Returning To Japan

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Here's the first chapter..........

My OC has fifteen percent demon in her, that she does not know about.
Fifteen percent Cat.


An airplane roars overhead as I had just nabbed me a cab, right after I had landed in Tokyo Japan, and I had told the cab driver to take me to the Higurashi Shrine, in which I paid for the trip when we pulled to part by the sidewalk, upon the street.
I took my suitcase with me; including my purse, and after I paid the driver, I shut the door, and he drives off.

I turn towards the big tall long steps of Higurashi Shrine, my blonde and blue hair swishing in the simple light breeze, me wearing all black gothic outfit, and black gothic boots, my eyes blue, and I wore a leather jacket over my top, that showed my cleavage a bit, and had spiderweb straps on my arms.
I also wore jean black shorts, and black and white knee high stripped socks.
My breasts were large, and alot of dudes in school confessed to me, which I turned down many times, and at twenty-nine I've never had sex, nor had kids, unlike my half sister, who is Kagome's Mom, and I used to babysit Kagome and Sota before I moved to America.

I am coming back to Japan due to my home was foreclosed upon, due to the cost of living in America was too much, and since I'm actually a born citizen in Japan, then I can take residency in Japan.
I had called my half sister a week before, me telling her I would come to Japan to live again, and to please get prepared for it, and she said I could live with her family.

Thing is; my mother had divorced my half sister's father, who is Gramps, and she got with an American navy man, and had me, the fact is she was cheating on Gramps while married to him, and Gramps initiated the divorce himself, but Gramps still sees me as a daughter, and holds no grudges towards my Mom.

When I was a teenager; my parents died in a horrible vehicle crash, leaving me to fend for myself in America, since we moved there, and before we moved there, I used to babysit Kagome at first, but when Sota was born, he was just a baby when I babysat them both, and I haven't seen him, since he was six months old, so I figured he's a big boy now, and I figured Kagome is now either sixteen or fifteen, but I've always been horrendous at math, especially math taught by the Japanese here.
I'm bad with any problem with numbers, so I got tested for that in America, and I have the dyslexia when it comes to math and numbers, go figure, so my genes are wonky I guess....well that's how others would see it as imperfect genes, but not me.

My boots clicked as I walked up the steps of the Higurashi Shrine, me carrying my purse and suitcase, and once I made it to the top; I saw Gramps standing, and sweeping the grounds, and when he saw me, he grinned, him waving at me rather cheerfully.
"Piper my child!
How was your trip?!"
He walked up to me, and I hug him, making him grunt in surprise.
"Is this an American greeting?"
He asked me.

I pull away and nod to him, me saying.
"Indeed it is.
How is everyone?
It's been many years."

"Oh; everyone is fine, and Sota grew quite a bit, and so did Kagome.
Kagome is a teenager now."
Gramps smiled warmly at me even more.
"And you have grown beautifully too my dear."

"Awe; thank you Gramps."
I tell him, me giggling in happiness he called me beautiful.

"Well you are beautiful!
Just like your mother; may the gods rest her soul."
Gramps tells me.

"Oh my!
I look up, seeing my half sister, and she walked up to me from the house, and I hugged her, and a little boy was next to her.

"Hello Big Sis; how are you?"
I say to her and pull away, the boy watching our exchange.

"I am doing well."
She smiled ever so warmly at me.
"I have missed you."

"I have missed you too sis."
I tell her, me looking around now, me asking her.
"Where's the kids?"

"Oh; this is Sota, and Kagome is busy elsewhere.
We will tell you where inside."
She says to me, her giving me a look to trust her, and motions to the little boy.

"Hello Sota."
I follow her and Sota inside the house as Gramps continued sweeping.
I took my boots off at the door, and sat in the living area by the TV.
"So; what did you want to say to me sis?"

