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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : It's definitely you, A song that make you smile 'By lee seung Gi'

▶• ılıılıılıılıılı (♫)⩇⩇: ⩇⩇

"Where is the baby?" A man in a black suit asked the four men who were standing in front of him to lower their heads. They all remained silent as they exchanged uneasy glances. The man in the black suit's stern expression deepened, revealing his impatience. "I'M ASKING WHERE THE BABY IS," he yelled, his voice echoing around the room.

The tension in the air grew thicker as the four men continued to avoid eye contact, their silence fueling the man's frustration. "Sungmin." The man in the black suit spoke, his voice now calm but laced with a hint of warning. "Yes,Shin-nim," Sungmin replied. Sungmin's voice trembled slightly as he addressed the man in the black suit, his eyes darting nervously.

The room fell into an even deeper silence, with everyone holding their breath and waiting for Sungmin's response. "He is safe, Shin-nim," Sungmin said, his voice barely above a whisper. The tension in the room seemed to dissipate slightly as Sungmin's words hung in the air. However, Shin-nim's piercing gaze remained fixed on Sungmin, his expression unreadable.His grip on the table tightened, his knuckles turning white. Sungmin could feel the weight of his gaze, making it difficult to meet his eyes.

The tension in the room was palpable, as if any wrong move could set off an explosion. "I didn't ask how he was, but rather, where is he?" Shin-nim's voice was low and controlled, filled with an underlying sense of urgency. Sungmin hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words. "He's in a secure location," he finally replied, hoping to alleviate some of the tension. Shin stood up abruptly, his jaw clenched tight. His voice grew louder, echoing through the room.

"I don't want to hear about secure locations! I want to know exactly where he is and if he's safe." The veins on Shin's forehead throbbed with frustration as he awaited Sungmin's response. The other three trembled upon seeing their boss's anger. His tall and muscular figure walked towards them with an intimidating presence. They instinctively took a step back, fearing his wrath. Shin's eyes bore into Sungmin, demanding a satisfactory answer.

"Is he with you?" Shin asked as his voice showed power.Sungmin gulped nervously, feeling the weight of Shin's intense gaze. He hesitated for a moment before finally responding. "No, he's not with me. But I assure you, we're doing everything we can to locate him and trying to know where he is." Shin's eyebrows furrowed, his scepticism evident.

"You better find him soon," he warned, his tone dripping with authority. The tension in the air thickened as Sungmin realised the gravity of the situation and nodded earnestly, promising to expedite their efforts. They sighed in relief; they didn't expect that Shin would excuse them that easily, even after knowing that they had missed the baby.

"I will give you 20 days to find him," Shin declared, his voice firm. "But if he's not found by then, I won't hesitate to kill you all." Sungmin's heart sank at the ultimatum, knowing how cruel his boss can be. He couldn't bear the thought of what would happen if they failed. "Now leave," Shin said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

They all bowed respectfully and turned to exit the room, feeling the weight of their mission heavy on their shoulders. As they walked out, Sungmin couldn't help but wonder how they would ever find the baby in such a short amount of time. "Darn it!" Sooho, the man in them, muttered under his breath, frustration evident in his voice. "Such a lunatic boss we have. I can't believe we're risking our lives for this. But we have no choice, do we?" Hansu, the other member, said with a sigh.

"Will you guys stop complaining? There is no use complaining about him now. We have a job to do, and we need to focus on finding the baby," Sungmin replied, trying to maintain a sense of determination. "I still wonder how that baby's parents still haven't complained about his disappearance." Sooho asked, tilting his head curiously. "Who said they didn't?" Sungmin showed the message he had received on his phone.

"Look, they've already filed a missing person report. The police are involved now," he said, showing the message he received on his phone to Sooho and Hansu."From whom did you receive the message?" Sooho asked, squinting at the screen. "I have my own ways of gathering information," Sungmin replied cryptically. "What if we get caught by it?" Hansu asked worriedly. "We need not be afraid; this will lead us to the baby," Sungmin said with a smirk. "So you have men in place," Sooho said. sungmin nodded."I think how much that mom is suffering right now," Hansu said, his voice filled with empathy.

"Hansu, will you stop?" Sungmin said, as he's getting tired of hearing about Hansu's concerns. "But it's true; you know how it will be when we lose or our loved one goes missing?"Sungmin sighed, his patience wearing thin. "If you are that concerned, go tell that man that I am doing wrong and I can't do that," Sungmin said with a hint of annoyance. "But don't expect me to stop just because you're worried," he added.

Sooho glanced at Sungmin, sensing the tension in the air. "Yah, yah! Just stop that already!" Sooho exclaimed, growing frustrated with Sungmin's stubbornness. Sungmin walked away from them. "What's with him, Hyung? Why is he being so stubborn and refusing to listen to us?" Hansu asked, bewildered by Sungmin's behaviour.

"It's his nature, but this work is an order of Mr. Shin, not his right," Sooho said, trying to calm Hansu down. "Anyway, why does this lunatic want that baby?" Hansu asked, referring to his boss. "Because that baby is the son of his ex-girlfriend, who is the present daughter-in-law of a famous businessman, Mr.Kim of KS Group. This lunatic thinks that the baby that was born to her is his son and wants to get him back." Sooho said and continued, "He wants to take the DNA test as proof and get back that baby along with his ex-girlfriend. It's a twisted obsession, but that's the kind of person Mr. Shin is," Sooho said, getting tired of explaining the situation.

"We can't blame him; he became like that because of her too, right?" Hansu said, trying to empathise with Mr. Shin's perspective. Sooho laughed at his teammate's innocence and shook his head. "No, Hansu. Mr. Shin's is the reason that she left him. His obsession and possessive behaviour drove her away. The fun fact is that he knew it was his fault, but he refuses to take responsibility for his actions. He prefers to blame others—that's the same thing that happened here—and hold onto his twisted obsession instead of facing the truth." Sooho said in between his laughs. Hansu listened attentively, realising the gravity of the situation.

