Chapter Eleven

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*Some swears and harsh language coming up later in this chapter*

"If I didn't go to pilot school, I would have never met Rafiq," I muttered to myself, pacing the small cell Demencia and I were in. "I would have never graduated, I would have never received my license, I would have never become a pilot, I would never be involved in the crash, I would never have fled to this city, I would never have met my uncle, I would never have been kidnapped by Black Hat, I would never have found out about my parents' secret, I would never have killed my father, and I wouldn't be here, sitting in this cramped cell with a crazy woman! I would still be naive and happy!"

Demencia looked on in interest as I wore myself out and reluctantly sat on the bed that was chained to the wall. My voiced echoed throughout the quiet jail, and I placed my head in my hands as I sighed in defeat. Footsteps soon approached our cell, and we stood up to see Flint looking at us.

"Nephew." I cringed when he called me that. "Your mother wants to talk to you. For your friend, however, she stays here."

"You'll be alright here by yourself, right Demencia?" I asked, a little concerned that she was going to be in the cell by herself.

"Of course, Flug," she replied, crossing her arms and grumpily sitting down on the bed.

Flint opened the cell door, and just as I was about to follow him, I took the still small 5.0.5 out of my pocket and handed it to Demencia. She took it in her hands, and looked at me, concerned.

"Don't worry, I'll be back," I smiled at her. "It's just there to keep you company."

Demencia nodded, and I followed after Flint, the door slamming close behind me.


"You know, I really wish that we didn't have to meet like this," Flint began as we walked through the jail.

"I'm surprised that we even met at all," I replied coldly as I folded my arms. "You never came to see us before, why begin now? You were just kept as a secret, right? It figures that my parents would keep you away from me. They seem to do that with all of their secrets."

Flint sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I wanted to tell you who I was and who your parents were ever since the day you were born," Flint muttered, looking down. "But they thought that not telling you would keep you safe."

"Right, just don't tell your only child who you are and let him go about naive and happy go lucky?!?" I growled, growing furious. "Let him just figure out on his 26th birthday the truth about us, and reveal that it was his own uncle that let him get kidnapped by a villain! HOW SAFE AM I NOW?!? I JUST KILLED MY OWN FATHER AND I'M LOCKED UP IN JAIL WITH A MADWOMAN AND MY OWN FAILED CREATION!"

When I stopped yelling, I was breathing heavily and shaking with rage. Flint had taken a step back, before looking down again in shame. A few moments passed before he raised his head again and opened his mouth to speak, but he soon closed it and turned away from me.

"L-let's go speak with your mother," he muttered under his breath before walking away.

I took a deep breath and followed after him.


Flint opened the door to a small room with two chairs, a table, and a singular light bulb over the table. My mother sat in one of the chairs, looking down at something and crying. Flint gently knocked on the door, and my mother's head snapped up.

"O-oh, come in, Flug," she said, wiping her eyes.

I reluctantly entered the room and sat across from her. The door behind me closed and soon it was just me and my mother. It was silent until my mother slid what she was looking at across the table towards me. In my curiosity I stared at it, and my own tears began to fall. It was a picture of us as a family on my eight birthday. My father looked so...alive. My mother looked so...happy. I looked so...innocent.

"D-do you remember that day, Flug?" my mother asked me, placing her hands on the table and folding them.

"T-this was my eight birthday party," I replied, smiling a little at the memories. "I remember that Patrick became sick and had to leave early."

My mother nodded, before sighing and continuing.

"That was also the year when you decided that you wanted to become a pilot," she smiled sadly. "We were so proud of you when you were accepted into that school and graduated highest in your class."


"Do you know what it's like, Flug?" she interrupted me. "To know that your son was so happy and innocent, but it was all washed away when he became a villain?"

"If the plane crash never happened, I wouldn't be in this situation," I muttered.

"FORGET ABOUT THE CRASH, FLUG!" my mother screamed at me, standing up and slamming her hands on the table. "YOU CARRY YOUR OWN LIFE IN YOUR HANDS! YOU SHOULD HAVE MADE BETTER DECISIONS!"

Anger boiled in me, and I stood up as well.


"WE LIED TO YOU TO PROTECT YOU!" my mother folded her arms in anger as she continued to scream at me.


My mother stepped back at this, and I just glared at her. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead she just closed it and looked down, rubbing her arm. I shook my head, and turned away from her.

"I would like to go back to my cell, mother," I said coldly. "Back to where people treat me as an equal."

My mother was silent for a while, before she sighed in agreement.

"Fine, I'll bring you there." 


My mother opened the cell door and I joined Demencia and 5.0.5, not even glancing at her. I continued to face away from her until I heard her footsteps walk away, and silence was once again present.