She sat in front of me upon her knees.
"Kagome has a big responsibility elsewhere five hundred years into the past through our family well.
She must gather the sacred jewel shards from a terrible man called Naraku.
The place she went to is full of danger.
Demons actually."
She tells me, her giving me a serious look.

"Are you serious sis?"
I ask her, me hardly believing the story, that is until I heard a female voice yell....

The female voice yelled.
"Mom; I'm home and I brought Inuyasha!"

I watch as Kagome entered the room with a person in a red kimono, with long wild silver hair, and dog ears, and Kagome went teary eyed, as she exclaimed.
I get up, and hug Kagome, and she cried into my shoulder.
"I missed you Auntie!"
She sobbed out.

I rub her back, and look to the person in the red kimono with silver dog ears.
"Kagome; can I ask who this person is with dog ears?"

She pulled away and wiped her eyes of tears.
"This is Inuyasha.
He's a half demon.
He has dog ears due to his demon half."
She motions her hand to Inuyasha.

"Can I touch your dog ears?"
I ask Inuyasha, my cheeks hot in embarrassment.

Inuyasha folds his arms to his chest in an annoyed fashion.
"I don't like people touching my ears."

"Oh I understand then."
I tell him, me disappointed.

"Inuyasha; just let her touch them just once?"
Kagome asked Inuyasha.

Inuyasha gives in, him grumbling out.
"Alright; just once."

My face lit up like a Christmas tree, and I smile up at him.
"Thank you!"
I reach up, and touch his dog ears, me rubbing them gently, and they made fluffing noises, and I pull away.
"They are really soft."

"I get that alot."
Inuyasha humphed out, him turning away from me, him looking at me weird.

She smells weird.
Like cat.
But I don't understand why.
Inuyasha thought to himself, him confused why Kagome's Aunt smells like cat, unless she's been around Buyo.

Inuyasha asked me.
"Are you human?"

Kagome gasped at Inuyasha.
Of course she's human!"

"I only asked because she smells like a cat!"
Inuyasha bitched out, him scoffing next.

"Well this house smells like cat, because Buyo lives here!"
Kagome retorts back.

"Oh dear."
Kagome's Mom; who is my sister says to me.
"Here we go again."

"Do they squabble like this often?"
I whisper to my half sister.

"Yes; I think it's how they show they care for each other."
My half sister says, and I look at her weird.

I made an annoyed weird face, me thinking to myself.
Sounds toxic to me.

"Buyo don't count and you know it!
And it don't smell like your stupid cat Kagome!"
Inuyasha grits out.

"Buyo isn't stupid!"
Kagome retorts angrily back.

Inuyasha turns away and scoffed.
"I'll be leaving."

"The way you're acting I'm glad you're leaving."
I mutter to myself.

Inuyasha turned to me, his dog ears wiggling.
"What was that?!"

"Damn; your ears aren't for show ain't they?"
I smirk at him, me teasing him.

He turned away, him saying to me.
"Yer lucky you're related to Kagome or I'd clobber ya."
He left out of the home.

Kagome tried to storm after him, that is until I grabbed her arm, making her turn to face me.
"Give him time to cool his head off.
He'll come crawling back to apologize.
That's what guys do.
Say stupid shit and come grovelling back."
I tell Kagome.

"You cursed!"
Kagome says to me.

"Excuse my language.
I guess I've been around Americans too long, cause they curse like sailors?"
I nervously say as I rub the back of my neck after letting her go.

"Kagome; I would listen to your Aunt.
You need to give him time to calm down.
In the meantime; let us have some snacks I made."
My half sister says, which is Kagome's Mom.

"Actually I'm starved sis; so let's eat snacks."
I smile happily at them both.

"I already made some rice balls.
Let's eat them."
Kagome's Mom says to me; who is my half sister.


