the bloodline grows bigger

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A few months later

Meanwhile with the villain's

Salem: "cinder report to me now what is this I hear about ozpin planing to make an army of silver eyed warriors!"

Cinder: "it is as you heard that arc boy the weakest student at beacon has gotten an very powerful semblance but it had the side effect of making women he used it on pregnant and it just so happened the silver eyed girl team gotten injured and he healed them"

Salem: "No no no I spent too much time trying to kill them all I refuse to let them repopulate change of plans your all going to combine your grimm armies and attack vale and kill that silver eyed brat before she give birth"

Yes mistress/goddess

Meanwhile at beacon

Coco: "so your saying in order to save us you have arc here heal us with his semblance knowing full well of the side effects"

Ozpin: "yes but not to worry beacon has plenty of program and facilities that can and will help should you decide to keep it "

Coco: "no offence arc but I think I will terminate it. Don't get me wrong I would love to be a mom but I rather my first child be from someone I actually love and also I am still young too"

Velvet: "I will carry it to term"

Jaune: "Alright I respect you decisions now if that's all I should check up on team ruby they are 9 months in now they could give birth any second now"

his scroll rings and he picks it up

Qrow: "Kid get your ass over here their coming!"

jaune: "welp speak of the devil and you shall receive"

he runs out of the room heading to the hospital that team rwby where transfer too but like a idiot that would do anything to avoid something he chose to run their instead of taking the air ship so when he got their the kids where already born and he has 4 angry and powerful women glaring at him

(An: yes yang did shoot out the kids like shotgun shells because of her semblance gave the doctor and nurse a massive scare with how fast they flew out and the force too it a wonder how they came out unharmed)

Ruby: Pant "Your sleeping on the couch tonight!"

Jaune: "Fuck!"

Qrow: "well beside arc being dumb say hello to your kids and good lord kid I don't know if its an arc thing or just your aura because you put 10 kids in ruby, 5 in the cat, 3 in fire cracker and out of everyone the Ice queen jr only had 1"

Ruby: "That's also the other reason why your on the couch you know how painful it was to push out 10 of them!"

Jaune: "Please forgive me I can make it up to all of you!"

Weiss: "if you want to make it upto me be my personal chef and find away to heal us without putting unwanted surprises in us!"

Ruby: "you wearing a collar and leash for as long as I say so and your going to do everything I tell you to do no complaints and maybe I will let you sleep with me and the kids in the same room and bed"

Yang: "don't be late next time"

Blake: "tuna get me fresh tuna when I ask and you be forgiven"

Jaune: "I can live with that"

Ruby: "Good now get over here!"

she pulls out a collar and leash from the drawer

Ruby: "your not leaving my side until I say so"

Qrow: "you really are a tai jr summer did the exact same thing she collared and leashed him as soon as ruby got born"

Tai: "hey I resent that you drunk bird"

Qrow: "still true though"

He gets smacked in the head by winter his girlfriend

Winter: "behave your self your a grown ass man it wouldn't hurt to be a little more mature"

Qrow and tai: "well arc welcome to fatherhood and get ready we are putting you through training camp from hell you improved fast but it still not enough"

Jaune gets a determined loom

Jaune: "bring it on I refuse to be weak I will beat your expectations and become strong enough to protect my family!"

The door open and sun, neptune and cardin walked in

Sun: "sorry I am late blake my team just got back from a mission assignment but I am clear for awhile so I will be here to help out"

Cardin: "you know jaune If I didn't know the situation alredy i would say the kid was probably monkey boys to be fair you guys can pass of as brothers"

Jaune: "hehe actually about that we are brothers just not by blood you see my dad technically has a harem though he only has 2 wives one is suns mom we are step brothers he just has his mom last name to continue the family name since my dad already had me for the arc name"

Sun: "yep so either way the girl would have been a belladonna arc regardless because I am an arc too"

Neptune: "thankfully she has your hair weiss it mean we wouldn't be pestered on whos the actual father is not that I mind jaune being the bio father hes a great guy it just get annoying to correct people on it"

Weiss: "agreed though I don't know what to do knowing father he probably has disowned me and cut me off from the sdc because this is bad for his "name" even though the man married into the schnees name but it not like atlas cares it laws are so backwards"

Cardin: "so did you all pick names for them?"

Jaune: "don't look at me ruby only let me name one cause apparently I am terrible at naming thing and the only good names I chosen was artemis and pyhrra"

Ruby: "because its true the rest of the names didn't follow the color rule at least with artemis you think of the moon and silver as that goddess was know for using silver weapon and having silver eyes and pyhrra is self explanitory"

Jaune: "well you try to think of 10 names that follow that ridiculous rule like i get it significance but like we don't have that law anymore surely we can name them normally now right?"

Ruby: "your not wrong but it just doesn't feel right it so normal to be named after a color or something that makes you think of a color"

Weiss: "it definitely not easy for sure so we would just hold off on naming them for now and think up our options"

Yang: "agreed I dont know about you guys but I am going to sleep now that was exhausting"

Jaune: "she makes a good point we will let you girls sleep we will come back tomorrow"

Ruby tugs on the leash

Ruby: "you may leave for the night"

she takes off the leash

Ruby: "but your coming back her first thing in the morning and you better have made us breakfast, lunch and dinner that will be your first step of apologizing to the 4 of us for being late"

Jaune: "alright I will don't worry the hospital food can't be good tasting anyways I will make you all something special"

Blake: "actually jaune I will leave that for sun hes going to be the father in this situation as we discussed so it time for him to learn the ropes of being a house husband"

She give sun a look saying you get no say in this

Weiss: "I would say the same but with Neptune crippling fear of water I will have to rely on you I seen him get scared of a pot of water I can't rely on him to be able to cook if that triggers him"

Neptune just slumps down in shame at his pathetic fear

Jaune: "you should get therapy for that neppy because thats a bad fear to have in our profession especially since aquatic grimm exist"

Neptune: "yeah yeah your right I will schedule one soon"

Weiss: "good now shoo all of you we need our beauty sleep!"

They all leave at their command

Sun: "jaune what are blake favorite sea food to eat?"

Jaune: "besides the obvious tuna, she enjoys salmon and a lot of shell fish especially oysters"

Sun: "thanks looks like I making her a 3 course sea food course"

Cardin: "enough of that it time to party on jauney boy becoming a father I got us booze and a few movies and games we can watch and play to celebrate!"

Jaune: "sure why not"

Sun: "I'm in"

Neptune: "why not"

Cue them passing out at 5 in the morning

The girls: "those lovable idiots!"

They slap their foreheads

To be continued

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