chapter twelve

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"Cindy where did you put my phone charger?" Camila asked looking around the room. The two girls were going back home tonight.

"Check the bathroom where you left it two days ago," Cindy shook her head as there was a knock on the door.

"You get it!" The two yelled in unison.

"I'm the mother."

"You always say that," Cindy stood up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"It always works."

Cindy opened the door to see Lauren standing there.

"Oh hey mom," Cindy walked back inside.

"Don't I get asked to come in?" She laughed, walking across the mess.

Cindy began to drag her bag to the entrance,
"let me help you," Lauren put her hand out.

"It's okay," Cindy smiled, "now move. It's heavy."

"So what time are you leaving?" Lauren asked, sitting down on the bed.

"Well, we need to leave in an hour, I think?" Camila said.

"Cindy?" A voice came from the door.

Cindy walked to the entrance, "oh hey Naya, come in."

"That's okay. I just came to say goodbye," she smiled at her.

Cindy looked at her and stepped outside shutting the door behind her.

"I'm going to miss you," she kissed her on the cheek, hugging her.

"I've got to go..."

Cindy hugged her again and watched her as she walked down the corridor.

"Bye Naya!" She waved before she disappeared.

"Has your girlfriend left?" Camila laughed.

"She's not my girlfriend... Did you say bye to everyone?"

"This morning while you were still asleep."

"What happens now?" Lauren asked.

"Do you want to take us to the airport?" Cindy asked hopefully.

"Come on," Lauren stood up and began to assist them with their things as they waited for the bellboys to get it.

"Hey! A!" Cindy smiled at her bodyguard, "we're going home."

"Oh joy..." He said bluntly.

"Loser," Cindy whispered.

"I heard that," A glared at her jokingly.

"Someone's in trouble," Camila laughed at the two.

"No I'm not," Cindy stuck her tongue out.

"Yes you are," A bent down and picked Cindy up. Lauren being new to all this stood their stunned.

"It's okay, they're always like this," Camila reassured her.

Lauren shrugged as they got into the car and drove to the airport.


"So I'll see you in two weeks?" Lauren looked at her daughter.

"I'm going to miss you..."

"Come here," she put out her arms for her and wrapped her into a tight hug, "I'm glad I finally got to know you."

"Me too," Cindy kissed her on the cheek.

Cindy and A walked into the private jet.

"So it was nice seeing you again," Camila smiled.

"Please just kiss me," Lauren looked at her helplessly. Camila bit her lip and did just that, "I'll miss you."

"Me too," She brushed her lips against Lauren's.

"I love you..." Lauren whispered, she looked at her nervously.

Camila smiled, "I love you too, baby."

"Okay you two break it up!" Cindy yelled from the entrance of the plane.

"Bye," Camila licked her lips and waved.

Lauren watched as Camila and her daughter flew off. She knew that she would probably have to fly in a week earlier to see them.

She hadn't been with them for the last sixteen years and she was missing them already.


"What are you watching?" Camila laughed when she walked into Cindy's room.

"Oh hi mom," she looked up at her, "you're back early."

It had been ten days since the two had left Miami and everything seemed to be back to normal whether Cindy knew about her mom or not.

"I've almost finished the album."

"Can I hear it?" Cindy tapped the empty space beside her.

"I've got some news," Camila sat down next to her daughter.


"Pricilla is out of jail. I mean she managed to get out, not enough proof or something. She's just not allowed to go within a hundred feet of Val."

"Sad," Cindy shook her head.

"Tell me about it but she's always been like that at least now she won't bother anyone."

"Yeah, I guess."

The next morning Cindy groaned to herself as she heard something tapping against her bedroom door.

"Ahhhhhh!" Lauren screamed as Cindy opened the door.

"Mom!" Cindy screamed, running into her mother's arms, "what are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come a few days earlier."

"I was supposed to meet you in Miami, right?" Cindy looked at her.

"Uh... change of plans. Your grandparents decided that they've seen too much of Miami and want to get to know you here."

"Does mom know?"

"Yeah but I don't think she was expecting us this soon."

"So where are they?" Cindy smiled.

"They are downstairs, your maid let us in."

"Mom!" Cindy shouted as they walked down the hall, "mom!" Cindy began to knock on the door.

"Enter my offspring!" Camila yelled.

"Are you decent?"

"What kind of question is that? You never knock?" Camila walked to the door. She quickly opened it, "Lauren..." She shut the door.

"So you weren't decent," Cindy laughed.

"You should've told me!" Camila yelled from inside.

"I did!" Cindy said as she and Lauren began to laugh. Camila walked out and wrapped her arms around Lauren as the two kissed.

"Gross," Cindy shook her head in disgust, "not in front of me."

Camila stuck her tongue out at her daughter.

"Oh, my parent's are downstairs," Lauren smiled.

"Okay. Let's go see them," Camila took her hand.

"Be right there!" Cindy laughed, running back into her room.

Camila looked at Lauren, "she's going for a shit."

"I am not!" Cindy yelled back from her bathroom.

"Are you two like telepathic?"


The two walked down the stairs.

"Camila, you have a beautiful home," Clara commented.

"Come into the living room," she walked them to the room, "Cindy should be down here in any minute."

"Where is my granddaughter?" Clara asked twenty minutes after Camila and Lauren had come down.

"Sorry she's been dying to see her again," Lauren whispered and Camila nodded her head.

"Cindy," Camila called through the intercom, "your guests."

"Oh sorry mom! Alissa called, I'll be right down."

"Five seconds."

"I'm here!" Cindy announced walking into the room.

"Mom, dad..." Lauren walked over to Cindy, "This is your granddaughter, Cindy."


"My granddaughter," Clara stood up and opened her arms. Cindy looked at her weakly at first then slowly walked into her arms.

"Come sit between us," Clara moved her over to the couch.

"Look at you all grown up. How old are you?" Mike asked, smiling at her.

"Sixteen," she smiled, turning to her mom, who was beaming from ear to ear.

"You are absolutely beautiful," Clara gushed, hugging her.

"Mom, I think your scaring her," Lauren looked at Cindy apologetically.

"I'm okay," Cindy smiled and hugged Clara in return.

They had been talking for almost two hours when the doorbell rang.

"Cindy, your friend is here," the maid knocked at the door.

She stood up, "one sec!"

"Cindy!" Alissa hugged her.

"Hey, I want to introduce you to a few people."

They walked back into the room.

"This is my best friend Alissa, Alissa this is my abuelo and abuela and my mom."

Alissa squealed and hugged her best friend.

"When can we have her in Miami again?" Clara whispered to Lauren.

"Don't you think that's a little too soon," Lauren laughed.

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