chapter seventeen

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"When can I see her?" Camila asked as the nurse informed them of what was happening.

"We took her and the blood donor to the ICU."

"Thank you," Lauren turned to her fiancé, "she's okay."

Camila began to cry again but this time it was because she knew that her daughter was going to be okay.

Alissa began to stir, at first her vision was blurry but the bright light took care of making her fully awake.

"Cindy?" she whispered when she spotted her friend lying on the bed next to her, "everything's going to be okay."

"Alissa," the nurse came in, "you need to relax for a moment."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"I don't know," the nurse looked at the girl, "I will be back in ten minutes with a wheel chair so that we can take you back outside. We took quite a lot of blood from you."

"Okay..." Alissa nodded her head and shut her eyes.

Camila spotted the nurse walking towards the ICU with a wheel chair.

"Nurse," Camila called.

"Yes ma'am?"

"How is Alissa, the donor?" Camila looked at her.

"Oh, she's fine. I am on my way to pick her up now," the nurse smiled at Camila and walked into the ICU. A minute later she walked out with Alissa.

"Are you feeling okay?" Camila looked at the teenager.

"I'm fine," she smiled at Camila weakly, "is Cindy going to be okay now that I've given her blood?"

"I don't know, but they're watching her now."


"You should really go home you look exhausted."

"It's nothing compared to what Cindy's going through right now," a tear fell from her eye, "I'll see you tomorrow. That is if I can come?"

"Of course you can!" Camila kissed her on the forehead, wiping her eyes as she watched her walk down the hallway.

"Camz, do you want something to drink?" Lauren looked at her.

"I'm fine," she whispered leaning on the wall beside the door of the ICU. Lauren took a seat on the floor beside her.

"She'll be okay," she was actually trying to convince herself more than Camila.

"I know..." Camila looked at her weakly.

"Miss Cabello, Miss Jauregui?" The doctor looked at the couple, "your daughter has been transferred to a private room now and you will be able to see her but you might be surprised, she's got a lot of machines helping her."

"Are you telling me that she's going to have wires all over the place?" Camila looked at him.

Camila and Lauren walked to Cindy's room. Camila rushed over to her daughter's side and stroked her hair.

"Look at her," she cried, "she looks so peaceful."

"I know..." Lauren smiled, holding her daughters hand. Something inside told her that Cindy was going to be okay.

The next morning Lauren and Camila were asked to leave the room and have breakfast for a moment.

"I will just give your daughter something for the pain," the nurse smiled at them.

They nodded and walked down to the cafeteria where they met up with Alissa and Cindy's grandparents.

"Calling Doctor Jones. Room 567 is in need of consultation. Doctor Jones."

"That thing is loud," Sinuhe wrinkled her nose at the speaker.

"It goes around the entire hospital," Lauren nodded, "let's go back up, they should be finished with Cindy now."

They stood up and headed to the elevator. As they got into the elevator the red light began to flash.

"Code red. Doctor Jones, room 327. Code red, I repeat code red."

"Lauren, that's Cindy's room..." Camila looked at Lauren worriedly, both running down the hallway to her room.

"What happened?"

"Cindy's slipped into a coma," the doctor looked at them, "we don't know if there will be any damages but we won't know until she wakes up."

"Excuse me?" Lauren looked at the doctor, "how long will this take?"

"It could go from 2 days, to 2 weeks, to 2 years and maybe even twenty years."

Camila's eyes began to water.

"You have to excuse me I have another patient to go to," he smiled at them weakly.

"Can I see her?" Alissa spoke up, looking at everyone.

Lauren weakly nodded at her.

"Oh god..." tears fell down Alissa's cheek as she walked into the room.


"Dinah and Normani are on their way here from the airport," Lauren looked at her.


"Naya's coming too. It was pretty hard to break the news to her. Valentina should be here in like ten minutes."

"Okay..." Camila looked down at Cindy.

"I'll go get you some coffee from the machine," Lauren said not knowing how else to comfort her.

Camila nodded her head and held onto her daughter's hand. The door creaked when Lauren opened the door.

"Lauren," Camila whispered.

"Yeah?" She looked at her.

"Thank you," she smiled at her weakly. Lauren turned back to the door and left the room. She glanced at the body of her daughter.

"Cindy?" She whispered, "I know that you can hear me. Please wake up baby. I need you, if you go I go. You promised me you would never leave me."

Camila cried, "Cindy, baby. Don't leave me, okay? Your mom and I are getting married and I already know who my maid of honor is. I love you baby."

As Lauren stepped out of the room there were three bodies walking towards her.

