Sleepwalking Night

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Here's the next chapter..........

The dangers of sleep walking will be shown in this chapter!
Piper suffers from sleepwalking caused by trauma!
And in Feudal Era Japan sees this condition as demon possession.
And when she sleep walks, she is at risk for injury.
I'm so sorry I couldn't get this up sooner I had a three day migraine that kept me in bed, due to I ate a trigger food.
I said I was going to update this, so I hope this will make up for it.
My head is still sore and sensitive, as well as any LED lightings causes my eyes to bother me after I had the migraine.
Forgive me for not updating sooner.
My migraines sometimes come out of the blue, it's been a year since I had one that made me faint alot.
I fainted several times in bed, so that's why I'm in bed when I have them, so I don't harm myself from fainting.


After the attack that happened by a monster, that Lord Sesshomaru protected me from, we journeyed quite a long while, that is until we bunkered inside an abandoned old hut, since it started thunderstorming, thunder and lightning flashing through the sky, and Jaken had started a fire in the hut's fireplace within a fire pit, in the middle of the room.

I was unbelievably tired from walking so long on my bare feet, and my bare feet were sore, since I'm used to wearing shoes, and not going bare foot.
They ached terribly, and I really wanted some sleep, since we walked for many hours, which I'm not used to walking that long.
I'm used to walking maybe a few blocks to get to a store in America, but sadly many hours to get to and from a place.
Lord Sesshomaru set out furs for me to lay upon, including a fur bundle to rest my head against.
I immediately curled into the furs, me not wanting to even eat, since I'm too tired to do so, and I fell asleep to the rain pelting the roof of the hut.


Sesshomaru watched the human girl curl into the furs, he set out for her, to sleep within, and she did not even eat the roasted fish, that Jaken cooked, her extremely and utterly exhausted.
He kept an eye on her as Jaken ate all the roasted fish, the imp then sat against the right of the wall, and away from the human girl, to which he soon fell asleep.
Sesshomaru decided to stay awake a lite bit longer, him having a feeling within his very gut that the human girl would start sleepwalking again.

After about thirty minutes; give or take, her body twitched, and she soon crawled to stand up, her eyelids completely closed, and Sesshomaru slowly stood up, and followed her ever so silently, as she started walking towards the doorway of the hut, and before she could step out, and into the rain, he grabbed her by her arm gently, and guided her back to the furs, in which she lays back down, and stayed within the furs.

He realized that is what he has to do to keep her safe as she sleepwalks, but after awhile, she once again got up out, and of the furs, and she walked over to one side of the room, her pointing at the wall, her eyes closed.
"Kagome; what did I tell you about sleepovers, they are dangerous!"
She says to the wall, which made Sesshomaru wonder what she was dreaming about to argue with Inuyasha's wench Kagome, making him interested in the conversation she is having against Kagome....erhem the wall she thinks is Kagome, since she's dreaming, and nevertheless, sleepwalking.
At least Sesshomaru will be entertained for the night as he loses sleep.

Was she talking to the girl Kagome who travels with Inuyasha?
Could this human woman be related to Kagome?
Sesshomaru thought to himself, him rather  confused.

She then started walking forward, her slamming into the wall, over and over, and never woke up.
Sesshomaru decided to get up, and guide  her carefully away from the wall, since she slammed her head against it a few times by walking forward, and he did not want her harming herself severely by her doing so.
Sesshomaru says nothing, him practically entertained by her sleepwalking, but alas, sleepwalking can be very dangerous for the sleeper, he knows so.
Sesshomaru ever so quietly; guides her to a safer part of the room, that is until she pulled out of his arm, and started running out into the rain, her eyelids still closed, so he figured her dream changed, causing her to run out of the hut, and Sesshomaru immediately, out of concern for her safety,  follows her, him running after her, him  knowing if he do not capture her, then demons will do ghastly things to her, and he does not know why he felt the strong need to protect her, but he indeed wanted to protect her, so he will do so, or he would feel great guilt for not doing do.

Lightning flashes against the trees in the darkness, as Sesshomaru was running after the human girl, the human girl's eyelids still closed, her shouting.
"Kagome get back here!
I'm not mad at you!
Come back!"

Apparently she was dreaming of the past it seemed to Sesshomaru, as he caught up with her, as she stopped running, her clothing clinging to her body like a second skin, her nipples perked out against her dark top, her breasts were rather large as well.
Her golden blue hair clung to her body as well like a wet spider web from the rain that kept pelting both on her and Sesshomaru.

Where are you hiding?"
She called to the sky, her eyelids remaining  closed still.
She then says to herself.
"If I don't find her, then my sister will be pissed off."

Sesshomaru walked up to her ever so quietly once again, and gently wrapped his arm around her body, to keep her from running off again, and the rain still kept pelting harshly down upon both of them, human and dog demon, soaking them both, and she finally slumped against him, her breathing evenly, her no longer sleepwalking as the clouds above started turning orangish gray, him knowing the sun was slowly trying to come up and above the trees, since he has been chasing her all night it seemed, ever since she ran out of the hut a long while, and to him it felt only a few minutes he was running after her, but no, hours had passed as he did in fact chase her to this area of the forest, far from the hut they are bunkered down at.

He picked her up, and held her with his only one arm he had against him, and started running off at inhuman speed, and he finally after a long run, had they both returned back to where they were once staying, and he walked into the hut, both of them dripping harshly with droplets of  rainwater.