"Actually, she is really an angel. Despite Mr. Shin's toxic behaviour, she remained kind-hearted and forgiving towards him. It's unfortunate that he couldn't appreciate her true worth and instead let his possessiveness destroy their relationship." Hansu nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation and feeling sympathy for both parties involved. "As it's our bloody job, we have no other option than to do this or whatever he says," Sooho added. Hansu sighed, realising the difficult position they were in.

He knew that going against Mr. Shin's orders could have serious consequences for their lives. However, he felt so sad for that poor mother that he knew that he couldn't do anything except follow his psychotic boss's orders.

"Another thing," Sooho said, grabbing Hansu's attention. "Don't blame Sungmin. He might look heartless and cruel, but he's just as trapped in this situation as we are. We all have to do what we can to survive." Hansu nodded, understanding that they were all victims of circumstance and had no choice but to comply with Mr. Shin's demands.

"He chose this job before me because he needed the money to support his family. We can't blame him for that." Sooho added that sometimes people are forced into difficult situations and have to make tough decisions for the sake of their loved ones. "He knows how painful it would be when your loved ones went missing." Sooho's words made Hansu look up at him with confused eyes.

"What do you mean by 'when your loved ones went missing'?" Hansu asked, his curiosity piqued. Sooho hesitated for a moment before responding, "He used to have a brother; I don't remember what his age was when he went missing, but it was a devastating experience for him and his family. They searched for him tirelessly, but he was never found." Sooho's voice carried a hint of sadness as he shared this information with Hansu.

"Sungmin just acted differently after that. He became withdrawn and guarded, always keeping to himself. It was as if a part of him had disappeared along with his brother." Sooho's words hung in the air, leaving Hansu with a sense of understanding and empathy towards Sungmin's mysterious behaviour. "I totally misunderstood him," Hansu said.

"He must have been carrying a heavy burden all this time," Hansu continued, reflecting on Sungmin's struggles. "I wish I had known earlier, so I could have offered him support and comfort," he said, to which Sooho chuckled and replied, "He's not the type of man who easily opens up about his problems. Sungmin has always been independent and strong-willed, preferring to handle things on his own." Hansu nodded in agreement, realising that Sungmin's stoic nature had masked his inner turmoil all along.But once he starts trusting you, he will open up," Sooho added.

"It may just take some time and patience for him to feel comfortable enough to share." Hansu nodded again, grateful for the reminder that building trust and providing a safe space for Sungmin were key to helping him through his struggles.Let's go," Sooho said, wrapping his arm around the young man's shoulder.

"Yah! Sungmin, let's go," he said Sungmin looked up, smashing his cigarette butt into the ground."You smoked without me again?" sooho whined Sungmin chuckled and playfully nudged Sooho's side. "Don't worry, I saved one for you too," he said, pulling out another cigarette from his pocket. Sooho grinned, "Oh! Hansu-ah, you want to smoke, too." Sooho asked Hansu, who was standing by his side. Hansu shook his head and politely declined it, while Sungmin smacked Sooho's head playfully.

"Leave him alone, Sooho. Don't spoil him. Not everyone wants to join in on our bad habits," Sungmin said with a smile. Sooho pouted, but ultimately respected Hansu's decision and put the cigarette away. Hansu smiled at the elder's words. "Sorry, Hyung, for my earlier behaviour," he apologised sincerely. Sungmin waved it off, assuring Hansu that there was no need to apologise. "Hansu-ah, I always see you like a little child in our team, and I know how kind you are. We can't blame us for doing these, so just stop apologising. We're all responsible for our own choices," Sungmin said gently.

Hansu nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Let's find the baby." Sungmin said his voice sounded serious. Hansu looked at Sungmin, surprised by his sudden change in tone. "Hansu, have you seen that man's full face?" Sungmin inquired, recalling the day when the boxes were changed. Hansu shook his head in response. "No, I didn't get a good look at him," Hansu said regretfully.

"But I remember his eyes; they were big and round eyes. and dark brown in colour." Hansu paused for a moment, trying to recall any other distinctive features of the man he saw on that day. "I also remember that he had a scar on his left cheek," Hansu added, hoping that this detail would help in their search. "A scar on his left cheek?" Sungmin repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Sungmin's curiosity was piqued as he tried to visualise the man with a scar on his left cheek. "Do you recall anything else about his appearance?" Sungmin asked, hoping for more clues to aid in their search. But Hansu couldn't remember much, as it's dark and the lighting is poor.

He strained his memory, but all he could recall was the scar on the man's left cheek. "It's not that big, but it's enough to see if you're up close," Hansu replied, frustration evident in his voice. Sungmin sighed, realising that their chances of finding the man solely based on a scar were slim. "Well, it's a start," Sungmin said optimistically, trying to keep their spirits up.

"Look at him; he is still sleeping," Jimin whispered to Jin, pointing at the peacefully slumbering figure of Jungkook. "Wake him, Jin Hyung," Jimin urged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Jin chuckled softly, but he kept observing Jungkook, which made Jimin impatient. "Come on, Jin Hyung, we can't let him sleep all day," Jimin said, nudging Jin playfully.

(jin's outfit)

"Jimin, once look at his scar," Jin pointed at a barely visible scar on Jungkook's cheek. Jimin looked at Jungkook as he too noticed the scar on his cheek. "Oh! That one you forgot; Jin Hyung Jungkook already mentioned it, remember? He said it was from a childhood accident while playing with his brother."

Jin nodded, his eyes still fixed on Jungkook. "I remember now," he said thoughtfully. "But it's strange how it's barely noticeable now, almost like it's faded over time." Jimin glanced at the scar again. He shrugged, shaking his head. "I don't know; maybe it's just the lighting in here. But regardless, it's a part of Jungkook's story and makes him even more unique," Jimin said with a smile.

