed at her, as if he was hypnotized by her.

She squirmed under his steady gaze. "Don't I look good?"

"You look mesmerizingly beautiful, biwi" he whispered near her ear and kissed the soft skin behind her ear making her shiver.

"Dance with me?" He asked, already placing his hands on her petite waist.

"I don't know to dance" she mumbled nervously.

"Just follow my lead, sweetheart" he said brushing his lips against her cheek and jerked her forward, flushing her body against his.

They looked into each other's eyes and swayed their bodies to the gentle music played in the back ground.



"I am going to kiss you" he said passionately.

Madhu got nervous momentarily but managed to fake a shy smile for camera sake and lifted her chin up, inviting him.

Ranveer dipped his head down and gently placed his cool lips on her rose petal like lips and sucked them.

A moment later they parted an inch away and gazed at each other in daze.

"Your line" Rk softly mumbled when Madhu kept looking at him, breathing hard. He knew she got out of her character the moment his lips touched hers.


"Hmm?" He asked circling her cheek with his thumb.

"...I love you" she breathed and he kissed her once more. A slow passionate kiss given by a man who adores his lady.


They didn't hear the call as they were so lost in the kiss.

"Take okay!" Dipali declared and this time they parted away, done with the kiss and looked around. Rk was glaring at people staring at them and Madhu was smiling, sheepishly.

"FABULOUS!" Dipali clapped. "What a chemistry you guys have! Uff!" She felt so hot just by watching their romance. "This is why I was adamant to cast you two, the real life husband and wife in this movie! Only you guys can give this realistic feel" Dipali was so pleased with their performance.

"Great job, Madhu" she briefly hugged Madhu and moved to Rk.

"I was so mad at you, Rk..."

"This morning?"

"Yeah, I was and I am still mad at you for the tantrum you threw this morning but now I am talking about the time in Paris when you ordered me to remove all the kiss scenes"

"Ah that!" He told her to remove all the intimate scenes when he thought she would be working with some other hero. "I didn't want any dickhead to kiss my wife" when it was decided that he was going to pair opposite to her, he asked her to incorporate all the deleted scenes back in the script.

"You're one possessive husband"

"Damn right!"


It'd been two weeks since they started their movie shooting.

Since then they had hectic schedule and they couldn't spend proper time with Ruhi.

"Mama... My leg... Paining..." Ruhi cried in her half sleepy state.

"You are playing too much in the set, Ruhi and that's why your legs are paining now" she said as she gently pressed her thin legs easing her pain.

"She is really giving a hard time to that poor boy Sunny" Madhu told to Rk when he walked out of the bathroom after taking his shower and changing into his track pants.

"Should we apoint a caretaker?" He asked sitting beside her on the bed and caressing Ruhi's tummy, lulling her to sleep.

"Rk..." That reminded her something, something so important she was hesitating to discuss with him.


"Don't get mad at me..." She said tentatively.

He gave her a confused look.

"I have a suggestion"

"What's it?"

"Today, I spoke to your mother..."

"Oh!" He could guess where this conversation was leading to but still waited to hear from her.

"She asked about us... Like how we all are doing, how is the movie shooting going and stuff like that..."


"She said how much she misses Ruhi"

"She doesn't even know Ruhi for two days" he mocked.

"Rk... Ruhi is her grandchild."


"She has the right to be concerned about her."

"Stop dilly-dallying and get to the point, Madhu!" He snapped.

"She suggested she could come here and take care of our Ruhi..."

"So this is her suggestion, not yours? You are only trying to convince me and implement her plan, right?"

"I like her suggestion"

"She has two grand-children, Krish and Riaan to take care already. She is needed more there than we need her here."

"Vihaan and Sofie are managing the kids just fine and they are cool with the idea of your mother coming here..."

"So you mean to say we are not managing Ruhi well?" He asked taking offense.

"Honestly yes. Sofie is staying at home and taking care of her boys unlike me. And Vihaan is not super busy as you..."

"But still I make time for my daughter" he retorted and planted a kiss on Ruhi's forehead.

"You do... But Rk, Ruhi's eating pattern, sleeping pattern... Everything has changed because of our work. Today, I fed her around 2pm which is way past her usual lunch time. She keeps skipping her noon nap and keeps playing in the set till she gets exhausted..." She ran too much around the set and got her leg pain.

"Rk, just look at her, how tired and weak she is." Madhu wrapped a gentle arm around her little girl and snuggled closer to her. "I am worried about my baby" she whispered as tears peek at the corner of her eyes. "She needs proper care." She kissed Ruhi's temple.

"It's not good for us to take Ruhi with us to the set daily and spend the whole day there. She has to stay home and take proper rest and eat at proper time. Don't forget she is still a baby."

"She rests in our caravan, Madhu. She likes being there. She likes being with us."

"Rk, please..." She begged. "Let your mother come here and stay with us. Only then I will stop worrying about Ruhi."

"Why her? Why not we hire a good caretaker for Ruhi..."

"She is your mother, our family member and I can trust and leave our Ruhi only with her but with no stupid caretaker!" She said with finality.

"Alright!" He gave up for Ruhi's well being. "She can stay with us and take care of Ruhi, only Ruhi." He made it clear to her that he didn't want his mother's love, care or whatever!

"Doh! No one is going to take care of you because you are big and ugly enough to take care of yourself." She teased. He smirked.

"Anyways, thank you for agreeing qith me" she smiled and gave him a quick peck on his lips. "Good night"

"Good night"

... To be continued!





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