chapter sixteen

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"Can I have a glass of water?" Cindy asked weakly, her energy had been drained from her.

"No, we can't take a chance of emptying your bladder in that dumb bathroom again," Pricilla looked at her.

"Please, you are the mother of my aunt."

"Who said I was Valentina's mother. Let me tell you a little secret since. Her mother's dead, I've been drugging your uncle ever since."

"I don't get it though, why uncle Marco?" Cindy rolled her eyes.

"You're not as smart as I expected... drink this," Pricilla held a glass close to her mouth.

Cindy kept her mouth shut, Pricilla squeezed her jaw hard causing her to open it as she slowly she drank it, spitting out most of it.

"I didn't drink all of it," Cindy said smartly, feeling drowsy.


"Where is my child?" Camila looked at the man.

"In a building not far from here," he looked at her.

"Take me to her," Camila looked at the man feeling a great power of relief.

"No Miss Cabello, you can't go!" Alex said.

"Why not?"

"Because it'll be dangerous for her, we need to plan this out with the police. We need to plan before we can get her back in your arms."

"But I want Cindy now..." Camila looked at her.

"I promise you that she will be back in your arms by tomorrow afternoon. Right now I think you should get your rest and I will take this man to the station and get all the information and tomorrow we will get your daughter back."

"Wait!" The man protested, "she wanted me to give this to you," he handed Camila the note.

"Camila!" Natalie came running out of the house, "there is an anonymous caller!"

"That's her!" Camila looked at the others and ran into the house.

"Is the recorder on?" Lauren looked at the Alex.

"Yes, answer the call."

Camila slowly picked up the phone and brought it to her ear, "hello?"

"Hello, Camila..." The voice spoke.

"Who is this?" She asked.

"Please Camila, like you didn't know it was me. It's Pricilla and I'm sure you know why I'm calling."

"Where is she?" Camila growled then Alex shook her head madly.

"I'm sure you know exactly where she is. Cindy is a very clever girl don't you think?" Pricilla laughed.

"I swear if you lay a hand on her..." Camila warned, "what do you want from me?"

"If you want your daughter back you need to come here tomorrow with Lauren."

"How do I know my daughters still alive?"

"I'll let you two have a chat for a minute."

"Mom?" Cindy cried into the phone.

"Cindy..." Camila began to cry, "baby, has she hurt you?"

"Help me, mom. Please, I haven't eaten in days but they..."

"It's Pricilla again before you get all weepy," she mocked into the phone.

"You bitch! You better not have hurt her!" Camila growled.

"Oh, she's going to have a lovely few scars," Pricilla laughed.

"I am going to..."

"Uh-uh-uh, if you want your daughter alive you better show up behind this building tomorrow at eight in on the dot. Got it?" Pricilla slammed the phone down.

Camila looked at Lauren, "she's alive, our baby's okay."

"We need to talk about the plans for tomorrow, we'll assemble a couple of police men near by incase she makes the wrong move."

Lauren laid beside Camila that night, rubbing her eyes as Camila kept squirming.

"Camz, you need to sleep."

"How can you even think of sleeping when our daughter is with that monster?"

"You think this is not affecting me at all? I have never been so scared in my life."

"You don't seem to show it..."

"I am her mother too!" Lauren yelled, "if anything happens to Cindy, I don't know what I'll do. I just got her back after sixteen years and now I am going to lose her again. How do you think I feel? You don't know what it's like losing something you love after you just got it."

Camila shook her head, "I've gone through that pain."

"Really? When?" Lauren bit back.

"When I lost you!" Camila cried, "you don't get it do you? I sacrificed everything for you. I sacrificed my happiness, my heart!"

"Yeah and you know what? You sacrificed my heart as well."

Camila looked at Lauren and broke into tears helplessly, "I never meant to."

"You don't always have to be so strong," she ran her fingers through Camila's hair, "I never could imagine loving anyone as much as I love you and Cindy."

"I could never imagine hurting someone as much as I hurt you," Camila cried on her chest.

Lauren lifted her chin, "it's in the past, we can't bring it back but we can change it."

"Lauren-" she cut Camila off, climbing between her legs as she kissed her deeply.

"I think I've made you wait long enough," Camila bit down on her lip, "make love to me, please."

"You're driving me crazy," Lauren kissed her slowly, taking her time as she positioned herself at her entrance.

"I love you so much," Camila whispered, trying not to cry again.

"I love you too," Lauren grabbed Camila's hands as she started to push in.

"Laur... fuck," Camila whimpered, pushing her hips up slightly.

Lauren's pace was slow and lazy as Camila wrapped her legs around her waist, heels digging into her ass.


"Get up!" Pricilla shook Cindy, "you better not do anything funny."

Cindy weakly stood up as she removed her ropes, she noticed that there was something in her right pocket and knew exactly what it was.

"Come on!" The two girls made their way downstairs towards a small alley where the trashcans were.

"You stay here, when I step out you better not do anything if you don't want anyone to get hurt."

"I understand," Cindy nodded her head.

"You stay here and make sure that no one can see you," Pricilla looked at her, "don't come out until I say so."

Cindy nodded her head as Pricilla walked away.

