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    It was well into the afternoon, and I haven't gotten up yet. The most I'd done since last night was change out of my jeans and sweater into a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt that landed just at my thighs. My hair is tied up in a bun that resembles more of a birds nest than anything. My eyes sting, all dried out from crying as much as I did last night.

    Mom and dad have both paid me visits since, bringing me the breakfast this morning and hugs soon after Wyatt left last night. I'd buried my face in dad's chest, hugging him, while my mom had sat on my other side, her hand rubbing comforting circles on my back.

    Neither pushed me to talk or pried. They just sat there with me, mumbling words of comfort. Until my tears eventually dried up. I felt like a little kid. Mom sat at the edge of my bed, kissing my forehead goodnight before exiting my room. I've avoided boys in high school and throughout most of my adult life for this very reason. I've only ever felt heartbreak like this one another time, and this time, I wasn't just mourning a friendship. I was mourning over all the what-ifs I'd been planning out in my head.

    "Marles," Harper's voice called out, her fist gently knocking against my door. She enters slowly, peeking into my room. She'd come to my room as soon as she got home last night, but neither of us talked. I was in no mood to last night. My thoughts were running at a mile a minute, my heart racing just as fast. Now, I sat on my bed, a journal I'd found on my bookshelf open in front of me. I've spent the morning writing down everything I'm feeling, needing to get it out somehow. My handwriting is sloppy and sprawled across the paper in a rushed matter. I can barely make out the words now. "James and Lizzie picked up some food. Figured you might be hungry?"

    I was starving, but I don't want to go downstairs and have to face everyone. Despite Wyatt leaving, Nikki stayed. I don't want her to feel like me being heartbroken over her son is her fault in any way. At the end of the day, Wyatt's an adult who makes his own decisions. His mom has no control over them.

    Lizzie calls from downstairs, "Everyone else is out," She reassures, "Mom, dad and Nikki took Skye to the movies. It's just us."

     "And, we a strawberry milkshake, extra whipped cream with your name on it." James sings, I can smell the food from up here. It smells greasy and salty. I don't have to ask what it is. We all know one another well enough to know what each other's comfort foods were.

    I kick my legs over the edge of my bed, standing up. This earns a smile from Harper, who walks ahead of me, leading the way down the stairs. "Aw, honey," Lizzie pouts, seeing me. I can't blame her. I feel terrible. I probably look it too. Each of them held a twin, who babbled, excited to see me. On a normal day, I'd greet the two excitedly, taking one of them from their parents arms.

    "Is that what I think it is?" I mumble, nodding towards the brown paper bag in Liz's hands. The familiar arches of the McDonalds logo is printed on it.

"Extra-large fry, four-piece nugget," She nods, passing me the bag.

    "You're amazing," I tell both her and James, walking past them into the kitchen. We all take seats around the breakfast table, pulling out food from the bags. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I saw all the food in front of me.

    It doesn't take long for me to break down the events of last night in full detail. I start by telling them about the conversation between Wyatt and me in Lizzie's old room, the night I discovered that the way I felt towards Wyatt was more than just friends. The night I realized I'd fallen for him. I then told them about our car ride and the detour we took on the way home. I tell them every word he said to me, trying not to think too hard about the way he looked so sincere.

    I guess Wyatt was a better actor than I thought he was.

    I finish by telling them about how he asked me out, how I'd been so happy up until we walked into the house, and everything came crashing down around us. I can remember Wyatt and I's argument word for word. It's been playing in my head on repeat all night. Every time I close my eyes, I can picture his green eyes, pleading for me to stop.

    The three of them hang onto my every word, their expressions falling further as I go on, "And then, I asked him to prove it, prove that he was who I thought he was." I'd thought I'd cried enough tears that I couldn't possibly have more to spare. But one silently streaked down my cheek.

   "And he didn't," Lizzie mumbles to herself, shaking her head. I silently nod. She reaches over, placing her hand on mine, "Marles, I am so sorry. I thought he was different, that he'd changed."

    "Yeah, me too," I mutter, taking a sip of my milkshake.

    "It's his loss," James states, his tone reassuring, "If I know one thing for certain, it's that you are way too good for him, and if he doesn't see that, is he really worth your time?"

   "Yeah," Harper nods in agreement while Lizzie clutches my hand, rubbing comforting circles. James and Harper sat up straight. Wyatt had messed with someone they care about. Their protective instincts were kicking in.

    I can't help but smile. How did I get so lucky? These three people Are my people. They Are my real best friends. I don't doubt that they'd do anything for me, much like how I'd do anything for them. My heart was still heavy, my mind racing, but I wasn't alone. I cherished being able to just sit with them.

    "Should we prank him?" James asks Harper, an evil smirk on his lips, "Hack his Instagram? Send the press to his hotel to swarm him?"

   "James Beck, you are an evil genius," Harper nods her head, pulling her phone out of her pocket.   

    "It's okay," I stop her, laughing slightly. As much as I'd love to get back at Wyatt, there was something satisfying about acting as if I didn't care. "Thank you, though." I smile at them, squeezing Lizzie's hand, "for all of this. I feel a lot less alone."

    "You're never alone," Lizzie shakes her head at me.

    "You'd be shocked," I look over at her. It was easy to tell Wyatt the truth, so is it so hard to tell my siblings? I take in a breath before telling them everything. It feels liberating, being honest about how lonely I was. I'd spent the last 3 and a half years playing pretend.

    "Marley," Lizzie shakes her head at me, "why didn't you tell us?"

    "I was embarrassed," I shrug, "I didn't want you to worry about me. I had grown so much I felt like if I admitted that I was scared to trust people. It'd bring me right back to a bad place."

     "So, what are you going to do when you move back to the city?" Harper asks, her brows furrowed with concern.

    I'd been thinking about it for days. The more time I spent with my family, the harder the thought of leaving and not visiting for a while sounded. I can't go and live in my empty, sad apartment by myself again. "I don't think I can go back," I mumble, more to myself than to my siblings, "I think I want to move back home."

    "Wait," Harper gasps, "really? You better not be joking right now? What about your job? I thought being Victoria's assistant was the best way to become a published author?"

    It was the journey of finding a publisher was hard and took a lot of time. But it'd be worth it if it meant I didn't have to be alone, "I'll quit," I shrug, like it's no big deal, "I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss it, I will. But I'll miss you guys even more."

    "I'm so happy we're going to see you more," Lizzie squeals, pulling me in for a hug. James and Harper both stand from their seats, piling over Liz and me.

    "Who knows, maybe we can move to the city together next fall," Harper shrugs, once we've all pulled away from our group hug, "I mean, I'd be on campus, but you wouldn't be alone. You'd have me."

    Harper was so social. I know for a fact she'd have no problem making friends in the city. I'd only hold her back, "Yeah, maybe."

    "Elliot, Iris, guess what?" James scoops Iris out of her highchair, passing her over to me. He grabs Elliot next, "Auntie Marley is moving home, and she's going to babysit you all the time."

    I laugh, bouncing Iris in my arms. She giggles, "can we keep this between us for now? I'd rather tell mom and dad once Wyatt and Nikki are gone."

    "Of course," Lizzie nods. She's smiling so big right now. Giddy, like a little kid on Christmas morning, "just one more hug." She pulls me into another hug, squeezing me.

    I could still feel sadness tugging at my heart. It didn't vanish entirely after just one conversation. But I did feel a little lighter like I could get through anything as long as I stuck by them. Everything will be okay once Wyatt leaves in a few days.

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