chapter ten

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"Hey you guys want anything from the bar?" Cindy asked her friends, "I'm going to get a glass of water."

Her friends shook their heads and continued to lounge around the pool.

"Can I have a glass of water please?" She smiled at the waiter.

"Cindy," Nailea walked up to her.

"Hey? Do you want a drink?" She asked.

"No, I wanted to talk to you..." Nailea moved closer.

"What?" She asked as Nailea leaned in and kissed her quickly.

Cindy pushed her away, turning to look at Naya.

"I'm sorry, I thought you liked me..."

"You thought wrong," Cindy shook her head, "I like someone else."

She got her drink and walked back to the pool, Nailea following behind her.

"You like Naya?" She asked causing Naya and Madison to look at them.


Lauren walked to Camila and Cindy's room.

"Oh hey mom!" Cindy smiled when she answered the door.

"Are you two going out?" She asked.

"Yeah, me and mom are about to go out for ice cream and chocolate!" Cindy beamed excitedly.

"Do you want to come?" Camila asked nervously, she didn't want Cindy to suspect anything.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do anyway."

"We figured just as much," Cindy laughed.

The three were soon on their way to the beach.

"Do you think it's cold?" Cindy asked, pointing at the water, "can I go in?"

"If you really want to..."

Lauren looked at her daughter as she ran towards the water then back at Camila.

"She's something else huh?" She smiled.

"Yeah," Camila sighed as Cindy ran back towards them.

"It was cold," Cindy giggled.

"Come on, let's go get ice cream," Camila put out her hand for her daughter.

"Excuse me," a man tapped Lauren on the shoulder.

"Yeah?" Lauren looked at him.

"I was wondering if you and your lovely family would like a photo?" He offered.

"Sure!" Cindy smiled at the guy, "you'll give us the picture, right?"

"Absolutely," he nodded his head and held up his camera. It was a Polaroid.

Cindy pulled her parent's beside her so she was in between the two. Her hands were crossed as Camila and Lauren both had their arms around her.


"Thank you," Cindy giggled as the man handed her the picture.

"That'll be five dollars," he put out his hand.

Camila and Cindy began to pull out their purses.

"I got it mom."

Lauren handed him a couple of bills, "keep the change."

Cindy smiled as she looked at the picture. She was leaning on Lauren's shoulder and she could see that Camila's hand was touching her moms.

"Mine..." She shook her head happily.

The day flew by fast and soon enough Lauren was walking the two girl's back to their rooms.

"Cindy, I want to ask you something," she looked at her daughter before she entered the room.

Camila didn't stop walking until she got to the bathroom. She knew that she was going to ask Cindy to stay with her for the rest of the summer.

"What's up?"

"Would you like to stay here with me for the rest of the summer?"

"I..." Cindy got excited, "I'd love to! But what about mom?"


"I'll go back with her first and then I'll come back like after a week or something, okay?"

"Why do I get the feeling that you had this all planned out?"

"I did. I need to go get ready, we're having that party tonight," Cindy kissed her on the cheek and walked into her room.

"Bye," Lauren smiled and returned to her own room.


Cindy looked around the room, "this is definitely not the party I was expecting."

"How can it be a party if the brides don't even want to get married," Normani shook her head.

"I think I'll go to sleep now," Cindy rubbed her eyes.

"Night, sweetie," Camila kissed her daughter and made room for her to sleep on the bed.

For a few moments everything was quiet before Valentina began to cry.

"What's wrong, Val?" Camila put a comforting arm around her cousin.

"I don't want to get married to her. I don't love her, I love Daniel..." Valentina began to cry harder.

"Who's Daniel?" Dinah asked curiously.

"He's my boyfriend..."

"Val, remember how I never told you who Cindy's father was?" Valentina nodded her head, "you're kinda marrying her."

Valentina took a breath and looked wide eyed at Camila, "no..."

Camila nodded her head weakly.

"How did I not put it together? But if I have a child with her they'll be first cousins..."

"And half siblings," Camila finished for her cousin.

"I can't marry her, that'll be disgusting!" Valentina shook her head.

"Sweet home Alabama..." Dinah sang to herself, flinching when Normani slapped her thigh.

"You have to, if not someone's going to get hurt," Camila said seriously. She explained what Pricilla told her.

The women just sat around talking for the rest of the night and one by one they fell asleep.

"I can't do this..." Cindy looked at herself in the mirror when she woke up that night. She was in the bathroom.

She knew that her mom's still loved each other, "they can't get married," she cried on the floor and fell asleep in the bathroom without realizing it.

The next morning Camila found Cindy lying on the bathroom floor.

Camila shook her daughter, "baby, it's time to get up."

"Ugh, what time is it?" She asked groggily.

"It's almost twelve and the weddings at five," Camila reminded her.

Cindy nodded her head weakly and attempted to go back to sleep again.

"You are on the floor," Camila laughed.

"It's comfortable," Cindy waved her hand.

"Cindy, are you sick?" Camila asked worriedly as she finally sat up, her eyes were bloodshot and her face pale.

"I feel a little dizzy," Cindy put her hand on her head, "nothing a bath can't fix."

"Have you been crying?"

"Huh?" Cindy's laugh was fake, "what made you think that? I wasn't crying," she glanced at Camila, "I wasn't crying."

"Okay, no need to get so defensive. Go put something on and let's go down to the spa and make ourselves pretty."

"Where is everyone?" Cindy rubbed her eyes.

"They've all gone to get ready."

"So it's just you and me?" Cindy smiled hopefully.

"Just like old times," Camila smiled at put out her hand for her daughter and helped her up.

"I love you."

"I love you too," she wrapped her arms around her daughter, "now go brush your teeth before I pass out."

"Haha! Very funny," Cindy rolled her eyes.

"Go and I'll have them bring lunch to the spa."


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