chapter eight

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Camila awoke to the sound of the television, sitting up as she rubbed her eyes.

"What are you doing awake?" She asked, cuddling next to her daughter.

"You were snoring, shhhh, I'm watching this," Cindy shushed her mom.

"Okay, someone's moody."

"And someone's annoying," Cindy put her hand over Camila's mouth, rolling her eyes as she nibbled at it a little.

Lauren woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. When Cindy had introduced her to her friend yesterday, she had never been happier. The moment she called her mom, Lauren knew in her heart that she had forgiven her.

Lauren walked over to the bathroom and brushed her teeth when there was a knock on the door, she wiped her face and went to answer it.

"Can I help you?" Lauren looked at the bellboy.

"I just wanted to give you this," The bellboy handed her a note.

"Thank you."

Pricilla had sent everyone in the group a note each to their hotel rooms.

We will see all of you at the hotel restaurant - Pricilla.

Camila pretended to gasp, "We've been invited out to eat by Ariana Grande!" She looked at her daughter who's full attention was still on the television.

Cindy turned to her mother, "are you okay?"

The two girls finally left their room at around one.

"Do you have any idea how many times Pricilla has text me?" Camila looked at her daughter as they got into the elevator.

"I think she's text A just as many from the look on his face," Cindy giggled and looked at her bodyguard.

The three walked into the restaurant where Pricilla had reserved a private room for the lunch.

"What happened to you?" Was the first thing Pricilla asked when they entered the room.

"Sorry," Camila and Cindy said in unison. They shot each other glances but they knew that it was not time to jinx each other.

"It's about time you two showed up," Sinuhe stood up.

"Abuela!" Cindy yelled and ran into her grandmothers awaiting arms.

"Well before we go back to having lunch," Pricilla stood up, "Camila, Cindy this is Mike and Clara Jauregui."

"Pleased to meet you," Cindy beamed, she knew that the couple sitting right before her were her grandparents.

"Camila, do I know you from somewhere?" Clara asked.

"You should, she was my best friend in high school," Lauren butted in.

"Oh, now I remember you. What happened to you?"

"I..." Camila took a seat, she knew it was going to be a long story.

The group was now having desert when the waiter came in, "I have a lady who is looking for a Miss Cabello in the lobby."

Camila stood up and excused herself, as she stepped back into the room, Cindy's eyes widened.

"Guess I wasn't the Miss Cabello they were looking for."

"Madison!" Cindy wiped her mouth and walked over to her friend.

Camila opened the door again, "I don't think you get her name yesterday, did you?"

Cindy looked at the girl in surprise, "you're related to her?"

"This is Nailea, my younger cousin."


"Where did everyone go?" Camila asked Lauren as they left the hotel.

"I don't know, I think Normani wasn't feeling well or something..."

"Mom!" Cindy walked over to Camila, "can I go to the arcade with the girls?"

Camila looked at Lauren, "what about us?"

"You could stay with each other?"

Camila shot her a look causing Cindy to giggle.

"And what would I do with her? She's as boring as looking at a painting for two hours."

"I'm still here! Go to the arcade with your friends, I need to talk to your mom anyway."

"Okay," Cindy beamed and walked back over to her friends.

Lauren smiled at Camila as she grabbed her hand, "come on, let's go to the our spot."

"Where are they running off to?" Naya asked, pointing to Cindy's parents as the four teenagers and A walked towards the arcade.

"Lauren, where are we going?" Camila asked nervously.

"You'll remember it, Camz," Lauren smiled at her as she pulled Camila along the beach.

Camila looked around as they got to their destination, "is this where we used to come and make out?"

"That's not why I brought you here, Camz... Does anyone know that Cindy's mine?" Lauren nervously asked.

Camila put her head down and shook it, "only our friends."

Lauren gently put her hand on Camila's jaw and lifted her face slowly as she looked into her eyes. She saw every emotion she was feeling at that very moment.

"You are so beautiful," Lauren tucked a strand of Camila's hair behind her ear.

Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck, pulling her closer as they kissed.

"I can't..." Camila whispered as she pulled away from her.


"You are about to marry my cousin, I'm her maid of honor, Lauren."

"But Val and I both made it clear to each other that we didn't want to get married... I don't love her, I love you."

"It's been sixteen years..."

"Camz, look me in the eye and tell me that you don't love me."

Camila looked at her weakly, "I... I... I..." Tears began to fall from her eyes, "I don't love you."

Lauren shook her head, "you're lying."

"Then why ask me if you knew the answer," Camila cried.

"Because I want to know if you really love me too."

"I never stopped..." Camila put her head down in shame, "but we can't be together."

"Please don't say that."

"I can't be with you, you're about to marry my

"We're not getting married," Lauren whispered, "I love you, Camz."

Camila brought Lauren's face down to hers and kissed her again.


"Mom, I want to wear something nice tonight," Cindy rummaged through her clothes.

"Why?" Camila laughed as she blushed.


"You totally have a crush on Naya."

"What if I do?" Cindy asked defensively.

"You're so cute," Camila laughed even harder.

Cindy smirked, "what about you and mom?"

"What about me and your mom?"

Cindy sat up and turned to her mom, "I know you two still have feelings for each other."

"Not true."

"So true."



"Not, loser."

"Grandma," Cindy laughed.

"Grounded," Camila said seriously.


"Still grounded," Camila stood up, "and about Naya, she likes you too."

"How do you know that?"



Naya messaged Cindy telling her to meet her by the entrance of the rooftop before dinner.

"Mom please," she pleaded.

"Not without A."

"I promise I'll ask Naya if she has an older brother or sister."

"She's an only child."

"Fine!" She gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and stomped out the door.

She quickly ran to the elevator and waited to get to the highest floor.

"Naya," Cindy smiled at her as she took a seat beside her on the floor.

Naya looked her in the eye, "do you like me?"

"I do..." Cindy smiled and bit her lip, "I like you a lot."

Naya smiled, "I like you too."

Naya leaned in as Cindy did too. They gave each other a small peck on the lips.

"Come on let's get out of here," Cindy laughed and helped Naya to her feet.

"My mom is going to kill me," Cindy whispered as they walked into the dinner room where everyone else was.

"You're in so much trouble, Cindy," Camila said as they sat down, hiding her smile as she saw Naya gently slip her hand in Cindy's.

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