chapter eleven

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Early that morning Lauren drove back to her parent's home. She was in her room when her mother knocked on the door.

"I just wanted to see how you were before the wedding."

"If you think I want to marry her I don't."

"I know but it's a sacrifice I'm going to have to make you make. We promised their family years ago and we can't break that, our reputation depends on it."

"It'll never work out."

"Yes it will. I know from experience," Clara looked at her daughter.

"You mean, you and..."

"Your father.

"It'll never work."

"You're in love with someone else aren't you?"

Lauren nodded her head, "but she's gone. I've lost her. I lost her sixteen years ago and after today I am going to lose her again."

Lauren's tears began to flow, this made Clara nervous. Her daughter was always so strong and seeing her like this made her get tingly inside.

"Lauren..." She put out her arms to her.

"I've lost her mom, I can't live without her, not again."

Clara wiped her eyes, "Lauren, you're not making any sense."

"Even Valentina doesn't want to marry me," Lauren shook her head, "this wedding will be over before the honeymoon."

"Have faith and everything will be alright."

"I'm about to lose them for the second time."

"Who is she?" Clara asked.

"It doesn't matter now," Lauren turned away as Clara Stood up and left her.


"You look absolutely stunning!" Pricilla said excitedly.

"Mom, just don't!" Valentina said frustrated. It was one thing to have to marry a woman she barely knew but having to spend so much time with her mother was sickening.

"You smile young lady!" Pricilla warned, "especially if you don't want anything to happen to Daniel."

Valentina looked up at her, "huh?"

"I know everything about him. Could you go against me any more?"

"I'm not a child."

"You act like one. Now you listen," Pricilla warned, "In about an hour you will walk down that aisle and you will marry that freak, if you don't want anything to happen to Daniel."


"Mom, come on the wedding's going to start in twenty minutes!" Cindy hurried her mother out of the car.

"This is me hurrying!" Camila stood up as they were escorted to the bridal lounge.

"Camila!" Valentina ran over to her cousin.

"Look who's got cold feet," Cindy laughed before Camila nudged her, "I was joking, sheesh!"

"So how's it going?" Camila asked her cousin.

"What does it look like? I'm about to make a lifelong commitment to a woman I barely know."

"She's a good woman. Do you need anything?" Camila asked.


Camila looked at her daughter. Cindy began to search for a lady in the room to help her and unluckily there was no one else there. She stepped out of the room and unconsciously walked to the chapel were the wedding was going to be.

"Cindy," a voice called, she turned to see Naya.

"Hey!" She ran over to her and gave her a quick hug, "I have to go and get Val a glass of water. I'll see you after this stupid thing is over."

Lauren looked at the people she began to pass. She knew that this was probably going to be the most horrible days of her life.

Normani gently rubbed her hand on her friend's shoulder. She knew how much Lauren didn't want to do this.

"She's a good girl," she whispered as they watched the entire entourage go down the aisle. First it was the long line of godmothers and godfathers.


"Girls it's time to go." Camila's uncle walked into the room.

"Papa," Valentina looked at her father, "I don't know how you can let mom do this to me."

"This is good, this is great, this is wonderful!" Marco nodded.

"Uncle Marco?" Camila looked at him.

"Oh..." His eyes shot open, "yes?"

"What's wrong with you?" Cindy asked in a not so polite manner.

"You have to get married, Valentina!" He nodded, "Good for the family."

"Papa, you're not making any sense..." She said worriedly.

"Let's go!" Pricilla walked into the room and clapped her hands. She shot a strange look at Marco and he weakly smiled at her.

Cindy walked out first and headed toward the chapel.

"Cindy," the wedding planner tapped her, "you're up, give them everything you've got."

Cindy took a deep breath and made a left to the entrance of the wedding. She watched as everyone began to look at her as she began to walk down the aisle.

The moment the light hit her face she smiled. A smile so fake yet so believable.

Lauren watched as her daughter walked down the aisle, "she looks beautiful."

Camila followed on after Cindy walking slowly, very slowly. She looked up towards the altar, there she saw Lauren standing with Normani.

It broke her heart to see that she was getting married today and it wasn't her walking down the aisle in the white dress.

Lauren looked at her weakly.

"You're still in love with her, aren't you?" Normani whispered.

"Is it that obvious?"

"She's looking at you."

Lauren looked towards Camila's direction. It weakened her to see her looking so beautiful.

She smiled at her. Lauren knew that smile anywhere, that was the smile she gave her before she walked out of the room sixteen years ago.

She was slowly breaking apart and only Lauren and Cindy knew that.

Valentina stepped into the spotlight and everyone stood up to welcome the bride.

Camila and Cindy watched from the altar as the girl slowly walked to the altar. Camila glanced at Lauren who was just staring blankly at her future wife as she finally reached the altar.

"Who gives this woman?" The priest asked.

"We do," her parent's said.

Cindy looked at her Great Uncles eyes and saw that he looked like he was on drugs or something.