"Is she okay?" Was the first thing Naya asked when she saw Lauren.

"She's in a coma," Lauren shook her head.

Dinah covered her mouth, "how is Camila taking it?"

"Not good..." Lauren whispered sadly, "I'm sure it'll help her now that you're here."

"Where are you going?" Normani looked at her friend.

"I was about to go get some coffee," she yawned, "I haven't slept."

"I'll go with you," Normani dropped Dinah's hand.

The doctor came running down the hall with a pile of papers as Dinah and Naya were about to enter the room.

"Miss Cabello, I would like to talk to you."

Camila looked up to find Dinah, Naya and the doctor standing right in front of her.

"Why?" She wiped her tears and stood up as the doctor handed her the papers.

"It doesn't look like she's going to make it. We need you to sign this in case we need to pull the plug."

"No!" Camila shook her head, "my daughter is going to be okay."

"Camz?" Lauren and Normani walked into the room.

"They want us to sign the documents to pull the plug!" Camila cried and Lauren walked over to her.

"Your daughter is already under a respirator and her heart is being pumped, she's only living by the machines," the doctor looked at her calmly.

"Is my daughter dying a painful death?" Camila looked at him.

He nodded his head, "more pain than you can imagine. So I would advice you to sign the papers. And if there is improvement before tomorrow morning we will postpone."

"Morning?" Lauren finally spoke up.

"Yes. My advice to you is to get your relatives down here to say goodbye to her. I'm sorry, I didn't know any other way to put it."

"Thank you," Lauren held onto Camila.

Camila sat back down and looked at Cindy.

"Naya," Camila looked at the girl, "maybe you should talk to her first or would you like to Dinah?"

"It's okay," Dinah smiled softly, "I wouldn't have much to say." She walked over to Cindy and kissed her forehead, "be strong, there are so many people in the world who need you."

Camila, Lauren, Dinah and Normani left the room.

Naya stood there alone looking at the girl before her.

"Cindy..." she sat down on the side of her bed, "when you said goodbye I didn't think it would be forever."

She traced her finger across her cheek memorizing her every feature, "you are so beautiful," she leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, "I love you, please don't leave me, not now."

Naya was in there for the longest time. Finally she stepped out, her eyes red.

"Baby," Dinah put out her arms for her daughter. Everyone was there.

"Mike, Clara?" Camila glanced at Lauren's parents, "you can go in now." The two slowly walked into the room.

"Our only grandchild..." Clara cried as she looked at Cindy, "why?"

"Shh..." Mike comforted her, "we're here to say goodbye."

For the first time in a little over ten years a tear trickled down Mike's cheek. At that moment he remembered what it was like to lose someone.

"I love you," Clara kissed Cindy on the cheek.

"The last time I cried was when my mother died," he stroked her cheek, "I know you're strong. Use your strength now."

Sinuhe went in after Mike and Clara, followed by Valentina. Before Alissa could go in the doctor came by.

"Any improvement?" Lauren asked.

"I'm sorry," he shook his head.

Alissa glanced up at him sadly and walked into the room.

"Cindy," she looked at her friend, "we've been through a lot, huh? I need you Cindy... Who's going to tell me that I look like an idiot in front of boys? You're my sister in more ways than one. Yes, I know that we aren't related biologically but we're closer than that. And now we even have the same blood running in our veins. Don't give up on us Cindy, don't let go. I love you."

Lauren and Camila walked into the room together. They looked, as their daughter lay helpless on the bed.

"Lauren," Camila cried looking at her, "I can't do this. It hurts too much. I need to step out."

Lauren watched as Camila walked out of the room. She turned back to her daughter.

"I know that everyone's told you to hang in there," she ran her fingers through her hair as tears fell from her eyes.

"I thank God that he gave you to me for the last few days. I know that somehow we were always close even if I didn't know you existed. And in those few days that I got to know you, you stole my heart. I love you more than you will ever know and I always will. Sometimes it's okay to let go Cindy. And this is one of those times. I know that you're in pain and I know you're hurting and as much as it is breaking my heart, I want you to let go. You will always be my little girl, I love you Cindy."

Lauren buried her face on her bed clutching her hand tightly, she laid there for along time. What she didn't know was that the moment she said those words as she clutched Cindy's hand something magical happened.

Lauren began to cry harder, "let go, baby."

She knew that it was the only way that Cindy would be able to go in peace. She knew that someone had to tell her that it was okay to let go. Cindy's hand moved.

Lauren looked up and saw Cindy looking at her weakly.

"Mom?" She whispered.

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