Calm before the storm

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Jaune: "you know this is so much easier now that I did that 1 month long training trip"

he dodge cardin wing of his war hammer with a little bit of a dancer flare and does a spin and trip cardin to fall on his face

Jaune with a twirl of his sword and cut his weapon in half at the shaft as cardin tries to block his new weapon yellow thorn

Jaune: "Give up cardin I am no longer the push over you knew I am a competent fighter now"

Cardin: "Yeah yeah arc not bad you definitely came a long way from the weakling that could somehow cut an ursa major head off in one go but get his ass handed to by a fell person good job"

Jaune: "Oh what this genuine praise from the almighty cardin winchester?"

Cardin: "oh shut up you cheeky ass"

he gives him a shove to the shoulder

Cardin: "I cleaned up my act after you saved me the first time and did quite a few soul searching and came to a conclusion that yes the white fang killed my little sister but that on the white fang not the innocent faunus civilian that openly protest the fang and the one here to be huntsman so I decided to finally let go I am sure my little sis is proud of me for doing so"

Jaune: "Glad to see me saving your ass gave you a big wake up call"

Carding: "yeah so how does it feel to know you have a semblance that can save everyone but it had the weird side effect of giving women surprise pregnancies"

Jaune scratches the back of his head

Jaune: "Honestly I am conflicted I am happy my semblance embodies what I truly want to do as a huntsman to save and protect everyone but I don't know if I have the right to do that if I get women pregnant from it"

Cardin: "I kind of get what you mean you want to help but what right do you have to do so if it leave women with something they never asked for and if feels like you violated them right?"

Jaune: "Yeah actually how you know?"

Cardin: "jaune your a great guy who just want to help people a real classic hero you one giant golden retriever it obvious from the start especially since you know your gonna be a dad now with 4 of the hottest girls in beacon first year and look at you your dating the child prodigy ruby rose who is related to beacon strongest team in history team strq I say you hit the jackpot dude so don't sweat the small stuff what matters is your doing what you believe is right hell you even support and understood if they chose to terminate the pregnancy that's much more than some people in your situation would do and be"

Jaune: "huh I guess you're right thanks man"

Cardin: "no problem dude now lets go before rose rips us a new one because of her pregnancy mood swings because your not there to make her cookies and me because I suggested we spar so she kill me as I am the reason your gone"

Jaune: "yeah ruby is scarily violent when pregnant lucky for me me sun and Neptune decided to handle blake and weiss respectively since they were actually dating them and they dont mind raising the kid as their own because they understand my semblance was the only thing that could save them and it was an unknown side effect their just happy they are alive"

Cardin: "I mean what can they do no like you actually had sex with them it literally soul mumbo jumbo magic that caused this"

As they get to the door they both scream like little girls as Crescent rose blade stabs through the carbon steel door

Jaune: "ruby please for give us we where on our back I will do anything don't kill me!"

She kicks open the door and she drags jaune away

If you where watching this as a bystander you probably laughing right now as a tiny red head that's obviously heavily pregnant is dragging this tall buff blond who is probably the father of those by his foot as he begs for forgiveness and mercy

Ozpin: "be strong mister arc its just pregnancy hormones only 8 more months and you be free"

He smiles sadly and he thinks back to when salem was not insane and was pregnant with their daughters and how she use it do the same thing to him when he trained and hung out with friends a little too long for her liking

Qrow: "just like summer only more malicious right tai?"

Only to see tai sitting in a corner rocking back and forth having Vietnam flashbacks to angry pregnant summer

Qrow: "oh brother history repeating itself he just tai jr minus the playboy that tai was"

You could hear the screams of pain and pleasure from jaune through out the whole school

Winter: "wow her pregnancy hormones are no joke I don't think I heard a man scream that loud before?"

Qrow: "yeah apparently its a rose thing all rose women get violent and horny when pregnant for a month or longer some say it a balancing thing as they are one of the sweetest women you ever meet in your entire life"

Winter: "huh one of life's greatest mysteries"

The next day ruby lays there on jaune chest happily cuddling him both naked as the day they where born and jaune is covered in hickeys bite marks and scratches

Jaune: (how just how is ruby a virgin when she knows how to do all of that granted it was amazing as hell and I am glad I lost my virginity to her too but holy shit did we do some hardcore stuff on our first time)

He hugs her closer and decided to stop questioning it and sleep in today

Only for the door to kicked open by the rest of team rwby all 3 of them demanding food!

Jaune: "god damn it"

Time skip

Jaune: "their all done!"

They just dive right in not saying thank you

Jaune: (Honestly I am not looking forward to the births I feel like all my bones will be turned to dust wait actually yang might be ok since the pain would just fuel her semblance which she then can use to shoot out the kids like shot gun shells)

Ruby who woke up a little bit later then says

Ruby: "I hope you didn't forget to make food for me as well"

Jaune: "Don't worry i didn't forget here"

he hands her a whole box of her favorite cookies

Ruby: "your the best jaune!"

she gives him a kiss and goes back to the room to lay down and eat her cookies

Jaune: "Ah this is not so bad though I will be happy once this is all over hopefully I don't have to heal anyone else because adding in more kids would probably kill me"

only for the door to be slammed open and goodwitch comes in

Goodwitch: "Mister arc come quick its urgent velvet and coco of teame coffee are in critical condition and only you can stabilize them"

Jaune: "FUCK!!!!"

to be continued

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