Jin gave a nod and made his way to wake up Jungkook, who was still peacefully sleeping. As Jin gently shook him awake, he knew this wouldn't work to wake up Jungkook. With a heavy sigh, Jin rolled his sleeves up. He took a deep breath, sat beside Jungkook on his bed, and pinched his nipples, which always work to rouse him from his slumber. Jungkook's eyes shot open in shock, and he sat up quickly, rubbing his chest in confusion. Jin couldn't help but chuckle at the bewildered expression on his face.

"YAh! Jin Hyung, How many times did I tell you to not wake me up like that?" Jungkook exclaimed with a hint of annoyance in his voice, rubbing his chest. Jin grinned mischievously, knowing that he had successfully roused his maknae once again. "Well, Jungkook-ah, it's the only way to make sure you're up," Jin replied playfully, earning a playful punch from Jungkook in return.

Jimin laughed at the playful banter between Jin and Jungkook, enjoying the lighthearted atmosphere. He couldn't help but join in, teasing Jungkook about his exaggerated reaction. "Come on, Kookie, it's just Jin Hyung being his mischievous self. You know he loves to mess with you," Jimin said, earning a playful glare from Jungkook before they all burst into laughter together.

"Okay, fresh up and come down; breakfast is ready," Jin called out, breaking the playful moment. Jin and Jimin left Jungkook's room, leaving him alone to get ready. As Jungkook finished freshening up with a smile on his face, he made his way downstairs to join them for breakfast.

(Jungkook's outfit)

"Good morning, everyone!" Jungkook was greeted as he entered the dining room. The aroma of Jin's cooking filled the air, making his stomach growl in anticipation. Taking a seat at the table, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond he shared with his fellow members.

(Hoseok's outfit)

"Good morning, Kook," Hoseok said with a warm smile. "You're just in time; breakfast is almost ready," he added. Jungkook returned the smile and thanked Jin for his cooking. As they all sat down to eat, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and closeness.

(Taehyung's outfit)

"So today it's Taehyung who's going to take care of that baby." Jungkook chimed in, "I can't wait to see Taehyung in action as a caretaker. He's always so great with kids." The group nodded in agreement, excited to witness Taehyung's caring side.

"Wait, it's not kids; it's kids, and that too, my baby Yeontan." Taehyung clarified with a mischievous grin. The group burst into laughter at Taehyung's cute clarification. "Whatever you know how to take care of a baby, Tae, we've seen you with Yeontan before, and you're a natural," Jimin teased. "He's a puppy, Jimin," Taehyung playfully corrected. "Well, he's my fur baby, and I treat him like my own child." The group chuckled at Taehyung's devotion to his beloved pet.

"And now you have to take care of him too, like you do with Yeontan," Jungkook added, joining in on the teasing. Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully. "I swear, you guys are worse than a bunch of protective parents," he joked. The group laughed again, enjoying their light-hearted banter.

"Anyway, I will take care of him today." Jimin said, getting the group's attention with his statement, and they all turned to him with puzzled expressions. "You, what?" they asked in unison. Jimin rolled his eyes, seeing his members acting so surprised. "I said I'd take care of the baby today," he repeated, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "I can handle him, you know." The members exchanged glances, still unsure if Jimin was serious or not.

"Then what about tomorrow?" Taehyung asked.Jimin sighed, feeling slightly exasperated by his members' scepticism. "I will be taking care of him tomorrow too. Happy," he replied, emphasising the word "happy" with a sarcastic tone. "Fine as you wish, Jimin," Jin said. Jimin smiled to himself like a fool, and he didn't notice himself.

Namjoon and yoongi's outfit

Namjoon and Yoongi just kept staring at Jimin with raised eyebrows, their scepticism still evident. Jimin turned his head and caught Namjoon and Yoongi staring at him like fools, causing him to feel a twinge of annoyance. "What's with you two? Can't a guy be happy for once?" Jimin snapped, his irritation seeping into his voice.

"Why are you so excited to take care of him?" Namjoon asked. Annoyance on Jimin's face is replaced with a mischievous grin. "Well, let's just say I have my reasons," Jimin replied, his tone teasing. "But trust me, it's going to be worth it." He winked at Namjoon and Yoongi, leaving them both intrigued and curious about his secret motives.

"Worth it for what?" Yoongi questioned; his curiosity piqued. Jimin chuckled with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You'll find out soon enough," he said cryptically, leaving Namjoon and Yoongi even more intrigued and eager to uncover Jimin's hidden agenda.

"Don't tell me that by using him, you can meet that doctor." Namjoon said, which made Jimin choke on his drink. "N-no, I don't mean that," Jimin stammered, trying to regain his composure. "But meeting that doctor is definitely a part of it," he admitted, causing Namjoon and Yoongi's curiosity to intensify even further. They exchanged glances, silently agreeing to dig deeper into Jimin's mysterious plan.

"For what purpose?" Jin asked, and his curiosity piqued as he joined the conversation. The rest of the group turned to Jimin, awaiting his response with bated breath. "Um, you, he's sick, right, so-" "But he got better today because of the doctor's medicine," Yoongi intuned Jimin's explanation. Jimin hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting around the room, before finally meeting Yoongi's gaze.

"But we have to make sure that he stays healthy and doesn't get sick again." Jimin tried to make them believe. "Whatever." Yoongi rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed with Jimin's explanation. "I hope you are not using that baby as a reason to meet her." Namjoon interjected, raising an eyebrow. Jimin's face flushed with embarrassment as he quickly shook his head. "No, of course not! I genuinely care about his well-being," he assured them, hoping to clear any doubts.

Yoongi sighed, his scepticism still evident in his expression. "I don't know, Jimin. It just seems like a convenient excuse to me," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "Am I looking like a pervert to you?" Jimin asked defensively, thinking that he had crossed his arms and looked away. Jungkook controlled his laugh and looked at Taehyung, who had been silent throughout the conversation. Taehyung shrugged and spoke up, "I don't know, Jimin. It's just hard to believe sometimes, you know?"

