chapter eighteen

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Eleven years later

"Kamri!" Camila called her youngest daughter, seeing her run past her door.

"Yeah?" She looked at Camila.

"Where's your sister?"

"She's in her room getting ready, where else would she be?" She laughed, "you're a mess."

"She's getting married," Camila looked at her sarcastically, "by the way, you look beautiful."

"I know," she giggled.

"She's been spending way too much time with Dinah..." Lauren walked out of the bathroom.

Camila studied herself in the mirror, "I'm so old."

"You're beautiful," Lauren wrapped her arm around her waist.

"I've known you for almost thirty years and you still convince me when you say that," Camila smiled.

"Because it's the truth," she whispered, kissing her softly.

"Eww!" Kamri's voice came from behind them, "I'm still in the room!"

Camila crossed her arms as Kamri walked walked out of the room, rolling her eyes as she headed for her sister's room.

"I never thought I would be raising Cindy twice," Camila looked at Lauren.

Cindy looked at her younger sister, "how's everything downstairs looking."

"Wedding-ish," she sat down on her sister's bed, "you look so pretty."

"Thank you," Cindy looked at her younger sister, "you do too, stand up."

The two stood in front of the mirror. They looked exactly alike only Kamri had brown eyes.

"Look at you two," Camila smiled from the door, "are you ready?"

Cindy looked at her nervously.

"Let's get this girl married!" Kamri clapped her hands excitedly.

Cindy studied herself in the mirror, "this is it."

"Maid of honor down stairs please!" The wedding planner knocked on the door. Cindy smiled at Alissa, "look at you."

"I'm so nervous."

"I know exactly how you're feeling," Alissa had just gotten married the month before just like the two girls promised each other eleven years ago.

"I can't believe she's already eleven," Alissa looked at Kamri.

"I can't believe we're 27!" Cindy looked at her best friend.

"Well enough reminiscing," Alissa looked at her best friend, "I'll be going downstairs now."

"Are you nervous?" Kamri looked up at her sister.

"No!" Cindy rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Someone's moody," Kamri looked at herself in the mirror, "do I have to wear a dress?"

"I always thought one of my daughters were going to be girly," Camila laughed as the two rolled their eyes.

"How many more minutes?" Cindy looked at Kamri, "and you should've gone downstairs with Alissa."

"You'll miss me too much if I leave," Kamri smirked.

Cindy pointed to the door, "get out."

"Puta," Kamri stuck her tongue out.

Camila looked at her daughter, "Kamri!"

"Hi mommy," she smiled sweetly, "I'm just about to go down. Can I do anything for you?"

"Out," she wiggled her eyebrows.

Kamri skipped going down the stairs and missed one, smiling as A caught her, "oops."

He looked at the little girl, "Kamri, watch where you're going."

"Rude!" Kamri rolled her eye.

"Yeah Kamri, watch where you're going," a voice corrected from behind.

Kamri slowly turned around to see her aunt, "Aunt Val!"

"So where do we go?" She looked at the young girl.


"Where is mom?" Cindy looked at Camila.

"I'm right here," Lauren walked into the room, "you're so beautiful."

"Please don't start crying again," Cindy laughed.

"Everyone ready?" Alissa knocked on the door.

"Kamri!" Cindy hissed.

Kamri looked at the stairway and smiled. She stuck her tongue out at Cindy, "good luck."

"You too," Cindy smiled as Alissa tapped Kamri.

From the altar everyone watched as the flower girl and the bridesmaids walked down the aisle.

Naya admired Cindy's beauty as she smiled and walked down. Cindy looked at her and winked.

"I love you guys," Cindy whispered as they got nearer.

"Who gives this woman?" The priest asked.

"We do," Lauren and Camila looked at her.

Camila kissed her daughter on the cheek. "I love you baby."

"I love you too mama."

Lauren looked at her little girl, "it's time huh?" She looked at Naya, "take care of her."

"The brides have prepared their own vows."

"Cindy, a little over eleven years ago I bumped into a girl in the airport and little did I know that the girl I bumped into was going to change my life forever. People say you don't marry the person you can live with but the person you can't live without. And when that incident that happened so long ago I knew that you were going to be with me forever."

Cindy smiled through her tears and looked up at her.

"Naya, you changed my world over these past few years. You've taught me that there are a lot of things that money and fame can't buy. And the first time we met, my world came crashing down on me and you didn't know me yet you helped me. The moment I say I do that will be the moment that I have everything."


The MC walked onto the stage, "we have a little surprise performance by a very talented little girl, Kamri."

Cindy opened her mouth in shock a looked at her mom. Camila smiled at her older daughter.

"Hi, I'm Kamri Jauregui," she smiled into the mic, "I'm just going to sing something for my sister to let her know how much she means to me."

The crowd cheered.

"Most older sisters would be ashamed if their little sisters did this to them but from here it looks like Cindy's smiling," she looked at the band and winked as she nervously held the mic and began to sing.

They continued to party as the night went by.

"Bye mom," Cindy smiled at Camila as she hugged her, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

"Bye Cindy," Kamri held onto Camila's hand.

"Bye," she hugged her little sister, "you be good. I'll see you next week."

"Okay..." Kamri waved.

"Bye mom," Cindy hugged Lauren.

"I love you," she kissed her cheek.

"I love you too, mom. And it's okay to let go," she whispered and got into the limo.

"Bye," Naya hugged Cindy's moms and sister.

"Take care of my baby."

"Wait!" Kamri cried, "we need to take one more picture with my camera."

Cindy got out of the limo, "what I do for you."
Lauren and Cindy stood at the back of their wives and Kamri stayed in the middle of the two older girls.


The end.

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