Hot Springs

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Here's the next chapter.......
A much needed update for you all.
I've been inactive lately cause I'm sleeping alot, due to severe depression.
I'm really having issues dealing with my grandma passing away, she passed away in April.
It's taking its major toll on me.


I sat within the hot springs flat rocky flooring, me naked, and the warm water felt really good upon my skin, and I looked down at the vial of pink oils that Lord Sesshomaru gave me, me remembering him saying to me as he held out the vial of pink oils.
"Use this to clean your body."

I open the bottle as I'm in the hot springs, and sniff it, me going wide eyed that it smelled exactly like Fruity Pebbles, which made me crave my favorite childhood cereal.
It made me wonder how he made it smell like that?

"It smells just like my favorite cereal.
Fruity Pebbles.
I miss it."
I smile warmly at the vial, and I pour some onto my hair that's covered in purple blood, and I set the vial upon a rock as I lathered my hair in these oils, it didn't suds up like soap, but I could feel it was cleaning the blood off my hair, because the purple blood was dribbling like crazy into the water.

Whatever this was, it was cleaning my hair without making it dry nor oily, which women would pay billions for back home!
My hair felt so good, so soft, softer than silk even.
"This is amazing!
This stuff is better than anything back home, and he made this?!
He must be a genius!"
I mutter to myself, and I take a deep breath, and dip my head into the water, and rinse my hair out, and I come up, breathing hard, and I ran my fingers through my hair, me wiping my eyes of water.
I then grab the vial of the pink oils once again where I set it up on a flat rock, and pour some onto my chest and stomach, and start washing my body, and I stand up, washing my body clean of the purple blood, and I heard a twig break, making me stop as my fingers were about to clean my privates, and I pull my fingers away, me looking into the bushes in front of the hot springs, me unnerved.

Was someone watching me bathe?
Or was it a monster trying to harm me?
I didn't know, but my heart was picking up anxiety as I stood naked in the hot springs, and I quickly dip my body to rinse off the bathing oils Lord Sesshomaru gave me, and once I was rinsed off, I stand up in the water, and I scream when a monkey jumped into the water, and immediately as I screamed, Lord Sesshomaru came through the bushes, him asking me with a concerned look.upon his face.
"What is wrong?"

I watch his cheeks turn red at seeing me naked, and I used my one arm to cover my breasts the best I could, and used my other hand to cover my core.
"A monkey jumped into the water!"
The monkey was poking my slim stomach in curiosity, and Sesshomaru growled at the monkey from where he stood, it sounded like a canine growl, and the monkey immediately jumped out of the water, and screeched, it running away.

Sesshomaru grabbed my towel and says to me.
"Come out of the water lest you catch a chill."
I merely nod, and walk out of the hot springs, and take the towel from him, and start drying myself off.

"Thank you for scaring the monkey off.
I thought it was a monster."
I tell him with my back turned to him, and once I was done drying myself off, I pull on my clothes I came here to this era in, my feet bare.
My clothes were clean, since I washed them earlier today, and they dried off by a fire Jaken made.

"Anyone would be alarmed when you screamed as you did."
Lord Sesshomaru tells me, and I turn to look up at him.

"Still I'm glad you protected me."
I say to him.

Sesshomaru wanted to mention to her that she sleep walks, but decided against it, because he thinks that she may not know about her condition of sleepwalking, so he brushed the urge aside for now.
"It is getting late.
You should rest."
Lord Sesshomaru walked through the trees, and I follow him to our camp we settled in, and it was truly getting late, because it took him awhile to find the hot spring that he claimed was close by this morning, and yes I have already eaten thanks to him, him skinning rabbits, and cooking them for me over a fire, and Jaken caught himself some lizards, and cooked them for himself over the fire too.

I hand Lord Sesshomaru the vial of pink bathing oils.
"Thank you for letting me use this to clean my body."

He held the pink oil in a vial within his fingers with claw-like nails, and I ask him.
"How did you learn to make this stuff?"

"My mother taught me."
Lord Sesshomaru tells me.

"Is that why your hair is so well kempt?
She must've been a genius to create something like those oils, and to teach you to make it as well."
I say to him, me complimenting him.