"Are you even my best friend anymore?" Jimin was questioned with annoyance by Taehyung's words. "Okay, do whatever you want. I have to leave now. Bye guys, bye Jimin," Jin said, getting up from his chair and grabbing his bag. Jimin watched him leave. He turned to Jungkook, hoping for some clarity or reassurance, but Jungkook simply shrugged and remained silent.

"Why are these guys not believing my words?" Jimin spoke to Jungkook and Hoseok. They glanced at each other. "It's not that we don't believe you, Jimin," Hoseok replied. "It's because of your actions that it's hard for us to trust your words sometimes." Jungkook added. "What do you mean?" Jimin asked, his voice tinged with confusion. "Remember the day when we went to the hospital and what you did there?" Jungkook said, reminding him of his unholy thing at that time.

"Yah, at that time we were working, and you guys know it was a part of our job," Jimin defended himself, his voice filled with frustration. "Sometimes you do that even when you are not working." Jungkook said, his tone accusing playfully.

"Correct it. First, they come themselves and start the game. I just pretend to go along with it," Jimin replied, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Besides, because of that, we have gotten to know many rich people to steal from. Just say thanks to me for increasing our resources," Jimin added, raising an eyebrow.

"So you say this whole group has become successful in their thieving endeavours because of your clever tactics?" Jungkook asked, a mix of amusement and disbelief evident in his voice. Jimin nodded confidently. "Absolutely," he replied, leaning back in his chair. "My charm and quick thinking have definitely played a significant role in our success. But let's not forget that we all bring something valuable to the table. Each member of our group has their own unique skills that contribute to our successful heists." Jungkook chuckled, impressed by Jimin's self-assurance. "Well, I guess I owe you a thank you, then," he said playfully.

Jimin grinned, enjoying the banter between them. "Oh, you definitely do," he teased, his eyes glinting mischievously. "After all, without my quick thinking, who knows where we would be right now?" Jimin added, for which Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully, but there was a hint of admiration in his gaze. "Alright, alright," he conceded, unable to hide his smile. "I'll give credit where credit is due. Your charm and quick thinking have saved us more times than I can count." The rest of the group chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"Okay, let's get going, Hobi, Yoongi. We will be late," Namjoon said as he glanced at his watch. The group quickly gathered their belongings and headed towards the door. "Just take care of you and him," Namjoon said, pointing at Jinhaw, who is peacefully sleeping.

"You want to convey your regards to Areum?" Jimin asked, which Namjoon partly heard. "Huh?" Namjoon asked, turning his gaze to Jimin, who shook his head as if he said, Never mind. "No, it's nothing," Jimin replied with a smile. Namjoon nodded, and the group made their way out of the room, leaving Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook.

"Idiot, don't you know what to say and what not?" Jungkook scolded Jimin, playfully punching his arm. Jimin chuckled and shrugged. "You want to know why I want to meet the doctor?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow mischievously. Jungkook raised an eyebrow in curiosity, his playful scolding momentarily forgotten. "Why?" he asked, his interest piqued. Jimin smirked, leaning in closer to Jungkook and Taehyung.

"So Yang Jiyoo and Cho Areum are both childhood friends," Taehyung said, "and she knows about the Namjoon and Areum relationship." Jungkook said, following Taehyung. "She got to know that was Namjoon," Jimin corrected. "Aish! Both are the same sentences," Jungkook exclaimed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Okay, so she found out that Namjoon was in a relationship with Areum," he clarified. Jimin chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"So, as they both broke up and parted ways from each other, and you guys want to reunite them," Jungkook continued, "So guys are making it possible by planning a surprise encounter between Namjoon and Areum," Taehyung added. "We thought it would be a good idea to bring them together and see if they still have feelings for each other," Jimin explained. "It's like a second chance for them to reconnect and maybe even get back together," Jungkook concluded with a hopeful smile.

"But it's not that easy. Areum is so headstrong, and Namjoon is hesitant to reach out to her after all this time," Jimin chimed in.

"Well, you guys have to plan carefully. We can't blame both. Namjoon Hyung has a reason, but the lie he used for the breakup is really hurtful, and it's understandable that Areum is hesitant to forgive him. It will take time and effort from both sides to rebuild trust and overcome the past. But if they truly still have feelings for each other, it might be worth giving it a shot and seeing if they can find their way back to each other." Taehyung said it with a hopeful tone.

"Oh god! I was getting late to see you after work. I hope ideas work out," he added, glancing at his watch. "TAe," Jimin called him, making Taehyung pay attention to him. "Don't reveal any of our members; it's not that we can't trust them, but it's important for us to figure things out on our own first," Jimin said. Taehyung nodded understandingly.

"You too," Jimin said, running to Jungkook, who nodded his head in agreement. "Bye guys." Taehyung bid with Yeontan and went to his pet care job. "I'll be going then; I haven't gone yesterday either. I think my new student will be coming today," Jungkook said. As Taehyung left for his pet care job, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for his new student. He wondered what kind of person they would be.

"Someone is getting eager," Jimin teased, giving Jungkook a playful nudge. "NO! I was thinking about what kind of person they would be." Jungkook defended himself, blushing slightly. "I just hope they're friendly and easy to work with," he added, trying to hide his excitement. Jimin chuckled and patted Jungkook on the back reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be great. Just be yourself, and everything will go smoothly," he said, giving his friend a supportive smile.

"And also, if it's female, don't get shy." Jungkook laughed nervously, feeling his cheeks grow warmer. "Yeah, I'll try my best," he replied, hoping he wouldn't embarrass himself if the new person happened to be a girl. Jimin grinned mischievously, knowing exactly how to tease his friend. "Oh, I can already picture you stumbling over your words," he teased, earning a playful shove from Jungkook.

"Oh, stop it," Jungkook playfully scolded, trying to hide his growing nervousness. He took a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm and confident as he prepared to meet the new person. "Bye, see you tonight," Jungkook said, giving Jimin a small wave before heading towards the door.

