Chapter Ten

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It's wrong. It all went wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen. The heroes had come.
I was standing in the doorway of the room that held the gauntlet, my knees shaking. Demencia was struggling against Ferd, who held her close to him, pinning her arms to her side. 5.0.5 was backed up into a corner, surrounded by Ferd's helpers. Black Hat's back was to a wall, and he was growling at a man clad entirely in blue. He had the Medusa Gauntlet in his hands, and he looked as if he was about to use it. Instead, he turned to me and nodded his head. Confused, I titled my head, as he wouldn't be able to see my expression underneath my bag. He rolled his eyes, and, making sure that the blue cladded man didn't see him, made a gun with his fingers. My eyes widened in realization as I, with shaking hands, pulled the ray out of my pocket. The figure noticed Black Hat's hand, and he turned his head towards me. Our eyes locked, and we both stepped back in shock.

"F-f-" I couldn't speak, as I took a step forward.

"Flug," the man replied, stepping forward. "W-what are you doing?"

Shaking my head I lifted the ray again, and pointed it towards the man.

"S-stay away from me!" I yelled at him, powering up the ray. "I-I don't want to do this!"

The man stopped, his hand outstretched towards me.

"Son," he whispered, his voice barely reaching my ears.

"I said STAY AWAY!" I shouted, closing my eyes and firing.

I opened my eyes just as the ray made contact with his stomach. Eyes wide in shock, my father fell to the floor, gasping for breath. I dropped the ray and it hit the floor just as my father's body did the same.

No. No no no no no... I thought wildly, running towards the body.

I fell to my knees and looked at my father's still face. His eyes and mouth were still open as if he couldn't believe that he was just murdered by his own son. I couldn't believe that either. A large pool of blood was forming around his still body, his arm draped across the hole that was his stomach. I ripped off my bag and pressed my ear to where his heart was. There was no sound. I slowly lifted my head, and closed his eyes. I sat back on my heels, my head bowed, tears forming in my eyes.

I'm sorry, father, I thought, looking at my hands. I never meant to do this to you.

I heard the sound of running feet, and soon silence. I chose not to move when I heard more footsteps approach me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, but all I did was turn my head to the side. My eyes came in contact with the ray, and anger burst within me. I screamed as I stood up and kicked the ray far away from where I was standing.

"It couldn't be my fault!" I yelled to no one in particular. "I wasn't the cause of the crash! I wasn't the cause of my father's death!" I fell to my knees again. "It's not my fault."

"Flug," Black Hat began, stepping towards me.

I stood up, and backed away from him. It was his fault. He was the one who turned me into this...this...VILLAIN. My foot kicked up against the ray, and I swiftly picked it up and pointed at Black Hat in defense. Soon, Demencia and 5.0.5 approached him, and I moved the ray between all three of them.

"I WOULDN'T BE THIS WAY IF I NEVER MET YOU!" I shouted at Demencia and Black Hat before pointing at 5.0.5. "AND I WOULD NEVER HAVE CREATED YOU!"

The blue bear began to tear up at what I said, and Demencia gave it a sympathetic pat. Black Hat's eyes narrowed and took a step forward.

"FLUG!" he growled, his face turning monstrous. "PUT THE RAY DOWN."

I shrieked and dropped the ray, terrified. I began to shake and backed up until my back hit the wall behind me. Black Hat approached me, and I flinched as he reached his hand out to me. I closed my eyes in fear, but opened them when I felt his hand on my shoulder. His face had turned back to normal and he looked at me with sad eyes. I finally broke down and began to sob. I covered my eyes, not moving when I felt arms around me. We stood there for a while, the silence of the aftermath of the robbery ringing through the air.


Black Hat carefully positioned the gauntlet on a red velvet cushion before carefully setting a glass case around it. I watched him, leaning against the wall with folded arms. Demencia was running to and fro searching for 5.0.5, who had disappeared somewhere. Scenes from last night kept flashing in front of my eyes, and I begged them to stop.