Camila and Cindy walked off the aisle and down to their seats as Valentina moved closer to Lauren.

"This..." The priest began the ceremony.

"This is beyond boring," Camila rolled her eyes.

"Mom," Cindy hissed, "this is way beyond that."

"I've taught you well," Camila whispered back as Cindy giggled softly.

Pricilla shot glares at the two.

"Shh, the bitch is looking our way."

Camila looked at her daughter before they faced the priest and continued to listen as the ceremony went on.

Everyone knew that this wedding had to stop. Slowly as the wedding moved on everyone was shooting each other hopeful looks and waiting for someone to stop it. Even until the most crucial part of the wedding.

"Do you, Lauren Michelle Jauregui take Valentina Lucía Cabello to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" The priest looked at her.

She glanced at her daughter who was shaking her head weakly.

"I do..." Lauren put her head down in shame.

"Do you Valentina Lucía Cabello take Lauren Michelle Jauregui to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

Valentina looked at her weakly. "I... I do," she shut her eyes in frustration.

"Who ever objects to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest looked around. No one dared to speak.

Camila's heart was breaking.

"STOP!" Cindy yelled in frustration causing everyone to look her way. She turned to Valentina who was looking at her hopefully.

"Excuse me?" The priest looked at her.

"They don't love each other," Cindy began suddenly feeling out of breath.

"Sit down, Cindy!" Pricilla shouted.

"She's my mom, you fucking bitch!" Cindy ran down the aisle.

Gasps came from all sides of the room.

"Cindy!" Camila and Lauren called out at the same time. Lauren glanced at Camila.

"GO!" She mouthed, Lauren turned to Valentina and gave her a small peck on the cheek.

The chapel became noisy and people began to leave as Pricilla passed out.

"Wait!" Valentina stopped, "this wedding will go on."


Out in the garden Cindy looked around confused. She had no idea where to go as she stood in the middle crying as she helplessly looked around.

"What now?" She cried to the sky.

Lauren put her hand on her daughter's shoulder, "thank you, baby."

She turned to her, "mom," she whispered and wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm here now and I'll never let you go again," Lauren rocked her back and forth.

"I'm sorry..." She cried.

"Sorry for what? You just stopped me from making the biggest mistake of my life," Lauren laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Cindy mumbled.

"Because if you didn't say anything I would be on my way over there," she pointed to the reception.

Cindy smiled at her weakly.

Lauren looked at her and kissed her on the forehead, "I would've lost you and your mom again."

The two heard sounds of wedding bells and police cars.

"Where are they taking Pricilla?" Cindy looked as her great aunt was escorted to the police car.

"I don't know," Lauren took her hand and they walked towards the chapel.

"Cindy," Camila looked at her daughter, "are you okay?"

"I am now," she hugged her mom.

"Cindy..." A voice called from behind. She turned to see Valentina.

"Thank you," the two girls hugged each other.

"Hey it got me attention didn't it?" Cindy giggled.

"I'd like you to meet your uncle Daniel," she introduced her husband.

"Welcome to the family?"

The reception definitely made up for the wedding. People were dancing around and just having fun.

"Hey," Cindy held Naya from behind.

"Hey yourself," she kissed her on the cheek.

"That was quite the scene you made in there, Jauregui."

It was the first time anyone had ever called Cindy that. All her life she had been answering to the name Cabello.

"Dance with me?" Cindy looked at her.

"You know how to dance?"

"I thought dancing was just swaying around to the music."

"You and I obviously have two totally different meanings for dancing."

Lauren and Camila were still sitting on the other side of the garden by themselves, they watched as Cindy danced with Naya.

"Are they?"

"Together?" Camila smiled at her, "I'm not sure yet."

"Would you like to dance?" Lauren asked, nervously.

"I thought you'd never ask," the two walked to the dance floor.

Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck, blushing as Lauren gently grabbed her waist.

"Why don't you dance with her."

"I never leave a lovely lady alone on the dance floor."

Camila laughed, "Naya!" She called out, "dance with me."

Lauren finally gave in and the two danced their way to the young couple, "would you like to dance with me?"

"I would love to," Cindy smiled at Naya as they swapped places.

"Cindy," Lauren looked at her daughter, "do you still want to come back?"

"Of course I do," she smiled, "what gave you the idea I didn't want to?"

"Nothing," Lauren hugged her daughter.

"Do you still love my mom?" She asked quietly.

"More than anything on this planet."

Cindy looked at her mom who was just staring at her intently, "what?"

"Nothing. I'm just thinking about how much I missed in your life."

"You'll still have me for the rest of your life," Cindy smiled, "you're stuck with me!"

"Naya," Lauren looked at the girl. The two changed places again, laughing as they swapped.

"Juggling women are you?" Camila smiled at her.

"Just my favorite two," Lauren kissed her, "I'm still in love with you, Camz."

"I never stopped," Camila kissed her back.

Cindy beamed when she saw her parent's kiss. Then it got a little deeper, "oh gross!"

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