"Ah! I forgot to tell you," Jungkook said. Jimin turned around, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "What is it?" he asked, wondering what Jungkook had forgotten to mention. "When you are taking care of the baby, if he cries even when you feed him, show him some rhymes. Until he sleeps, don't dare to change the channels in between; he will burst into tears if you do." Jungkook chuckled, knowing how sensitive the baby could be. "Alright, I'll remember that," Jimin replied, grateful for the advice. With a final wave, Jungkook left the room, leaving Jimin with a baby.

"Omo! You woke up." Jimin exclaimed, noticing that the baby had opened his eyes and was staring up at him. He gently picked the baby up. "Had a good sleep?" Jimin cooed, smiling down at the baby. The baby responded with a gurgle and a toothless grin, like he's responding to Jimin's question, making Jimin's heart melt. "Cute," Jimin mumbled to himself as he rocked the baby in his arms. Jimin quickly realised that taking care of a baby was no easy task, but he was determined to give it his all. From changing diapers to soothing cries, Jimin immersed himself in the role of a carer.

"I think he can do better than me," Jungkook thought to himself. He knows Jimin is such a kind person; though he loses his temper easily and sometimes doubts his abilities, he still puts in his best effort. "Jeon, you are here?" A feminine voice caught his attention, making him startled as he turned around to see who it was and saw a woman in her mid-40s. "Opps! I'm sorry if I startled you," she said. Jungkook quickly composed himself and smiled at the woman. "No worries, you didn't startle me too much," he replied politely. "Is there something I can help you with?" he asked, curious about her sudden appearance.

"Oh! Haha," she laughed nervously. "I just came here to see how your so-called self-defence class is going on." Jungkook raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by her comment. "Well, it's actually going pretty well," he responded, a hint of pride in his voice. "Would you like to join us and see for yourself?" he offered, gesturing in the direction of the class.

"Oh! No, no, it's fine," she quickly declined, waving her hands dismissively. "I was just curious, that's all. I'll leave you to it then." With a botoxed smile, she turned on her heels and walked away. "Such a pesky old lady," Jungkook muttered under his breath, shaking his head in amusement. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as he watched her disappear into the distance.

"Good morning, Ssaem (a shortened way to call a teacher in Korean)." Jungkook was greeted by one of his students. "What a sarcastic morning," Jungkook replied with a dry chuckle. "I understand why you would say that." The boy replied. "Have you seen sarcasm from the old lady?" Jungkook blurted out. "I have paid her enough, even though I have fewer students," Jungkook said, frowning. Jungkook's frustration with the old lady's sarcasm was evident in his frown.

"Fewer?" His student raised his eyebrow. "Ah, stop it, Junsu; may be there are only very few. Still, I managed, didn't I?" Jungkook replied, his voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness. "Any way you said there will be someone new to our class, where is he?" Jungkook asked curiously, hoping for a distraction from the old lady's sarcasm.

"Oh, it's her, not him.She's going to be here. I will give her a call." Junsu said as he pulled out his phone. They both heard a ringtone behind them. Jungkook turned around to see a young girl standing there, holding her phone up to her ear. "Oh! She's already here!" Junsu exclaimed.

"Hello, I'm sorry for being late." She apologised, slightly out of breath. "I got a bit lost on my way here," she added. Jungkook and Junsu exchanged amused glances. "Take a breath and relax," Jungkook said with a chuckle. "We were just about to call you," Junsu added, gesturing towards his phone. The young girl smiled sheepishly and nodded, grateful for their understanding.

"Oh! Have this, our trainer or teacher, Mr.Jeon." Junsu introduced Jungkook in a formal way. "But you need not be so formal; he's really friendly, so you can just call him Ssaem." The young girl's nervousness eased as she listened to Junsu's introduction. "Ssaem, this is Lee Haeun, your new student and also my university classmate," Junsu said, introducing the two. "Nice to meet you, Ms.Lee," Jungkook said with a warm smile. Haeun bowed politely and greeted Jungkook with a smile.

(the above picture is just an example of an outfit.)

"Can you stay here? I have something to talk about with Junsu." Jungkook said this and gestured for Junsu to follow him. Haeun nodded understandingly, giving them some privacy. As she watched them walk away, she couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about what they were going to discuss.

"What is it, Ssaem?" Junsu asked, his voice filled with curiosity. Jungkook glanced around to make sure no one was listening before leaning in closer to Junsu. "I wanted to talk to you about her." Junsu's eyes widened with intrigue as he leaned in closer, eager to hear what Jungkook had to say. The mention of "her" piqued his curiosity even more, making him wonder who they were referring to.

"Who?" Junsu asked as he leaned in closer to Jungkook. "Fool, your university friend and new student, Lee Haeun," Jungkook whispered, his words barely audible. "Lee Haeun? Why are you talking about her?" he asked, his voice filled with confusion. Jungkook sighed, hesitating before answering. "I feel like I have seen her before, but I can't remember where or when. It's like she's familiar to me, but I can't place it."

Junsu tilted his head slightly, his brows furrowing in thought. "That's strange," he commented, his voice tinged with curiosity. "I wonder if there's something about her that I'm not aware of." Junsu's eyes narrowed as he continued to ponder. "Idiot, stop jumping to conclusions," Jungkook interrupted, his tone slightly exasperated.

"She might be a friend to you, but that does not mean that she should share her entire life story with you. People have their own reasons for keeping certain things private." Junsu nodded, realising that Jungkook had a point. "Let's go now, and don't tell her what we discussed; she understands," Jungkook said, his voice low and serious. Junsu hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Can we start now?" Jungkook said, grabbing her attention. "What about others?" Haeun asked, looking at the almost empty room. Junsu burst into laughter. "Haeun-ah, there are only two students. One is me, and now you." Junsu said in between his laughs. But his laughter was slightly choked by Jungkook's glare at him. Jungkook's gaze intensified, conveying a clear message to Junsu to be more discreet.

