38. the birthday celebration

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MY HANDS FELT clammy to the touch, , I realized when I reached the designated Ball Room for my party. It was the same hall where Bejeweled held the necklace ceremony. At the last second, Cora and Sebastian had decided to not come to this event. The reasons were too out there which meant both of them were lying. The gilded brass handle on the entrance door reminded me of that night when I lost it. My hands had hurt that one person who didn't deserve to be hurt. Him.

The guards on either side of me extended out their uniformed arms to slide the opaque door open. Immediately, I was met with my Dad whose arms were open wide in a welcoming stance.

"Savannah James, everyone!"

On his words, every face turned to look at me. I froze. Their faces held peculiar expressions ranging from surprise to awe but few also wore sour expressions. Their hands were fitted around their tall champagne glasses as they eyed me from top to bottom.

My dad placed his comforting hand on my upper back. "I finally found her," he announced as he motioned for a waiter to offer me a glass. I noticed a lady in periwinkle blue giving me a stink-eye, her round face reddening with frustration. Next to her, I observed her partner rubbing on her shoulder to ease out her frustrations.

What did I do wrong?

I was taken to another group of business people. Golden lights circled the dome-like hall, navy blue carpets rolled out in every direction. It didn't look like it was a birthday party. Masking my disappointment, I decided to offer empty smiles at the strangers. These were not my people yet I was forced to share my special day with all of them. I hated it.

"Meet Mr. Bridges. He owns the GS publishing house. Lady Marlene. She's famous for her culinary talents. You should try her Matsutake Gohan sometime," he introduced her. Lady Marlene smiled at me kindly. The guy called Mr. Bridges chortled. I wish I could just not smile anymore. This is too much.

"Happy Birthday, baby girl!"

The Lady added, displaying her white teeth at me which were a stark contrast to her dark skin. My mouth stretched into a smile on its own accord when I received my first wish of the evening. Alright, maybe this isn't so bad.

"O, here he comes," she whispered to me, her eyes looking past me. They were glazed with pride. Following her gaze, I swiftly turned my head.

"A nice boy," my dad commented as I wished to find a guy with glossy black curls and ocean eyes but instead found fancy, powdered people whose wealth did all the talking for them. They would all love Sebastian who was the epitome of Mr. Nice-Guy.

Among the masses, a form became clear. Neat, fitted and tailored white suit adorned his broad shoulders and wide frame. A halo of copper red hair were set atop his proud head, combed high up and gelled into perfection. The chiseled jaw held signs of an early beard, indicating that he was on the cusp of adulthood. A straight nose lined the center of his face which led to a full mouth; the neutrality on his model-worthy face broke by a huge smile gracing his pinkish mouth. Too perfect.

"Savannah, meet Draven Aldridge," he introduced the suited guy. "Co-founder of VibeMe and the owner of AladdinExpress. We're thinking of merging the two websites, aren't we son?"

My smile faltered at the last part but I covered it up with a small smile.

"Yessir," he mumbled before sparing me a glance, the grin on his face widening. "Allow me to introduce myself to the young Jackson heiress." 

With that being said, he smoothly intervened his palm over my hand and turned it upside down to press his mouth to my hand. "Happy Birthday, princess."

When I felt his lips on the back of my hand, I knew I couldn't hide myself behind this mask anymore so I did what had to be done. I snatched my hand from his vise like grip. All the old ladies here, hitting their 40's, might like it when he pulled this on them but I hated it. Fortunately, no one noticed.

His heavy brows creased in confusion as he slowly pulled his hands by his side and turned to somebody else approaching our little circle. Her cascading ginger hair was pulled into a professional loose ponytail, a teal dress hugging her petite self.

"Ah, Nina!" Lady Marlene greeted her with the same warmth in her eyes that were in store for me. The redhead called Nina sandwiched her hands and gushed at the old lady. "Marlene, I missed you so much. The entire time I was thinking how dear old Marley would love all this. I bought this traditional wrap for you. It's beautiful!" She was bursting with joy as she described her trip to some faraway place.

She reminded me of Natalie and Holly at the same time.

 "That's Marina Aldridge. Draven's twin. She's everyone's baby," Dad said as he leaned forward to squeeze her shoulders. Marina slammed her hand down on his hand and spun around to playfully glare at my father. "You-" she stopped once she felt my unnerving gaze on her. Her eyes transitioned from playfulness to confusion.