"We are no longer on talking terms."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me, and he looked at me.

"I see."
I tell him.
"Still it was nice you made that and let me use it.
I was really dirty and covered in blood earlier."

"You do not smell of demon blood anymore as well.
If you did smell of the demon blood still, it would attract unwanted visitors to you."
Lord Sesshomaru tells me and I blink in shock at that.
"Which is why I gave you this to bathe in.
These oils wash away any blood scents or dirtiness upon the body."

"I noticed it is really good on my hair.
My hair is usually oily, but now it's soft as silk."
I comment to him, me feeling my blonde blue hair between my fingers.

"Lord Sesshomaru!
Is the girl okay?!"
Jaken ran up, him giving Lord Sesshomaru a concerned look, then looked to me.
"I'm glad she's okay."
Jaken sighs in relief as Lord Sesshomaru walked over him, flattening Jaken like a pancake, which made me feel sorry for Jaken.

Lord Sesshomaru washed the furs earlier, and set them to dry by the fire, but they weren't dry yet, so he would have, to have the girl sleep against A-un, since A-un's body is naturally warm.
"You will sleep against A-un tonight."
Lord Sesshomaru motions towards A-un.

A-un was laying down upon the ground and A-un nods to me.
"A-un will not harm you."
Lord Sesshomaru tells me.
"Now rest."

I tell Lord Sesshomaru, and I sit in front of A-un's stomach, and lean against his stomach, and lay on my back, against his stomach, and A-un was so warm, so much so, his warmth lulled me to sleep.

Jaken and A-un fell asleep as well, and Lord Sesshomaru was nodding off as well, since the other night he did not get a wink of sleep due to her sleepwalking all night and him chasing after her to keep her safe, and eventually he fell asleep against a tree, but what woke him up, was he felt something climb into his lap, and rest against his body.
Lord Sesshomaru opened one eye, finding the girl laying against his body, her breathing evenly, her eyes closed, her sleeping soundly against him.
Lord Sesshomaru wrapped his only arm around her, and he closed his eyes once again, and fell back to sleep.

Lord Sesshomaru woke up just as the sun shined into his eyelids, finding the girl still against him, her still in slumber, and Jaken was up and about, him putting out the fire with dirt, and A-un stared at Lord Sesshomaru with confused eyes.
The girl started stirring awake, and she opens her blue eyes, and she blinked, as well as wiped the sleep sand from her eyelashes, and looked up at him.

I blink groggily as I noticed I woke up in Lord Sesshomaru's lap, and I immediately apologized to him.
"I'm sorry I climbed into your lap last night.
I hope you are not mad at me?"

He shook his head negatively.
"I am not angry.
I am puzzled why you climbed upon me last night."
He says honestly to me.

"I was cold and your body was warmer than A-un's to me."
I tell him honestly my thoughts.

He lets out a sigh.
"You are fine.
I will allow you to do so if you are cold, but only for that."
He seemed to be docile when it came to me, warm and kind to me, but I know that's not usual his personality towards other people.

I slowly get off his body and tell him.
"Thank you for allowing me to do that, though I know you wouldn't usually do this."

He looked up at me, as I was standing up, then avoided his golden gaze from me.
But I watched his nose wiggle, and he stands up, pulling his sheathless sword from his hip, and stood in front of me.
"Stay behind me."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me.

"Is it?
A monster?"
I ask him, and a creature the size of a house appeared, which looked like a three headed snake.

The creature roared out.
"Give me the girl!
I'll devour her!"

Lord Sesshomaru swung his sword, and blue energy bursts forward, ripping the creature to shreds, and pieces of it's body fell with a thud to the ground.

Why did that thing want me?
I thought to myself, me puzzled by why that creature wanted me.

I watch as a hornet fly towards a big piece of the creature's body, digging through the creature's body, and pull out a shard of some pink jewel.
"What is that that hornet taking?"
I ask Lord Sesshomaru.

"The Sacred Jewel."
Lord Sesshomaru sheaths his sheathless sword upon his purple and golden sash.
The hornet then flew away.