He kneels down, and lays her onto the floor, and started to undress her of her clothing, and he felt embarrassed he had to do so, him pulling her clothing off, and him setting them to dry by the fire, and he wiped her wet naked, yet beautiful, gorgeous body down with a cloth, and covered her up with the furs she once laid upon.
Sesshomaru then sat next to the fire, so that he himself would dry off, him dripping in rainwater, including his silver hair as the storm then let up, the sun shining through parted clouds, making him look to the human girl, him hoping she will not sleepwalk anymore, after he tucked her into the furs just now.

He awaited for her to wake up; him staring at the flames of the fire, and she soon groaned in her sleep, and he turned his head towards her, his golden eyes watching her sit up, and the furs covering her big breasts fell to her waist, as she rubs her eyes of sleep sand.
She then looked down, and immediately screamed, making him flinch at the pair of lungs she had upon her, since her screaming made his ears pop, and her screaming also immediately waked Jaken up in much alarm, and she covered her big breasts with the blanket, her glaring at Sesshomaru.

I glare at Lord Sesshomaru, me hissing out.
"Why am I naked?!"

He looked his golden eyes to the fire, and I noticed he's dripping wet from the rain from last night I bet, and he didn't answer me.
"Lord Sesshomaru; why am I naked?!"
I ask him once again, me embarrassed he probably saw me naked, as I sat up earlier from waking up, and my cheeks were beat red from embarrassment, and he looked to me with an annoyed look upon his face.

"Rainwater leaked into the hut and onto you, so I changed your clothing, and set them to dry."
He motions towards my clothing, that was  hung up upon sticks by the fire.

I then immediately felt stupid for yelling at him, because it seemed he was helping me out as I slept, but still why undress me when I'm asleep though, because it's a breech of boundaries, and I say to him.
"I apologize for yelling at you.
I was so shocked you undressed me.
I thought you had done something."

"I would never violate you."
Lord Sesshomaru gave me a serious look upon his face, and immediately looked away from me, him humphing.

" you fix the leak?"
I ask him and he nods.

"That is why I am soaked to the bone."
He replied, him giving me an annoyed look.

"Sorry I screamed too."
I tell him, me horrendously flustered, including I was severely embarrassed he undressed me, him seeing me naked too, as I wrapped the furs around my body to hide my nakedness from him.
I then lay in the furs, covering my head in as I mentioned in utter embarrassment.

"Once your clothing is dry, then we shall leave, but first you must eat, since you did not eat last night."
He says to me, as if he's giving me orders to do as told, or I will immediately regret it.

My stomach immediately rumbled loudly at the mention of breakfast.
"Even your stomach agrees."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me next.

"I want my clothes to be dry first.
I can't parade around naked in front of you both."
I say under the furs, and yes, I was curled into a burrito ball, so both Lord Sesshomaru and Jaken will not see me naked once again.

"Do as you wish."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me, as I heard him stand up.
"I shall catch breakfast, so stay here."
I then heard him walk away.

I peek my eyes through a small space through the furs, and I watched Lord Sesshomaru's boots walk out of the hut.
"Stay under the fur blanket.
Jaken does not need to see you nude."
He says that as an immediate order towards me, as he left the hut.

I squeak out, and his boots disappear from my view.


A human who had sleepwalking incidents were often shunned, and thought to be possessed by demons, or being spirited away by demons.
Demons like Sesshomaru know that sleepwalking can be caused by another demon's influence, or could be due to a trauma from the human's past.
Sesshomaru thinks it might be the latter; meaning it was caused by a strong demonic force, and by severe trauma all in one broiling inside the somewhat cat smelling human woman.
He will find out what the cause of it is, but for now, he must catch her some breakfast.

Sesshomaru was at this moment, stalking a few rabbits, and he rushed forward with inhuman speed, and caught both of them by the ears, the rabbits screaming terribly in fear, and he flicked his wrist while holding them by their ears, and a sickening crack occured, which means both rabbits broke their necks when he did that.

He started walking black towards the hut he left, and he heard a scream, the scream of the woman, and he ran off at inhuman speed, arriving to a demon tearing off the roof, and she was against the wall, with Jaken in front of her, and firing fire from his staff, but the animalistic looking demon dodged, in time.

Sesshomaru threw the rabbits onto some grass below the tree he's standing upon, him pulling out his Tokijin from his sash, and he jumped, swinging Tokijin down, and sliced the animalistic demon in half, causing purple blood to splatter upon the woman's body, making her scream yet again.

Sesshomaru landed in front of her, and he noticed she urinated on herself in fear, and  onto the wooden floor.
He kneeled down, and says to her.
"You are safe now."

I then shout at him, tears running down my cheeks in utter frustration, that I'm covered in purple gooey damn blood and urine, since I peed myself out of fear.
"No I'm not!
I peed myself and I'm covered in blood!"

Lord Sesshomaru stands up, and sheathed his sword upon his sash, him focusing his eyes upon her face, since she's naked, then looked to where her clothes were drying, seeing her clothing was laying on the floor, but not soaked in blood, and not torn, which is a good thing.
He stands up, walking over to her, now dry  clothing, and grabbed each article, including the garment that was blue and white, it looked like it fit her hips, but it was triangular shaped.
He shook his head, as he walked over to her, and says to her.
"There is a spring not far from here.
Cover yourself with the furs."

I nod to him, grabbing the furs I had dropped earlier out of fear when that monster appeared, and I wrap them around me to cover my body stained in purple gooey blood.
"Follow me."
Sesshomaru says to me, and I do as asked, leaving the now destroyed hut, me following him.


To be continued.....
I know short, but there will be another chapter soon.
I'm working on many projects, so I wanted to update this, because I couldn't do so,  even though I wanted to, due to my bad three day migraine.
I was indeed vomiting from it when I got up.
Stupid me ate chocolate.
That's the only trigger I have.

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