I'm Alone!

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Here's the next chapter.......


When I was half asleep that night; Inuyasha tried to sneak up to Kagome's room, and I side swiped my leg to knock him onto his chest, and sleepily grabbed him into a WWE head lock like John Cena does.
"You think you're sneaky kid, but you're not getting passed me, and up to Kagome's room while I'm here.
Now lay down and sleep."
He tapped his hand on the floor for me to release him, and I did, and curled up into my blanket, and the futon I'm laying on.

What the hell kind of moves did she use on me?!
I couldn't breathe!
She sure is annoying.
Inuyasha glared a fathomful glare at her as she fell back to sleep as he thought this to himself.

"You won this round for now."
Inuyasha mutters to himself, and leans against the wall, and he eventually fell asleep sitting up.


I thought I was dreaming; but it seemed so real, as I was walking in a grassy field, and the air smelled so nice, and not polluted, and it was nighttime, me looking up at the stars, and I could even see the milky way, and the milky way shined brightly in my blue eyes, and I say.
"Wow; so beautiful."

But why is it so clear?
And why is the air so clean here?
I thought to myself as my blonde and blue hair swishes in the breeze, and I move it out of my face.

I heard a snapping sound, and I turn my head to the sound, seeing trees behind me, and saw red eyes watching me.
I tilt my head to the side, and say.
I was in my black and pink pajamas, the top of the pajamas showed some of my big cleavage, but not all.

I heard a snarling noise; making me turn to the noise, and I step back, fear erupting within my being, and I watch as this creature, that had a body of a snake, and a face of like an Asian demon mask, with fangs, the creature was red, flew towards me, it snarling out.
"I'll devour you."
It was something from hell itself, and my father was Catholic, until he became Buddhist like my mother, but I am completely atheist, and I never thought I would see something from the bowels of hell like this, and I immediately screamed loudly, and fall on my rear, tears running down my cheeks, as it reared itself up in the air, and lunged, but before it could try to kill me, a green glowing whip, swerves, around it, and cut it in many pieces, the pieces of the creature falling to the ground, and my heart wouldn't quit pounding.

I heard a male voice say.
"Foolish woman; are you so weak as to let that demon devour you, when you have cat demon blood in you?

I look over my shoulder, and see a person with long silver rear length hair, the hair was well kempt, they had elf-like ears, magenta two streaks on each of their cheeks upon their face, and a blue crescent moon upon their forehead.
They wore a beautiful white kimono with magenta designs in the chest area, with black armor, that had spikes over one shoulder, a purple sash tied to their waist around their white leggings, black boots, and one sword was unsheathed around their waist, and one sword was sheathed.
I noticed their hand was glowing green as they stood over me, and their eyes were golden, like the sun, with black slits, and over their eyelids was magenta markings.

"You are the second person to say I smell like a cat and I'm not a cat!"
I whimpered, and instinctfully, get up and hug him, making him grunt, and go wide eyed, and his arm quit glowing green.
I then started sobbing, because that is the first time I almost died, and I was so scared.
I mean I was so scared, that I almost pissed myself no joke!
"I was so scared!
What was that thing?!"
I sob out.

He looked down at me, and used that same hand, that once glowed green, to put it onto my shoulder.
"Unhand me!"
He growled out, and then shoved me off him, and I fell on my round ass.

I sniffle, tears going down my cheeks.
"Why are you so mean?!
I almost got killed, then you saved me, and then shoved me?!
What's wrong with you?!"
I stand up, pointing at him, yelling at him with a squeaky voice.

He turned on his boots and walked away; and I exclaim, me grabbing his sleeve, and I realized the sleeve I grabbed was missing an arm, and I let go of it as he glared at me over his shoulder.
With lashes full of tears I ask him.
"What happened to your arm?
I'm here yelling at you for shoving me, and you're missing an arm.
Now I feel stupid for yelling at you; a person missing their arm."

He still glared at me, and continues walking away, and I follow him, and he stopped walking, him saying rather calmly.
Why are you following me?"

"Um.....because I'm scared?"
I sniffle, and try to dry my tears.
"And I feel safe around you for some reason after you saved me?"

He continued walking, I guess him tolerating me as I walk behind him, me keeping up with him, until we came to a clearing in the forest, and I saw a green tiny creature holding a two headed staff, and I go wide eyed, hiding behind this person that saved me.
"What is that?!"
I point at the creature.

This person who saved me said, them looking at me with the corner of their eyes.

I ask this person, and they look forward, and I realized this person isn't a talkative person.

"Milord who is this girl?
They are dressed oddly?"
The creature called Jaken asked the person that saved me.

