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Later, I told my mom about the proposal. She was really happy. 

8 years went by. In those 8 years, Jasper and I got really close. Our love was so deep. We were literally inseparable. 

Then, one day his parents came to visit my parents. They talked while I hung out with Jasper in the backyard. 

Soon, we were engaged. Then, we got married. It was a small family function. Only friends and relatives attended. But it was really nice. I was so happy ! I will never forget that feeling. 

Then, we moved to the city of Athens. We bought a flat. We started living quite happily. Jasper found a job in one of the big restaurants in our area. He started playing his guitar there. He went at 9 AM in the morning and came back at 10 PM in he night. Before going he kissed me, and after coming, he kissed me again. On Fridays, he had a day off. Then, we would enjoy he whole day. We would watch movies together. I would sit on his lap and we would play his guitar and sing together. We would play hide and seek. One year passed like that.

After that, the good news came. I was pregnant. Jasper was so happy! He bought some small dresses for babies. All he clothes were for baby girls.

"What if it's a boy?" I asked him one day.
"I think it's a girl," he replied and smiled.
"I think it's a boy," I said biting my lip. I just had this hunch that it was a boy.
"No, it's a girl," he said thinking.
"If it's a girl, what will you name it?" I asked him.
"Flora Mason," he replied.
"Flora?" I muttered.
"Yes. And if it's a boy, I will name it Alex Mason," he said and gave a crooked smile.
"I like both names," I said and kissed him on the cheek.
He turned his face just in time to catch me in a heated kiss.

A month after that, Jasper came home quickly, panting as he entered. I got scared. He looked like hell.

"What's wrong?" I asked. My heart was hammering. Something felt really wrong.
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
"Jasper, what's wrong?" I asked again touching his cheek.
"There was a fire in our village,"he muttered.
"Are our families okay?!!" I whispered hoping he would say yes.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.

I cried a lot that night. Jasper was with me and I cried in his arms all night. I didn't realize when I fell asleep in his arms.

As Jasper was with me, I forgot the pain; the pain of losing my parents. After getting the news of our new guest, Jasper started taking more care of me.

One day, he told me that the restaurant's owner's daughter had expressed a liking to him and had proposed him for marriage. He had told her that he was already married. The girl's name was Maria. She told him that her offer would always be open and that he could marry her, dumping me. But, of course, Jasper said no.

The day of our new guest's arrival approached nearer. We were really excited. Then one day, Jasper came home. I could smell something funny. He was reeking of stale beer. As he stumbled I rushed to him and held him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. His eyes were red. "She had me fired. All cuz I didn't leave you." And then he was laughing. 

"Stop,"I said. "Go and clean up," I ordered. "Don't boss me around. This is your fault." 

"My fault ? How is this my fault if she is messed up in there?"I asked holding his collar advancing with a pang of anger. Damn these hormones.

He suddenly shoved me away. I don't know if he meant to push me that hard but I fell on the floor on my stomach and felt a pain in my abdomen. I could not hold back the scream. I was in so much pain. That scream seemed to bring him to his senses. He looked at me in horror as I felt blood trickling down my thighs. There were tears in my eyes as he leaned down and held me while dialing the emergency hotline number on his phone. 

Soon a siren could be heard and an ambulance arrived. He picked me up carefully bridal style and carried me out. I couldn't stop crying and he was whispering soothing words like "calm down baby" and "it's gonna be fine".

I was in such pain! They took me directly to the OT. But, after the pain stopped, I could not hear the crying of a baby. I did hear a shout. It was Jasper's voice.

"NO, THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!!!" he shouted and his voice broke on the last word.

He was crying. I asked he nurse why my husband was crying.
"I'm sorry. You are okay but your daughter didn't survive," she said calmly.

The nurse's words hit me like a tornado. My child was dead? It was a girl.. I smiled. But she was dead. She didn't survive. But.....

I lost consciousness.

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