"Is everything ready?" Lauren looked at Alex as they drove to the destination.

"Yes, we've got an ambulance ready, two sharp shooters on sight. One wrong move from her and we shoot."

"Okay," Camila sighed.

"Here we are. You two need to walk down to the back of this building, she should be waiting there."

Camila looked at Lauren, she smiled at her weakly and kissed her on the forehead. The two walked to the back of the building.

"Mom..." Cindy teared when she saw her moms standing there.

Camila and Lauren didn't notice the girl in the shadows.

"Camila stay in front of Lauren!" Pricilla ordered, the two adults looked at the older woman.

"Now!" She yelled.

Camila stood in front of Lauren as she held onto her shoulders.

"Where is she?" Camila asked.

"Not until I let you know what you've done to me," Pricilla laughed and stuffed her hands into her pocket.

Cindy's heart began to race as she watched Pricilla talk to her parents.

"I just knew that it was going to be your fucking love child's mouth that called off that wedding."

"Do not talk about my daughter that way."

Pricilla laughed, "no one destroys my life and my happiness."

Cindy watched as she turned her right hand in her pocket facing the object toward the direction of her Camila.

"No..." Cindy whispered to herself.

"Now you are going to pay," Pricilla said smugly and pulled out the gun.

"NOOO!" It took all of the energy Cindy had left to run to her mother and there were gunshots all around. Camila and Lauren looked at their daughter.

Cindy turned to see Pricilla lying dead on the ground.

"Mom..." Cindy collapsed as Camila grabbed her daughter feeling Lauren's arms support her from behind.

"Cindy!" Camila screamed as Alex ran in with other police officers. Camila felt something wet touch her fingers as she held her daughter.

"Mom," Cindy coughed, "Momma, I thought I was never going to see you again."

"We're together now," Camila smiled, looking down at her daughter. Horror took over her as she saw blood trickling down her legs as she held her.

"It hurts mom," Cindy cried.

"Lauren, she's been shot!" Camila looked up at her.

"It hurts so much," Cindy cried as signs of weakness took over her body.

"You're going to be alright," Lauren comforted her daughter as she felt her eyes begin to sting.

"I don't want to die," Cindy looked at her parent's, all the blood was draining from her face.

"Don't talk like that!" Camila looked at her daughter, "we're together now. We'll be one happy family isn't that what you always wanted?"

Cindy began to cough.

"We're getting married," Lauren soothed her daughter.

Cindy smiled up at them, "it's about time."

The paramedics soon came in and quickly put Cindy on a stretcher.

"Cindy, baby?" Camila held onto her daughter's hand as they were in the ambulance. Cindy glanced at Camila weakly. Her face was pale and she was as cold as ice.

"We're almost there you need to hang on for me, okay?" Lauren looked at her daughter, "you can't leave me now I just found you."

Cindy began to cry as her vision blurred. The ambulance doors flung open as they rushed Cindy into the ER.

"Camila!" Sinuhe ran into the hospital along with Clara and Mike.

Clara who like Sinuhe was also crying spoke up, "how is she?"

"We don't know yet," Lauren shook her head and held onto Camila tightly.

Inside the operating room surgeons were trying their best to keep the teenager alive.

"We're losing too much blood! Go and look for a donor, o negative."

"You do know that, that is the hardest type to find now a days?"

"Go hurry!"

"Is Cindy okay?" Alissa ran into the hospital.

Camila looked at her weakly, Alissa took this as a sign and walked to her wrapping her arms around her.

"Miss Cabello!" A nurse came running out, "we need a person with a blood type of o negative."

"Lauren?" Camila looked at her.

"I'm a, like both my parents..." she looked at her weakly.

"Wait!" Alissa yelled and closed her eyes, "I'm o negative!"

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked, sighing in relief as Alissa nodded her head as she followed the nurse.

"Losing too much blood."

"We found a donor!" The nurse came running in.

"We will give you a little medicine to let you sleep okay," the nurse looked at Alissa.

"I don't care," Alissa put out her left arm as the
nurse carefully put in the medicine and brought Alissa's bed into the operating room where Cindy was.

A long beep began to ring.

"Grab the defibrillator!" He rubbed it together and yelled, "all clear!"

"Clear!" everyone backed out a certain distance.

"All clear?"


"All clear?"


Still Cindy didn't respond.

"One more time. Clear?"

"Clear!" The nurse replied.

The doctor tried the machine on Cindy again and still she didn't respond.

"Call it..." He rubbed his temples.

"Time of death 09:54," the nurse began to write as they began to detach the blood transfusion wires.

"Let her come around on her own," he pointed to Alissa, "I need to go and tell her parents."

The doctor walked out of the room, he didn't know how he was going to tell them especially with the look on Camila's face, "I'm sorry," was all her managed to say.

"No, please, no!" Camila cried in hysteria as Lauren covered her mouth, shaking her head as hot tears fell from her eyes as well.

"Doctor! Her heart beat has picked up!" The nurse ran out of the room.

The doctor ran back into the room.

"Now take her to the ICU but don't remove the transfusion," one of the doctors instructed pointing to Alissa.

"Yes, sir!" She walked outside to call for help.

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