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London wraps her legs around Wyatt's waist. His arms fly up to hold her hips, keeping her steady. I can't see his face behind her blonde hair, only his hands, which gripped onto her securely, "W-what are you doing here?" He asks, clearly in shock.

"I missed you. So, I came to surprise you," She pulls her head out of the crook of his neck to look at him. Wyatt's eyes are wide, his smile from early completely gone. London leans forward before he could say anything, pressing her lips against his in one swift motion. I avert my gaze, sucking in a deep breath.

I only look back over once I hear London's feet hit the ground. She's even more beautiful in person. Her blonde hair is bleached, an almost ice white colour. It makes her green eyes stand out against her long dark lashes. Her cheekbones were high and sharp, her lips plump. She looks me up and down, disgust contouring on her features before she turns to look at Wyatt, "Who is this?"

"London," He glances between the two of us, "this is Marley, she's..." He hesitates and I don't think it's possible for my heart to sink any further than it already has, but it does. "An old friend. Marley, this is London, my-"

"Girlfriend." I cut him off, forcing a smile onto my face. He said it was complicated, but it didn't look like it was to me. He lied to me.

"Aw, baby," London coos, placing her hand on Wyatt's chest. She snuggled her head into the crook of his neck, placing small kisses against it, "you told her about me? so sweet."

I want to slap her and burst into tears at the same time. I'm not sure whether to feel angry or sad. Heartbroken or annoyed. Wyatt looks like a deer caught in headlights. He'd been caught. "Can you excuse me for a minute," I mutter, pressing my lips together tightly.

I don't wait for either of them to say anything before turning on my heel, rushing up the stairs. I shut my bedroom door, locking it. I can't believe I've been so stupid? I can't believe I fell his for tricks? I want to scream. The anger I feel towards Wyatt and myself for falling for him outweighs the sadness currently tugging at my heart.

I fall onto my bed, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. I had a few unread text messages, all from mom and dad. They were warning me a friend of Wyatt's from LA is here. Nikki even messaged me, asking me to let Wyatt know. She seemed confused about London's surprise visit too.

I'd been so distracted by Wyatt that neither of us saw the texts. Another thing I blame on him.

"Marles," There's a quiet knock on the bathroom door connecting our rooms. I don't reply, hoping Wyatt will leave me alone. He doesn't, though. He knocks again, this time a little harder, "I'm coming in." He tells me, turning the handle.

I grab the book resting on my nightstand, opening it to cover my face from his vision, "Not in the mood," I mutter, gritting my teeth together.

"Marley, I just wanna talk," He informs me. He sounds like the one who's been hurt. He steps so he's in front of the foot of my bed. I peek over the book. His hands are shoved in his pockets, his head hung low.

"About what?" I ask him, my tone laced with venom, "the fact that you just asked me out? Or the fact that you and London are obviously still together?"

"Marley, I told you it's complicated," He reminds me, shaking his head. I bit my tongue. It didn't look very complicated to me, "Yes, London and I did date a while ago, but she's not really my girlfriend now... I told you, it's eat or be eaten in Hollywood, London is good for my image."

"Right," I nod, sitting up. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, standing up, "your image. Of course."

"Why are you being like this?" He asks accusingly, tugging at his hair, "you're being so stubborn. Me and London are not together. Why are you upset?"

"Does she know that?" I ask, my brows furrowing together, "because the way she just mauled you says otherwise."

"If you would just listen to me, you'd understand."

"And if you'd just been honest with me, this wouldn't be happening," I raise my voice. It cracks slightly. I take a breath. I can't cry right now. I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. "You tricked me into thinking you hated Hollywood and your management's perception of your image, and yet here you are still in a relationship with her." Wyatt opens his mouth to interject, but I don't let him, continuing, "I don't care if it's not real. You're still in it."

"Marley, it's not that easy," He shook his head, "you don't get it."

"No, Wyatt, I do," I step closer so he can look me in the eye. His green eyes are wide, pleading for me to listen, "As much as you won't admit it, you like the fame and the attention. You like the guy you are when you're with her. You like the Wyatt that Hollywood has forced you to become."

"No, I don't."

"Then prove it," I gesture towards my door, shaking my head, "tell her it's over. Take control of your life."

Wyatt doesn't say anything. He just stands there and looks at me. He seems upset, and I know it's not because I've broken his heart like he's broke mine. It's because he was caught.

"Wyatt? Baby?" London calls up the stairs, her voice nasally, "Are you coming? I got us a suite at a hotel, and I want to shower before bed."

I raise my brow at Wyatt, giving him one last chance. Please, take it, I want to cry. Stick up for yourself, prove to me that you're the Wyatt I know. Him not saying anything gives me my answer, I call back to London for him, "He's coming."

"Marley," he says my name, begging for me to just hear him out. I don't want to, though. I've already seen enough.

"Just go," I snap. My voice cracks again, and this time I don't think I can hold back the tears, "please. I don't wanna do this anymore."

Wyatt glances at me hesitantly before sighing, walking out through my bedroom door. As soon as he shuts the door behind him, I fall onto my bed, hugging a pillow in my arms. I cry, not stopping the tears that stream down my face. All of my anger vanishes within an instant, replaced by a heavy sadness.

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