chapter fourteen

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"Did you make sure nobody saw you?" The voice whispered hoarsely over the phone.

"Nobody saw me... when are you coming?" He asked nervously.

"When I please!" She screamed, "I could come next year for all you care!"

Cindy was still knocked out. The man had tied the rope all around her body, her arms clung together in front of her.

"Is she awake?"

"No, I think I gave her too many tablets."

"You imbecile! If she dies before I can kill her, I will have your head!" The voice cried

The man looked down at the girl, she looked so helpless.

"I think she's waking up."

"Watch her!" The voice ordered, putting the phone down.

"Ugh..." Cindy said groggily.

It had been a little over twelve hours since Cindy's disappearance and Camila and Lauren were in the police station to report the case.

"How long since she's been gone?" The officer asked calmly.

"I don't know..." Camila looked at her phone it was already eight in the morning, "thirteen hours maybe," she estimated.

"I'm sorry but we can't analyze your case if it hasn't been twenty four hours," the police officer stated, "she's probably at her friends house or something."

"You're joking right!" Camila cried, "do you have any idea who I fucking am?"

"Ma'am you do not have to use that kind of language here."

Lauren held her back, "my sixteen year old daughter is missing, she was only supposed to go to her friends house who lives a block away. I wouldn't expect her to be anywhere else!"

"Please calm down!" The police officer looked at her sternly, "we can give you a couple of investigators but that is all I can do until the twenty four hour time is over."

"My daughter is missing please just please help me..." Camila cried.

"We will, I assure you. I suggest that you take her home and let her lie down," the policeman looked at Lauren.

"I will," she nodded, carefully helping Camila up and to the car. But as soon as they stepped out, the was paparazzi everywhere.

"Camila! Is it true that your daughter disappeared last night?"

They were all crying out.

"What happened and where were you?"

"Would a mother in her right mind allow her only child to walk around late at night?" One called out.

Finally Lauren got Camila in the car.

"I can't believe they think I'm a bad mother," she cried as Lauren drove away from all the paparazzi.

"Camz, they don't even know the entire story."

"Even I don't and I'm her mother!" Camila cried in anger and frustration.

Lauren was trying her best not to cry, she needed to be strong for Camila. She had just found her and now she's lost her again.


Cindy slowly woke up, "Wh... where am I?" She asked weakly. She was very drowsy at the moment. She looked around to what seemed to be a rather nice apartment.

"My home," the voice on the couch whispered.

"Who are you?" She shut her eyes, she had the worst headache.

The man slowly turned around to face her, "I use to be you butler."

"Thomas? Is it really you?" Cindy then realized that she was tied up, "why are you doing this?"

He looked at her, "she's making me, I don't have a choice."

Cindy felt her eyes get heavy as she dozed off again.


Lauren watched Camila cry to herself as she sat on the hammock outside in the garden. She wanted to go to her and comfort her but she knew that this was her time to be alone.

"Is she okay?" Clara asked.

"What would you do if I disappeared at Cindy's age?" Lauren asked her mother.

"I don't know..." Clara shook her head.

"Cindy's all Camila's ever really had in the last sixteen years."

"I can't begin to imagine how much pain she is in right now. I've only known Cindy for a few days and I am hurting like anything."

"I know, me too..." Lauren put her arms around her mother.

Mike walked back into the room where Lauren and Clara were.

"Any sign of her?" Lauren asked looking hopeful.

Mike shook his head sadly, "she's no where to be found. It's like she's disappeared from the face of the earth."

"Could it be Pricilla?" Clara spoke up.

"No. I asked Marco and she's still in Miami."

The investigators finally came and Lauren helped Camila back into the house.

"Where were you at the time of the crime scene?" Alex asked patiently.

"We were out having dinner," Camila held Lauren's hand, "Lauren proposed to me and I wanted to tell Cindy so I went to Alissa's house where she was supposed to be and she wasn't there."

"Do you think I could get the telephone number of Alissa?" Camila nodded, writing her number down on a bit of paper.

"Okay. So where exactly was Cindy going and why was she going there?"

"I already told you her friend Alissa's house..." Camila looked at her, "she was going to sleep over."

She continued to ask Camila more personal questions about Cindy's behavior.

"Boss, Alissa is here."

"Bring her in," she nodded. The teenager slowly walked in the room.

Camila looked at her as she walked into the room. She headed for the seat far from all of them.

"Alissa, sit here..." Camila whispered.

"Is she really gone?" She asked.

The investigator nodded, "it's been twenty four hours so she's claimed missing, yes."

Alissa began to cry.

"Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"

She shook her head.

"How long have you and Cindy been friends."

"Since, since we were babies."

"Are you two close?" Alex looked at her again.

"Like sisters," she nodded as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"Was Cindy going to your house last night? I mean did you know she was going?"

"No, but we always just sleep over without even asking the other. It's just something we've been doing since forever."

"You said you and Cindy were close, right?"


"So she told you practically everything," Alissa nodded her head, "has she ever talked about running away or anything like that?"

"Are you implying that my daughter ran away from me?" Camila asked in anger.

"There are possibilities so yes. If she had reason to."

"She had no reason to!" Camila yelled. Lauren calmed her down.

"So you're telling me that there was absolutely no way that Cindy could have run off."

"Yes, she's always been happy with her life. She's got everything now," Alissa smiled at Lauren.

"Miss Cabello do you know anyone who would want to hurt your daughter?" Alex looked at her.

"My aunt."

"Would you know what her reason would be?" Camila and Lauren told her the story of what had happened in the wedding.

"I'll have someone look for everything we've got on a Pricilla Cabello."

In a few short hours they were able to get all the information on Pricilla.

"She's in Miami. It's unlikely that she had anything to do with Cindy's disappearance, but not impossible."


"Fuck my head," Cindy only managed to clutch it a little.

"You're finally awake," Thomas looked at her.

"What do you want from me?" She cried.

"Nothing. It's my boss that wants something from you..."

"And who would that be?" She looked at him. Her stomach began to grumble, she was starving and dehydrated.

"I don't know."

Cindy knew that she needed stuff from him so she decided not to make any comments.

"Could I have something to eat or drink?"

"Yes," he slid a plate of crackers and a glass of water at her.

"How long have I been here?" She asked.

"A little over a day," he looked at the TV completely ignoring her.

Cindy slowly tried to pick up the crackers with her hands. She struggled for awhile but finally she was able to eat and drink. She sat there as Thomas flipped through the channels, before he fell asleep.

Tears fell from Cindy's eyes as Camila's face took over the TV.

"Cindy, baby. It's mom."

"Mom..." Cindy cried as she tried to reach for the TV.

"Cindy please don't do anything that can bring harm to you. I promise I'll find you. No matter what I will find you. You'll be okay and we'll be together again. I promise you that. I love you more than you will eve know. Please let us know you're okay. And to whoever took my child don't do anything to harm her please she's just a kid. She's barely gone through her life. Please bring her back to me. I need my baby..." Camila began to cry.

"We will keep you updated on the events of Cindy Cabello's kidnap case."

"Mom..." Cindy silently cried.

There was a knock on the door and Thomas quickly stood up and answered it.

"Who is it?"

"Me!" The voice shouted.

Thomas quickly opened the door. The woman in the hood walked into the room and watching Cindy.

"What do you want from me?" Cindy cried.

The voice laughed, "this is going to hurt Camila so much she's going to kill herself."

"What did my mom ever do to you?"

"She took away everything I hoped for!" The voice sneered as she began to pull off her hood.

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