" did it go?" Demencia asked me.

"What do you think?" I coldly replied.

"Bad," Demencia muttered, looking down.

"Look, just forget it," I said, shaking my head. "We need to leave this place. Black Hat is still alive. I saw him with the Medusa Gauntlet, standing up from the rubble of his house."

"Of course he's still alive," Demencia giggled. "He's a demon after all."

"To my surprise I keep forgetting that," I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "But we can't just wait for him. I must have something."

I placed my hands into my pockets and felt around for any useful items. Lint, my bag, and...

"My ray gun!" I shouted in delighted surprise as I took it out of my pocket. "I can't believe that I forgot that I placed it in my pocket!"

Just as I began to power up the gun, Black Hat suddenly appeared in front of us, breaking apart the bars. Demencia yelped in surprise, while I didn't even blink.

"Hello, you two," Black Hat greeted us, grinning. "Where's the bear?"

At the mention of it, 5.0.5 jumped out of Demencia's hands and grew back to its regular height. Black Hat nodded at it, before turning once again towards us.

"Are you all ready to leave?" Black Hat asked.

"Not yet," I replied, gripping my ray gun. "There's something I need to take care of first."

The other three watched in silence as I left the cell and walked towards my mother's office.


*Start listening to the song now*

I was halfway to the office when I bumped into my mother.

"Flug!" she exclaimed in surprise. "How did you get out?"

I looked down, unresponsive.


"Ha-ha-ha," I laughed, before looking up at her. "This is about you."

"What?" my mother asked, taking a step back.

"Beware, beware, be skeptical," I continued, taking a step towards her. "Of your smiles, your smiles of plated gold. Deceit so natural, but a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning."

"What do you mean?" my mother asked, growing scared.

"Bah-bah-black sheep, have you any soul?" I asked, my anger growing. "No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals?"

"Flug, you're scaring me," my mother said, now looking around in a panic.

"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick," I continued to say, mentioning my father's name. "Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks."

My mother backed up visibly at the mention of both her name and her husband's name.

"So, could you?" I asked, glaring at my mother. "Tell me, how you're sleeping easy, how you're only thinking of yourself? Show me, how you justify, telling all your lies like second nature. Listen, mark my words, one day, you will pay, you will pay. Karma's gonna come collect your debt."

I turned and began to walk back to where the others were, not surprised that I heard my mother's footsteps behind me.

"Aware, aware, you stalk your prey, with criminal mentality," I decided to continue. "You sink your teeth into the people you depend on, infecting everyone, you're quite the problem."

My mother stayed silent, as I continued to speak.

"Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, you better run and hide." I turned my head to her. "I smell the blood of a petty little coward. Jack, be lethal, Jack, be slick. Jill will leave you lonely, dying in a filthy ditch."

My mother opened her mouth to say something, but I interrupted her as I spun around to face her.

"So, could you?" I repeated myself. "Tell me, how you're sleeping easy, how you're only thinking of yourself? Show me, how you justify, telling all your lies like second nature. Listen, mark my words, one day, you will pay, you will pay. Karma's gonna come collect your debt."

I sighed to myself before staring back at my mother, my face softening.

"Maybe you'll change," I thought out loud to myself. "Abandon all your wicked ways. Make amends and start anew again? Maybe you'll see, all the wrongs you did to me?" I stuck out my hand towards my mother. "And start all over, start all over again?"

My mother smiled sadly at me, and went to take my hand. However, before she managed to grasp my hand, I chuckled and quickly withdrew my hand, grinning at her. Her smile vanished, and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Who am I kidding?" I asked myself out loud, shaking my head. "Now, let's not get overzealous here. You've always been a big piece of shit!"

My mother gasped at this statement, but I ignored it and continued.

"If I could kill you right now, I would," I stated coldly. "Even if it's frowned upon in all fifty states. Having said that, burn in Hell!"

I turned and ran back to the cell where the others were waiting for me, and stopped in the doorway. My mother soon approached me, tears falling down her face.

"So, tell me?" I asked one last time, glaring at my mother. "How you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?"

My mother tried to speak, but I interrupted her.

"Show me, how you justify, telling all your lies like second nature."

I began to walk away from her, but stopped and turned my head to her.

"Listen, mark my words, one day, you will pay." my fingers tightened even more around my gun. "You will pay. Karma's gonna come collect your debt." 

I shot a hole in the wall of the prison and watched as Demencia, Black Hat and 5.0.5 escaped the prison. 

"Karma's gonna come collect your debt," I repeated, giving my mother one last look.

I soon followed after Black Hat, Demencia, and 5.0.5, a single tear rolling down my face as I left my mother.

"Karma's gonna come collect your debt."

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