The Chills You Give

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Being without Jessica was tough, but slowly I was getting used to it. I could tell John wasn't sitting too well with his little girl being continents away either. We could all see it in his face during the meeting we all had.

"You know what I need," John says as we sit in a meeting. "A duet."

John looks at the 8 of us at the table: Caesar, Huey, Riley, Hiro Cindy, Jazmine, Ming, and I. 

"Caesar and Jada. I loved the song you guys sang with the group for Caesar's birthday and I know people have been tweeting for you guys to sing more. How about it? Friday, Jada and Caesar."

I looked at Caesar who winked at me.

"This'll be fun."

"Cynthia, you are leave when again?"

"In a few months," Cindy replies. 

"Great! I want you and Riley to do a duet the the next Friday. Jazmine and Huey that leaves you two Fridays from now. You guys can be ready by then?"

We all nodded and John looks over at Hiro.

"Make sure you're working with everyone on beats and practices. I don't want any lack in any of these performances."

"Yes sir," Hiro replies. 

"And Ming, you know I have no problem with you being here and helping out as a waitress. But you can't start any fights with Jada during her practices. Is that understood?"

"But she's always-" John gives her a stern look before she groans, "Fine."

"Thank you. I expect greatness outta you 6 in these next performances. Make me proud."

We all nod and head out. Caesar and I decide to get some food with the boys. They were almost 5 months now and they were holding their heads up.

"They got so big, so fast," I say, watching as Jordan was putting his hand in Jackson's face.

"They have. It's crazy how quickly they grew up."

I smiled, looking at my boys.

"So, what do you want to perform Friday?" I asked.

"I actually had been writing a song I wanted to sing for your birthday. But it can just be used for Friday and I can write another."

"Awee, why don't you just use that for my birthday and write a new one?"

"Because I'm not going to wanna rewrite a whole new song," Caesar groans. I giggled, agreeing to just sing the song he had and add my own part.

Practices were the only hassle. Ming was always distracting Hiro.

"Hey, Ling-ling!" I call irritably. "Can you please wait until after practice? This is more important than you two flirting."

"You jealous?" Ming taunts.

"Baby girl, I have two babies by my boyfriend. I'm pretty sure I've went father with Caesar than you'll ever get with Hiro."

Ming grits her teeth as Hiro's face goes red.

"Okay, babe," Caesar coughs, "Let's not get too far."

I simply shrug and continue practicing our song.

Our Friday came by and Caesar and I were excited to be singing a duet together for the first time. I wanted Caesar to sing more than me since I sing solo parts a lot as is.

Caesar goes out first, girls cheering loudly. Let's just say, some people didn't care that Caesar and I were a couple. Caesar was hot and a lot of girls wanted him.

The music plays and I could tell Caesar was getting into the music.

Caesar: Through drought and famine, natural disasters. My baby has been around for me. Kingdoms have fallen. Angels be calling. None of that could ever make me leave, yea. Every time I look into your eyes I see it. You're all I need. Every time I get a bit inside, I feel it. 

Ohh, who would've thought I'd get you?

My body grew chills as I listened to Caesar sing.

Ohh, who would've thought I'd get you?

And when we're making love. Your cries they can be heard from far and wide. It's only the two of us. Everything I need's between those thighs. 

My face turned a bright red.

Every time I look into your eyes I see it. You're all I need. Every time I get a bit inside, I feel it. 

Ohh, who would've thought I'd get you? Oh yea, oh yea baby

Ohh, who would've thought I'd get you?

I came out and the audience started cheering. I looked deep into Caesar's eye,

Jada: And I'll take some time, just to be thankful. That I had days full of you, you. Before it winds down into the memories, it's all just memories. La-la-la-la

Background singing of Caesar: If you've got someone you like,

Caesar: Don't you love when I come around?

Background Caesar: feel something that's right, somebody just tell somebody. 

Caesar: Feel you up and I take you down

Background of Caesar: If you've got someone you like, 

Caesar: Don't you love when I come around? 

Background Caesar: Feel something that's right, somebody just tell somebody.

Caesar: Feels you up and I take-

Jada and Caesar: Ohh

Caesar: Who would've thought I'd get you? Oh yea, oh yea babe

Jada and Caesar: Ohh

Caesar: Who would've thought I'd get you?

I walk close to Caesar, putting one arm around his neck as he puts his arms around my waist. 

Jada: This feels like summer. Boy you make me feel, so alive. Just be my lover. Boy you lead me to, paradise. 

The audience roared and we took a bow. I looked at Caesar and he winks at me, kissing my cheek. 

John tells us how much he absolutely loved the chemistry we had during our performance and couldn't wait to see more from the other couples.

"You know," Caesar says as we start leaving, "That song kinda puts me in the mood."

My face heats up and I bite my lip.

"Does it now?"

That's the end of the chappy. Sorry it was more writing than singing. The next 2 chapters will have songs (per the performances Juey and Ciley have to do). 

Oh, quick question: how would you guys feel if I added a bit more... idk, rated R scenes to this story? Not a lot to where it's a full porn but like... a small touch?

I'm only asking because I started expanding my writing I am actually able to write stuff like that without actually feeling uncomfortable. But if you guys don't want it then I won't add it... Just wanna know your thoughts. 

Anyways, thank you all for reading and I'll see you guys soon...

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