"Is-Is this your long lost daughter?" she questioned eagerly. My father nodded next to me.

"Savannah Jackson," I introduced myself by adding the family's name to my name so I could slowly move towards demolishing the past that had latched itself onto me.

Feeling that I was in good hands, Dad moved away from me to meet other famous people. The warmth vaporized as soon as his arms abandoned me. Snapping my head in that direction, I saw him engaged in a conversation with the same woman in periwinkle dress and her clingy partner. The walls began to close down on me as my form got smaller and smaller. Their voices became too loud and drilling that I quickly put my hand on my thigh to absorb imaginative warmth from my hidden knife.

"My fairies tell me you're resilient," she mumbled, her voice too soft and velvety. What?  I could only raise my brows in response.

A strange fragrance of cocoa circled me as he came to stand next to his twin sister, his arm going around Marina's shoulders. "She means you're hot. Nina's flirting with you."

He was a typical no-nonsense-career oriented-mature nice guy who treasured tailored fits instead of hoodies and sweatshirts. I knew guys like him. Firm faced and polite smiles but as soon as they were alone with their demons, their true colors would shine monstrously.

Nina jabbed her elbow into her brother's ribs as she gave him a playful stink-eye. "Idiot," she cussed him out.

"What? She ought to know if you have a thing for her," he made excuses cheekily, his tone suggesting the opposite of playfulness. I pulled my lips in a sneer and then folded my arms against my chest, throwing myself into a defensive stance. I had to put them in their respective places.

"Now listen here, you little shits," I began. "I do not tolerate your niceties nor do I think you're something worth my attention. So, shove that cheek up your asses and don't talk to me. Ever."

My eyes portrayed the deadpan look perfectly because Marina drew her head back in shock, her hand going to her chest. I noticed all the silver rings on her fingers. Draven, on the other hand, surprised me by his next words.

"The princess just threw her first fit. I would say you're fitting in just perfectly with all the other rich girls," he drawled, eyes lit up with humor. Something in me awoke as it gently cooed me to whip out my knife and show him who I was, who I really was. No. I have changed. I was Savannah James, now I had a different name: Savannah Jackson.

My lips turned to move but I stopped midway once I realized that he was working on merging his website with Dad's. For Dad. He was a business partner and Dad respected him. So, I pursed my lips and allowed myself to look around. So much for a birthday.

"Drave, no." I heard Marina's hissy voice.

"This is important, Nina. Just lemme go this once."

It hit me like a revelation. Draven....Nina. Those were the same names that I heard in the masquerade party. The boy in white suit and red mask was Draven and the girl who had run after him was his twin sister Marina. It all made sense now. He had run once and he was running away again.

"This thing needs to be dealt with," he whispered harshly. I looked down at the pastel brown liquid sloshing against the tall glass. Another whisper followed through and soon he was brushing past me, his shoulders hitting mine as he started for the large opaque doors.

Fuck him.

My phone vibrated against my silver clutch. 

Taking my phone out, I saw Cora's name flashing on the screen. The low melodious music was drumming in the background as I dragged my phone to my ears.

"Cora," I acknowledged her.

"Sebastian—he is not waking up, SJ! We're at the hospital. Holly's ward. Be quick!" She was yelling into her phone desperately.


"Savannah, what're you doing here alone?" Dad's voice boomed as he eyed me intently, kindness milling around his irises. "Meet our chief guest here—Mr. Burns. The proud owner of Burn Productions and this town's beloved Mayor!"

I took a double take when I noticed his shining, bald head and the same elastic smile on his round face. He was Natalie's father. The smile on his face stretched further when he recognized me.

"Oh, I know this girl already. One of Natalie's friends, she is. I got them invitations for the masquerade. How's that boyfriend of yours?" he revealed through his wide mouth. I could see Natalie's blazing eyes in his gaze.

Dad's face lit up with a small smile. "That's great, Richard. Where's your daughter anyway?" He pretended to look for her and then bent down to raise his brows at me. Boyfriend, his gaze told me.

"Daddy," her sharp voice exclaimed excitedly as she entered our sight. Her long, tanned hands wrapped around her father as she offered us one of her sweet smiles. "Mr. Jackson," she nodded at him.