Black Hat, satisfied with his work, stepped back and proudly placed his hands on his hips. He then turned to me, and motioned me to come to him. I walked up to him, and he pretended to reveal the gauntlet to me.

"The Medusa Gauntlet," he announced, smiling. "One of the most valuable items in the world."

"More valuable than my father's life?" I asked coldly.

Black Hat let out a small chuckle, before shaking his head a little.

"My dear little scientist," he grinned. "I wasn't the one who pulled the trigger."

I growled before folding my arms again and looking down.

"You don't have to be ashamed of who you are, Flug," Black Hat said, handing me my bag that I left at the scene of the crime. "You're a villain. Villains get whatever they want, no matter the consequences."

I swiped the bag from him, and shoved it in my pocket. Giving him an angry look, I turned to walk back to the lab. Suddenly, the building began to shake, and Black Hat and I looked at each other in surprise.

"W-what's going on?" I asked, trying to keep my balance.

"An attack," Black Hat simply replied, frowning. "Most likely the heroes. Quick, find Demencia and 5.0.5 and flee this place. We need to protect ourselves."

"And your precious Medusa Gauntlet too?" I asked, frowning.

"Now is not the time!" Black Hat yelled, taking a ray gun from his pocket. "Do as I say!"

Sighing in defeat, I nodded and took off running down the hallway that led to the kitchen. I hoped that I was able to find them there, but when I skidded into the room, it was dead silent. Groaning in frustration, I then ran down the hallway that lead to Black Hat's office. Kicking open the door, I glanced around the empty room, before angrily sighing and running down the hallways again. The tv room? Nope. My lab? Nope. My room? No-wait. I stood in the doorway to the room that Black Hat gave me, observing as Demencia went through all of my stuff, 5.0.5 trying to stop her.

"DEMENCIA!" I yelled at her, my fists clenched. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?"

5.0.5 yelped in surprise while Demencia just turned to me and smiled.

"Hello, Flug," she calmly greeted. "Don't you just love it when the building shakes?"

I shook my head in annoyance before sighing.

"Never mind that," I said, grabbing her hand. "Black Hat ordered me to get you two out of here! Come on, 5.0.5!"

I dragged Demencia behind me as 5.0.5 followed. The building was still shaking and parts of it began to crumble around us. 5.0.5 whimpered before turning small and jumping into my lab coat pocket as we continued to run. Relief washed over me as I reached the front door, and threw it open. My relief washed away when I noticed the crowd of heroes that surrounded us, Flint and Ferd glaring at us as I let go of Demencia's hand.

"Well, well, well," Ferd grinned, stepping towards us. "Look at who we have here."

"Stand down, boys," a woman's voice sounded from in the crowd. "I need to see these villains."

Flint and Ferd made way for a woman dressed entirely in pink and purple. She walked towards us, her heels clicking on the pavement. Demencia and I stood still as the woman approached us. She stopped before me and took off her mask.

"M-m" I couldn't speak.

My mother glared at me with disgusted and disappointed eyes.

"I thought that I raised you better than this, Flug Syls."

I wanted to say something, but instead I just looked down. She sighed in disappointment before turning to Flint an Ferd.

"Take them away and destroy the rest of the house," my mother ordered, walking away from us. "Black Hat will never live again."

My head snapped up at this as Flint and Ferd grabbed us.

"W-wait!" I pleaded, struggling against Flint's arms. "D-don't do this! I-I'm your son!"

My mother whirled around and marched straight up to my face.

"Oh, but you're not, are you?" she growled. "You disowned us, remember?"

I stared at her, defeated, as she walked back to a group of police cars. Flint urged me forwards and I reluctantly obeyed, Demencia following after me. They stuck us in the back of a police car just as Black Hat's house crumbled into debris on top of him. With one last look at me, Flint sighed and slammed the door closed. As the the car sped off, I noticed in the mirror the movement of debris, and I turned to see Black Hat emerge from the wreckage. He was wearing the Medusa Gauntlet and he looked angry. Very angry.

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