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Today you had to go to the store to pick up more food.
Felix wanted to go with you so you made sure to wear a black shirt so no cat hair would be as visible.

You sat felix in the back seat of the car and buckled him up, lately he has gotten bigger to the point that he no longer fits in his baby car seat, your not exactly sure if thats normal or not....
You got in the drivers seat and moved the rearview mirror to show felix sitting there wiggling his little back paws "ready felix?" You asked, his ears perked up nodding joyfully before you started the car and back out of the driveway.

The store wasnt that far away, bout a 10 minute drive.

So when you pulled up in the parking lot you got him out of the car, cant leave the poor thing outside in the car. Far to dangerous.
You walked inside and grabbed a buggie and set him inside, you where lucky that this market is animal friendly otherwise you had to leave or be forced to leave him outside "now stay there ok? We dont want to be in the corner do we?" You said, Felix nods and sits there like a good cat.

You then head off isle to isle to grab what you need for the house, meals for the next few days, and some treats for you and felix here and there.
No one seemed to mind you having felix there or his unnatural appearance which made you glad.

You checked out and head back to the car without any problems, you are putting items in the car with Felix still sitting in the buggie, without your knawlage a box of goldfish crackers fall out of one of the bags.

Felix stared at them before he starts to try and get your attention, he tried to poke you but you didnt notice, he also made some meows but you still didnt notice, he tried thinking harder before he blurted out "(m/d)!" Which made you stop in your tracks and look at him.

Felix stared at you kinda shocked himself that it worked.
"W-what did you say...?" You spoke "(m/d)?" He said again and you began to cry, felix lowers his ears as he thought he had done something wrong but that thought went away when you picked him up and hugged him "im so proud of you!" You cried.

And before you ask.
yes, You did get those goldfish crackers XD

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