"Ahem! There are, but those are kids." Junsu said, clearing his throat after seeing Jungkook's glare. Haeun glanced at the corner of the room where a few young children were quietly playing with toys. "Oh, I see," she said, realising that the class was meant for younger students.

"Hey kids, go out now," Junsu called out to the children, gesturing for them to leave the room. The children obediently gathered their toys and exited, leaving the space empty for them. "When did they come?" Jungkook asked Junsu lowly. Junsu shrugged, replying, "I'm not sure. They must have come in while we were setting up." Jungkook pouted and shrugged his shoulders while nodding his head in understanding.

"See you tomorrow, Saem." Junsu said "Thank you for teaching us," Haeun said with a warm smile, which met Jungkook's heart. Jungkook smiled back at Haeun and nodded at her words shyly. "Oh, such an obedient student." Junsu commented from her side, for which Haeun gave him a side eye.

Jungkook chuckled at Junsu's comment. "Good bye, Ssaem." Haeun waved and turned to leave the room. "Let's go; bye, Saem," Junsu said, giving a small wave before following Haeun out of the room. Jungkook watched them leave. It's all alone again, like every day. He sighed and walked back to his seat, feeling a sense of emptiness in the empty room.

"What will Mr.Jeon do after teaching us?" Haeun asked as they walked through the street. Junsu glanced at Haeun, pondering her question. "He is on search," Junsu replied shortly. Haeun frowned at Junsu's improper reply and asked, "What do you mean by 'on search'?" Junsu paused for a moment, trying to find the right words. "For other job opportunities," he finally answered.

"He looks so young. just like us," Haeun said. Images of Jungkook flashed in her mind. A slight crimson crossed her cheek unknowingly as she thought about their handsome and talented teacher. "I wonder what made him decide to leave teaching," Haeun mused aloud, her curiosity piqued. Junsu shrugged, his gaze fixed on the bustling street ahead.

"Of course, he's just 2 years older than us," Junsu replied, breaking his gaze from the street. "What!" Haeun's eyes widened in surprise. "Yes, he's 24." Haeun's surprise turned into awe as she realised that Jungkook was only two years older than them. "He just quit studying and wanted to do something useful, so he thought of this," Junsu explained.

"How do you know all of this?" Haeun asked, her curiosity growing. Junsu chuckled and replied, "He once helped fight off a group of bullies who were bothering me. Then he introduced himself, his Taekwondo training, and how it led him to start this self-defence class. He's a really humble and down-to-earth guy." Haeun nodded, impressed by Jungkook's character and determination. She couldn't wait to meet him and learn from his expertise in taekwondo.

"But even though we have asked many people to join in these classes, no one has come, but now you have come that way because of your interest. Thank you, Haeun." Junsu expressed. Haeun gave him a wide grin. "But I feel like I have seen him before." Haeun pondered for a moment, trying to recall where she might have seen Jungkook before. "You too feel the same?" Junsu asked.

"What do you mean by 'the same'?" Haeun questioned; her curiosity piqued. "You have to be careful when you're around him." Junsu cautioned, his voice filled with concern. "Junsu, just answer me for what I have asked." Haeun asked with a hint of frustration. "He said the same thing as you said." Junsu explained, his brows furrowing in confusion. "He mentioned feeling like he had seen you before too." Haeun's eyes widened in surprise.

"You should stop," he said, leaning into her ear to continue. "Going out tonight to rob," Junsu whispered, his voice filled with a mix of caution and worry. "I know it's dangerous, but I need the money." Haeun replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I understand, but please be careful." Junsu pleaded, his eyes filled with concern. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Haeun nodded, appreciating his worry. "I promise, I'll do my best to stay safe," she assured him, giving him a reassuring smile.

'Where have I seen him?Where did he see me? I have to know,' Haeun thought as he walked on her way

"Where should I come to meet you?" Jimin asked on his call while cradling the baby in his hands, trying to keep his voice low so as not to disturb the little one. "I'll be waiting at Hwan's cafe. Is that okay?" A voice from the other side replied. "I'm okay with that, Dr. Yang," Jimin responded without giving any second thought. He quickly glanced at the clock, realising that he had some time to spare before heading out. "Just let me know when you're on your way," Jimin added, hoping to make the meetup as smooth as possible.

"Sure, see you later." With that response, the call was disconnected. Jimin let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the plans were set. He knew he needed this meetup to go well, as it's his first meeting with someone in whom he's truly interested.

"I'm going to meet her." He told the baby, who was still asleep, as he gently placed the phone back on the table. "You have been sleeping in your arms so quietly; then why did you trouble Jungkook yesterday?" Jimin asked the baby as he snuggled in Jimin's arms. "Maybe you just wanted to have fun with him too." Jimin chuckled softly, imagining the baby's mischievous side.

"You are up, little man," Jimin said, seeing the baby's eyes flutter open. He carefully shifted the baby to his other arm, allowing him to stretch and yawn. "We have to go out now. Please don't cry or do anything that might attract attention," Jimin whispered to the baby, hoping to avoid any disruptions during their outing.

Jimin got ready by putting on a warm coat and grabbing the baby's diaper bag. He double-checked to make sure he had everything they needed before heading out the door. As they stepped outside, Jimin couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness to meet her.

He happily drove to the location where they were going to meet her. He felt like the routes were so similar, as if he had driven them a hundred times before. "Why does it feel like I know this place so well?" Jimin wondered aloud. As they arrived at the meeting spot, he noticed a familiar board with beautiful Korean calligraphy hanging on the wall, which was written in elegant strokes "Hwan's Cafe and Bakery". 