I flipped the boob tube on; which means TV, me having it on low that night, since I had severe jet leg, and couldn't sleep, but as I was up watching TV; I heard a creaking coming from Kagome's room, making me look up at the stairs.
Me thinking someone broke in; I get up real sneaky-like, and grabbed a porcelain statue on a table, and I carefully, without making noise, walked up the stairs, and I slowly, yet quietly open Kagome's room door, and I saw a dark figure hovering over her, in her bed, that was tall, and I run over, and hit the person over the head, the porcelain statue breaking to shards on their head, and the person's body fell with a thud to the ground.

The noise woke Kagome up; and she turns the lamp on beside her bed.

I look to her, saying to her.
"Someone broke into your room!"

She blinked in confusion, and we both look at who I hit over the head with a porcelain statue, and it was Inuyasha, who had a welt on his head, him laying on the ground, him groaning in pain.
"That was Inuyasha.
He sneaks into my room alot."
Kagome says to me.

I point at her, me scolding her.
"Kagome; it is very irresponsible for you to leave your window unlocked!
Next time it maybe won't be Inuyasha; but some thug who will rape you, and impregnate you, so don't leave it unlocked, got it!"
She flinches when I say that and nods at me.
I sigh in relief she agreed as I picked Inuyasha up by one arm, and hauled him out of the room.
"Go back to sleep and I'll handle him."

I shut her door, and walk down the steps with him, and I set him on the floor by the TV, me putting a pillow under his head, and I grab the antibiotic spray for his welt on his head, and spray it, and he shot up complaining.
That burns!"
He glared at me.

"You're an idiot sneaking into a girl's room; let alone Kagome's when I'm living under the same roof.
For now onward, don't sneak into her room at night or you'll get clobbered again, me thinking you're a robber or something."
I poke his chest, me scolding him, me giving him a serious expression.
"Got it?"

He merely nods, saying to me.

"Anyways; Kagome don't need to get knocked up by an irresponsible guy like you, with a warped personality at a young age, especially if she is trying to save the world in your timeline."
I sass him back, making his face go red.

"I wouldn't dare get her pregnant!
It's not like that!"
Inuyasha denies his feelings for Kagome to me.

I give him a Really, You Think I'm An Idiot; face.
You like her dumbass.
It's allover your face that you like my niece.
I thought sassily to him.

"Keep it down you dumbass!"
I poke his chest once again.

I heard a yawn.
"What was that noise earlier?"
I heard my half sister say as I watch her coming from the first floor second bedroom.

I stand up and face her.
"Inuyasha here snuck into Kagome's room, and I thought he was a robber, so I clobbered him with a statue."
I point at Inuyasha.

"Oh my.
I'll have to clean up the pieces."
She says to me.

"I'll do that.
You go back to sleep sis."
I pat her on the shoulder.

She walked back into her room, and shut the door.

I turn to Inuyasha and point at him.
"Sit your happy ass there, and don't move, unless you need to defecate."
He goes pale in his face at my threat.

She's scarier than Kagome when she's mad.
Inuyasha thought to himself, him sweatdropping.

He obeyed me, and I went to get the broom, and broom tray, and I go up to Kagome's room, finding her already picking up the big porcelain pieces on the floor, and putting it in her bedroom trash can.

"Sorry I clobbered Inuyasha.
Back home in America; men break into women's homes, and sexually assault them, so I acted on impulse."
I tell her as I kneel next to her, and sweep up the much tinier pieces into the broom pan, and put them into her bedroom trash.

"It's okay.
I know you were trying to keep me safe Auntie, but you really went kinda too far."
She says to me.
"Inuyasha won't harm me."

"Still; I don't want him in your room.
You don't need to get pregnant at fifteen, you know."
I sass her, pointing the tiny broom at her.

She goes red in the face.
"Trust me Auntie I'm not going to get pregnant.
I mean Inuyasha likes someone else.
Her name is Kikyo."
She looked at the floor, her looking sad, and I blinked at her.

"Who's Kikyo?"
I ask her as we now were finished picking up the small pieces, and I set the tiny broom, and tray against a wall, by her window.

