chapter nine

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"I didn't know you were friends with Lauren," Valentina looked at Camila.

"I probably just never mentioned it," Camila looked around the bridal shop. The three girls were about to try on their dresses for the wedding.

"I can't believe I'm the only brides maid..." Cindy mumbled, sitting on the couch.

"Why?" Valentina looked at her niece.

"I just feel weird about wearing a dress, that's all," Cindy shrugged.

"Lauren's got the same condition as you and she's wearing a dress... Mila, you still haven't told me why you never mentioned you knew Lauren."

"I don't know... I just..."


"I... "

"She used to date Dinah!" Cindy saved.

Camila's eyes went wide.

"Really?" Valentina looked at the two girls, "I'll let you off the hook, Mila, but trust me... "

"Come on Val, let's try on these dresses," Cindy made a face.

"Oh like you really want to wear a dress," Valentina shook her head, laughing at the look on Cindy's face.

"Mom, I hate this!" Cindy groaned in the dressing room.

Camila stood up, "baby, come out and let me see what you look like."

Cindy walked out of the dressing room, shaking her head.

Camila looked at her daughter, "you look beautiful, baby."

Cindy clutched onto herself, "you can see my dick," she walked back into the dressing room.

Camila smiled at her cousin.

"I guess we should get going," Valentina sighed.

"Oh yeah." Camila looked down at her phone, "we've been here all afternoon."

"Let's go," the three girls walked out of the shop.

Valentina had to spend the rest of the day with Pricilla talking.

"Now go call your wife to be while I go to the bathroom," Pricilla handed the phone to her daughter.

"What why?" Valentina looked at her in shock.

"Just call!" Pricilla said forcefully.

"Hello?" Lauren's voice came to the phone.

"hey..." Valentina bit her lip, "my mom wanted me to call you."


"I don't know but she's in the bathroom right now," she whispered, "can we talk about the plan."

Lauren was silent for a moment, "I was thinking you could faint or something."

"How about, 'I don't love you Lauren so go find some other girl to marry.'"

"That wouldn't work."

"Then what?"

"Someone needs to call off the wedding during the ceremony," Valentina told her.

"No one will do no such thing!" Pricilla's voice came from behind.

Valentina's eyes went wide and she turned to her mother. "shit," she whispered to Lauren.

"Give me that!" Pricilla grabbed the phone from Valentina, "if you do anything to destroy this wedding I will make you suffer, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am," Lauren said nervously.

"Good," Pricilla slammed down the phone.

"Mom!" Valentina shrieked.

"Oh don't you mom me!" Pricilla yelled, "you will do absolutely nothing during the wedding because if you do I will personally kill Daniel!"

"You can't do that!" Valentina cried.

"Watch me," Pricilla shook her head, she pulled out her phone and began to mumble words, "I'm going to see Camila, I'll see you later."

Valentina looked at her mother and broke into tears.


"Why'd you want to talk to me?" Camila looked at her aunt as they walked around the hotel.

"It's your cousin. She was planning to call off this whole wedding during the ceremony, I will do anything in my power to make them go through with the wedding," Pricilla shook her head sadly.


"Anything and I will make whoever's ruins it suffer, a lot..." Pricilla's eyes shone in anger.

Camila weakly walked back to her room. When she got there Lauren was sitting down talking to Cindy.

"Hi mom!" Cindy smiled at her mother, she saw her expression, "are you okay?"

"Cindy, please go hang out with Naya for a moment," Camila looked at her daughter. She had to finish things with Lauren, it was now or never.

"Mom..." Cindy began.

"Now Cindy!"

"Okay..." She looked at Camila weakly and walked out of the room.

Lauren made a move to hug her, "please don't touch me," she put up her hand.

"I know what's wrong," Lauren began, "you know I can't call off the wedding, huh?"

Camila nodded her head as tears fell from her eyes.

"Baby..." Lauren moved closer to her but she moved away, "let's talk about this," Lauren took her hand and they walked to the couch.

"There's nothing to talk about, Lauren," Camila looked at her.


"You will not do anything to destroy this wedding," Camila looked at her, "don't do anything to destroy this wedding. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't..." Lauren made a move to wrap her arms around her and finally she gave in.

Cindy ran to Naya's room quickly, her tears were falling fast.

"Cindy?" Her face was shocked to see her there.

"Can I come in?" She muttered, Naya took her hand and led her into the room.

"What's wrong?"

"My mom..." Cindy began, "I'm just so worried about her."

Naya gently put her hand on her chin and lifted it up. She made a move to kiss her gently brushing her lip against hers.

Cindy smiled against her lips.

"I'm guessing you fell better?" Naya asked nervously.

"Much," she crawled over to her.

Everything was left in the air until the next morning. Cindy hadn't spoken to Camila because she went straight to bed when she got back to the hotel room.

And when Camila woke up the next morning she found a note on her bedside table from Cindy telling her that she would just be hanging around the hotel with Naya and the rest of her friends and that she would meet A every other hour.

Camila decided to spend the morning in the pool area, she was lying there by herself until someone took a seat beside her.


She opened her eyes to see Lauren on the other lounging chair. She sat up and put down her shades.

"Hi, what's up?"

"I've been looking everywhere for you," she told her.

"I've been here all morning," she smiled at her.

"I wanted to talk to you about Cindy staying with me for the rest of the summer."

Her words registered in Camila's head and her eyes went wide, "the entire summer?"

"Yeah, I want to get to know her more."

"I... You have to talk to Cindy."

Lauren could see that Camila really didn't want her daughter to go with her.

"Are you sure this is okay with you?"

"It's not my decision to make, you're her mom... I can't stop you spending time with her."

"So this is all okay with you?" Lauren smiled happily.

Camila flashed a smile but deep down she was crying.

"Thank you, Camz," she stood up, "I'll see you around."

Camila laid back down as her eyes began to well up.

"Camz... What's the longest time you've spent away from Cindy, ever?"

"Three days," she managed to choke out,
Lauren nodded her head and finally left. All of a sudden Camila felt she got enough sun and decided to walk back to her room.

Cindy and the rest of her friends bumped into her mom on the way to the pool.

"Mom?" She looked at Camila worriedly, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine sweetie," she kissed her on the forehead.

"You're such a bad liar," Cindy shook her head.

"We'll talk about it later, go have fun. Come back before three so we can go eat somewhere, okay?" Camila looked at her daughter.

"Sure mom," Cindy gave her a quick hug and ran to her friends.

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