chapter one

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Camila Cabello scrolled through her phone as she waited impatiently for Cindy, who was due home any minute now.

"I'm home!" Her daughters voice announced itself.

"Cindy?" Camila stood up quickly from her seat and walked down the stairs looking at her daughter.

"Hi mom," she smiled as Camila put out her hand for her daughter to take.

"How was school?"

"Shit," the sixteen year old shrugged.

Cindy looked exactly like her mother, most people even thought they were sisters as Camila had had her when she was only seventeen.

"Shit, huh?" Camila shook her daughter playfully.

"I must go to my room and do my homework," Cindy said in a fake British accent.

"Homework?" Camila giggled, "I know for a fact that you do all your homework at school just like I did."

"Okay, you caught me," Cindy shrugged.


"Bell! You get it!" They both said in unison, pointing at each other.

"I'll get it," their maid walked over to the door and opened it while Camila and Cindy continued to talk in the living room.

"Miss Cabello," Camila and Cindy both looked up, "the older one."

"Oh, it's for you Cindy," Camila looked down at her nails.

"Mom!" Cindy whined.

"Cindy!" She mimicked her tone of voice.

"Valentina is here," she announced the guest.

"Val?" Camila stood up and walked over to her cousin, noticing her eyes were red.

"Hey auntie, what brings you all the way here?" Cindy asked happily, when she saw her aunt her smile turned into a frown.

"What's wrong?" The mother and daughter asked in unison.

Valentina walked over to the couch and took a seat, "my parents are making me get married."

"Huh?" Cindy looked confused, "they can't do that... You're twenty eight, you're old enough to make your own decisions."

"It's too late," Valentina told Cindy.

"And how old is he?" Cindy asked.

"She's thirty three," Valentina put her head down.

"Damn, she's old!" Cindy's eyes widened as Valentina and Camila shot her a look, "I mean she's young, very uh young... Why isn't she married yet?"

"She's refused for years, something about being heart broken but she's finally given in to her parent's wishes."

"It'll be okay," Camila comforted her cousin.


"Mom!" Cindy yelled.

Camila looked up from her phone, "yes, my little one."

"Good morning!" Cindy smiled.

Camila couldn't help but laugh at her daughter's antics.

"Good morning Miss Cabello," Cindy's best friend Alissa walked into the kitchen.

"Morning girls," she smiled as her daughter's friend gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Last day!" They said in unison, giving each other a hug.

"So what will you two trouble makers be doing today?" Camila asked.

"Nothing," Cindy shrugged.

"Well I have three backstage tickets here for the Harry Styles concert tonight!" Camila handed the tickets to the girls who were now in shock.

"Oh my..." Alissa began.

"AHHHHH!" The two teenagers screamed, jumping around the room.

"You are the best mom in the world!" Cindy ran over to her mom, kissing her on the cheek repeatedly.

"Only when I give you stuff," Camila smiled weakly at her daughter.

"No!" Her daughter shook her head, "you always have been. Are you coming with us?" She looked at Camila hopefully.

"I can't. I've got to worry about Valentina and I'm flying out to New York this afternoon for a meeting," Camila looked at her daughter.


"But you need to take A with you."

"A?!" Cindy whined, "why does he have to come?"

"Because we hire a body guard to protect us not to drive us around," Camila began.

"I know," Cindy smiled.

"You two are going to be late for school," Camila pointed to her phone.

Cindy kissed her mom on the cheek, "you are the greatest, really."

"So are you," Camila smiled at her daughter.

The two girls were about to leave the kitchen when Cindy ran back to her mom and wrapped her arms around her, "I love you," she smiled at her one last time and left the room.

"I wish my mom was like yours..." Alissa sighed as the two girls got into Cindy's Range Rover, "why is your mom going to New York?"

"I don't think she's going anywhere, not with my aunt like that," Cindy looked at her best friend.


Cindy started to explain the whole story to Alissa but was cut off by her phone ringing.

Alissa took out her phone and answered it,
"Hi daddy," she smiled as Cindy sank into her seat.

"Just get her the stuff you're getting me," Alissa smiled, "my parent's are getting us stuff from Spain."

"Cool..." Cindy whispered sadly.

"What's wrong?" Alissa looked at her best friend with concern.

"It's just..." Cindy couldn't control her tears anymore, "I don't even know my other mom is, I mean my mom's been an absolutely great single parent but can you blame me for wondering who she is?"

"You've got me," Alissa offered.

"I've got everything a girl could ever want," Cindy shrugged, "my moms given that to me, I've got everything... except her. "


"How was the concert?" Camila asked the next morning while they were having breakfast.

"It was so fucking good!" Cindy smirked at her mother enthusiastically, "how was your meeting?"

Camila's heart stopped when her daughter did that.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Cindy asked frantically.

"I... I'm fine," Camila stuttered,

"What happened?" Cindy urged her mom.

"You," Camila breathed out, "reminded me of your mom."

That was the first time Camila had ever spoken of Cindy's other mom. EVER! Cindy looked at her mother in shock.

"Mom..." Cindy began, biting her lip nervously.
Camila looked at her daughter and finally gave her a weak smile.

"I'm fine baby."

Cindy couldn't let Camila get away with it this time, this was her chance to finally know who she was.

Cindy looked into her mother's eyes as they filled filled with tears. Camila had fallen in love with those same eyes the day Cindy was born, those big green eyes.

"Please tell me about her, you don't even have to mention her name," Cindy pleaded.

Camila looked at her daughter again this time she saw that Cindy's eyes were brimming with tears.

"Baby, she," Camila took a deep breath, "she and I went to the same school together, we were best friends."

"Okay," Cindy smiled, "do go on."

"Calm down, I'll get to the good stuff soon," Camila winked at Cindy.

"Mom!" Cindy shrieked, "I can't believe you just did that. Eww!"

Camila raised an eyebrow, "let me continue my little lamb... I should've named you Mary."

"Mom, you're changing the subject," Cindy rolled her eyes.

"Okay," Camila gave in, "I started dating her and she was the love of my life. We were inseparable. She was special, like you and I decided to give myself to her and that's how I got you, my little sixteen year old."

"Mom, that's the first time I've ever heard anyone use little and sixteen year old in a sentence," Cindy giggled.

"Always there for firsts," Camila smiled at her daughter.

"What was her name?" Cindy looked into her mother's eyes, "what did she look like?"

"She had the most beautiful green eyes and at times if you looked in them, they would turn a certain shade of blue, just like yours."

"What was her name?" Cindy bit her lip nervously.

"Lauren... Lauren Jauregui," Camila looked into her daughters eyes. Cindy knew that it had taken a lot from her mother to tell her about everything in one day.

"Thank you mama. For once in my life I feel like I'm closer to her," Cindy smiled not meaning to offend Camila in anyway.

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