chapter fifteen

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"Is there any information on the missing child?" Alex looked around the station. It was very hectic.

Camila looked at her eagerly.

"We thought we had a lead," she shook her head, "I'm sorry but she disappeared without a trace."

"You are supposed to be professionals..." Camila looked at her.

"I'd like to ask you and your family some questions," she looked at Mike and Clara who were standing behind her and Lauren.


"Please follow me," she led them into a room.

"These are Cindy's grandparent's Mr. and Mrs. Jauregui," Camila introduced.

"Ms. Cabello, you are the closest person to your daughter, would taking her away from you be the most painful thing that could ever happen to you."

"You don't even have to ask the question, of course. She's my only child, any mother..."

"Do you know anyone who would want to hurt you or get back at you or anything?"

"My Aunt Pricilla," Camila nodded her head.

"Okay. I'll look her up again and try to get her on the phone."


"You... I should've figured you were behind all this," Cindy sneered.

"Clever child."

"What to you want from me Pricilla!" She yelled.

"You better watch your tone," she took off her jacket completely and threw it at Thomas.

"You think you can get away with this?" Cindy shot a look at her, "dude, you're dumber than I thought."

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your mothers and of course your stupid mouth," she slapped the girl hard across the face.

"Oh, I am so scared." Cindy mocked, rolling her eyes.

"I am going to hurt you so much that by the time Camila touches you she will feel all the pain that you had to go through," Pricilla laughed.

"I'm shaking..."

Pricilla took out a knife pointing it toward Cindy.


Two days Later

"So they really can't find Pricilla anywhere?" Sinuhe looked up at the detective, she arrived from Miami two nights ago.

"We've searched everywhere and she's now become our number one suspect due to her disappearance," Alex's phone began to ring.

"Excuse me," she answered, "Yes, where? Are you sure? Send me the exact location, we'll be there in half an hour."

The group looked at Alex.

"Any news?" Clara asked hopeful.

Alex looked down and began to speak, "age fifteen to eighteen, height about 5'5 to 5'7, hair color black, small figure, that is Cindy right?"

"Yes..." Camila nodded.

"In a lake not far from here they found a body of a female positive to all of Cindy's descriptions."

"Oh my god..." Camila put her hand in her mouth, "no, it can't be."

Clara began to cry on Mike's shoulder.

"Ms. Cabello," Alex looked at her sympathetically as she began to reach for her shoulder.

"Don't touch me," she cringed and turned to Lauren and her mother who were now crying as well, "mom, she's not. Oh please mom."

Sinuhe walked to her daughter and tried to comfort her.

"My baby," she collapsed on the floor crying her heart out.

"Camila," Sinuhe rocked her daughter back and forth as they sat on the floor.

"Ms. Cabello, it hasn't been confirmed yet. We need to go to the lake and see if it is in fact her body."

"What is the percentage that it is not her?" Lauren looked at her.

"Fifteen maybe twenty percent that it is not her. There is another girl who has similar descriptions as your daughter."

"Why Cindy? Why my baby? She never did anything to deserve this!"

"Camila, calm down."

"Ms. Cabello, only two people can come to identify the body," Alex looked at her.

"Lauren," she looked at her.


"Let's go," the three drove to the scene.

"Where's the body?" Alex looked at them.

"Over there by the ambulance you guys came just in time," the officer looked at them.

Alex showed her badge to the man, "can we please see the body?"

The man nodded his head and began to unzip the body bag as Camila shut her eyes.

"It may be hard to really see if it's her the body, it's pretty bloated up. It's been there for about two to three days," he finally opened it completely.

Camila slowly opened her eyes because Lauren loosened her grip.

Camila began to cry, "it's not her, Lauren it's not her. Our baby's still alive."

Lauren nodded and put her arms around Camila, feeling a great sense of relief over coming her.

Alex shook the man's hand and they were on their way back to the mansion.


Cindy groggily opened her eyes as the afternoon sunlight hit her face.

"Fuck, my shoulder..."

The first person she saw was Thomas, who was holding out a glass of cold water. She took it.

"So you're finally awake," Pricilla held out a gun, "while you've been asleep, you've driven your parent's crazy. They found a body and thought it was yours, now that was fun."

"When are you going to set me free?" Cindy asked as the TV got louder.

"Pricilla Cabello is the number one suspect in the kidnap of Cindy Cabello," the news reporter spoke up as Pricilla's picture came out.

"Doesn't look like I'll be here long, but they'll never find you."

"I need to go to the bathroom," Cindy looked at them.

"The toilets broken," Thomas looked at them.

"I need to shit... like right now," Cindy looked at them.

"I can bring her to the store downstairs," Thomas said.

"Everyone will see her!"

"I can wear a cap and shades... Unless you want me to take a shit up here."

"Go down!" Pricilla ordered, "Thomas, take off the stupid ropes."

"Yes, ma'am."

Finally after twenty minutes Cindy was ready to go downstairs.

"You are not to remove anything on your head do I make myself clear?"

"Sheesh! How come you're not coming down to make sure I don't run off?"

"Because a lot of people are looking for me and I need to stay out for at least twenty four hours," Pricilla rolled her eyes and looked back at the TV.

Thomas and Cindy walked down stairs to the store.

"It's locked," Cindy complained.

"Go get the key at the counter," Thomas pointed, completely absorbed with a Playboy Magazine.

"Can I please have the key to the bathroom?" She asked loudly causing Thomas to look at her.

"Sure thing, sweetie."

"And a paper and pen," she whispered, "but don't let that idiot over there see, okay?"

The man looked at Cindy suspiciously and handed her the stuff. Cindy walked into the bathroom and began to write a note.

"Hurry up!" Thomas knocked on the door.

"I'll be right out," Cindy replied nervously, her hands were shaking. She walked out of the bathroom and Thomas looked up from the magazine.

"I'll just return this." she showed him the key, walking back to the counter, "call the police please, the note says everything."

He looked at her and she pretended to sneeze to let the glasses 'accidentally' come off.

"Don't say anything just help," Cindy looked at him and slipped her glasses back on.

"Come on," Thomas called her, she looked at the man behind the counter hopefully and walked back to him.

The man sat there in shock, he knew her face from somewhere. He quickly unraveled the note.

Please give this to my mom, her number is (606)440-1388, ask for Camila Cabello. Tell them I'm at this building on the second floor second door to the right. Please tell them to hurry, call 911 if you have to. Please help me,
Cindy Cabello

PS. Give this to my mom and tell her I love her and that I'm fine.

He didn't wait another second to run off. He quickly shut everything and ran to his destination knowing that it was only a few blocks away.

The man's heart was racing as he saw Camila and Lauren step out of a car.

"Can I help you?" Lauren looked at him.

"Your daughter," he panted out of breath, "your... daughter."

"What about her?" Camila looked at him.

"I know where she is."

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