Doing your job

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Raph woke up to the sound of birds.........jk he woke up to the sound of a crying baby girl. Raph sighed in frustration. "When will this end?" "In a couple of weeks." Swift said who I believe just woke up. "C'mon, lets go get her." Raph said as he walked out of his room with Swift following him.

Once they got to Sadie's room, she saw her uncles and stopped crying. "I guess she hates being alone." Swift said. "You think?" Just then, Anthony walked in. "Aw, is it morning already? I was having a good dream."

"And what was the dream."

"That I get my first girlfriend." Raph and Swift only face palmed while Sadie joined in. "Go wake up your cousin so you guys can feed her." Raph said as he handed Sadie to Anthony. "Sure thing uncle." he said as he walked out the door to he and Caesar's room.

When he arrived, Caesar was sound asleep. Anthony sighed. "Dang, that guy can sleep." he said as he walked towards him and started to shake him. But it didn't work. "Hey Sadie, a little help please?" Sadie crawled over to her big cousin and bit HARD on his hand. Which caused him to jerk up from his peaceful nap. "Yeow!" he said as he held his hand while Anthony laughed. "Not cool guys, not cool."


As time pasted, it was now noon for the lizards and turtles. Swift was taking care of the food, Raph was cooking it, and the cousins where watching there favorite show. Anthony was on the left, while Caesar was holding Sadie on the right. "Man, I love this show." Anthony said. "Me too, I hope it never ends." But then they smelled an odor. "*sniffs* What's that smell?"

"Probably, Sadie." And he was right. After being given milk, well let's just say her body couldn't take it anymore. "Dads, Sadie needs to be changed, again." Caesar shouted trying to get there attention. "You do realized I taught you how to do that right?" Swift said who was annoyed as ever. Caesar gave him a face that said, '-_-' and sighed. "C'mon, let's just change it together." he said as he grabbed Anthony's hand before he could say anything.


In the bathroom, they put Sadie on the stool and grabbed everything they needed. "Okay, now what's the first step?" Anthony asked having no clue how to change a diaper. "First *gulps* lets take the diaper off." he said as he was too scared to see what was in there. He and Anthony took it off slowly.............and thankfully she didn't go number 2. They sighed in relief. "See it's not so bad. Now put the diaper in the trash while I wipe her." Caesar ordered as Anthony did as he was told. Caesar started to wipe her and put the wipe in the trash. "Now while I wash my hands, you can put the new diaper back on." he said as he went towards the sink. Anthony put the diaper back on and surprisingly, he did it right. "I thought you said you didn't know how to change a diaper." Caesar said surprised to see his cousin finally responsible as him. "I know how to put a diaper on I just don't know how to change it."


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