"I remember the stories Dad used to talk about that jewel.
It's said if you wish upon it, then it will grant your wish, but Dad said it has the be the correct one.
If it's not the correct one, then something bad will happen."
I tell Lord Sesshomaru, and he looked at me over my shoulder, giving me a look he was curious how I knew that information.

He turned to face me, him saying to me.
"If that hell hornet is involved, then Naraku is after you."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me, and I tilt my head in confusion, me looking at him with a confused expression.

"Who's this Naraku character you are talking about?"
I ask him.

"A demon I plan to eradicate."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me, and then walks away.
"Come; we must move away from this area, lest you be in danger."

I follow him where he was walking, and so does A-un.
Jaken however was still unconscious on the ground, so I ask Lord Sesshomaru.
"What about Jaken?"

"He will catch up."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me, his silver long hair swishing as he walks, and I find his long silver hair rather beautiful, and it shined like diamonds in the sun today.

"Can I ask you something?"
I ask Lord Sesshomaru.

He was silent, so I guess that's giving me permission to speak to him.
"Um.....can I ask why you have silver hair, and elf ears, and claws?"

He looked at me, him narrowing his golden eyes with black slits.
"I am a Dog Demon."

"Wow; do you turn into a dog too?"
I ask him, me amazed he told me that.

He looked forward and says.
"Yes I can."

"I would like to see it sometime."
I smile warmly up at him.
"I'm glad you're a nice Dog Demon.
If I forgot about you telling me that before, then I'm sorry.
I am young, twenty-nine, but I forget things.
Kagome is my niece too."

He looked back down at me.

"Yes; Kagome's mother is my sister."
I tell him.
"My sister had kids, but I never did.
I never met the right person.
I'm still unsure if I want to have kids in the future...
Well if I find the right guy."

I might of already found the right guy, which is you Lord Sesshomaru.
I really like being around you.
I thought to myself, my heart racing as I was walking beside him.

"Why do you have blue eyes?"
Lord Sesshomaru asked me.

"Because me and my sister have different fathers.
My father is not from this area, but another country, and he had blonde hair, and blue eyes."
I tell him honestly about my family.

"My sister is technically my half sister."
I tell him.
"Kagome's my niece and her brother is my nephew.
Gramps is my stepdad, who is my sister's father.
My parents died years ago.
I used to babysit Kagome years ago too, until I moved to my Dad's country with my mother, but I moved back here though.
I lost our family home to the bank foreclosure, so I had no choice but to move back to Japan where my sister lives."

"I see.
Different fathers.
There are no humans here with hair such as yours.
Some humans will think you are a demon like me."
Lord Sesshomaru tells me, and now that he mentioned that, I wanted to mention about Inuyasha telling me I smelled like a cat.

"Do I really smell like a cat to you?"
I ask him next.

Lord Sesshomaru stopped walking, and turned to face me, him giving me a serious look.
"Yes; I do not know why though.
Dog Demons and Cat Demons were at war at one time, and we Dog Demons are natural enemies with Cat Demons, so I was suspicious of you at first, however I noticed you do not have powers of a Cat Demon."

" I've noticed my nose has been sensitive since I was a kid, and I didn't know why, neither could doctors."
I say honestly to him.

"You maybe a descendant of a Cat Demon, and do not know it.
However you are no threat to me.
You are as weak as any other human."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me, and he turned to start walking again, and I tried to keep up with him.

"How could that be possible?
Kagome says back home there's no demons around?"
I ask him, me confused.

"Then your ancestor might be in this era."
Lord Sesshomaru comments to me.

That's kinda weird."
I admit honestly to him how I felt.
"What if I meet them?"

"I would keep who you are a secret, lest the future change, and you will never be born."
Lord Sesshomaru tells me bluntly.
"Let time flow naturally and not interfere with it."

I tell him, then I ask him.
"Do you hate me since you think I have a Cat Demon ancestor?"

He looked at me, then scoffed.
"Do not say something so ridiculous."
Lord Sesshomaru looked away from me again, and I noticed his elf-like ears tinged red.

"Thank you.
I'm glad you don't hate me."
I smile a closed eyed smile up at him.

He does a Tch in reply.


To be continued......

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