This person who saved me soon sat upon a log, and stared at me, them silent.
I then looked to the creature Jaken, me asking Jaken.
"Can I ask who this person you called Milord is?"

"That is Lord Sesshomaru; he's the son of a great, famous, and strong Dog Demon."
Jaken pats his little chest.

"So Lord Sesshomaru is male right?"
I ask Jaken.

"Of course Milord is male!"
Jaken yelled at me.

You don't have to bite my head off!
I'm not an ignoramus!
I actually graduated highschool!"
I fold my arms to my big breasts in my pajamas, me glaring down at Jaken.

"You ARE AN ignoramus!
You not knowing who Milord is!?"
Jaken fumed him emphasizing Are and An.

Lord Sesshomaru says to this Jaken creature rather calmly yet again.

I cool my head, me taking a deep breath, and let it out, me counting to ten, and I look to Lord Sesshomaru.
"Can I ask you something?
Where am I?"
I ask him.

He narrowed his golden eyes.
"I understand now.
You are from Kagome's era."
He replied.

"What do you mean?"
I ask Lord Sesshomaru.

"You are not in your era fool!"
Jaken shouts at me.

Lord Sesshomaru says to Jaken calmly once again.

Jaken bowed; him saying to Lord Sesshomaru, with a fearful sound to his voice.
"Forgive me Lord Sesshomaru!
I spoke out of turn!"

Lord Sesshomaru ignored Jaken and asked me.
"Tell me how you arrived here?"

"Last thing I remember was that I was sleeping in the living room at my sister's house, where Kagome lives, and I was standing in the field you saved me at."
I say to him honestly.
"I thought I was dreaming at first."
I rub my neck nervously.

"I see.
Then demonic magic might of caused it."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me, him giving me a serious look.

"Demonic magic?"
I ask him.
"So demons are really real?"

Lord Sesshomaru nods, and I slowly sink to my knees, and let out a breath I held in, upon me waiting for his answer.
"I'm.....I'm really in the past then?"

Lord Sesshomaru says to me as tears slowly fell down my cheeks, to drip on my pajama pants.

"I have nobody now.
My parents are gone.
Now my sister!
And you're telling me to breathe?!
I can't handle this shit!
Everyone I ever loved is gone!
I was just there!
I was there and now I'm here!
You know how bat shit crazy that is for me?!"
I sob out, my hands over my eyes as I trembled from sobbing.

I heard a sigh.
"Do not do that.
It makes me feel strange."
I heard Lord Sesshomaru tell me this.

"Would you like it if I laughed?!"
I grit out at him and them sob.

Lord Sesshomaru was silent as he watched me cry, but then my stomach gurgles in hunger, and he stood up, and walked away, him silent, him not responding to me.

Jaken says to me.
"Lord Sesshomaru is not one for words, know that."

I look at him as the tears kept falling.
I'm just scared is all.
I'm sorry I yelled at him and you.
I'm usually not like this."

"I forgive you human girl.
By the way what is your name?"
Jaken says to me.

I tell Jaken.
"Are you a guy too?"

"Of course I am."
Jaken says calmly.

I couldn't tell."
I giggle at him, the tears starting to dry up, since he is talking to me.
"I needed that laugh."

"Did you think I was a girl?"
Jaken asked me.

"Well; the second letter of your name started with the letter A, so I figured you were a girl.
I haven't met that many men with the letter A as the second letter of their name."
I tell Jaken honestly my thoughts.

"You are a strange human I'll give you that."
Jaken says to me as I wiped my eyes of tears.

"I'll take that as a compliment of the highest order then."
I giggle more as I heard a twig snap, and the memory of how I was almost killed filled my brain, making me scared.

Jaken gets in front of me; him holding his staff at the ready, and truly I don't know what he can do with that staff.
"Stay behind me human girl."

I stay hidden the best I could behind Jaken.

I watch from the trees as Lord Sesshomaru walked out from within the trees, and he was carrying two rabbits by their ears in his hand, and he threw them upon the ground, and they looked dead.
Did you kill them?"
I ask him.

"I caught them and broke their necks.
If I used my poisonous claws, then they would decay, and turn to bones."
I make a grossed out face, imagining that occuring when he said that.

"Too much information."
I say to him, and I dry heave once, then I swallowed hard, so that I wouldn't vomit.

"I will skin them Milord, and cook them, after gathering firewood."
Jaken tells Lord Sesshomaru.

Lord Sesshomaru sat upon the log he sat at earlier, him staring up at the sky, that was slowly starting to brighten, since the sun was trying to come up.
"Thank you for the meal then Lord Sesshomaru.
I appreciate it."
I tell Lord Sesshomaru, and he looked his golden eyes at me and nods.


To be continued.....

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