We sat upon her bed, and she told me about Kikyo and Inuyasha's relationship, that she died protecting the sacred jewel, and it was an evil demon Naraku, who wanted to make the jewel turn evil, by turning both against each other, and Inuyasha was sealed upon the very tree at the shrine here, and Kikyo died, burned with the jewel, but Kagome was her reincarnation.
Kagome stays by Inuyasha's side, because she doesn't want to leave his side, so I figured she's in love with him, yet she hasn't figured it out yet.
She also told me the jewel was inside her, got ripped out, then she accidentally broke it, so now she has to gather all the shards, but Naraku is doing so as well, and he has most of them.

"I see.
So that's how it is."
I tell her.
"That's one tragic love story.
And this Naraku guy truly is trying to, once again, turn this jewel dark and evil?
That you broke apart?
Sounds like some fantasy movie come to life."

"I know it sounds far-fetched; but that's what happened."
Kagome tells me, her looking at me seriously.
"Miroku; who's a monk, Sango who's a demon slayer, Kirara, her cat companion, and Shippo, a child fox demon, helps us gather the jewel shards, then there's Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru, who hates humans, who was used by Naraku, and Sesshomaru wants to kill Naraku too.
Koga the leader of the wolf demon tribe wants to kill Naraku, after Naraku killed his comrades, and setting Koga against Inuyasha.
Koga has a little crush on me too."

"Sounds like an adventure."
I tell her honest my thoughts.

"In that era there's monsters who would love to harm you and Sota, including Mom."
Kagome says to me, her giving me a serious look.

I ask her, me confused.

"Remember when I said Inuyasha is a half demon?
His father was a famous and most feared Dog Demon, and his mother human.
Sesshomaru is a full blooded Dog Demon, and the two siblings have different mothers."
She says to me more.

"Sounds like Inuyasha's Dad got around with the ladies."
I joke out, and she shook her head.

"Is that something Americans say?"
She asked me, her giving me a confused look.

I look at her dead in the eyes and say.
"Men that have alot of kids with different women and leave?
We call them deadbeats.
But it sounds like he was not a deadbeat by how you describe the father, so what happened to him?"

"He died protecting Inuyasha's Mom, so that Inuyasha could be born."
Kagome says to me, and I blink in shock at that.

"Now that's true love to me.
A guy protecting a woman, so that she could give birth to his baby?
He must've been, what you said, an honorable warrior back then in Inuyasha's timeline."
I say to her my honest thoughts.

"Inuyasha was given his father's sword to protect him, and it can wipe out a hundred demons in one sweep.
It's called Tetseiga.
Sesshomaru has a sword too, but it don't cut anything.
Sesshomaru's sword can bring back a hundred people from the dead, but only if the user has a kind and warm heart.
His sword is called Tenseiga.
Sadly Sesshomaru is cold hearted, and probably won't master Tenseiga.
He actually hates Tenseiga was bequeathed to him."
Kagome tells me, and I make a face like I'm thinking.

I get why the father gave them each their swords.
It's to keep them from killing each other.
I thought to myself, so I decided to ask something from Kagome.

"Do the two hate each other?"
I ask her.

"Yeah, the two siblings hate each other.
Sesshomaru claims he will kill Inuyasha when the time is right.
Kagome looked at me confused.

I better keep my thoughts to myself why the father decided to give each of them their blades, to keep them from killing each other.
I thought to myself nervously, me making a nervous expression.

"I was just curious.
Do not pay attention to it."
I tell her, and stand up.
"I'm getting sleepy, so I'll take the living room floor."

"Are you sure?"
She asked me.

"Yeah; and I'll keep Inuyasha out of your room and out of your hair since you're mad at him about the cat comments he made."
I tell her, and left her room.


To be continued.....

Please know I'm putting the first chapter up before I leave for all day appointments today and tomorrow.

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