Sneaking out

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"Dude, where's the bottle?"

"I don't know."

"Well, find it."

The two cousins were fighting because of a faulty missing bottle. It was feeding time for Sadie, but when the boys discovered that they lost her bottle, she started crying for over an hour. Anthony kept looking for the bottle in the kitchen while Caesar was holding a crying Sadie.

"Found it." Anthony said as he revealed a pink bottle that was under the cabinet. "Alright, now lets feed her." Caesar said as he and Anthony walked to the kitchen to feed Sadie.

Once they were done, Caesar and Anthony started to get bored. "Ugh, I'm bored." Anthony said dramatically as he sat on the couch.

"Dude, do you always have to be dramatic about everything?"

"Yep." Anthony said with a smirk which made both Caesar and Sadie laughed. "Seriously though, I'm bored what should we do?"

"Do the one thing our parents tell us not to do.....sneak out."

"You sure about this?"

"Trust me they won't notice a thing."

"Wait, we can't leave Sadie."

"That's why we're bringing her with us." Anthony gave him a '-_-' look. "Dude, we have no idea what kind of danger is out there."

"Well, do you have a better idea?"

".......fair enough." 


Its been an hour since they snuck out and all they could find was a night club that they were WAY too young for. "C'mon there's gotta be some fun around here." Anthony said as they continued to travel in the night. "How's Sadie?" he asked as he turned his head to look at Caesar. "She's okay." Caesar said as Sadie was enjoying Caesar's orange and black shirt. Then the trio spotted a bright light in the distance. "Its probably another night club." Anthony said sarcastically. Until they realized this particular night club was for 13 years and up to 17 only. "Perfect." Caesar said as they walked strait in.

When they opened the doors, they saw a bunch of kids. But mostly mutants. There were wolfs, dogs, cats, even lizards like them. "Wow," They both said in union. "This is the place were mutants can roam around free."

"We should come here more often." Caesar said as he and Anthony walked inside. They saw a pool table, a bar selling different kinds of soda, and an arcade. "Cool an arcade." Anthony said as he ran towards his favorite arcade game. Pac-man. "Dude, look." he said but Anthony wouldn't look up from his game. Caesar sighed as he walked towards the bar table. He ordered a Sprite for him and his cousin as they brought them to him. Sadie jestered Caesar to give her some. Caesar didn't wanna make her cry so he gave some to her. Once she tasted it she immediately smile and cooed at her big cousin. Then Caesar checked his phone and realized......yep you guessed it, it was Swift. The text read, 'If you two are not home by 10:00 I'll ground both you and Anthony for a month.' "Uh oh." he said as he went towards Anthony. "Anthony, we gotta go."

"Just one more game."

"Dude, dad said if were not home by 10:00 he'll ground us for a month." This made Anthony widen his eyes. "And it's 9:50." Caesar finished. Anthony gasped. "We gotta get home NOW!" he said as they both ran out the door. "How, we only have 10 minutes." They ran as fast as they could back home. In the end, they was only 5 seconds to spare. The lizards breathed heavily as they slumped down on the floor ignoring there fathers'/uncles' disappointed faces. Swift sighed. "I can't believe you guys only had 5 seconds to spare."

"YAAAAASSSSSS!" The two lizards cheered. "But,"Raph begin to say as the lizards looked at him. "if I see that you two aren't home again by the time we get back, it'll be the last time you do, deal?" "Deal." the lizards said in union as they handed Sadie to Swift. "Good, now get to bed." he said as the lizards went off to there rooms.

"You think there actually gonna go?" Swift asked as they saw them try to sneak out the window. "HEY WHAT DID I SAY!?" Raph yelled as the lizards quickly ran to there rooms. For real this time. Raph chuckled. "Works every time."

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