My smile faltered. Heartbeat accelerated. I suddenly became aware of the sweat bead dripping down the outline of my back as I saw her lips stretched into a warm smile but eyes held the same cold look.

"Hey SJ," she retorted, challenge evident in her eyes. "Happy 18th!"

I cocked my head to the side, my fingers grazing my right ear. "Angel's in danger," I muttered with an empty smile to throw off the adults. Her eyes widened, the cold visage shattering into pieces. Pulling her hands from around her Dad, she stepped forward. Caramel curls fell onto her contoured shoulders as she dipped her head.

"Who hurt him now?" She hissed. She cared for him too despite whatever she claimed.

"I don't know. Cora called and she sounded like she was in some deep shit," I whispered back to her. Her jaw clenched and she quickly put her hand around my wrist. "We're going in your car. I'm supposed to be grounded," she replied through gritted teeth.

Pathetic. I was a pathetic person. She destroyed the roots of our Underworld and yet here I was, laying down my weapons in front of her. Is it bad to claim that I missed her?

I missed her.

"We have to sneak out, though. All the fancy ladies here know my mom," she explained as we moved through the glass doors to travel outside. Obviously. Her mom was the most elegant woman around her but unlike Natalie, she chose to attend this event in her traditional dress--sari.

"Alexander McQueen?" she glanced. Before I could say something else to lighten up the tension, she hooked her arm into the space between my arm and my body. Just like that, she forgot everything.

"Today's acting challenge is to pretend we are the tipsy rich girls leaving this place to get wasted somewhere else." Turning her jaw away, she stared ahead. "You up for it, SJ?"

"I've never acted," I confessed, also staring ahead. Why are we even acting, for fuck's sake?

"Yes, you have."

Cold water, like a jet spray, slashed against my back when I realized what she meant. With Natalie, you could never tell what she intended with her double meaning sentences. This one hit close. She either meant my past or my intentions with the girls. For her sake only, I hoped she was talking about my past and not what I felt about them. I loved them. It was all real with them.

As soon as we pushed open the opaque doors, the guards came over to us and told us the guests were not allowed to leave the party before the cake cutting event. I felt her nudge which proved as a signal.

Natalie put her palm over the side of her head and then hiccuped. A muffled giggle escaped past her lips so she pretended to hide it by slamming her fists on top of her mouth. Her eyes widened as she let her head hit my shoulders.

"He's so charming," she whispered into my ears, her breath cold on my skin. I looked over to him and narrowed my eyes at his suited frame. Vague. I puckered up my lips in a pout before resting my head on her head. "C-h-a-r-m-i-n-g? Is that...your name?"

The guard appeared flustered.

"Daddy told us to move—" she hiccuped once again, her lips forming an oval shape. "What did he give us to move?"

I put a finger over my mouth and stage whispered to her. "Ssh. You're telling our business to everyone. It's super confidential."

Natalie knowingly nodded, her fingers imitating me by placing her finger over her mouth too.

The guard scratched his head before moving away.

"Thanks," she grinned, her hands doing the call-me-later gesture at him. I shook my head a little before looking down at the ground. My façade shattered and I choked on the incoming laughter, struggling to hide the snort. She fought us for this guy called Alec and now she's here flirting with the guard.

Natalie snapped her head to give me a once over. "Did you just snort?" There was a twisted sort of amusement in her eyes, a small smile curving her lips. "The SJ I knew wouldn't even smile."

"The SJ you knew wouldn't even bother acting her way out of this place. She'd straight up—"

"—pull out her knife and the rest would be history."

"It got the job done," I muttered.

She simply pulled back the corners of her lips into a grimace. I turned my gaze hard and tried to pick speed when her hand sharply clawed around my bicep. 

"Savannah," she mouthed. "I didn't mean to be that harsh with my words. I needed Alec to see that I-I was...with him. That despite his brother leaving him, I wanted him to understand that he was capable of so much. I had to show him that he had me. Clearly, I was wrong."

"You didn't have to bring in Sebastion's name."

She gulped, the cat like eyes narrowing the into a thin lines of curiosity. After all that, only his name managed to get underneath my skin and sting my heart.

Only his name. Sebastion.

A. N: won't say anything

thoughts on Draven?

and any predictions?

favorite characters?

also, I really want to know my demographics. do tell about your country and your gender. im very curious to know what sort of readers im attracting


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