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Felix watches a certain bunny open his locker, with a red blush on his face and his tail swaying back and forth he couldnt dare look away from that boy.
He had a crush on him since 3rd grade and yet here they are. high school freshmen.

Felix wouldnt think hes a stalker kinda person but he always watches oswald at his locker when school starts and when it ends. Not because he wanted too but because his locker is right next to his, and hes to shy to say a simple hello.
What if oswald says something? What would felix say back?
Would felix even try to make a move?
No. Hes not interested as far as he knows.

Oswald already has a girlfriend, ortensia.
Felix dosent hate her for dating oswald, actually a little jealous but hes glad she makes oswald happy.

He watches oswald shut his locker and walk away, with a sigh of relief and happiness he goes to his locker finally and opens it, a piece of paper falling out. Its not his paper as his locker was organized and nothing wouldnt fall out, picking up the paper and examining its fancy pink handwriting his heart nearly stopped.

"I know you like him, though you should be more secretive if you watch him at his locker every day.

We can all see you. Just be careful next time fel.


Ps: didnt want to embarrass you further if i talked to you face to face in the hall. Sorry"

Felix read this note from his friend shiba, his face grew warm in embarrassment. Maybe he was being to obvious,he prays that oswald didnt think he was being some creepy stalker.

Oh the joys of a highschool freshman.

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