"Ms. Yoo, when will Mr.Kim come here?" asked Fuyuko with a hint of curiosity in her voice. Siah lifted her head from her book and replied, "How would I know, Ms.Fuyuko?" Fuyuko sighed, realising that Siah might not have the answer. She glanced at her watch and said, "Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"I think there will be no use waiting for him now. He might not show up," Siah added. "I see," Fuyuko said, her voice filled with disappointment. "Then what should we do, Jiro?" she said to her dog as she looked down at him. "Um, if you don't have any objections, I would like to take care of you until Taehyung arrives," Siah asked. Fuyuko looked surprised at Siah's offer; she never asked like that because Siah just feels jealous whenever she talks with Taehyung, but that doesn't mean that she hates her or doesn't want her help. Fuyuko hesitated for a moment, considering Siah's words, before finally nodding in agreement. "Thank you, Siah," she said sincerely, a hint of relief in her voice.

"Bye, don't trouble her." Fuyuko said this to her fur baby as she handed her over to Siah. Siah smiled warmly, reassuring Fuyuko that everything would be fine. 'She is not bad, though,' Fuyuko thought to herself as she watched Siah interact with her fur baby, realising that perhaps her initial judgement was unfounded.

"Why is he not coming yet?" Siah said to herself. "Siah-shii, Taehyung-shi was on leave," said another customer. There is another customer again asking about Taehyung. Siah sighed, realising that she would have to explain Taehyung's absence once again. She politely reassured the customer that Taehyung would be back soon and offered her assistance in the meantime.

"Here we are." Siah heard a deep yet soft voice outside the door. She turned around to see a tall man with a warm smile holding a dog in his arms. Siah's heart skipped a beat as she realised it was Taehyung, finally here.

"Woah! What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked her with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Don't be so surprised; I was just taking care of these babies." Siah said she was showing the puppies that she had been looking after. "What? you... taking care of them." Taehyung stammered, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Oh! Stop being so dramatic, Mr. Kim. You are late, so I just thought to help, like a payback for last time," Siah replied with a scoff, crossing her arms. Taehyung chuckled and shook his head, knowing that she always cares for him and covering it up with sarcasm.

"Well, thanks then," Taehyung said, his smile growing wider. "I thank you for the help, even if it was just to get back at me." Siah rolled her eyes playfully and nudged him with her elbow. "Don't get too used to it, Kim. I won't be doing it again." Taehyung laughed, knowing that Siah's tough exterior was just a facade. "I'll remember that," he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Done with your laughing, well, I'm leaving then," Siah replied, feigning annoyance. She turned to walk away, but Taehyung held her arm gently, stopping her in her tracks.

"Wait, Siah," he said softly. "I'm not done with you yet." Siah's heart skipped a beat as she felt the deepness in Taehyung's voice. She turned to face him, her eyes searching his for any sign of what he meant. "What do you want now?" Siah asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of nervousness. Instead of replying to her, he walked closer to her, his eyes never leaving hers. Siah could feel the intensity of his gaze, causing her heart to race even faster. She swallowed nervously, waiting for him to speak, unsure of what was about to happen next.

She stepped back and tried to break the tension between them. 'Why is he looking at me like that?' she wondered, her mind racing with possibilities. Was he about to confess something? Or was he planning to confront her about something she had done? The uncertainty was almost unbearable, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Taehyung stepped forward, closing the distance between them once again. His presence was overwhelming, making it difficult for Siah to think clearly. She felt her heart race as he reached out to touch her face. His touch sent shivers down her spine, causing a rush of emotions within her. Siah's mind became a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and feelings. 'My words, what happened to them?' she wondered.

"I wanted to ask you something," he said, his voice low and gentle. Siah's breath caught in her throat as she looked into Taehyung's eyes, searching for any hint of what he wanted to ask. She nodded, unable to find her voice amidst the whirlwind of emotions. "Do you put a lot of make-up on your face?" he finally asked, his words surprising her. Her heart sank as she realised that his question had nothing to do with the intense connection they had just shared. Confusion and disappointment flooded her, leaving her at a loss for words. 'Is this what he wanted to tell me?' she wondered, feeling a mix of hurt and frustration. 'Ah, such drok', she thought to herself, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over her.

"KIM FREAKING TAEHYUNG!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anger and disbelief. "I will kill you for this!" She pushed him away from her, which made him fall to the ground. Taehyung held her arm, making her fall, but not on the ground. "Yah!" she yelled. Her words got stuck when she noticed that she was on him, their bodies pressed close together. She could feel his rapid heartbeat against her chest, and for a moment, all her anger and frustration seemed to dissipate. But as she looked into his eyes, she realised that there was something more going on beneath the surface.

For the first time in her life, she has seen him so close. His eyes are as deep as the ocean, filled with emotions she has never seen before. He looked cute with a mole under his nosetip and benath his eyes, adding to his charm. His lips were slightly parted, inviting her to lean in closer. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him, to taste the sweetness of his lips, and to lose herself in the moment.

"Done checking me out. Stop staring at my lips." She quickly snapped out of her thoughts, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up her cheeks. His playful remark brought her back to reality, reminding her that she had been caught in a moment of silent admiration. She sheepishly looked away, hoping to hide the blush that still lingered on her face.

"Am I really that comfy that you are not even getting up from me? "Or maybe you just can't resist my magnetic charm," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. She realised that she was still with him, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. She quickly got up, trying to regain her composure, and playfully retorted, "Oh, please, don't flatter yourself too much." She pretended to brush off his comment. "Anyway, it's your fault, though. If you hadn't pulled my hand with you, I wouldn't have fallen up on you." He chuckled, his playful demeanour not fading. "Well, I couldn't resist the opportunity to catch you in my arms," he said with a wink. "Pervert," she teased, giving him a playful shove. And she turned back, hiding her blushing face behind her hair.

"Oh! Really!" Taehyung exclaimed, feigning surprise. "You think I'm a pervert now?" he asked, raising an eyebrow playfully. "You are the one who kept checking my face and kept staring at my lips, OH my god," Taehyung exclaimed, feigning shock and placing a hand over his heart. "Now, you say that I'm a pervert?" he continued, feigning hurt.

"Oh! Stop it, Tae," she said, rolling her eyes and playfully pushing him away. "How can you say that I was checking you out? Not like you weren't checking me as well," she teased, smirking. "Well, I was not checking you out," he replied, trying to maintain a straight face. But he couldn't let go of the fact that her words had hit a nerve. "Okay, maybe I was glancing in your direction," he admitted sheepishly, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "But I'm the one who told you to get away from me, which means you are so into me. " Taehyung said, defending himself, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'He was right. I'm the one who just kept staring at him, mainly his lips. Ugh, Yoo Siah, such a pervert, she thought to herself, feeling a mix of embarrassment and attraction.

"I'm leaving I don't have time to argue with you," Yoo Siah said, trying to hide her growing smile. "But just so you know, it's not because I'm into you. It's because you're so annoyingly persistent." With that, she turned on her heels and walked away, leaving Taehyung stunned and intrigued.

He chuckled softly to himself, unable to shake off the lingering image of Siah's mesmerising gaze. He watched her go to her shop from the door, which is connected between hers and his. He couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking as she walked away. Taehyng just kept replying to the scene when she was on top of him. He couldn't help but feel his heart fluster. Her face, her cheeks, her eyes, and her lips were all he could think about. He knew she felt the same way because he could see that in her eyes.

"You guys are really so close," Siah heard a voice say from behind her. She turned around to see her friend, who was standing there with a mischievous grin. "Stop it, Doyun; I just fell upon him by accident," Siah replied, rolling her eyes. "Besides, we're just neighbours. It's not like we're best friends or anything." Doyun raised an eyebrow and smirked, teasingly saying, "Oh, really? Because the way you two were looking at each other seemed more than just accidental." Siah blushed and playfully shoved her friend, ignoring her comment with a laugh.

"Siah, just tell him before it gets late, and you will regret not saying anything. You never know; he might feel the same way." Doyun nudged Siah, encouraging her to be honest about her feelings. "It takes some time, Doyun," Siah said with a sigh. "I don't want to rush into anything and risk losing our friendship. Besides, what if he doesn't feel the same way? It would be too awkward." Doyun nodded understandingly but couldn't help but add, "But what if he's been waiting for you to make the first move all this time? You won't know unless you try."

"Okay, just leave it at that," Siah replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'll think about it, but for now, let's focus on work." Doyun respected Siah's decision and agreed. "What about you?" Siah asked Doyun. "About HyeonU," Siah said. Doyun sighed. "I'm not sure either. I've been friends with him for so long, and I don't want to ruin that. And also you that he likes." "HyeonU Hi." Siah interrupted and smiled.

"Hi, Siah," he replied with a smile. "What are you guys talking about?" he asked curiously, joining the conversation. Siah and Doyun exchanged glances before Siah spoke up. "We were just discussing our plans for the weekend," Siah replied, trying to change the subject. HyeonU nodded, sensing their hesitation. "Well, if you need any suggestions or if you want to hang out, let me know," he offered kindly. Siah and Doyun exchanged relieved smiles, grateful for HyeonU's understanding and support.

On the other hand, A smile formed on Taehyung's lips when he heard the conversation between them, but it dropped when he heard the name HyeongU. It's not like he hates him, but he just feels a twinge of jealousy whenever he sees Siah and HyeonU getting along so well. He then heard his voice. 'He's here; they just thought about him, but how did he appear out of nowhere?' Taehyung thought to himself, feeling a mix of curiosity and annoyance. 'Let me enter the screen now' he muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he thought about joining the conversation.

"Siah-shi, if you are free this weekend, would you like to go out with me and explore that new café downtown? I heard they have amazing pastries," Taehyung said, trying to sound casual as he joined the conversation. He couldn't help but hope that Siah would accept his invitation.

Siah was totally surprised by Taehyung's request. It's not news to her that Taehyung joined in between the conversations, particularly when HyeongU was there, just as she was when Taehyung was with Fuyuko.

"Oh! HyeongU, sorry, I haven't noticed you." Taehyung said it with a fictitious apologetic tone. "It's okay, Taehyung." Hyeongu replied, giving Taehyung a knowing smile. "Um, can I too join with you guys, Taehyung?" Doyun asked, and as Taehyung knows, Doyun will say that. "Sure, if you are interested." Taehyung responded, not surprised by Doyun's request.

"Will you join us, Hyeongu?" Taehyung asked, turning to HyeongU, hoping that he would say no. HyeongU chuckled and shook his head. "Sorry, Taehyung. I have other plans for today." Taehyung's face lit up as he knew that HyeongU too doesn't like Taehyung when he's around with Siah. "It's okay; I was hoping for the same." Taehyung mumbled the last part under his breath, relieved that HyeongU wouldn't be joining them.

"See you, siah. Bye." Hyeongu said, "Just don't come again." Taehyung muttered, unable to hide his disdain. "So quick, you just came here," Sarah said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Hyeongu shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, it's like someone just will never leave us alone." He smirked, clearly referring to Taehyung. "I mean, my boss, he just keeps discouraging me when I want to spend time with you." Sarah raised an eyebrow, catching on to the tension between Hyeongu and Taehyung. "Okay then. See you later." Siah replied. "I'll be leaving too," said Doyun, getting attention from Siah.

Siah understood that Doyun wanted to speak with HyeongU on her way, so she gave a nod.

Taehyung and Siah saw their figures receding into the distance as they walked away. Taehyung sighed in remorse, seeing HyeongU leave. He forgot to notice that Siah was still beside him. "Why are you feeling so relived all of a sudden?" Siah asked, raising an eyebrow. I'm not feeling that relieved; I'm just a bit lost in thought. It's just sad to see HyeongU go, you know? " Taehyung said there was sarcasm in his voice. Siah chuckled softly, understanding Taehyung's true feelings. "Just go to your work now," Sarah said, getting inside her shop. 'Cute idiot, always so dramatic,' Siah thought to herself as she watched Taehyung walk away.

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